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Famous Chinese songs in Vietnam, 来自天堂的魔鬼

来自 天堂 的 魔鬼

夜里 做 了 美丽 的 恶梦

想 清醒 我 却 抵不过 心动

Oh∼梦里 你 是 无底 的 黑洞

我 无力 抗拒 失重

我 的 意识 自控 脉搏 流动

全 被 你 神秘 引力 操控

亲爱 的 你 是 危险 的 迷宫

我 找 不 到 出口

You took my heart away, away, away, away


你 就是 传说 来自 天堂 的 魔鬼


拜托 别 对 我 细心 问候

这 是 你 也 不 察觉 的 阴谋

Oh∼我 讨厌 你 无心 的 微笑

我 快 无可救药

更 多 更 详尽 歌词 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔镜 歌词网

你 像 一个 漩涡 慢慢 让 我

无法 抽离 一直 地 坠落

亲爱 的 你 是 优雅 的 恶魔

一点一点 把 我 吞没

You took my heart away, away, away, away


你 就是 传说 来自 天堂 的 魔鬼


如果 你 是 蛇 的 诱惑 你 存心 迷惑 我 才能 软弱

但 你 是 牛顿 头上 那颗 若无其事 的 苹果

You took my heart away, away, away, away

You took my heart away, away, away, away

You took my heart away, away, away, away


你 就是 传说 来自 天堂 的 魔鬼


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来自 天堂 的 魔鬼 from|heaven|attributive marker|devil Der Teufel vom Himmel El diablo del cielo. Le diable du ciel Il diavolo dal cielo. 天国から来た悪魔 Дьявол с небес. Диявол з небес. The devil from heaven

夜里 做 了 美丽 的 恶梦 at night|have|past tense marker|beautiful|attributive marker|nightmare Мені сняться прекрасні кошмари. Had a beautiful nightmare at night

想 清醒 我 却 抵不过 心动 want|awake|I|but|cannot resist|heartbeat I want to wake up but can't resist the heartbeat

Oh∼梦里 你 是 无底 的 黑洞 |in the dream|you|are|bottomless|attributive marker|black hole Oh~ in the dream you are an endless black hole

我 无力 抗拒 失重 I|powerless|resist|weightlessness I am powerless to resist weightlessness

我 的 意识 自控 脉搏 流动 I|attributive marker|consciousness|self-control|pulse|flow My consciousness controls the pulse flow.

全 被 你 神秘 引力 操控 all|by|you|mysterious|gravity|control All is manipulated by your mysterious gravity.

亲爱 的 你 是 危险 的 迷宫 dear|attributive marker|you|are|dangerous|attributive marker|maze Dear you are a dangerous maze.

我 找 不 到 出口 I|find|not|to|exit I can't find the exit.

You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away.

Myheadisblownaway,away,away,away My head is blown away, away, away, away

你 就是 传说 来自 天堂 的 魔鬼 you|just|legend|come from|heaven|attributive marker|devil You are the devil from heaven as the legend goes

Youshouldtakemyheartaway,away,away,away,away,away,away You should take my heart away, away, away, away, away, away, away

拜托 别 对 我 细心 问候 please|don't|to|me|carefully|inquire about Please don't greet me with such care

这 是 你 也 不 察觉 的 阴谋 this|is|you|also|not|notice|attributive marker|conspiracy This is a conspiracy you are not even aware of

Oh∼我 讨厌 你 无心 的 微笑 |I|hate|you|heartless|attributive marker|smile Oh~ I hate your unintentional smile

我 快 无可救药 I|almost|hopeless I'm almost hopeless

更 多 更 详尽 歌词 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔镜 歌词网 more|detailed|more|comprehensive|lyrics|at|||magic mirror|lyrics website More detailed lyrics at ※ Mojim.com Magic Mirror Lyrics

你 像 一个 漩涡 慢慢 让 我 you|like|one|vortex|slowly|let|me You are like a vortex slowly pulling me in

无法 抽离 一直 地 坠落 unable|detach|continuously|adverbial marker|fall down I can't break free, continuously falling

亲爱 的 你 是 优雅 的 恶魔 dear|attributive marker|you|are|elegant|attributive marker|devil Dear you are the elegant devil

一点一点 把 我 吞没 little by little|to|me|engulf Bit by bit you swallow me up

You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away

Myheadisblownaway,away,away,away My head is blown away, away, away, away

你 就是 传说 来自 天堂 的 魔鬼 you|just|legend|come from|heaven|attributive marker|devil You are the legendary devil from heaven

Youshouldtakemyheartaway,away,away,away,away,away,away You should take my heart away, away, away, away, away, away, away

如果 你 是 蛇 的 诱惑 你 存心 迷惑 我 才能 软弱 if|you|are|snake|attributive marker|temptation|you|deliberately|confuse|me|can only|weak If you are the temptation of a snake, you deliberately confuse me so that I can be weak

但 你 是 牛顿 头上 那颗 若无其事 的 苹果 but|you|are|Newton|on the head|that|nonchalantly|attributive marker|apple But you are the apple that fell from Newton's head, as if nothing happened

You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away

You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away

You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away

Myheadisblownaway,away,away,away My head is blown away, away, away, away

你 就是 传说 来自 天堂 的 魔鬼 you|just|legend|come from|heaven|attributive marker|devil You are the devil from heaven as the legend goes

Youshouldtakemyheartaway,away,away,away,away,away,away You should take my heart away, away, away, away, away, away, away

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