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Crash Course European History, Absolute Monarchy: Crash Course European History #13 (2)

Absolute Monarchy: Crash Course European History #13 (2)

zero-sum, I can only win if you lose world view ends up exhausting resources rather than expanding them. By the

end of his reign, the idea of absolutist rules was being thrown into question. An English critic called

absolutist France a " State full of boils and wounds and putrid sores "

exiled Huguenots called the French under Louis " slaves. " his rule directed only " to satisfy both his

ambition and his vengeance ." Again, satisfying ones ambition and ones vengeance makes you a great reality TV contestant

But maybe not necessarily the perfect king

So absolutism can be seen as a form of tyrannical rule demanding religious, economic and social conformity

based on a political theory of monarchical divinity

It cost huge amounts in taxation and loss of life in wars to create this system of civility to royal power and

it was pretty disempowering to the French public. But then again the rise of a political system of power sharing in England called

Constitutionalism wasn't really less violent. Although it did enshrine certain ideas about human rights

Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time

Thanks for watching crash course European history

Which is made by all these nice people and filmed here in the Jaden Smith studio in Indianapolis

Our animators are thought cafe. We have lots more crash course available. You want to learn about astronomy ? computer science ? We've got you covered !

Thanks again for watching and don't forget to be awesome !

Absolute Monarchy: Crash Course European History #13 (2) Absolute Monarchy: Crash Course European History #13 (2) Monarquía absoluta: Curso acelerado Historia europea #13 (2) Абсолютная монархия: Краткий курс европейской истории №13 (2) 绝对君主制:欧洲历史速成班#13 (2) 絕對君主制:歐洲歷史速成班#13 (2)

zero-sum, I can only win if you lose world view ends up exhausting resources rather than expanding them. By the

end of his reign, the idea of absolutist rules was being thrown into question. An English critic called

absolutist France a " State full of boils and wounds and putrid sores "

exiled Huguenots called the French under Louis " slaves. " his rule directed only " to satisfy both his

ambition and his vengeance ." Again, satisfying ones ambition and ones vengeance makes you a great reality TV contestant

But maybe not necessarily the perfect king

So absolutism can be seen as a form of tyrannical rule demanding religious, economic and social conformity

based on a political theory of monarchical divinity

It cost huge amounts in taxation and loss of life in wars to create this system of civility to royal power and

it was pretty disempowering to the French public. But then again the rise of a political system of power sharing in England called

Constitutionalism wasn't really less violent. Although it did enshrine certain ideas about human rights

Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time

Thanks for watching crash course European history

Which is made by all these nice people and filmed here in the Jaden Smith studio in Indianapolis

Our animators are thought cafe. We have lots more crash course available. You want to learn about astronomy ? computer science ? We've got you covered !

Thanks again for watching and don't forget to be awesome !