男人 唔 可以 窮 chapter 4.1
男人 唔 可以 窮chapter 4.1
A man cannot be poor chapter 4.1
對於 Yoyo 嘅 邀請 ,我 首先 係 發 咗 呆 兩秒 先 ,痴線嘅 !冇 啦啦 ,妳 做 乜 約 我 食飯 ?
regarding|Yoyo|possessive particle|invitation|I|first|was|in a state of|past tense marker|dazed|two seconds|first|crazy|not|sure|you|do|what|invite|me|to eat dinner
Regarding Yoyo's invitation, I was first stunned for two seconds, what the heck! Why are you asking me out for dinner?
咁多位 :正常 嘅 思維 就 緊 係 覺得 條女 想 「溝 」自己 又 或者 係 想 我 「溝 」佢 ,雖然 我 依家 係 一個 雙 失業 ,有 同埋 ,失戀 人士 ,只不過 有 件 咁 嘅 索 嘢 約 自己 ,我 都 想 喺 苦澀 嘅 現況 入面 搵 畀 小小 嘅 甜味 ,所以 就 緊 係 約 咗 佢 出去 食飯 啦 。
so many people|normal|possessive particle|thinking|then|really|is|think|that girl|wants|to date|herself|also|or|is|wants|me|to date|her|although|I|now|am|a|double|unemployed|have|and|broken-hearted|person|just|have|thing|so|possessive particle|attractive|thing|to ask out|myself|I|also|want|in|bitter|possessive particle|situation|within|to find|to give|a little|possessive particle|sweetness|so|then|really|is|to ask out|past tense marker|her|out|to eat dinner|sentence-final particle
For many people: the normal thought is that the girl wants to 'hook up' with me or she wants me to 'hook up' with her. Although I am currently unemployed and heartbroken, I just want to find a little sweetness in this bitter situation, so I decided to go out for dinner with her.
一路 出去 我 仲 諗緊 今晚 同 Yoyo 嘅 下場 到底 係 畀 佢 屋企 定係 喺 「時鐘酒店 」。咁多位 :呢 個 諗法 仲 由 佢 一 見到 我 就 痴得 我 好 埋 咁 行 而 慢慢 加強 ,直至 …
all the way|go out|I|still|thinking about|tonight|with|Yoyo|possessive particle|next event|after all|is|at|her|home|or|at|Clock Hotel|so many people|this|measure word|way of thinking|still|from|she|one|saw|me|then|obsessed with|me|very|close|so|walking|and|slowly|strengthening|until
On the way out, I was still thinking about whether tonight with Yoyo would end at her place or at the 'clock hotel'. For many people: this thought started from the moment she saw me and was really into me, and it gradually intensified until…
兩個 鐘 後 佢 拎 咗 一份 倫敦 金 嘅 計劃書 出 嚟 放 喺 我 面前 而 stop .
two|o'clock|after|he|took|past tense marker|a|London|gold|possessive particle|plan|out|come|put|at|I|in front of|and|stop
Two hours later, she took out a plan for London gold and placed it in front of me and stopped.
「 正哥 , 你 信 我 啦 , 你 只 係 開個 十萬 蚊 嘅 戶口 , 我 就 會 晚 晚同 你 睇 住 個 市 , 搵 個 靚位 嚟 「 渣貨 」, 執 佢 十 蚊 八 蚊 , 一 晚 「 利潤 」 可以 有 「 成皮 」 嘢 架 。」
"Brother Cheng, trust me, you just need to open an account with a hundred thousand dollars, and I will watch the market with you every night, find a good spot to 'pick up trash', and make ten or eight dollars from it. One night, the 'profit' can be a whole 'skin' worth."
咁 搞錯 !「十皮 」嘅 成本 ,一 晚 「成皮 嘢 」「利潤 」都 講 得出 ,阿妹 ,到底 我 個 樣 係 咪 真 係 咁 弱智 ?
then|wrong|ten units|possessive particle|cost|one|night|whole|thing|profit|all|say|come out|younger sister|after all|I|measure word for people|appearance|am|really|truly|am|so|stupid
This is ridiculous! The cost of 'ten skins', the 'profit' of a whole 'skin' in one night can be calculated, sister, do I really look that stupid?
但 偏偏 就 係 ,你 眼前 呢 個 擁有 5 吋 「事業線 」,個樣 仲要 唔 錯 嘅 女人 喺 你 面前 講 呢 堆 咁 「荒謬 」嘅 嘢 ,我 唔 想 再 聽 ,但 我 想 繼續 睇 。
but|just|exactly|is|you|in front of|this|measure word|has|inch|career line|appearance|also|not|wrong|possessive particle|woman|at|you|in front of|talking|this|pile|so|ridiculous|possessive particle|things|I|not|want|again|to hear|but|I|want|to continue|to watch
But ironically, this woman in front of you, who has a 5-inch 'career line' and looks pretty good, is saying these 'absurd' things in front of you. I don't want to hear it anymore, but I want to keep watching.
我 :「咁 如 嘅 蝕 咁 點 ?
I|then|like|possessive particle|loss|then|how
Me: "So what about this loss?"
」 Yoyo :「你 放心 啦 ,我哋 會 幫 你 控制住 蝕 嘅 邊 架 喇 。」
Yoyo|you|don't worry|particle indicating suggestion|we|will|help|you|control|loss|possessive particle|side|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action
Yoyo: "Don't worry, we will help you control the loss."
我 :「噉 即係 點 控制 呀 ?
I|then|means|how|control|question particle
Me: "So how do you control it?"
」 Yoyo :「點 控制 呢 樣 就 講 經驗 架 喇 ,行內 好多 技術 都 唔 識 解釋 畀 你 知 ,總之 一定 會 幫 你 睇 住 個 市 ,放心 放心 。」
Yoyo|how|to control|this|thing|just|talking|experience|particle|particle|in the industry|many|techniques|all|not|know|explain|to|you|know|in short|definitely|will|help|you|watch|continuously|the|market|don't worry|don't worry
Yoyo: "Controlling this is all about experience. There are many techniques in the industry that can't be explained to you. In short, I will definitely help you keep an eye on the market, don't worry, don't worry."
我 「頂你個 肺 」!佢 叫 我 放心 放心 嗰 時 個 樣 仲 鬼 死 咁 甜 ,加上 一路 講 一路 拍拍 我 手背 呢 個 咁 友善 嘅 動作 ,我 終於 忍唔住 同 佢 講 :我 今日 先 被 公司 炒咗 ,身家性命 財產 唔 超過 五萬 。
I|damn you|lung|he|told|me|don't worry|don't worry|that|time|his|face|still|extremely|dead|so|sweet|plus|all the way|talking|all the way|patting|my|hand|this|such|so|friendly|possessive particle|action|I|finally|couldn't help|with|him|saying|I|today|only|passive marker|company|fired|life and property|assets|not|exceeding|fifty thousand
I said, "Damn you!" When he told me to not worry, his expression was so sweet, and on top of that, he kept patting my hand in such a friendly manner. I finally couldn't hold back and told him: I just got fired from the company today, and my net worth doesn't exceed fifty thousand.
佢 終於 放棄 :
He|finally|gave up
He finally gave up:
「 栽哥 都 叫 我 唔 好 兜 你 生意 架 喇 , 佢 話 勇 哥 會 唔 鐘意 , 不過 呢 排 追數 , 栽哥 先 叫 我 自己 諗 。
"Zai Ge told me not to take your business, he said that Yong Ge wouldn't like it. But recently, while chasing debts, Zai Ge told me to think for myself first."
但 係 正哥 ,你 唔 好 同 勇 哥 講 呀 ,廢事 一陣 栽哥 鬧 我 真 係 走 嚟 打 你 主意 。」
||Brother Zheng|you|||with|||tell|particle|it's not worth|later|Brother Zai|scold|I|||||hit|you|idea
But Brother Cheng, don't tell Brother Yong, or else Zai will scold me and I'll really come to hit you.
我 :「得啦 ,我 都 知 妳哋 呢 一行 跑數 跑 得 好 緊要 ,最近 生意 唔好 咩 ?
I|okay|I|also|know|you all|this|group|collecting debts|run|well|very|important|recently|business|not good|question particle
Me: "Okay, I know that you guys in this line of work take debts very seriously. Is business not good recently?"
」 Yoyo:「 冇 話 好 唔 好 , 數都 唔 使點 追 , 基本上 我 哋 呢 行 流失 好大 , 有 倉 嘅 咪 盡 做 囉 , 冇 倉 嘅 你 自己 坐 得 兩三個 星期 , 開 飯錢 都 冇 就 自動 消失 架 啦 。」
Yoyo: "It's not that it's good or bad, we don't even need to chase the debts. Basically, our industry has a huge loss. If we have stock, we just do our best, but if we don't have stock, you can sit for two or three weeks, and if you can't even cover your meal expenses, you'll just disappear automatically."
我 :「冇 糧 出 架 咩 ?
I|have not|food|out|particle|question particle
Me: "Isn't there any income?"
」 Yoyo :「有 ,頭 兩個 月 每個 月 三千 ,之後 就 食 自己 架 喇 。」
Yoyo|has|first|two|months|every|month|three thousand|after|then|eat|by oneself|own|particle indicating completion or change of state
Yoyo: "There is, for the first two months, it was three thousand each month, and after that, it's just living off yourself."
我 :「咁 冇 保障 ?
I|then|have not|protection
Me: "So there's no guarantee?
搵 唔 到 客咪 食 屎 ?
If you can't find clients, do you just eat shit?
噉 妳 上個月 搵 幾多 呀 ?
then|you|last month|earn|how much|question particle
So how much did you earn last month?
」 Yoyo :「上個月 爆 咗 個 大陸 佬 倉 ,call 極 都 call 唔 到 孖 展 呀 ,車 極 都 係 做到 兩百 飛 咋 。」
Yoyo|last month|break into|past tense marker|measure word|mainland|guy|warehouse|call|extremely|all||||||sentence-final particle|driving|extremely|all|is|able to do|two hundred|tickets|only
" Yoyo: "Last month I had a big deal with a mainland Chinese client, but I couldn't even reach the margin call, I only made about two hundred bucks."
我 :「Yoyo 姐 , 其實 我 未 做 過金 呢 行 , 可 唔 可以 話 我 知 兩百 飛即 係 乜嘢 呢 ?
Me: "Yoyo, actually I haven't worked in this industry before, can you tell me what two hundred bucks means?"
」 Yoyo :「兩百 飛咪 即 係 平 咗 兩 百 張 單 囉 。」
Yoyo|two hundred|tickets|immediately|is|discounted|past tense marker|two|hundred|measure word for flat objects|single|sentence-final particle
Yoyo: "Two hundred means it's cheaper by two hundred dollars."
我 :「噉 即係 有 幾多 錢 呀 ?
I|then|mean|have|how much|money|question particle
Me: "So how much money is that?"
」「四皮 咋 。」
four skins|what
"Four hundred only."
我 :「四四 四皮 ?
I|44|44 (a type of game)
Me: "Four four hundred?"
個個 月 呀 ?
every|month|question particle
Every month?"
」 Yoyo :「痴線 緊 係 唔 係 。」
Yoyo: "Are you crazy or what?"
我 :「嘩嚇 得 我 丫 。」
I|scared|can|me|particle indicating surprise
Me: "Wow, that scared me."
Yoyo:「有時 六七 皮 都 有 架 。」
|sometimes|six or seven|skin|all|have|particle indicating certainty
Yoyo: "Sometimes it can be six or seven times."
我 :「唔 係 呀 下 ?
I|not|is|question particle|a little
Me: "Isn't it?"
坦白講 出 嚟 做 都 未必 有 咁 多 啦 。」
to be honest|to come out|here|to work|all|not necessarily|have|that much|much|sentence final particle
To be honest, even if you come out to do it, it might not be that much."
Yoyo:「你 呢 個 問題 我 入行 前 都 問過 栽哥 ,嗰 時 我 仲 覺得 我 讀完 中五 ,乖乖地 搵 份 文員 有 八九千 已經 唔 錯 ,如 嘅 辛苦 小小 做 化妝品 呢 就 應該 有 萬幾 兩萬 ,不過 有 一次 見到 雜誌 嘅 招聘廣告 ,又 寫到 月入 可達 數萬 ,咪 走上去 睇下 。」
|you|this|measure word|question|I|enter the industry|before|already|asked|Brother Choi|that|time|I|still|thought|I|finished|Form 5|obediently|find|measure word|clerical job|have|8000 to 9000|already|not|wrong|if|possessive particle|hard work|a little|doing|cosmetics|this|then|should|have|over ten thousand|twenty thousand|but|have|one time|saw|magazine|possessive particle|job advertisement|again|written|monthly income|can reach|tens of thousands|then|go up|take a look
Yoyo: "This question, I asked Brother Choi before I entered the industry. At that time, I thought that after finishing Form 5, finding a clerical job with eight to nine thousand would be good enough. If I worked a little harder in cosmetics, I should be able to earn around ten to twenty thousand. However, once I saw a recruitment advertisement in a magazine that said the monthly income could reach tens of thousands, so I went to check it out."
我 :「跟住 呢 ?
I|follow|question particle
Me: "What happened next?"
」 Yoyo:「 咪 見工 見到 栽哥 囉 , 佢 同 我 講 叻 女 同 勤力 嘅 幾 萬數 唔 係 問題 , 最 緊要 我 肯學 。」
Yoyo: "I went for the interview and saw Brother Choi. He told me that for capable and hardworking girls, earning several tens of thousands is not a problem, the most important thing is that I am willing to learn."
我 :「之後 叫 妳 除衫 呀 ?
I|later|ask|you|take off clothes|question particle
Me: "Did he ask you to take off your clothes afterwards?"
」 Yoyo :「緊 係 冇 啦 ,栽哥 做人 好 有 原則 架 ,喺 度 食 就 一定 唔 會 喺 度 屙 嘅 。」
Yoyo|definitely|is|not|particle|Brother Zai|being a person|very|has|principles|particle|at|place|eat|then|definitely|not|will|at|place|poop|particle
Yoyo: "Of course not. Brother Choi is very principled. If we are eating there, he definitely wouldn't do anything inappropriate."
我 :「噉 佢 點 教 妳 做 ?
Me: "So how does he teach you to do it?"
就 咁 著小布 啲 ,講 嘢 陰聲 細氣 咁 就 得 架 喇 。」
just|like this|wearing a small cloth|plural marker|speak|words|low voice|soft|like this|just|fine|particle|particle
"Just wear a little cloth and speak in a soft and low voice, and that's it."
Yoyo :「栽哥 教 我 就 八個 字 ,目標 為本 、緊守 原則 。」
Yoyo|Brother Zai|taught|me|only|eight|characters|goal|based on principles|strictly adhere to|principles
Yoyo: "Brother Zai taught me just eight words: Focus on the goal, stick to the principles."
我 :「 我操 , 咁 同 新年 見到 人講 新年 進步 啊 , 恭喜發財 同 有 乜 分別 呀 ?
Me: "Damn, how is that different from saying 'Happy New Year' and 'Wishing you prosperity' when you meet people during the New Year?"
」 Yoyo:「 啊呀 , 錯 哂 錯 哂 正哥 , 栽哥 話 呢 個 社會 入面 , 好多 人 已經 比 嘅 定 咗 嘅 環境 所規限 咗 , 佢 umm。
Yoyo: "Ah, no, no, that's wrong, Brother Zheng. Brother Zai said that in this society, many people are already limited by the environment they are in, umm."
即係 你 入咗 一間 公司 ,如 嘅 間 嘢 唔 炒 你 呢 ,你 一世人 都 要 跟住 佢 嘅 晉升 模式 生存 ,即係 話 佢 今年 加 幾多 人工 ,要 幾耐 要 做 乜 先 升 到 你 高 一級 ,阿頭 鐘意 飲 奶茶 定 咖啡 ,都 已經 變成 咗 你 嘅 人生目標 。」
that means|you|entered|a|company|if|possessive particle|this|thing|not|fire|you|question particle|you|whole life|all|have to|follow|he|possessive particle|promotion|model|survive|that means|saying|he|this year|raise|how much|salary|have to|how long|have to|do|what|then|promoted|to|you|higher|level|boss|likes|drinking|milk tea|or|coffee|all|already|become|past tense particle|your|possessive particle|life goals
That is, when you join a company, if they don't promote you, you will have to follow their promotion model for your entire life. This means you have to know how much salary they will increase this year, how long you need to work, and what you need to do to get promoted to the next level. Whether the boss prefers milk tea or coffee has already become your life goal.
我 :「咁 係 咁 架 啦 。」
I|like that|is|like that|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion or finality
Me: "So that's how it is."
Yoyo:「冇 錯 ,大部 人 嘅 人 唔 願意 改變 嘅 廢 柴 ,都 會 用 係 咁 架 啦 嚟 模糊 咗 自己 嘅 視 嘢 ,覺得 安份守己 出份 糧 ,唔 使 餓死 ,公司 叫 我 做 乜 ,只要 係 唔 過份 ,又 或者 係 過份 小小 嘅 都 冇 問題 ,講句 ,個個 都 變 哂 機械 人 ,覺得 份 糧 係 已經 包括 咗 日 日 食 小小 屎 。」
|no|wrong|most|people|possessive particle|people|not|willing|change|possessive particle|useless|firewood|all|will|use|in|like this|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating suggestion|come|blur|past tense marker|self|possessive particle|vision|things|feel|content with one's lot|earn a|salary|not|need|starve|company|ask|I|do|what|as long as|is|not|excessive|again|or|is|excessive|a little|possessive particle|all|no|problem|to say|everyone|all|become|completely|mechanical|people|feel|portion|salary|is|already|include|past tense marker|daily|day|eat|a little|shit
Yoyo: "That's right. Most people are unwilling to change and are like useless firewood. They will use 'that's how it is' to blur their own vision, thinking that as long as they keep their heads down and get a paycheck, they won't starve. Whatever the company asks them to do, as long as it's not excessive, or just a little excessive, it's fine. In short, everyone has become a robot, thinking that their salary already includes a little bit of daily crap."
我 望住 呢條 大波妹 ,開始 對 佢 另 一種 嘢 有 興趣 ,變咗 一個 聆聽者 咁 聽 佢 講 。
I|looking at|this|big-breasted girl|started|towards|her|another|one kind of|thing|having|interest|became|a|listener|so|listening|her|talk
I looked at this big girl and started to take an interest in her in a different way, becoming a listener to what she had to say.
Yoyo :「栽哥 話 我 哋 要 目標 為本 ,搵 客 係 我哋 嘅 目標 ,難 唔 難 搵 同 點樣 去 搵 已經 唔 會 係 我哋 嘅 難題 ,因為 就 好似 如 嘅 你 屋企 個 仔 冇 飯食 而 你 又 冇 錢 ,你 搶 又 好 乞 又 好 ,你 都 總要 有 意志 去 完成 呢 樣 嘢 ,栽哥 話 ,我哋 呢 份工 就 係 要 呢種 意志 。
Yoyo|Brother Choi|said|I|we|need|goal|as the foundation|find|clients|is|our|possessive particle|goal|difficult|not|difficult|find|and|how|to|find|already|not|will|be|we|possessive particle|problem|because|just|like|as|possessive particle|your|home|measure word|son|not have|food|and|you|also|not have|money|you|rob|also|very|beg|also|very|you|all|must|have|will|to|complete|this|thing|thing|Brother Choi|said|we|this|job|just|is|need|this kind of|will
Yoyo: "Brother Zai said we need to be goal-oriented. Finding clients is our goal. Whether it's difficult to find clients or how to find them is no longer our problem, because it's like if your kid at home has no food and you have no money, whether you steal or beg, you still need the will to accomplish this. Brother Zai said that this job requires this kind of will."
另外 就 加 埋 勤力 ,你 知 唔 知 我 畀 工頭 三日 打 咗 幾 多個 電話 搵 客 ?
additionally|then|add|also|hard work|you|know|not|know|I|gave|boss|three days|made|past tense marker|how many|many|phone calls|looking for|clients
In addition, with hard work, do you know how many calls I made to find clients in three days?
」 我 擰 擰頭 , 跟 住 Yoyo 好得戚 咁 放 埋 佢 舊 牛扒 落口 先 慢慢 同 我講 :
I shook my head, then Yoyo happily put her old steak in her mouth and slowly said to me:
「二千 三百 個 。」
two thousand|three hundred|measure word
"Two thousand three hundred."
我 :「二千 三百 ?
I|two thousand|three hundred
I: "Two thousand three hundred?"
點 打 ?
how|to hit
How did you do that?
」 Yoyo:「 喪打 囉 , 不過 好多 係 唔 通 同 即時 比人收 我 線 嘅 , 嘅 咪 Hi 我 哋 兩句 老母 再 收線 囉 , 試 過 有 幾個 仲 報警 , 幾串 呀 , 所以 我 哋 都 有 個 夜 尿 名單 。」
Yoyo: "It's a bit of a mess, but a lot of it is not connected and people immediately hang up on me. They just say hi and then hang up after a few words. I’ve tried it a few times and some even called the police, a few times, so we have a list of night prank calls."
我 :「乜嘢 嚟 架 ?
I|what|come|particle indicating a question
Me: "What is that?"
個名 咁 生 鬼 嘅 。」
that name|so|born|ghost|possessive particle
"That name is so weird."
Yoyo:「咪 將 班 串 到 嘅 電話 寫 低 ,有時 睇 市 睇到 半夜 三四點 咪 玩 佢 哋 電話 叫 佢 哋 屙 尿 ,哈哈哈 。」
|don't|put|class|group chat|to|possessive particle|phone|write|down|sometimes|looking|market|see|midnight|3 or 4 o'clock|just|play|they|their|phone|call|them|their|pee|urine|hahaha
Yoyo: "I just write down the phone numbers of those prank callers. Sometimes I check the market and if I see them at three or four in the morning, I prank call them to make them pee, hahaha."
望住 呢 個 又 索 又 可愛 又 好似 有 小小 料到 嘅 Yoyo ,令 我 覺得 呢 個 世界 ,原來 唔 係 好似 我 以前 睇 嘅 一樣 。
looking at|this|measure word|again|cool|again|cute|again|seems|has|a little|anticipated|possessive particle|Yoyo|makes|I|feel|this|measure word|world|originally|not|is|as|I|previously|seen|possessive particle|the same
Looking at this cute and charming Yoyo, who seems to have a little bit of insight, makes me feel that this world is not quite like what I used to think it was.
最起碼 ,我 就 係 佢 口中 ,嘅 一班 安份守己 ,用 百般 藉口 去 掩飾 自己 唔 肯 前進 嘅 廢柴 之一 ,以前 我 成日 以為 自己 搵 嘅 皮 幾 嘢 ,有 層樓 喺 手 就 係 成功人士 ,依家 先知 原來 一街 都 係 有 能之士 ,就連 我 對面 呢 個 一路 食 牛扒 一路 玩 NDS 嘅 小妹妹 都 可以 月入 幾萬 。
at least|I|just|am|he|in the mouth|possessive particle|a group of|law-abiding|using|all kinds of|excuses|to|cover up|oneself|not|willing|progress|possessive particle|useless person|one of|in the past|I|always|thought|oneself|earning|possessive particle|skin|several|things|having|apartment|in|hand|just|am|successful person|now|realized|originally|the whole street|all|are|have|capable people|even|I|opposite|this|measure word|continuously|eating|steak|continuously|playing|NDS|possessive particle|little girl|also|can|monthly income|several tens of thousands
At the very least, I am one of those who are content and use all kinds of excuses to cover up my unwillingness to move forward, as mentioned by him. In the past, I always thought that having a property meant being a successful person. Now I realize that there are capable individuals everywhere, even the little girl across from me who eats steak while playing NDS can earn tens of thousands a month.
我 一方面 唔 肯 認同 Grace 嘅 金錢 成功 論 ,但 另一邊面 ,我 本來 就 係 用 呢 一套 去 思考 ,只不過 以前 遇見 嘅 對手 ,都 係 一班 唔 夠 級數 嘅 人 ,唔 係 做 運輸 嘅 小學 同學 ,就 係 已經 轉 咗 行 做 保安 嘅 波友 ,我 嘅 世界 ,原來 一直 都 係 咁 狹窄 。
I|on one hand|not|willing|agree with|Grace|possessive particle|money|success|theory|but|on the other hand|I|originally|already|am|using|this|set|to|think|only|previously|encountered|possessive particle|opponents|all|are|a group of|not|sufficient|level|possessive particle|people|not|are|doing|transportation|possessive particle|elementary school|classmates|just|are|already|changed|past tense marker|industry|doing|security|possessive particle|friends|I|possessive particle|world|originally|always|all|are|so|narrow
On one hand, I don't want to agree with Grace's theory of financial success, but on the other hand, I have been thinking this way all along. It's just that the opponents I encountered before were all people of insufficient caliber, either my elementary school classmates in transportation or friends who have already switched to security jobs. My world has always been so narrow.
同 Yoyo 食完飯 之後 ,我 冇 照 原定 計劃 同 佢 有 下文 ,我 自己 一個 周圍 行 ,我 畀 咗 去 友愛 邨 ,又 行 咗 去 屯門 市鎮 公園 ,沿住 河畔 嘅 條 路 ,我 同 以娜 曾經 最 鐘意 喺 呢 度 傾 計 。
with|Yoyo|finished eating|after|I|did not|follow|original|plan|with|her|have|further conversation|I|by myself|one|around|walk|I|went|past tense marker|to|Yau Oi|estate|again|walked|past tense marker|to|Tuen Mun|town|park|along|riverside|possessive particle|measure word|road|I|with|Yina|once|most|liked|at|this|place|talk|conversation
After having dinner with Yoyo, I didn't follow the original plan to have further discussions with her. I walked around by myself, went to Yu Oi Estate, and then walked to Tuen Mun Town Park, along the riverside path where Yina and I used to love chatting.
我行 畀 去 我 哋 以前 成日 坐 嘅 一條 石階 , 今晚 好似 特別 涼 , 我 一個 人 坐 喺 度 , 諗 畀 好多 好 零碎 嘅 回憶 , 不過 依家 , 只不過 得 畀 我 一個 人 坐 喺 度 。
I walked to a stone step where we used to sit often. Tonight feels particularly cool. I sat there alone, thinking of many fragmented memories. However, now, it's just me sitting there.
突然 間 , 後面 有 一個 人 拍拍 我膊頭 , 我 擰 轉面 一望 , 竟然 係 阿爸 。
Suddenly, someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind. I turned my face to look, and it was actually my dad.
我 :「爸 ,點解 你 會 喺 度 ?
Me: "Dad, why are you here?"
」阿爸 望一望 我 ,跟住 好 慢 噉 坐 低 ,放 好 佢 支 行 山棍 ,再 慢條斯理 噉 答 我
Dad|take a look at|me|then|very|slowly|like that|||put|very|he|classifier for long objects|walking|walking stick|again|slowly and carefully|like that|answer|me
Dad looked at me, then slowly sat down, placed his walking stick properly, and answered me in a leisurely manner.
「點解 ?
你 阿爸 我 平時 日日 都 嚟 呢 度 架 啦 。」
you|dad|I|usually|every day|all|come|this|place|particle|particle
"Your dad comes here every day, you know."
我 :「係 咩 ,哈 ,你 都 冇 話 畀 我 哋 知 。」
Me: "Really? Haha, you didn't tell us."
爸 :「我 冇 講 時 ,你 哋 都 冇 問 呀 。」
Dad|I|didn't|say|time|you|plural marker|all|didn't|ask|question particle
Dad: "I didn't say anything, and you all didn't ask either."
「哈 ,咁 又 係 。」
"Haha, that's true."
其實 我 覺得 阿爸 咁 講有 小小 嘢 蠻 ,不過 當然 我 唔 會 駁 咀
actually|I|think|dad|like that|talking about|a little|thing|quite|but|of course|I|not|will|argue|back
Actually, I think Dad's comment is a bit unfair, but of course I won't argue back.
爸 :「被 人 炒 咗 魷魚 呀 ?
Dad|by|people|fired|past tense marker|squid|question particle
Dad: "Did someone get fired?"
」我 :「吓 ,阿爸 你 點 知架 ?
Me: "Huh, Dad, how did you know?"
」阿爸 冇 應 我 ,拎 咗 支 萬寶路 出 嚟 ,又 係 好 慢條斯理 咁 點 著 佢 ,呼一 啖 煙 出 嚟 ,望住 個 天 ,一句 嘢 都 冇 講 。
Dad|didn't|respond to|me|took|past tense marker|classifier for long objects|Marlboro|out|come|again|is|very|slow and leisurely|like that|how|light|it|take a|puff|smoke|out|come|looking at|classifier for people|sky|a single|word|at all|didn't|say
" Dad didn't respond to me, took out a Marlboro, and slowly lit it, exhaling a puff of smoke, looking at the sky, without saying a word.
我 望住 佢 時 有 小小 錯愕 ,因為 阿爸 真 係 好 耐 冇 試過 咁 樣 同 我 單對單 傾計 ,我 有 啲 感動 。
I|looking at|him|when|had|a little|surprise|because|dad|really|is|very|long|not|tried|like this|way|with|I|one-on-one|conversation|I|had|a little|moved
I was a bit taken aback when I looked at him because it had been a long time since Dad had talked to me one-on-one like this, and I felt a bit moved.
分零鐘 之後 , 阿爸 終於 擺 完 Pose, 佢 擰 畀 過 嚟 , 拍 一 拍 我 , 問 :
After a few minutes, Dad finally finished posing, turned to me, patted me on the back, and asked:
「正仔 呀 ,想 唔 想 聽 下 阿爸 以前 當差 嘅 事 呀 ?
little boy|particle|want|not|want|to hear|a little|dad|in the past|working|past tense particle|things|particle
" Son, do you want to hear about what Dad did in the past?"
」阿爸 噉 問一問 ,我 當然 話 想 ,佢 沉思 咗 一陣 ,終於 喺 十幾年 之後 再 一次 同 我 分享 佢 嘅 往事 。
Dad|like this|asked me|I|of course|said|wanted|he|thought|past tense marker|for a moment|finally|at|over ten years|later|again|once|with|I|share|he|possessive particle|past experiences
" Dad asked, and of course I said I wanted to. He pondered for a moment and finally, after more than ten years, shared his past with me again.
阿爸 :「 正仔 , 記唔 記得 你 細個 有 一次 喺 商場 見到 我同 我 班 同事 呀 ?
Dad: "Hey, do you remember when you were little and saw me with my colleagues at the mall?"
」 我 :「 記得 , 嗰 次 我 到 依 家 都 好 深 印象 , 同班 朋友 喺 商場 玩玩 下 突然 見到 你 , 嗰 時 已經 天黑 , 我仲以 為 你 捉 我 返 屋企 , 後 尾 你 同 我講 , 你 好似 同班 同事 去 開會 丫嘛 。」
Me: "I remember! I still have a deep impression of that day. I was playing with my friends at the mall and suddenly saw you. It was already dark, and I thought you were going to take me home. Later, you told me you were going to a meeting with your colleagues."
阿爸 :「 邊 係 開會 丫 , 去 安定 邨 捉 人 至 真 , 我話 你 知丫 , 喺 定 泰 樓 嘅 度 有 個 竇 , 專 係 班 大哥 喺 度 犯 毒 , 我 哋 嘅 次 一 去 到 踢門 , 見到 班友 一個 二個 喺 度 上 電 , 有 條友仲 想 掟 咗 手 上面 嘅 粉 落 街 , 好 在 被 我 同事 阿興 一手 捉住 , 點知 唔 小心 被 嘅 條 友 把 刀 仔 掂 到 , 搞 到 周身 都 係 血 。」
Dad: "What meeting? We were going to An Ting Estate to catch people! Let me tell you, there was a hole at Ting Tai Building where the big brothers were doing drugs. The first time we went there, we kicked the door and saw a couple of guys on the computer. One guy even wanted to throw the powder he had on the street, but luckily my colleague Ah Hing caught him. Unfortunately, the guy accidentally got a knife and ended up covered in blood."
我 :「嘩 ,噉 阿爸 你 當 嗰 時 做緊 乜 ?
I|wow|then|dad|you|at|that|time|was doing|what
Me: "Wow, Dad, what were you doing at that time?"
」爸 :「我 呀 ?
Dad|I|question particle
Dad: "Me?"
我 大 把 嘢 做 啦 ,一衝 到 入 去 我 負責 拉 人 嘛 ,咪 冇 渣 住 槍 囉 ,點知 最頭 有條 大隻 佬 唔 識 死 ,好似 西洋 拳 噉 一個 右 勾 拳 打 埋 嚟 ,條友 唔 嘢 少架 ,條 手臂 仲 粗過 你 隻 大 脾 。」
I|big|measure word for objects|thing|do|particle indicating completed action|a rush|to|enter|go|I|responsible for|pulling|people|particle indicating obviousness|don't|have not|drop|holding|gun|particle indicating finality|unexpectedly|at the beginning|there was a|big|guy|not|know|die|like|Western|boxing|like|one|right|hook|punch|hit|coming|here|that guy|not|thing|weak|measure word for long objects|arm|still|thicker than|you|measure word for limbs|big|leg
I did my part, as soon as I rushed in, I was responsible for pulling people, so I didn't have a gun on me. But then, at the very beginning, there was a big guy who didn't know how to die, and he threw a right hook at me, that guy was no joke, his arm was thicker than your thigh.
我 :「噉 你 點 呀 ?
I|then|you|how|question particle
Me: "So what did you do?"
」爸 :「咁 緊 係 還拖 啦 喂 ,佢 打 西洋 拳 ,又 點 估到 你 阿爸 我 係 詠春 傳人 ,一立 畀 住條 中線 ,砰砰 兩聲 咪 打 到 佢 成 口 都 係 血 囉 。」
Dad|then|certainly|is|still dragging|particle|hey|he|fights|Western|boxing|again|how|could have guessed|you|your dad|I|am|Wing Chun|disciple|one stance|given|with the|centerline|bang bang|two hits|then|hit|to|him|whole|mouth|all|is|blood|particle
Dad: "Of course I fought back! He was boxing, how could he have guessed that your dad is a Wing Chun master? I just stood in the centerline and with two quick strikes, I made him bleed all over his mouth."
我 :「係 喎 ,我爭 小小 唔 記得 阿爸 你 以前 成日 同 阿爺 玩 詠春 。」
I|yes|particle indicating realization|I just|a little|not|remember|dad|you|before|always|with|grandpa|play|Wing Chun
Me: "Right, I almost forgot that you used to play Wing Chun with grandpa all the time."
爸 :「係 呀 ,你 死鬼 阿爺 教落 阿爸 嘅 嘢 唔 多 ,除咗 詠春 ,就 係 我 以前 教落 你 哋 嘅 做人 宗旨 ,仲記唔記得 係 乜嘢 呀 ?
Dad|yes|particle|you|dead ghost|grandpa|taught|Dad|possessive particle|things|not|much|except for|Wing Chun|then|is|I|previously|taught|you|plural marker|possessive particle|being a person|principle|still remember|is|what|particle
Dad: "Yes, your late grandpa didn't teach me much, besides Wing Chun, it was the principles of being a good person that I used to teach you all. Do you still remember what they are?"
」我 :「記得 ,做人 要 有 原則 ,唔係 自己 嘅 嘢 就 唔好 攞 人 ,自己 做開 嘅 嘢 就 自己 做 埋 佢 丫 嘛 。」
I|remember|being a person|must|have|principles|not|oneself|possessive particle|things|then|shouldn't|take|others|oneself|doing|possessive particle|things|then|oneself|do|also|it|particle|particle
I: "Remember, when being a person, you must have principles. If it's not yours, don't take it from others. What you start, you should finish it yourself."
爸 :「哈哈 ,係 呀 係 呀 。」
Dad: "Haha, yes, yes."
爸爸 同 我 笑 咗 幾聲 ,空氣 又 再次 出現 尷尬 嘅 感覺 ,其實 我哋 真 係 好多年 冇 傾過 咁 多計 ,我 一路 諗 ,到底 阿爸 今晚 點解 會 講 咁 多 嘢 ?
dad|with|I|laugh|past tense marker|a few times|air|again|again|appeared|awkward|possessive particle|feeling|actually|we|really|are|many years|not|talked|so|much|I|all the way|think|after all|dad|tonight|why|would|talk|so|much|things
Dad and I laughed a few times, and the air once again felt awkward. In fact, we really haven't talked this much in many years. I kept thinking, why is Dad talking so much tonight?
不過 我 未 諗到 ,佢 已經 比緊 答案 我 。
but|I|not yet|thought of|he|already|giving|answer|me
But I hadn't thought that he was already giving me the answer.
爸爸 :「有冇 好 奇怪 ,點解 阿爸 今晚 講 咁 多 嘢 呀 ?
Dad|is there|very|strange|why|Dad|tonight|talk|so|much|things|question particle
Dad: "Isn't it strange, why is Dad talking so much tonight?"
」我 :「其實 …..
I said: "Actually..."
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