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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep (1)

The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep (1)

The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep

On the day that he was born Max slept for most of the time. And in the first weeks of his life he slept like other babies. But when he began to look around him, he didn't sleep so much. He slept for a few hours at night and a little in the daytime. Then he stopped sleeping during the day. He was awake for twenty hours. His eyes were always open!

His mother, Samantha Price, was very surprised. She said that the world was a very interesting place and perhaps Max wanted to see everything. She thought this was because he was intelligent.

The doctors and pediatricians were also very surprised; but they said that they didn't know why Max slept so little. Then a child psychologist studied Max's case. He said that it wasn't a very strange case.

His studies showed that a lot of modern babies were sleeping less. He wasn't sure why, but he had some ideas about it.

'Two hundred years ago people went to bed earlier than today,' he told Samantha. 'Generally, life was slower in the past and people slept longer. They worked a lot and they didn't have much money, so they often stayed at home after work and went to bed when it got dark. You see, there was no television and there weren't any electric lights. Electric light is different from candlelight; it is brighter and it keeps you awake. Babies are influenced in mysterious ways by the world. And if the world is fast, noisy, and bright, and if people often go to bed very late, babies will feel this and they won't sleep so much.'

'Are you sure, Doctor?' Samantha said. 'I think that Max doesn't sleep because he finds the world so interesting. He's very intelligent.'

'Yes, that's possible, Mrs Price. But it's true that our society is becoming more nocturnal.'

The psychologist's words surprised Samantha. She couldn't believe him. But when she told her husband Derek, he said, 'Yes, it seems crazy but our world is crazy! The psychologist may be right. But we'll see. Perhaps it will pass and Max will sleep like other babies.'

When Max was five, the doctors said he was a hyperactive child. Every night Samantha tried to put him to bed at eight-thirty but he wasn't sleepy. Samantha became angry; Derek was angry too. They shouted at Max and finally he went to bed at about half past nine. But he cried and cried, and he never fell asleep before eleven o'clock. Then he woke up between four and five in the morning and he wanted to play. Samantha and Derek were always tired and nervous.

When Max was eight, he slept about two hours at night. Now Samantha and Derek went to bed while he continued to play quietly with his toys or his computer. He did lots of things to pass the time and he didn't often feel bored. He liked the electronic light of the TV or computer. He was always in the light!

If he was always in was in the dark for a while, he became nervous and depressed. It seemed that he needed light.

'I think he's a mutant,' Derek said one day, and he laughed. But he was half serious.

'What do you mean?' asked Samantha.

'Nature is trying to produce a new kind of human and Max is an experiment,' Derek replied, laughing. 'He's a child of the future.'

When Max was a teenager, he was awake for most of the day. At night he went to discos or all-night parties. He watched videos or late-night films on TV, and he listened to music. He went to school every day, but he didn't get up in the morning like other children. At school his friends were surprised because he wasn't sleepy. And he worked hard. He liked learning new things and he read a lot of books. He wanted to know all about life and the world. When his friends asked him about this, he said, 'I want to understand everything. The world is a big, interesting place and life is short. We sleep too much. Sleep is a waste of time.'

Samantha and Derek were feeling better now because they usually slept well. Derek accepted Max's condition more than Samantha. He said it was true that Max was different but in other ways he was normal. He liked sport, clothes, music and girls.

'How can you say he's normal?' said Samantha. 'A normal person can't always live in the light of day or electricity. Normal people can't live without sleep. It's impossible! Max must sleep or one day he will die!'

One evening Samantha put some strong sleeping tablets in Max's tea to see what would happen. When he began to look sleepy, she called Derek.

'Look!' she said excitedly. 'He's going to fall asleep!'

Derek was surprised and happy. 'That's wonderful! Perhaps he's normal after all!'

'Ssh! You'll wake him up!'

After about half an hour Max opened his eyes.

'What's happening?' he said, looking around.

'You fell asleep,' said Derek with a big smile.

'Asleep? Me?' Max looked angry. 'How long?'

'About thirty minutes.'

'Oh no! I don't want to sleep. There's too much to do and see in the world. But how did I fall asleep?'

Samantha said quietly, 'I gave you some sleeping tablets.'

'You - what?' Derek shouted.

'Give them to me, Mum,' said Max.

Samantha looked very unhappy. 'Oh, you must sleep,

Max! Why don't you sleep?'

'I don't need it. When you sleep, you don't know anything. You can die in your sleep and you won't know about it. When you sleep, you can't see or hear anything. I don't like that.'

'But everybody in the world sleeps, Max!'

'I know - but not me. I want to see, hear, and know. Now give the tablets to me, Mum.'

Slowly Samantha put the packet in his hand.

But she couldn't stop herself. She was always thinking about Max's condition. One day she wrote to a famous neurologist who was an expert on sleep. Dr Somaz answered her letter, asking if he could do some tests on Max. Max said yes. After the tests, Dr Somaz said that Max's brain waves were different.

'His brain produces very strong alpha waves,' the doctor explained. 'These are the normal waves when we are awake. But his brain doesn't produce any slow waves, which are normal when we are asleep. It's strange. I've never seen this before.'

'So he really doesn't need sleep?' asked Derek.

'Sometimes perhaps - just a little.'

'And he is a normal, healthy person?' Samantha asked.

'Yes, he is. But there is a problem. Sleep restores the body. If the brain is always awake, the body is not renewed. And so... it will get old faster than normal...'

Samantha was looking at the doctor with big, frightened eyes. 'Do you mean that Max will die young?'

'I don't know, Mrs Price, but it's possible. I would like to do some more tests.'

Dr Somaz's tests showed that Max's body was getting old faster than normal. He was eighteen but he had the body of a man of thirty-five. Samantha and Derek were shocked.

'How long will he live?' Derek asked.

'That's a very difficult question and I don't know the answer.'

'Oh, isn't there anything we can do, Doctor?' Samantha cried. 'How can we help him?'

Dr Somaz was silent for a moment. 'Well, I know of a drug that can make him sleep. But it's a very strong drug. If he takes it for a long time - or if he takes an overdose - it will kill him. And it is addictive. With time he will want more of it.'

Samantha and Derek said nothing. They only looked at each other sadly.

'So if he takes this drug, he will live longer - am I right?' said Derek.

'I'm not sure, Mr Price. You see, he will be a drug addict and the drug will kill him in the end.'

'Oh God, this is terrible!' cried Samantha with big tears in her eyes. 'Which will kill him first - no sleep or the drug?'

'Again I can't be certain,' replied Dr Somaz. 'I can only say that if my calculations are right, it seems probable that without sleep he will die younger than if he takes the drug.'

After a silence, Derek said, 'We must tell poor Max all this and he can decide what he wants to do.'

'He won't take the drug,' said Samantha, shaking her head.

'Are you sure?' asked Dr Somaz.

'Yes. He says he wants to stay awake, he wants to live with his eyes open. He told us that life is too short to sleep because there is so much to learn and do. He will never take any drugs.'

'But you and Mr Price must tell him that it's better to take the drug,' Dr Somaz said. 'When he understands the problem, perhaps he will decide to take it.'

That night Samantha and Derek talked to Max. They told him the situation and said that Dr Somaz thought it would be better for him to take the drug.

'And what do you think?' Max asked them.

'We agree with the doctor,' said Derek.

'No,' said Max. 'I won't take any drugs.'

'Take your time, Max,' said Derek. 'Think about it.'

'The answer is no. I don't want to spend half my life sleeping in darkness. I prefer to live for a short time awake in the light. The world is a miracle and I don't want to miss any of it.'

'But Dr Somaz said you will be dead before you are forty,' said Samantha, beginning to cry.

Max smiled. 'The number of years I live is not important. How I live is more important. What I do and what I am is more important.'

Samantha was very unhappy. 'Oh Max, my darling boy - please take the drug!'

'I'm sorry, Mum, but I can't.' Then Max smiled. 'Will you excuse me now? If I'm going to die young, I haven't got much time.'

So Max continued to work and play and live fast. But he lived a quiet, clean life. He didn't smoke or drink alcohol, and he didn't eat too much. He didn't worry about small things; he didn't think about money. And he didn't waste time. He travelled lot and looked carefully at the world and people. They interested him. And he studied hard. He was always bright and awake; he always wanted to learn new things.

The medical experts said that Max's body and brain were not influenced by the diurnal rhythm, like every animal on earth.

'I'm sure he's from another planet,' laughed Derek.

He liked Max's strange condition now; it was different. But Samantha didn't like it. She did everything possible to make Max normal.

For years, only a few doctors and scientists knew about Max's condition. Samantha and Derek didn't tell anybody. It was a big secret. So Max lived quietly and he was happy. When he left school, he got a job in a bank. Then he met a girl called Wendy and they fell in love and got married. Max was thirty years old. He didn't tell Wendy about his condition so she didn't know anything. But she began to notice things, and one day she told Samantha that Max didn't sleep much but he was never tired. The two women talked, and finally Samantha told Wendy the secret.

Wendy was shocked and amazed. 'Is Max really going to die before he's forty?'

'Nobody knows. Dr Somaz said that if he lives quietly, he will probably live longer. But listen, Wendy! You must not tell anybody about this - not even your friends. Nobody must know. It's a big secret.'

'Why?' said Wendy.

'Because he must live quietly. Then he will be happy and he will live longer. So the world must never know, especially the newspapers and magazines. They must never, never know! Do you understand, Wendy? You must never say anything to the media. Promise?'

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The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep (1) o|menino|que|não podia|dormir Der Junge, der nicht schlafen konnte (1) El niño que no podía dormir (1) Le garçon qui ne pouvait pas dormir (1) 眠れなかった少年(1) 잠 못 이루는 소년 (1) Chłopiec, który nie mógł spać (1) Uyuyamayan Çocuk (1) Хлопчик, який не міг заснути (1) 睡不着的男孩(一) O Menino Que Não Conseguia Dormir (1)

The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep o|menino|que|não podia|dormir El niño que no podía dormir 眠れなかった少年 O Menino Que Não Conseguia Dormir

On the day that he was born Max slept for most of the time. |||||||Max durmió|||||| em|o|dia|que|ele|estava|nasceu|Max|dormiu|por|a maior parte|do|o|tempo في اليوم الذي ولد فيه ماكس، نام معظم الوقت. El día que nació, Max durmió la mayor parte del tiempo. Le jour de sa naissance, Max a dormi la plupart du temps. 彼が生まれた日、マックスはほとんどの時間寝ていました。 No dia em que nasceu, Max dormiu a maior parte do tempo. And in the first weeks of his life he slept like other babies. e|em|as|primeiras|semanas|de|sua|vida|ele|dormiu|como|outros|bebês وفي الأسابيع الأولى من حياته، كان ينام مثل الأطفال الآخرين. Y en sus primeras semanas de vida dormía como los demás bebés. Pendant les premières semaines de sa vie, il a dormi comme les autres bébés. そして彼の人生の最初の数週間で、彼は他の赤ちゃんのように眠りました。 E nas primeiras semanas de sua vida, ele dormiu como outros bebês. But when he began to look around him, he didn't sleep so much. mas|quando|ele|começou|a|olhar|ao redor|si|ele|não|dormir|tanto|muito ولكن عندما بدأ في النظر حوله، لم ينم كثيرًا. Pero cuando empezó a mirar a su alrededor, no durmió tanto. Mais lorsqu'il a commencé à regarder autour de lui, il n'a plus autant dormi. しかし、彼が彼の周りを見始めたとき、彼はあまり眠りませんでした。 Mas quando começou a olhar ao seu redor, ele não dormia tanto. He slept for a few hours at night and a little in the daytime. |||||||||||||النهار |||||||||||||durante el día ele|dormiu|por|algumas|poucas|horas|à|noite|e|um|pouco|em|o|dia Il a dormi quelques heures la nuit et un peu le jour. 彼は夜に数時間、昼間に少し眠りました。 Ele dormiu por algumas horas à noite e um pouco durante o dia. Then he stopped sleeping during the day. então|ele|parou|de dormir|durante|o|dia ثم توقف عن النوم خلال النهار. Luego dejó de dormir durante el día. それから彼は日中寝ることをやめました。 Então ele parou de dormir durante o dia. He was awake for twenty hours. ele|estava|acordado|por|vinte|horas كان مستيقظًا لمدة عشرين ساعة. 彼は20時間起きていました。 Ele ficou acordado por vinte horas. His eyes were always open! seus|olhos|estavam|sempre|abertos كانت عيناه مفتوحتين دائمًا! Seus olhos estavam sempre abertos!

His mother, Samantha Price, was very surprised. ||سامانثا برايس|||| ||Samantha Price|||| sua|mãe|Samantha|Price|estava|muito|surpresa والدته، سامانثا برايس، كانت مندهشة جدًا. Sua mãe, Samantha Price, ficou muito surpresa. She said that the world was a very interesting place and perhaps Max wanted to see everything. ela|disse|que|o|mundo|era|um|muito|interessante|lugar|e|talvez|Max|quisesse|a|ver|tudo قالت إن العالم مكان مثير للغاية وربما أراد ماكس رؤية كل شيء. Dijo que el mundo era un lugar muy interesante y que quizá Max quería verlo todo. 彼女は、世界は非常に興味深い場所であり、おそらくマックスはすべてを見たかったと言いました。 Ela disse que o mundo era um lugar muito interessante e talvez Max quisesse ver tudo. She thought this was because he was intelligent. ela|pensou|isso|era|porque|ele|era|inteligente اعتقدت أن ذلك كان بسبب ذكائه. 彼女はこれは彼が頭がいいからだと思った。 Ela achava que isso era porque ele era inteligente.

The doctors and pediatricians were also very surprised; but they said that they didn't know why Max slept so little. |||أطباء الأطفال|||||||||||||||| |||pediatras|||||||||||||||| os|médicos|e|pediatras|estavam|também|muito|surpresos|mas|eles|disseram|que|eles|não|sabiam|por que|Max|dormiu|tão|pouco فوجئ الأطباء وأطباء الأطفال أيضًا؛ لكنهم قالوا إنهم لا يعرفون لماذا ينام ماكس قليلاً. 医師や小児科医も非常に驚いていました。しかし、彼らはマックスがなぜそんなに眠らなかったのかわからないと言った。 Врачи и педиатры тоже были очень удивлены; но они сказали, что не знают, почему Макс так мало спит. Os médicos e pediatras também ficaram muito surpresos; mas disseram que não sabiam por que Max dormia tão pouco. Then a child psychologist studied Max's case. |||||قضية ماكس| |||||de Max| então|uma|criança|psicóloga|estudou|Max|caso ثم قام أخصائي نفسي للأطفال بدراسة حالة ماكس. それから子供の心理学者はマックスのケースを研究しました。 Então, um psicólogo infantil estudou o caso de Max. He said that it wasn't a very strange case. ele|disse|que|isso|não era|um|muito|estranho|caso قال إنه ليس حالة غريبة جدًا. Ele disse que não era um caso muito estranho.

His studies showed that a lot of modern babies were sleeping less. seus|estudos|mostraram|que|um|muito|de|modernos|bebês|estavam|dormindo|menos أظهرت دراسته أن العديد من الأطفال الحديثين ينامون أقل. Sus estudios demostraron que muchos bebés modernos dormían menos. 彼の研究によると、現代の赤ちゃんの多くは睡眠が少ないことがわかっています。 Seus estudos mostraram que muitos bebês modernos estavam dormindo menos. He wasn't sure why, but he had some ideas about it. ele|não estava|certo|por que|mas|ele|tinha|algumas|ideias|sobre|isso لم يكن متأكدًا من السبب، لكن لديه بعض الأفكار حول ذلك. 彼は理由がわかりませんでしたが、それについていくつかのアイデアを持っていました。 Ele não tinha certeza do porquê, mas tinha algumas ideias sobre isso.

'Two hundred years ago people went to bed earlier than today,' he told Samantha. |||||||||||||سامانثا dois|cem|anos|atrás|as pessoas|iam|para|cama|mais cedo|do que|hoje|ele|disse|Samantha 'قبل مئتي عام كان الناس يذهبون إلى السرير مبكرًا أكثر مما يفعلون اليوم،' قال لسامانثا. 「200年前、人々は今日より早く寝た」と彼はサマンサに語った。 'Duzentos anos atrás, as pessoas iam para a cama mais cedo do que hoje,' ele disse a Samantha. 'Generally, life was slower in the past and people slept longer. geralmente|a vida|era|mais lenta|em|o|passado|e|as pessoas|dormiam|mais tempo بشكل عام، كانت الحياة أبطأ في الماضي وكان الناس ينامون لفترات أطول. 「一般的に、過去の生活は遅く、人々はより長く眠りました。 'Geralmente, a vida era mais lenta no passado e as pessoas dormiam mais. They worked a lot and they didn't have much money, so they often stayed at home after work and went to bed when it got dark. eles|trabalharam|um|muito|e|eles|não|tinham|muito|dinheiro|então|eles|frequentemente|ficaram|em|casa|depois de|trabalho|e|foram|para|cama|quando|isso|ficou|escuro كانوا يعملون كثيرًا ولم يكون لديهم الكثير من المال، لذا كانوا غالبًا ما يبقون في المنزل بعد العمل ويذهبون إلى السرير عندما يصبح الظلام. 彼らはよく働き、お金もあまりなかったので、仕事が終わった後は家にいて、暗くなると寝ることがよくありました。 Eles trabalhavam muito e não tinham muito dinheiro, então muitas vezes ficavam em casa depois do trabalho e iam para a cama quando escurecia. You see, there was no television and there weren't any electric lights. ||||||||||كهربائية| você|veja|havia|era|nenhuma|televisão|e|havia|não eram|nenhuma|elétricas|luzes ترى، لم يكن هناك تلفزيون ولم تكن هناك أضواء كهربائية. ほら、テレビもなければ電灯もない時代ですからね。 Veja, não havia televisão e não havia luzes elétricas. Electric light is different from candlelight; it is brighter and it keeps you awake. كهربائي||||||||||||| |||||luz de vela|||||||| elétrica|luz|é|diferente|de|luz de vela|ela|é|mais brilhante|e|ela|mantém|você|acordado La luz eléctrica es diferente de la luz de las velas; es más brillante y te mantiene despierto. 電灯はキャンドルライトとは異なります。それはより明るく、あなたを目覚めさせます。 A luz elétrica é diferente da luz de vela; é mais brilhante e te mantém acordado. Babies are influenced in mysterious ways by the world. ||||غامضة|||| os bebês|são|influenciados|em|misteriosas|maneiras|por|o|mundo الأطفال يتأثرون بطرق غامضة من العالم. 赤ちゃんは世界から不思議な影響を受けています。 Os bebês são influenciados de maneiras misteriosas pelo mundo. And if the world is fast, noisy, and bright, and if people often go to bed very late, babies will feel this and they won't sleep so much.' ||||||ruidoso||||||||||||||||||||| e|se|o|mundo|é|rápido|barulhento|e|brilhante|e|se|as pessoas|frequentemente|vão|para|cama|muito|tarde|os bebês|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|sentirão|isso|e|eles|não|dormir|tanto|muito وإذا كان العالم سريعًا وصاخبًا ومشرقًا، وإذا كان الناس يذهبون إلى السرير في ساعات متأخرة، سيشعر الأطفال بذلك ولن يناموا كثيرًا. そして、世界が速く、騒がしく、明るい場合、そして人々が非常に遅く寝ることが多い場合、赤ちゃんはこれを感じ、あまり眠りません。 E se o mundo é rápido, barulhento e brilhante, e se as pessoas costumam ir para a cama muito tarde, os bebês sentirão isso e não dormirão tanto.

'Are you sure, Doctor?' (verbo auxiliar)|você|certo|Doutor 'هل أنت متأكد، دكتور؟' 'Você tem certeza, Doutor?' Samantha said. قالت سامانثا| Samantha|disse Samantha disse. 'I think that Max doesn't sleep because he finds the world so interesting. eu|penso|que|Max|não|dorme|porque|ele|acha|o|mundo|tão|interessante أعتقد أن ماكس لا ينام لأنه يجد العالم مثيرًا جدًا. 「マックスは世界がとても面白いと思っているので眠らないと思います。 'Eu acho que o Max não dorme porque ele acha o mundo tão interessante. He's very intelligent.' ele é|muito|inteligente إنه ذكي جدًا. Ele é muito inteligente.'

'Yes, that's possible, Mrs Price. sim|isso é|possível|Sra|Price نعم، هذا ممكن، السيدة برايس. 'Sim, isso é possível, Sra. Price. But it's true that our society is becoming more nocturnal.' |||||||||ليلي mas|é|verdade|que|nossa|sociedade|está|se tornando|mais|noturna Pero es cierto que nuestra sociedad es cada vez más nocturna". しかし、私たちの社会がより夜行性になっているのは事実です。」 Mas é verdade que nossa sociedade está se tornando mais noturna.'

The psychologist's words surprised Samantha. |كلمات الطبيب النفسي||| |del psicólogo||| o|do psicólogo|palavras|surpreenderam|Samantha كلمات النفساني صدمت سامانثا. Las palabras de la psicóloga sorprendieron a Samantha. 心理学者の言葉はサマンサを驚かせた。 As palavras do psicólogo surpreenderam Samantha. She couldn't believe him. ela|não pôde|acreditar|nele لم تستطع أن تصدقه. Ela não conseguia acreditar nele. But when she told her husband Derek, he said, 'Yes, it seems crazy but our world is crazy! ||||||ديريك||||||||||| ||||||Derek esposo||||||||||| mas|quando|ela|contou|seu|marido|Derek|ele|disse|sim|isso|parece|louco|mas|nosso|mundo|é|louco لكن عندما قالت لزوجها ديريك، قال: 'نعم، يبدو أنه مجنون ولكن عالمنا مجنون! Mas quando contou ao marido Derek, ele disse: 'Sim, parece loucura, mas nosso mundo é louco! The psychologist may be right. |قد يكون الطبيب النفسي على حق.||| o|psicólogo|pode|ser|certo Puede que el psicólogo tenga razón. O psicólogo pode estar certo. But we'll see. mas|nós vamos|ver Pero ya veremos. しかし、私たちは見るでしょう。 Mas vamos ver. Perhaps it will pass and Max will sleep like other babies.' talvez|isso|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|passe|e|Max|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|durma|como|outros|bebês ربما سيمر وسينام ماكس مثل الأطفال الآخرين. Quizá se le pase y Max duerma como los demás bebés'. おそらくそれは通過し、マックスは他の赤ちゃんのように眠ります。 Talvez isso passe e Max durma como outros bebês.

When Max was five, the doctors said he was a hyperactive child. ||||||||||عالي النشاط| ||||||||||hiperactivo| quando|Max|era|cinco|os|médicos|disseram|ele|era|um|hiperativo|criança عندما كان ماكس في الخامسة من عمره، قال الأطباء إنه طفل نشيط جداً. マックスが5歳のとき、医者は彼が活動亢進の子供だったと言いました。 Quando Max tinha cinco anos, os médicos disseram que ele era uma criança hiperativa. Every night Samantha tried to put him to bed at eight-thirty but he wasn't sleepy. ||سامانثا||||||||||||| toda|noite|Samantha|tentou|a|colocar|ele|a|cama|às|||mas|ele|não estava|com sono كل ليلة كانت سامانثا تحاول أن تضعه في السرير في الثامنة والنصف ولكنه لم يكن نعسانًا. Todas as noites, Samantha tentava colocá-lo na cama às oito e meia, mas ele não estava com sono. Samantha became angry; Derek was angry too. |||ديريك||| Samantha|ficou|brava|Derek|estava|bravo|também أصبحت سامانثا غاضبة؛ ديريك كان غاضبا أيضا. Samantha ficou irritada; Derek também estava irritado. They shouted at Max and finally he went to bed at about half past nine. eles|gritaram|para|Max|e|finalmente|ele|foi|para|cama|às|cerca de|meia|e|nove صاحوا على ماكس وأخيرًا ذهب إلى السرير في تمام الساعة التاسعة والنصف. 彼らはマックスに向かって叫び、ついに彼は9時半ごろに寝た。 Eles gritaram com Max e, finalmente, ele foi para a cama por volta das nove e meia. But he cried and cried, and he never fell asleep before eleven o'clock. mas|ele|chorou|e|chorou|e|ele|nunca|caiu|dormiu|antes de|onze|horas لكنه بكى وبكى، ولم ينام قط قبل الحادية عشرة مساءً. Mas ele chorou e chorou, e nunca adormeceu antes das onze horas. Then he woke up between four and five in the morning and he wanted to play. então|ele|acordou|(verbo auxiliar)|entre|quatro|e|cinco|em|a|manhã|e|ele|queria|a|brincar ثم استيقظ بين الساعة الرابعة والخامسة صباحًا وأراد اللعب. それから彼は朝4時から5時の間に目を覚まし、遊びたかった。 Então ele acordava entre quatro e cinco da manhã e queria brincar. Samantha and Derek were always tired and nervous. ||ديريك||||| Samantha|e|Derek|estavam|sempre|cansados|e|nervosos سامانثا وديريك كانا دائمًا متعبين وعصبيين. Samantha e Derek estavam sempre cansados e nervosos.

When Max was eight, he slept about two hours at night. quando|Max|era|oito|ele|dormiu|cerca de|duas|horas|à|noite عندما كان ماكس في الثامنة من عمره، كان ينام حوالي ساعتين في الليل. マックスが8歳のとき、彼は夜に約2時間寝ました。 Quando Max tinha oito anos, ele dormia cerca de duas horas à noite. Now Samantha and Derek went to bed while he continued to play quietly with his toys or his computer. |سامانثا||ديريك||||||||||||||| agora|Samantha|e|Derek|foram|para|cama|enquanto|ele|continuou|a|brincar|silenciosamente|com|seus|brinquedos|ou|seu|computador الآن ذهبت سامانثا وديريك إلى السرير بينما كان يواصل اللعب بهدوء مع ألعابه أو حاسوبه. サマンサとデレクは、おもちゃやコンピューターで静かに遊んでいる間、寝ました。 Agora Samantha e Derek iam para a cama enquanto ele continuava a brincar tranquilamente com seus brinquedos ou seu computador. He did lots of things to pass the time and he didn't often feel bored. ||||||||||||||aburrido ele|fez|muitas|de|coisas|para|passar|o|tempo|e|ele|não|frequentemente|sentia|entediado كان يقوم بالعديد من الأشياء لقضاء الوقت وكان نادراً ما يشعر بالملل. Hacía muchas cosas para pasar el tiempo y no solía aburrirse. 彼は時間を過ごすためにたくさんのことをしました、そして彼はしばしば退屈を感じませんでした。 Ele fez muitas coisas para passar o tempo e não se sentia entediado com frequência. He liked the electronic light of the TV or computer. |||electrónica|||||| ele|gostou|a|eletrônica|luz|de|a|TV|ou|computador كان يحب الضوء الإلكتروني من التلفاز أو الحاسوب. Ele gostava da luz eletrônica da TV ou do computador. He was always in the light! ele|estava|sempre|em|a|luz كان دائما في النور! Ele estava sempre na luz!

If he was always in was in the dark for a while, he became nervous and depressed. ||||||||||||||||deprimido se|ele|estava|sempre|em|estava|em|o|escuro|por|um|tempo|ele|se tornou|nervoso|e|deprimido إذا كان دائمًا في الظلام لفترة من الوقت، أصبح عصبيًا ومكتئبًا. Si estaba siempre a oscuras, se ponía nervioso y se deprimía. 彼がいつも暗闇の中にいると、彼は緊張して落ち込んだ。 Если он все время был в темноте какое-то время, он становился нервным и депрессивным. Se ele ficasse sempre no escuro por um tempo, ele ficava nervoso e deprimido. It seemed that he needed light. isso|parecia|que|ele|precisava|luz بدا أنه يحتاج إلى النور. 彼は光が必要だったようです。 Parecia que ele precisava de luz.

'I think he's a mutant,' Derek said one day, and he laughed. ||||متَحوِّل جيني||||||| ||||mutante||||||| eu|penso|ele é|um|mutante|Derek|disse|um|dia|e|ele|riu قال ديريك في يوم من الأيام: 'أعتقد أنه متحور', وضحك. 「彼はミュータントだと思う」とデレクはある日言った、そして彼は笑った。 'Eu acho que ele é um mutante,' Derek disse um dia, e ele riu. But he was half serious. mas|ele|estava|metade|sério لكنه كان جزئياً جاداً. しかし、彼は半分真面目でした。 Mas ele estava meio sério.

'What do you mean?' o que|(verbo auxiliar)|você|quer dizer 'ماذا تقصد؟' ¿Qué quieres decir? 'O que você quer dizer?' asked Samantha. |سألت سامانثا perguntou|Samantha سألت سامانثا. perguntou Samantha.

'Nature is trying to produce a new kind of human and Max is an experiment,' Derek replied, laughing. |||||||||إنسان جديد||||||||ضاحكاً a natureza|é|tentando|a|produzir|uma|nova|tipo|de|humano|e|Max|é|um|experimento|Derek|respondeu|rindo 'الطبيعة تحاول إنتاج نوع جديد من الإنسان وماكس هو تجربة,' أجاب ديريك وهو يضحك. 'A natureza está tentando produzir um novo tipo de humano e Max é um experimento,' Derek respondeu, rindo. 'He's a child of the future.' ele é|um|criança|de|o|futuro 'إنه طفل من المستقبل.' 'Ele é uma criança do futuro.'

When Max was a teenager, he was awake for most of the day. quando|Max|era|um|adolescente|ele|estava|acordado|por|a maior parte|do|o|dia عندما كان ماكس في سن المراهقة كان يستيقظ لمعظم أوقات النهار. Quando Max era adolescente, ele estava acordado a maior parte do dia. At night he went to discos or all-night parties. |||||المراقص|||| |||||discotecas|||| à|noite|ele|foi|para|discotecas|ou|||festas في الليل كان يذهب إلى الديسكو أو الحفلات طوال الليل. Por la noche iba a discotecas o fiestas nocturnas. À noite, ele ia a discotecas ou festas que duravam a noite toda. He watched videos or late-night films on TV, and he listened to music. ele|assistiu|vídeos|ou|||filmes|na|TV|e|ele|ouviu|para|música كان يُشاهد الفيديوهات أو أفلام الليل المتأخرة على التلفاز، وكان يستمع إلى الموسيقى. Veía vídeos o películas nocturnas en la televisión y escuchaba música. Ele assistia a vídeos ou filmes tarde da noite na TV, e ouvia música. He went to school every day, but he didn't get up in the morning like other children. ele|foi|para|escola|cada|dia|mas|ele|não|levantar|(verbo auxiliar)|de|a|manhã|como|outras|crianças ذهب إلى المدرسة كل يوم، لكنه لم يستيقظ في الصباح مثل الأطفال الآخرين. Iba a la escuela todos los días, pero no se levantaba por la mañana como los demás niños. 彼は毎日学校に通っていたが、他の子供たちのように朝起きなかった。 Ele ia para a escola todos os dias, mas não se levantava de manhã como as outras crianças. At school his friends were surprised because he wasn't sleepy. em|escola|seus|amigos|estavam|surpresos|porque|ele|não estava|com sono في المدرسة كان أصدقاؤه مندهشين لأنه لم يكن نعسانًا. 学校で彼の友達は彼が眠くなかったので驚いた。 Na escola, seus amigos ficaram surpresos porque ele não estava com sono. And he worked hard. e|ele|trabalhou|duro وكان يعمل بجد. E ele trabalhou duro. He liked learning new things and he read a lot of books. ele|gostava|aprender|novas|coisas|e|ele|leu|um|muito|de|livros كان يحب تعلم الأشياء الجديدة وكان يقرأ الكثير من الكتب. Ele gostava de aprender coisas novas e lia muitos livros. He wanted to know all about life and the world. ele|queria|a|saber|tudo|sobre|a vida|e|o|mundo كان يريد أن يعرف كل شيء عن الحياة والعالم. Ele queria saber tudo sobre a vida e o mundo. When his friends asked him about this, he said, 'I want to understand everything. quando|seus|amigos|perguntaram|a ele|sobre|isso|ele|disse|eu|quero|a|entender|tudo عندما سأله أصدقاؤه عن ذلك، كان يقول: 'أريد أن أفهم كل شيء.' Quando seus amigos perguntaram sobre isso, ele disse: 'Eu quero entender tudo. The world is a big, interesting place and life is short. o|mundo|é|um|grande|interessante|lugar|e|a vida|é|curta العالم مكان كبير ومثير والحياة قصيرة. O mundo é um lugar grande e interessante e a vida é curta. We sleep too much. nós|dormimos|demais|muito نحن ننام كثيرًا. Dormimos demais. Sleep is a waste of time.' |||desperdicio|| dormir|é|um|desperdício|de|tempo النوم هو إهدار للوقت. Dormir é uma perda de tempo.

Samantha and Derek were feeling better now because they usually slept well. ||ديريك||||||||| Samantha|e|Derek|estavam|se sentindo|melhor|agora|porque|eles|geralmente|dormiam|bem كانت سامانثا وديريك يشعرون بتحسن الآن لأنهم عادة ما ينامون جيدًا. サマンサとデレクは、通常よく眠っていたので、今は気分が良くなっています。 Samantha e Derek estavam se sentindo melhor agora porque geralmente dormiam bem. Derek accepted Max's condition more than Samantha. ||شرط ماكس|||| Derek|aceitou|de Max|condição|mais|do que|Samantha وافق ديريك على حالة ماكس أكثر من سامانثا. デレクはサマンサよりもマックスの状態を受け入れた。 Derek aceitou a condição de Max mais do que Samantha. He said it was true that Max was different but in other ways he was normal. ele|disse|isso|era|verdade|que|Max|era|diferente|mas|em|outras|maneiras|ele|era|normal قال إنه صحيح أن ماكس يختلف لكن بطرق أخرى كان طبيعيًا. 彼は、マックスが異なっていたのは事実だと言ったが、他の点では彼は正常だった。 Ele disse que era verdade que Max era diferente, mas de outras maneiras ele era normal. He liked sport, clothes, music and girls. ele|gostava|esporte|roupas|música|e|meninas كان يحب الرياضة والملابس والموسيقى والفتيات. Ele gostava de esportes, roupas, música e garotas.

'How can you say he's normal?' como|pode|você|dizer|ele é|normal 'كيف يمكنك قول إنه طبيعي؟' 「どうして彼は普通だと言えますか?」 'Como você pode dizer que ele é normal?' said Samantha. |قالت سامانثا disse|Samantha قالت سامانثا. disse Samantha. 'A normal person can't always live in the light of day or electricity. uma|normal|pessoa|não pode|sempre|viver|em|a|luz|do|dia|ou|eletricidade لن يستطيع الشخص العادي أن يعيش دائمًا في ضوء النهار أو الكهرباء. 「普通の人は、日や電気の光の中で常に生きることはできません。 'Uma pessoa normal não pode viver sempre à luz do dia ou da eletricidade. Normal people can't live without sleep. normal|pessoas|não podem|viver|sem|sono الناس العاديون لا يمكنهم العيش بدون نوم. Pessoas normais não conseguem viver sem dormir. It's impossible! é|impossível إنه مستحيل! É impossível! Max must sleep or one day he will die!' Max|deve|dormir|ou|um|dia|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|morrer يجب على ماكس النوم أو سيموت يومًا من الأيام!' マックスは眠らなければならないか、いつか彼は死ぬでしょう!」 Max precisa dormir ou um dia ele vai morrer!

One evening Samantha put some strong sleeping tablets in Max's tea to see what would happen. |||||||أقراص منومة قوية|||||||| |||||||pastillas para dormir|||||||| uma|noite|Samantha|colocou|alguns|fortes|soníferos|comprimidos|em|Max|chá|para|ver|o que|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|aconteceria في إحدى الليالي، وضعت سامانثا بعض الحبوب القوية للنوم في شاي ماكس لترى ما سيحدث. ある晩、サマンサはマックスのお茶に強い睡眠薬を入れて、何が起こるかを見ました。 Certa noite, Samantha colocou alguns comprimidos fortes para dormir no chá de Max para ver o que aconteceria. When he began to look sleepy, she called Derek. ||||||||ديريك quando|ele|começou|a|parecer|sonolento|ela|chamou|Derek عندما بدأ يظهر عليه النعاس، اتصلت بديريك. Quando ele começou a parecer sonolento, ela chamou Derek.

'Look!' olhe نظرة! 'Olha!' she said excitedly. ||قالت بحماس ela|disse|excitadamente قالت بحماس. ela disse animadamente. 'He's going to fall asleep!' ele|vai|a|cair|dormir سوف ينام! 'Ele vai adormecer!'

Derek was surprised and happy. ديريك|||| Derek|estava|surpreso|e|feliz كان ديريك مندهشًا وسعيدًا. Derek ficou surpreso e feliz. 'That's wonderful! isso é|maravilhoso 'هذا رائع! 'Isso é maravilhoso! Perhaps he's normal after all!' talvez|ele é|normal|depois|tudo ربما هو طبيعي بعد كل شيء!' Talvez ele seja normal afinal!

'Ssh! شش! shh comando de ssh 'Ssh! Ssh! You'll wake him up!' você vai|acordar|ele|(partícula que indica movimento para cima) ستوقظه! あなたは彼を起こしてくれるでしょう!」 Você vai acordá-lo!

After about half an hour Max opened his eyes. depois de|cerca de|meia|uma|hora|Max|abriu|seus|olhos بعد حوالي نصف ساعة، فتح ماكس عينيه. 約30分後、マックスは目を開けた。 Depois de cerca de meia hora, Max abriu os olhos.

'What's happening?' o que é|acontecendo ما الذي يحدث؟ O que está acontecendo? he said, looking around. ele|disse|olhando|ao redor قال وهو ينظر حوله. 彼は周りを見回しながら言った。 ele disse, olhando ao redor.

'You fell asleep,' said Derek with a big smile. ||||ديريك بابتسامة كبيرة|||| você|(verbo auxiliar)|dormiu|disse|Derek|com|um|grande|sorriso 'لقد نمت,' قال ديريك بابتسامة كبيرة. 'Você adormeceu,' disse Derek com um grande sorriso.

'Asleep? adormecido 'نائم؟ 'Adormecido? Me?' me Eu?' Max looked angry. Max|parecia|bravo ماكس بدا غاضبًا. Max parecía enfadado. Max parecia irritado. 'How long?' como|longo 'كم المدة؟' 'Quanto tempo?'

'About thirty minutes.' cerca de|trinta|minutos 'حوالي ثلاثين دقيقة.' 'Cerca de trinta minutos.'

'Oh no! oh|não 'Oh não!' I don't want to sleep. eu|não|quero|a|dormir Eu não quero dormir. There's too much to do and see in the world. há|demais|muito|para|fazer|e|ver|no|o|mundo هناك الكثير للقيام به ورؤيته في العالم. 世界にはやることや見ることがたくさんあります。 Há muita coisa para fazer e ver no mundo. But how did I fall asleep?' mas|como|(verbo auxiliar)|eu|cair|dormir لكن كيف نمت؟ しかし、どうやって眠りに落ちたのですか?」 Mas como eu adormeci?

Samantha said quietly, 'I gave you some sleeping tablets.' قالت سامانثا بهدوء|||||||| Samantha|disse|suavemente|eu|dei|você|alguns|soníferos|comprimidos قالت سامانثا بهدوء: 'أعطيتك بعض أقراص النوم.' サマンサは静かに言った、「私はあなたにいくつかの睡眠薬を与えました。」 Samantha disse em voz baixa: 'Eu te dei alguns comprimidos para dormir.'

'You - what?' você|o que 'أنت - ماذا؟' 「あなた-何?」 'Você - o quê?' Derek shouted. ديريك صرخ| Derek|gritou صاح ديريك. Derek gritou.

'Give them to me, Mum,' said Max. ||||mamá|| dê|-os|para|mim|mamãe|disse|Max 'أعطني إياها، أمي،' قال ماكس. Dámelas, mamá", dijo Max. 「ママ、私にくれ」とマックスは言った。 'Me dá eles, mãe,' disse Max.

Samantha looked very unhappy. سامانثا بدت حزينة||| Samantha|olhou|muito|infeliz سامانثا بدت غير سعيدة جدًا. サマンサはとても不幸に見えました。 Samantha parecia muito infeliz. 'Oh, you must sleep, oh|você|deve|dormir 'أوه، يجب عليك أن تنام، 「ああ、あなたは眠らなければならない、 'Oh, você deve dormir,

Max! Max ماكس!' Max! Why don't you sleep?' por que|não|você|dorme 寝てみませんか?」 Por que você não dorme?'

'I don't need it. eu|não|preciso|isso 「私はそれを必要としません。 'Eu não preciso disso. When you sleep, you don't know anything. quando|você|dorme|você|não|sabe|nada عندما تنام، لا تعرف شيئًا. あなたが寝るとき、あなたは何も知りません。 Quando você dorme, você não sabe de nada. You can die in your sleep and you won't know about it. você|pode|morrer|em|seu|sono|e|você|não|saber|sobre|isso يمكن أن تموت أثناء نومك ولن تعرف عنه. Puedes morir mientras duermes y no te enterarás. あなたはあなたの睡眠中に死ぬことができます、そしてあなたはそれについて知りません。 Você pode morrer enquanto dorme e não saber disso. When you sleep, you can't see or hear anything. quando|você|dorme|você|não pode|ver|ou|ouvir|nada عندما تنام، لا يمكنك رؤية أو سماع أي شيء. あなたが寝ているとき、あなたは何も見たり聞いたりすることができません。 Quando você dorme, não pode ver nem ouvir nada. I don't like that.' eu|não|gosto|isso Eu não gosto disso.

'But everybody in the world sleeps, Max!' |||||ينام| mas|todo mundo|em|o|mundo|dorme|Max 「しかし、世界中の誰もが眠る、マックス!」 Mas todo mundo no mundo dorme, Max!

'I know - but not me. eu|sei|mas|não|eu 「私は知っていますが、私ではありません。 'Eu sei - mas não eu. I want to see, hear, and know. eu|quero|a|ver|ouvir|e|saber أريد أن أرى وأسمع وأعرف. Eu quero ver, ouvir e saber. Now give the tablets to me, Mum.' agora|dê|os|comprimidos|para|mim|mamãe الآن اعطني الأقراص يا أمي. さあ、タブレットを私に渡してください、ママ。」 Agora me dê os comprimidos, mãe.'

Slowly Samantha put the packet in his hand. ||||الحزمة||| ||||paquete||| lentamente|Samantha|colocou|o|pacote|em|sua|mão وضعت سامانثا ببطء الحزمة في يده. Devagar, Samantha colocou o pacote em sua mão.

But she couldn't stop herself. mas|ela|não pôde|parar|a si mesma لكنها لم تستطع التوقف عن نفسها. しかし、彼女は自分自身を止めることができませんでした。 Mas ela não conseguiu se controlar. She was always thinking about Max's condition. |||||ماكس| ela|estava|sempre|pensando|sobre|Max|condição كانت دائمًا تفكر في حالة ماكس. Ela estava sempre pensando na condição de Max. One day she wrote to a famous neurologist who was an expert on sleep. ||||||مشهور||||||| |||||||neurólogo famoso|||||| um|dia|ela|escreveu|para|um|famoso|neurologista|que|era|um|especialista|sobre|sono في يوم ما، كتبت إلى أخصائي أمراض الأعصاب الشهير الذي كان خبيرًا في النوم. Um dia, ela escreveu para um famoso neurologista que era especialista em sono. Dr Somaz answered her letter, asking if he could do some tests on Max. |الدكتور سُماز|||||||||||| |Dr Somaz|||||||||||| Dr|Somaz|respondeu|sua|carta|perguntando|se|ele|poderia|fazer|alguns|testes|em|Max رد الدكتور سوماز على رسالتها، طالباً إذا كان بإمكانه إجراء بعض الفحوصات على ماكس. ソマズ博士は彼女の手紙に答えて、マックスでいくつかのテストを行うことができるかどうか尋ねました。 Dr. Somaz respondeu à sua carta, perguntando se poderia fazer alguns testes em Max. Max said yes. Max|disse|sim قال ماكس نعم. Max disse que sim. After the tests, Dr Somaz said that Max's brain waves were different. |||||||موجات ماكس|||| depois de|os|testes|Dr|Somaz|disse|que|de Max|cérebro|ondas|eram|diferentes بعد الفحوصات، قال الدكتور سوماز إن موجات دماغ ماكس مختلفة. テストの後、ソマズ博士はマックスの脳波は異なっていたと言いました。 Após os testes, Dr. Somaz disse que as ondas cerebrais de Max eram diferentes.

'His brain produces very strong alpha waves,' the doctor explained. |||||ألفا|||| |||||alfa 1|||| seu|cérebro|produz|muito|fortes|alfa|ondas|o|médico|explicou يُفسِرُ الطبيب: 'دماغه ينتجُ موجاتٍ ألفا قويةً جداً.' Su cerebro produce ondas alfa muy fuertes", explicó el médico. 「彼の脳は非常に強いアルファ波を生成します」と医師は説明しました。 'O cérebro dele produz ondas alfa muito fortes,' explicou o médico. 'These are the normal waves when we are awake. estas|são|as|normais|ondas|quando|nós|estamos|acordados 'هذه هي الموجات الطبيعية عندما نكون صاحين. 「これらは私たちが目覚めているときの通常の波です。 'Essas são as ondas normais quando estamos acordados. But his brain doesn't produce any slow waves, which are normal when we are asleep. mas|seu|cérebro|não|produz|nenhuma|lentas|ondas|que|são|normais|quando|nós|estamos|dormindo لكن دماغه لا ينتج أي موجات بطيئة، والتي تعتبر طبيعيةً عندما نكون نائمين.' しかし、彼の脳は、私たちが眠っているときは正常な遅い波を生成しません。 Mas o cérebro dele não produz ondas lentas, que são normais quando estamos dormindo. It's strange. é|estranho É estranho. I've never seen this before.' eu (verbo auxiliar)|nunca|vi|isso|antes لم أر هذا من قبل.' Nunca había visto esto antes'. 'Eu nunca vi isso antes.'

'So he really doesn't need sleep?' então|ele|realmente|não|precisa|dormir 'إذا لا يحتاج إلى النوم حقا؟' 「それで、彼は本当に睡眠を必要としないのですか?」 'Então ele realmente não precisa dormir?' asked Derek. |سأل ديريك perguntou|Derek سأل ديريك. perguntou Derek.

'Sometimes perhaps - just a little.' às vezes|talvez|apenas|um|pouco 'أحيانًا ربما - فقط قليلاً.' 'Às vezes talvez - só um pouco.'

'And he is a normal, healthy person?' e|ele|é|um|normal|saudável|pessoa 'وهل هو شخص عادي، سليم؟' ¿Y es una persona normal y sana? 「そして彼は普通の健康な人ですか?」 'E ele é uma pessoa normal e saudável?' Samantha asked. سألت سامانثا| Samantha|perguntou سألت سامانثا. perguntou Samantha.

'Yes, he is. sim|ele|é نعم، هو كذلك. "Sim, ele é." But there is a problem. mas|há|é|um|problema لكن هناك مشكلة. "Mas há um problema." Sleep restores the body. o sono|restaura|o|corpo النوم يعيد تجديد الجسم. 睡眠は体を回復させます。 "O sono restaura o corpo." If the brain is always awake, the body is not renewed. ||||||||||متجدد ||||||||||renovado se|o|cérebro|está|sempre|acordado|o|corpo|está|não|renovado إذا كان الدماغ دائما مستيقظًا، فإن الجسم لا يتجدد. "Se o cérebro está sempre acordado, o corpo não se renova." And so... it will get old faster than normal...' e|então|isso|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|ficar|velho|mais rápido|do que|normal وهكذا... سيكبر بسرعة أكبر من المعتاد... "E assim... ele envelhecerá mais rápido do que o normal..."

Samantha was looking at the doctor with big, frightened eyes. سامانثا||||||||| Samantha|estava|olhando|para|o|médico|com|grandes|assustados|olhos كانت سامانثا تنظر إلى الطبيب بعيون كبيرة وخائفة. Samantha estava olhando para o médico com grandes olhos assustados. 'Do you mean that Max will die young?' (verbo auxiliar)|você|quer dizer|que|Max|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|morrer|jovem هل تعني أن ماكس سيموت وهو شاب؟ 'Você quer dizer que Max vai morrer jovem?'

'I don't know, Mrs Price, but it's possible. eu|não|sei|Sra|Price|mas|é|possível لا أعرف، السيدة برايس، لكن ذلك ممكن. 'Eu não sei, Sra. Price, mas é possível. I would like to do some more tests.' eu|(verbo auxiliar)|gostaria|a|fazer|alguns|mais|testes أود أن أجري بعض الاختبارات الإضافية. Me gustaría hacer más pruebas". Eu gostaria de fazer mais alguns testes.'

Dr Somaz's tests showed that Max's body was getting old faster than normal. |||||جسد ماكس||||||| |de Somaz||||||||||| Dr||testes|mostraram|que|Max|corpo|estava|ficando|velho|mais rápido|do que|normal أظهرت اختبارات الدكتور سوماز أن جسم ماكس كان يكتسب الشيخوخة بسرعة أكبر من المعتاد. Os testes do Dr. Somaz mostraram que o corpo de Max estava envelhecendo mais rápido do que o normal. He was eighteen but he had the body of a man of thirty-five. ele|era|dezoito|mas|ele|tinha|o|corpo|de|um|homem|de|| كان عمره ثمانية عشر عامًا لكنه كان يمتلك جسم رجل يبلغ من العمر خمسة وثلاثين عامًا. 彼は18歳でしたが、35歳の男性の体を持っていました。 Ele tinha dezoito anos, mas tinha o corpo de um homem de trinta e cinco. Samantha and Derek were shocked. ||ديريك|| Samantha|e|Derek|estavam|chocados صدمت سامانثا وديريك. Samantha e Derek estavam chocados.

'How long will he live?' como|longo|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|ele|viver 'ما مدى حياة؟' 'Quanto tempo ele vai viver?' Derek asked. Derek|perguntou سأل ديريك. Derek perguntou.

'That's a very difficult question and I don't know the answer.' isso é|uma|muito|difícil|pergunta|e|eu|não|sei|a|resposta 'هذا سؤال صعب جدا ولا أعرف الإجابة.' 'Essa é uma pergunta muito difícil e eu não sei a resposta.'

'Oh, isn't there anything we can do, Doctor?' oh|não é|há|nada|nós|podemos|fazer|Doutor 'أوه، أليس هناك أي شيء يمكننا فعله، دكتور؟' 「ああ、私たちにできることはありませんか、ドクター?」 'Oh, não há nada que possamos fazer, Doutor?' Samantha cried. Samantha|chorou صاحت سامانثا. Samantha gritou. 'How can we help him?' como|podemos|nós|ajudar|ele 'كيف يمكننا مساعدته؟' 'Como podemos ajudá-lo?'

Dr Somaz was silent for a moment. |الدكتور سُماز||||| Dr|Somaz|estava|silencioso|por|um|momento كان الدكتور سوماز صامتًا للحظة. ソマズ博士はしばらく黙っていた。 Dr. Somaz ficou em silêncio por um momento. 'Well, I know of a drug that can make him sleep. bem|eu|sei|de|uma|droga|que|pode|fazer|ele|dormir 'حسنًا، أنا أعرف دواء يمكن أن يجعله ينام. 「まあ、私は彼を眠らせることができる薬を知っています。 'Bem, eu conheço um remédio que pode fazê-lo dormir.' But it's a very strong drug. mas|é|uma|muito|forte|droga ولكنه دواء قوي للغاية. しかし、それは非常に強力な薬です。 Mas é uma droga muito forte. If he takes it for a long time - or if he takes an overdose - it will kill him. |||||||||||||جرعة زائدة|||| se|ele|tomar|isso|por|um|longo|tempo|ou|se|ele|tomar|uma|overdose|isso|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|matar|ele إذا تناوله لفترة طويلة - أو إذا تناول جرعة زائدة - سيقتله. 彼がそれを長期間服用した場合、または彼が過剰摂取した場合、それは彼を殺します。 Se ele tomar por muito tempo - ou se ele tomar uma overdose - isso o matará. And it is addictive. |||adictiva e|isso|é|viciante وهو مدمن. そしてそれは中毒性があります。 E é viciante. With time he will want more of it.' com|tempo|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|querer|mais|de|isso مع الوقت سيرغب في المزيد منه. 時間が経つにつれて、彼はそれをもっと欲しがるでしょう。」 Com o tempo, ele vai querer mais disso.

Samantha and Derek said nothing. ||ديريك|| Samantha|e|Derek|disseram|nada قالت سامانثا وديريك شيئًا. Samantha e Derek não disseram nada. They only looked at each other sadly. eles|apenas|olharam|para|cada|outro|tristemente إنهما فقط نظرا إلى بعضهما البعض بحزن. Eles apenas se olharam tristemente.

'So if he takes this drug, he will live longer - am I right?' então|se|ele|tomar|este|remédio|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|viver|mais tempo|sou|eu|certo 'إذا أخذ هذا الدواء، فسيعيش لفترة أطول - هل أنا على حق؟' 「それで、彼がこの薬を服用すれば、彼は長生きするでしょう-私は正しいですか?」 'Então, se ele tomar essa droga, ele viverá mais - estou certo?' said Derek. |قال ديريك disse|Derek قال ديريك. disse Derek.

'I'm not sure, Mr Price. eu estou|não|certo|Sr|Price 'لست متأكدًا، السيد برايس. 'Não tenho certeza, Sr. Price. You see, he will be a drug addict and the drug will kill him in the end.' você|veja|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|será|um|droga|dependente|e|a|droga|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|matará|ele|em|o|fim ترى، سيصبح مدمنًا على المخدرات والمخدر سيقتله في النهاية.' ほら、彼は麻薬中毒者になり、最終的には麻薬が彼を殺すでしょう. Você vê, ele será um viciado em drogas e a droga o matará no final.'

'Oh God, this is terrible!' oh|Deus|isso|é|terrível ''يالها من كارثة، يارب!'' 'Oh Deus, isso é terrível!' cried Samantha with big tears in her eyes. chorou|Samantha|com|grandes|lágrimas|em|seus|olhos صرخت سامانثا بدموع كبيرة في عينيها. exclamou Samantha com grandes lágrimas nos olhos. 'Which will kill him first - no sleep or the drug?' qual|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|matará|ele|primeiro|sem|sono|ou|a|droga ''أيهما سيقتله أولاً - عدم النوم أم الدواء؟'' 'O que o matará primeiro - a falta de sono ou a droga?'

'Again I can't be certain,' replied Dr Somaz. |||||||سومار novamente|eu|não posso|ser|certo|respondeu|Dr|Somaz وقال د. سوماز: "مرة أخرى لا أستطيع أن أكون متأكدًا". 「繰り返しになりますが、確信が持てません」とソマズ博士は答えました。 'Novamente não posso ter certeza,' respondeu o Dr. Somaz. 'I can only say that if my calculations are right, it seems probable that without sleep he will die younger than if he takes the drug.' ||||||||||||probable||||||||||||| eu|posso|apenas|dizer|que|se|minhas|cálculos|estão|certos|isso|parece|provável|que|sem|dormir|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|morrer|mais jovem|do que|se|ele|tomar|o|remédio "أستطيع أن أقول فقط إذا كانت حساباتي صحيحة، يبدو محتملًا أنه بدون نوم سيموت في سن أصغر مما لو أخذ الدواء." 「私の計算が正しければ、睡眠なしでは薬を服用した場合よりも若くして死ぬ可能性が高いとしか言えません。」 'Só posso dizer que se meus cálculos estiverem certos, parece provável que sem sono ele morrerá mais jovem do que se tomar a droga.'

After a silence, Derek said, 'We must tell poor Max all this and he can decide what he wants to do.' |||ديريك||||||||||||||||| depois de|um|silêncio|Derek|disse|nós|devemos|contar|pobre|Max|tudo|isso|e|ele|pode|decidir|o que|ele|quer|a|fazer بعد دقيقة من الصمت، قال ديريك: 'يجب أن نخبر ماكس الفقير بكل هذا ويمكنه أن يقرر ما يريد فعله.' 沈黙の後、デレクは言った、「私たちは貧しいマックスにこれをすべて伝えなければなりません、そして彼は彼が何をしたいのかを決めることができます。」 Após um silêncio, Derek disse: 'Precisamos contar tudo isso para o pobre Max e ele pode decidir o que quer fazer.'

'He won't take the drug,' said Samantha, shaking her head. ||||||قالت سامانثا||| ele|não|tomará|o|remédio|disse|Samantha|balançando|sua|cabeça قالت سامانثا: 'لن يأخذ الدواء', وهي تهز رأسها. 「彼は薬を服用しないだろう」とサマンサは首を横に振って言った。 'Ele não vai tomar a droga,' disse Samantha, balançando a cabeça.

'Are you sure?' (verbo auxiliar)|você|certo 'هل أنت متأكد؟' 'Você tem certeza?' asked Dr Somaz. ||الدكتور سوماز perguntou|Dr|Somaz سأل الدكتور سوماز. perguntou o Dr. Somaz.

'Yes. sim 'Sim.' He says he wants to stay awake, he wants to live with his eyes open. ele|diz|ele|quer|a|ficar|acordado|ele|quer|a|viver|com|seus|olhos|abertos يقول إنه يريد أن يبقى مستيقظًا، يريد أن يعيش بعينيه مفتوحتين. Ele diz que quer ficar acordado, ele quer viver com os olhos abertos. He told us that life is too short to sleep because there is so much to learn and do. ele|disse|nos|que|a vida|é|demais|curta|para|dormir|porque|há|é|tanto|muito|a|aprender|e|fazer قال لنا أن الحياة قصيرة جدًا للنوم لأن هناك الكثير للتعلم والقيام به. Ele nos disse que a vida é muito curta para dormir porque há tanto para aprender e fazer. He will never take any drugs.' |||||لن يتعاطى المخدرات ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|nunca|tomará|qualquer|drogas لن يتناول أية مخدرات. Ele nunca vai usar drogas.

'But you and Mr Price must tell him that it's better to take the drug,' Dr Somaz said. ||||||||||||||||الدكتور سوماتز| mas|você|e|Sr|Price|devem|dizer|a ele|que|é|melhor|a|tomar|o|remédio|Dr|Somaz|disse وجب عليك وعلى السيد برايس أن تخبره أنه من الأفضل تناول الدواء، قال الدكتور سوماز. 「しかし、あなたとプライス氏は、薬を服用する方が良いと彼に言わなければなりません」とソマズ博士は言いました。 "Mas você e o Sr. Price devem dizer a ele que é melhor tomar a droga," disse o Dr. Somaz. 'When he understands the problem, perhaps he will decide to take it.' quando|ele|entender|o|problema|talvez|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|decida|a|levar|isso عندما يفهم المشكلة، ربما سيقرر تناوله. 「彼が問題を理解したとき、おそらく彼はそれを取ることに決めるでしょう。」 "Quando ele entender o problema, talvez ele decida tomá-la."

That night Samantha and Derek talked to Max. ||سامانثا||||| aquela|noite|Samantha|e|Derek|conversaram|para|Max في تلك الليلة، تحدثت سامانثا وديريك مع ماكس. Naquela noite, Samantha e Derek conversaram com Max. They told him the situation and said that Dr Somaz thought it would be better for him to take the drug. |||||||||الدكتور سُماز||||||||||| eles|contaram|a ele|a|situação|e|disseram|que|Dr|Somaz|pensou|isso|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|ser|melhor|para|ele|a|tomar|o|remédio قالوا له عن الوضع وقالوا إن الدكتور سوماز يعتقد أنه من الأفضل بالنسبة له أن يتناول الدواء. 彼らは彼に状況を話し、ソマズ博士は彼が薬を服用する方が良いと思ったと言いました。 Eles contaram a ele a situação e disseram que o Dr. Somaz achava que seria melhor para ele tomar o remédio.

'And what do you think?' e|o que|(verbo auxiliar)|você|pensa 'وما رأيك؟' 'E o que você acha?' Max asked them. Max|perguntou|a eles سألهم ماكس. Max perguntou a eles.

'We agree with the doctor,' said Derek. ||||||قال ديريك nós|concordamos|com|o|médico|disse|Derek قال ديريك 'نحن نوافق مع الطبيب.' 'Nós concordamos com o médico,' disse Derek.

'No,' said Max. não|disse|Max قال ماكس 'لا.' 'Não,' disse Max. 'I won't take any drugs.' eu|não|tomarei|qualquer|drogas قال 'لن أتناول أي أدوية.' 'Eu não vou tomar nenhum remédio.'

'Take your time, Max,' said Derek. |||||قال ديريك tome|seu|tempo|Max|disse|Derek قال ديريك: 'خذ وقتك، ماكس.' 「時間をかけて、マックス」とデレクは言った。 'Leve o seu tempo, Max,' disse Derek. 'Think about it.' pense|sobre|isso 'فكر في الأمر.' 'Pense sobre isso.'

'The answer is no. a|resposta|é|não 'الجواب لا.' 'A resposta é não. I don't want to spend half my life sleeping in darkness. ||||||||||الظلام eu|não|quero|a|passar|metade|minha|vida|dormindo|em|escuridão أنا لا أريد قضاء نصف حياتي نائمًا في الظلام. Eu não quero passar metade da minha vida dormindo na escuridão. I prefer to live for a short time awake in the light. eu|prefiro|a|viver|por|um|curto|tempo|acordado|em|a|luz أفضل أن أعيش لوقت قصير مستيقظًا في النور. Eu prefiro viver por um curto período acordado na luz. The world is a miracle and I don't want to miss any of it.' ||||العالم معجزة||||||||| ||||milagro||||||||| o|mundo|é|um|milagre|e|eu|não|quero|a|perder|nenhum|de|isso العالم عجيب وأنا لا أريد أن أفوت أي جزء منه. O mundo é um milagre e eu não quero perder nada dele.

'But Dr Somaz said you will be dead before you are forty,' said Samantha, beginning to cry. |||||||||||||سامانثا||| mas|Dr|Somaz|disse|você|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|estará|morto|antes de|você|completar|quarenta|disse|Samantha|começando|a|chorar وقالت سامانثا: 'ولكن الدكتور سوماز قال إنك ستموت قبل ملء أربعين عامًا،' وبدأت تبكي. 'Mas o Dr. Somaz disse que você estará morto antes de completar quarenta anos,' disse Samantha, começando a chorar.

Max smiled. Max|sorriu ابتسم ماكس. Max sorriu. 'The number of years I live is not important. o|número|de|anos|eu|vivo|é|não|importante 'عدد السنوات التي أعيشها ليس مهما.' 「私が住んでいる年数は重要ではありません。 'O número de anos que eu vivo não é importante. How I live is more important. como|eu|vivo|é|mais|importante كيف أعيش أهم من ذلك. Como eu vivo é mais importante. What I do and what I am is more important.' o que|eu|faço|e|o que|eu|sou|é|mais|importante ما أفعله ومن أكون هو الأهم. Lo que hago y lo que soy es más importante". 私がしていることと私が何であるかがより重要です。 O que eu faço e o que eu sou é mais importante.'

Samantha was very unhappy. كانت سامانثا حزينة.||| Samantha|estava|muito|infeliz كانت سامانثا غير سعيدة جدا. Samantha estava muito infeliz. 'Oh Max, my darling boy - please take the drug!' |||حبيبي||||| |||querido||||| oh|Max|meu|querido|menino|por favor|tome|o|remédio 'أوه ماكس، صبيي العزيز - من فضلك خذ الدواء!' 'Oh Max, meu querido menino - por favor, tome a droga!'

'I'm sorry, Mum, but I can't.' eu estou|desculpe|mamãe|mas|eu|não posso آسفة، أمي، لكنني لا أستطيع. 'Desculpe, mãe, mas eu não posso.' Then Max smiled. então|Max|sorriu ثم ابتسم ماكس. Então Max sorriu. 'Will you excuse me now? (verbo auxiliar futuro)|você|desculpe|me|agora هل تسمح لي الآن؟ 「失礼しますか? 'Você me desculpa agora? If I'm going to die young, I haven't got much time.' se|eu estou|indo|para|morrer|jovem|eu|não tenho|tenho|muito|tempo إذا كنت سأموت صغيرًا، فليس لدي الكثير من الوقت. 私が若くして死ぬつもりなら、私はあまり時間がありません。」 Se eu vou morrer jovem, não tenho muito tempo.'

So Max continued to work and play and live fast. então|Max|continuou|a|trabalhar|e|brincar|e|viver|rápido لذا استمر ماكس في العمل واللعب والعيش بسرعة. Então Max continuou a trabalhar, brincar e viver rápido. But he lived a quiet, clean life. mas|ele|viveu|uma|tranquila|limpa|vida ولكنه عاش حياة هادئة ونظيفة. Pero llevaba una vida tranquila y limpia. Mas ele viveu uma vida tranquila e limpa. He didn't smoke or drink alcohol, and he didn't eat too much. ele|não|fumou|ou|bebeu|álcool|e|ele|não|comeu|demais|muito لم يدخن أو يتناول الكحول، ولم يأكل كثيرًا. Ele não fumava nem bebia álcool, e não comia demais. He didn't worry about small things; he didn't think about money. ele|não|se preocupou|com|pequenas|coisas|ele|não|pensou|sobre|dinheiro لم يكترث بالأمور الصغيرة، ولم يفكر في المال. Ele não se preocupava com pequenas coisas; ele não pensava em dinheiro. And he didn't waste time. e|ele|não|desperdiçar|tempo ولم يضيع الوقت. E ele não perdia tempo. He travelled lot and looked carefully at the world and people. ele|viajou|muito|e|olhou|cuidadosamente|para|o|mundo|e|pessoas سافر كثيراً ونظر بعناية إلى العالم والناس. Ele viajava muito e olhava atentamente para o mundo e as pessoas. They interested him. eles|interessaram|ele أثاروا اهتمامه. Eles o interessavam. And he studied hard. e|ele|estudou|duro و درس بجد. E ele estudou muito. He was always bright and awake; he always wanted to learn new things. ele|estava|sempre|brilhante|e|acordado|ele|sempre|queria|a|aprender|novas|coisas كان دائماً متألقًا ويقظًا؛ كان دائمًا يرغب في تعلم أشياء جديدة. Ele estava sempre alerta e acordado; ele sempre queria aprender coisas novas.

The medical experts said that Max's body and brain were not influenced by the diurnal rhythm, like every animal on earth. |||||||||||||||الإيقاع اليومي||||| ||||||||||||||ritmo diario|ritmo diurno||||| o|médica|especialistas|disseram|que|de Max|corpo|e|cérebro|estavam|não|influenciados|por|o|diurno|ritmo|como|todo|animal|na|terra قال الخبراء الطبيون إن جسد ماكس وعقله لم يتأثرا بالإيقاع اليومي، مثل كل حيوان على الأرض. Os especialistas médicos disseram que o corpo e o cérebro de Max não eram influenciados pelo ritmo diurno, como qualquer animal na terra.

'I'm sure he's from another planet,' laughed Derek. |||||||ديريك eu estou|certo|ele é|de|outro|planeta|riu|Derek 'أنا متأكدٌ أنه من كوكب آخر,' ضحك ديريك. ‘Tenho certeza de que ele é de outro planeta,’ riu Derek.

He liked Max's strange condition now; it was different. ||حال ماكس|||||| ele|gostou|de Max|estranha|condição|agora|isso|era|diferente كان يحب حالة ماكس الغريبة الآن؛ كانت مختلفة. Ele gostava da estranha condição de Max agora; era diferente. But Samantha didn't like it. mas|Samantha|não|gostou|disso لكن سامانثا لم تحب ذلك. Mas Samantha não gostou disso. She did everything possible to make Max normal. ela|fez|tudo|possível|para|fazer|Max|normal فعلت كل شيء ممكن لجعل ماكس طبيعيًا. 彼女はマックスを正常にするために可能な限りのことをした。 Ela fez tudo o que podia para tornar Max normal.

For years, only a few doctors and scientists knew about Max's condition. ||||||||||حالة ماكس| por|anos|apenas|um|poucos|médicos|e|cientistas|sabiam|sobre|Max|condição لسنوات، كان هناك عدد قليل فقط من الأطباء والعلماء الذين كانوا يعرفون حالة ماكس. 何年もの間、マックスの状態を知っていた医師や科学者はごくわずかでした。 Por anos, apenas alguns médicos e cientistas sabiam sobre a condição de Max. Samantha and Derek didn't tell anybody. Samantha|e|Derek|não|contaram|ninguém لم يخبر سامانثا وديريك أحدًا. Samantha e Derek não contaram a ninguém. It was a big secret. isso|foi|um|grande|segredo كانت هذه سر كبير. Era um grande segredo. So Max lived quietly and he was happy. então|Max|viveu|tranquilamente|e|ele|estava|feliz عاش ماكس بشكل هادئ وكان سعيدًا. Então Max viveu tranquilamente e estava feliz. When he left school, he got a job in a bank. quando|ele|saiu|escola|ele|conseguiu|um|emprego|em|um|banco عندما ترك المدرسة، حصل على وظيفة في البنك. Quando ele saiu da escola, conseguiu um emprego em um banco. Then he met a girl called Wendy and they fell in love and got married. ||||||Wendy|||||||| então|ele|conheceu|uma|menina|chamada|Wendy|e|eles|se|em|amor|e|ficaram|casados ثم قابل فتاة تدعى ويندي ووقعا في الحب وتزوجا. Então ele conheceu uma garota chamada Wendy e eles se apaixonaram e se casaram. Max was thirty years old. Max|era|trinta|anos|velho ماكس كان عمره ثلاثون عامًا. Max tinha trinta anos. He didn't tell Wendy about his condition so she didn't know anything. ele|não|contou|Wendy|sobre|sua|condição|então|ela|não|soube|nada لم يخبر ويندي عن حالته لذلك لم تكن تعلم شيئًا. Ele não contou a Wendy sobre sua condição, então ela não sabia de nada. But she began to notice things, and one day she told Samantha that Max didn't sleep much but he was never tired. |||||||||||سامانثا|||||||||| mas|ela|começou|a|notar|coisas|e|um|dia|ela|contou|Samantha|que|Max|não|dormia|muito|mas|ele|estava|nunca|cansado لكنها بدأت في ملاحظة أمورٍ، وذات يوم قالت لسامانثا إن ماكس لا ينام كثيرًا ولكنه لا يشعر بالتعب. Mas ela começou a notar coisas, e um dia ela disse a Samantha que Max não dormia muito, mas nunca estava cansado. The two women talked, and finally Samantha told Wendy the secret. ||||||سامانثا|||| as|duas|mulheres|conversaram|e|finalmente|Samantha|contou|Wendy|o|segredo تحدثت السيدتان، وأخبرت سامانثا ويندي السر أخيراً. As duas mulheres conversaram, e finalmente Samantha contou a Wendy o segredo.

Wendy was shocked and amazed. Wendy|estava|chocada|e|maravilhada فوجئت ويندي وأعجبت. Wendy ficou chocada e maravilhada. 'Is Max really going to die before he's forty?' é|Max|realmente|indo|para|morrer|antes de|ele está|quarenta 'هل ماكس سيموت حقاً قبل أن يبلغ الأربعين؟' 'Max realmente vai morrer antes de completar quarenta anos?'

'Nobody knows. ninguém|sabe لا أحد يعرف. "Ninguém sabe." Dr Somaz said that if he lives quietly, he will probably live longer. Dr|Somaz|disse|que|se|ele|viver|tranquilamente|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|provavelmente|viver|mais tempo قال الدكتور سوماز إذا عاش بسكينة، فمن المحتمل أن يعيش لفترة أطول. ソマズ博士は、彼が静かに生きれば、おそらく長生きするだろうと言った。 O Dr. Somaz disse que se ele viver tranquilamente, provavelmente viverá mais tempo. But listen, Wendy! mas|ouça|Wendy لكن اسمعي، ويندي! Mas escute, Wendy! You must not tell anybody about this - not even your friends. você|deve|não|contar|ninguém|sobre|isso|nem|mesmo|seus|amigos يجب ألا تخبر أحدًا عن هذا - حتى لا أصدقائك. Você não deve contar a ninguém sobre isso - nem mesmo aos seus amigos. Nobody must know. ninguém|deve|saber لا يجب على أحد أن يعرف. Ninguém deve saber. It's a big secret.' é|um|grande|segredo إنه سر كبير. É um grande segredo.

'Why?' por que Por quê? said Wendy. disse|Wendy disse Wendy.

'Because he must live quietly. porque|ele|deve|viver|tranquilamente لأنه يجب أن يعيش بهدوء. Porque ele deve viver em paz. Then he will be happy and he will live longer. então|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|será|feliz|e|ele|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|viverá|mais tempo ثم سيكون سعيداً وسيعيش أطول فترة. Então ele será feliz e viverá mais. So the world must never know, especially the newspapers and magazines. ||||||||||المجلات والصحف ||||||||||revistas então|o|mundo|deve|nunca|saber|especialmente|os|jornais|e|revistas لذا يجب ألا يعرف العالم أبداً، خاصة الصحف والمجلات. Então o mundo nunca deve saber, especialmente os jornais e revistas. They must never, never know! eles|devem|nunca|nunca|saber يجب أن لا يعرفوا أبدًا، أبدًا! Eles nunca devem, nunca saber! Do you understand, Wendy? (verbo auxiliar)|você|entende|Wendy هل تفهمين، ويندي؟ Você entende, Wendy? You must never say anything to the media. você|deve|nunca|diga|nada|para|a|a mídia يجب أن لا تقولي أبدًا شيئًا لوسائل الإعلام. Você nunca deve dizer nada para a mídia. Promise?' promessa Promete?

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