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男人唔可以窮Men can't be Poor, 男人唔可以穷 Chapter 2

男人 唔 可以 穷 Chapter 2

收到 Jeffrey 電話 ,我 仲 未 完全 可以 將 我 對 以娜 嘅 憤怒 Mode 轉換 過嚟 ,同 Jeffrey 收線 之後 ,我 行 咗 埋 去 以娜 坐 住 嘅 架 波子 前面 ,我 嘗試 望下 周圍 睇下 見唔見到 頭先 用 呢 架 車 載 住 以娜 嘅 男人 係 邊個 ,不過 我 望 咗 差唔多 半分鐘 ,都 始終 見唔到 我 想 搵 嘅 人 ,呢 個 時候 以娜 打開 咗 隻 窗 ,伸 咗 個 頭 出嚟 問 我

「阿正 ,你 做 乜嘢 呀 ? 頭先 邊個 打俾 你 ? 」「妳 收聲 ! 」我 用 咗 差唔多 連 中環 嘅 邊 嘅 人 都 聽到 嘅 聲線 大叫 ,之後 …

「砰 ! !」我 用盡 生平 最大 嘅 力量 一拳 打 咗 落架 波子 車頭 度 ,我 見到 以娜 個樣 好 驚慌 ,不過 我 冇 理到 ,然後 擰 轉頭 ,就 行 去 前面 停 咗 喺 路邊 嘅 的士 上車 。

我 離開 咗 ,因為 喺 呢 間 波子 前面 ,我 搵 唔 到 我 可以 對抗 佢 嘅 理由 ,以娜 背叛 我 嘅 原因 ,一 早 就 已經 放 咗 喺 我 前面 。 愛情 同 面包 面前 ,乜真 係 有 咁 多 人 會 選擇 前者 咩 ?

我 感覺 輸 咗 , 但 我 覺得 自己 只不過 係 輸 咗 俾 金錢 , 而 唔 係 能力 上 嘅 比較 , 我 認為 只不過 失去 咗 一個 貪錢 嘅 女人 , 我仲有 我 嘅 事業 , 冇 錯 , 我而家 就要 去 處理 我 事業 上 嘅 問題 , 我 好 快 , 我 好 快 就 會 處理 好 。

由上 環返 中環 嘅 車程 好 短 ,我 好快 就 已經 返到 公司 ,我 一 入 門口 ,就 已經 見到 我 老闆 , Marcus Lam 。

「 Marcus ,頭先 Jeffrey 打俾 我 ,佢 話 ….」

「得喇 ,我 交低 咗 俾 Jeffrey ,你 同 佢 傾 。」

講完 , Marcus 就 走咗 ,我 望住 佢 背影 ,感覺到 一陣 寒意 ,呢個 一直以嚟 對 我 照顧 有加 ,教識 我 所有 工作 上 知識 、帶 我 人生 第一次 去 中國 會食 成千 蚊 晚餐 嘅 老闆 ,點解 突然 會 敢 ?

我 冇 諗 太多嘢 ,一支 箭 咁 就 行咗 入 會議室 ,坐 喺 度 嘅 係 Jeffrey 。

Jeffrey Wan ,溫世 男 ,公司 入 面 嘅 業務經理 ,職位 剛剛 好 就 係 高 我 一級 ,平時 因為 大家 工作 範疇 唔 太 接近 嘅 關係 ,我 都 唔 使 ,亦 唔 會 聽 佢 講 嘢 ,而 佢 亦 都 視 我 為 眼中釘 ,因為 佢 一 早 就 想 安插 多 一 個 親戚 坐 我 個 位 。

呢條 仆街 Jeffrey 係 一個 二世祖 ,自細 同 老豆 老母 住 雲景台 ,細細 個 去 美國 讀完 間 野雞大學 ,返嚟 香港 就 日日 落 老籣 溝 鬼妹 ,平時 生活 無憂 ,但 個人 就 冇 乜 能力 ,就 硬 係 鐘意 弄權 ,佢 阿媽 同 Marcus 唔 知 有 乜嘢 交情 ,俾 個 仆街 一 入 嚟 就 坐 呢 個 位 ,全 公司 好多 人 都 唔 妥 佢 。

我 一行 入去 , Jeffrey 見到 我 就 好 撚 串 噉 冷笑 咗 一下

Jeffrey:「正哥 ,乜 你 捨得 返嚟 喇 ? 」我 :「老闆 佢 話 ….. Jeffrey ,發生 咗 乜 野事 ? 」 Jeffrey :「乜野事 ? 上星期 你 訂 嘅 批 風筒 ,你 堅持 要 用 嘅 間 新 運輸 ,我 到 今日 都 未搵到 ,頭先 我 打 去 船 公司 查 ,批貨 根本 冇 交到 去 ,而家 間 船 都 開 咗 ,你 話 批貨 到底 去 咗 邊 ? 」 我 :「 冇 可能 , 我 今朝 仲打 俾 個 運輸 佬 , 佢 話 今晚 會 fax 返 交貨單 畀 我 , 我 打 去 問問 佢 。」 Jeffrey:「你 唔使 打 喇 ,我 已經 打咗 。」

我 唔 理 Jeffrey 講 嘅 野 ,打 去 俾 個 運輸 佬 ,但 打 咗 十幾 次 都 冇 人 聽 。

Jeffrey:「點呀 ? 搵 唔 到 呀 ? 」 我 :「 搵 唔 到 , 我 聽 日會 跟 住 個 地址 去 佢 公司 搵 一次 , 一定 會查 清楚 件 事 。」 Jeffrey:「 唔 使 喇 , 【 林生 】 叫 你 放下 假先 , 清 咗 你 未 放 嘅 大 假 , 先返 公司 慢慢 處理 , 至於 批貨 , 要 報警 定 係 上間 運輸 公司 問 清楚 , 我 自有 安排 。」

我 :「 唔 需要 , 我 嘅 工作 你 完全 唔 知 , 我會 自己 向 【 林生 】 講 。」

Jeffrey:「 正哥 , 頭先 【 林生 】 冇 同 你 講成 單野 已經 俾 咗 我 跟 ? 你 唔 會仲以 為 【 林生 】 好 信 你 , 年 幾前 你 細佬爭 人 錢 搞 到 有 大耳窿 上 嚟 公司 大吵大鬧 嘅 時 開始 , 【 林生 】 已經 唔 鐘意 你 , 乜 你 唔 知 ? 」我 :「你 唔好 再 拎 呢 單野 出嚟 講 ! 」 Jeffrey :「唔 好講 ? 我哋 仲 知 你 細佬 呢 幾日 就 出監 ,你 屋企 應該 會 等 錢 使 架 可 ? 」我 :「你 講 乜野 呀 ? 」 Jeffrey :「我 講 乜野 心照 啦 ,要 講 嘅 已經 講完 ,聽日 Rocky 會 暫代 你 個位 ,有 乜野 唔 明 就 會 打俾 你 問 ,記得 開住 電話 呀 。 我而家 走 喇 ,你 走 嘅 時 記得 熄燈 ,俾返 小小 貢獻 公司 呀 。」

講完 , Jeffrey 條 仆街 就 走 咗 ,我 坐 咗 喺 公司 ,一路 咁 諗 ,點解 一日 之內 ,我 會 黑到 好似 俾 人 落 咗 降頭 一樣 ,期間 以娜 打 咗 幾次 俾 我 ,但 我 冇 聽到 ,所有 事 都 嚟 得 太 快 ,我 一路 發呆 ,一路 開住 部 電腦 玩 拆 炸彈 ,一路 玩 到 半夜 三點 。

我 坐 住 N961 返 屯門 市中心 嘅 屋企 , 打開門 , 燈 都 未開 就 坐 咗 喺 梳 化 , 突然 間 有人 開 咗 廁所 燈 , 我 探頭 望望 , 面前 出現 嘅 , 係 一個 我 好 耐 冇 見 過 嘅 臉孔 , 我 一年 前 因為 持械 行劫 而 去 咗 坐監 嘅 親生 細佬 – 薛可勇 。

望到 可勇 ,我 先 醒起 ,原來 佢 今日 放監 出嚟 。

我 更加 醒起 ,我地 兩 兄弟 最後 一次 見面 ,應該 係 佢 犯事 俾 人 拉 嘅 晚 ,我 喺 差館 當住 幾十 人面 打 咗 佢 一巴 。

佢 坐監 初期 嘅 段 時間 ,我 因為 嬲 ,未曾 試 過去 探 佢 ,到 後來 過 咗 兩個 星期 冇 咁 嬲 想 去 探 佢 ,點知 又 發生 佢 之前 爭落 錢 嘅 班 收 數 佬 上 我 公司 搞事 ,跟住 嘅 ,就 緊 係 我 更加 嬲 ,一路 到 今日 ,我 先 真正 見返 佢 ,佢 ,好似 瘦 咗 。

原來 我 地 兩 兄弟 冇 見 已經 一 年 有 多 。

佢 望住 我 笑一笑 ,行入 廁所 ,拎 咗 盤水 出嚟 走過 我 身邊 。

可勇 :「 哥 , 唔 記得 沖 完涼 倒 咗 盤 【 碌 柚葉水 】 , 你 咁 夜 嘅 ? 加班 呀 ? 」 當時 嘅 我 心情 其實 好差 , 以 娜 嘅 出軌 、 公司 唔 見 貨 嘅 含冤 , 令 我 已經 覺得 好 辛苦 好 辛苦 , 而家 見 番 一年 幾 冇 見 嘅 細佬 , 雖然 曾經 佢 做錯事 , 雖然 佢 有 連累 我 喺 公司 俾 人 閒話 , 但 始終 二十幾年 嘅 兄弟 情 , 令 我 好 想 埋 去 攬 一 攬 佢 , 問侯 佢 一句 。 可惜 我 冇 。

我 :「係 呀 ,我 忙 到 連 你 出返嚟 都 唔 記得 咗 ,今日 係 阿媽 接 你 ? 」 可勇 :「 冇 , 係 【 阿栽 】 接 我 。」 我 :「 阿媽 明明 話會 去 接 你 , 你 又 避開 佢 ? 」可勇 :「邊有 ,我 等 咗 陣 見 唔 到 咪 走 先 囉 。」 我 :「大個 仔喇 ,阿媽 呢 一年 為 你 嘅 事 好 傷神 ,唔 好 再 成日 唔 理 佢 。」

可勇 :「 我知 喇哥 , 係 呀 我 同 【 阿栽 】 出去 , 你 都 早 小小 休息 。」

我 :「有冇 錢 使 ,阿哥 俾 住 幾佰蚊 你 責袋 先 。」

可勇 :「 唔 使 喇 , 【 阿栽 】 佢 今日 還返 之前 借 我 嘅 幾千 蚊 俾 我 , 我 走 喇 , 哥 。」

可勇 呢 個 朋友 【 阿栽 】 , 細個 同 我 地 一樣 住 友愛 邨 一齊 大 , 平時 工都 唔 願番 , 日日 都 係 問 屋企 拎 錢 。 為 人 縮骨 無品 厚 面皮 ,又 鐘意 做 波羅雞 ,所以 一向 我 都 唔 係 好 鐘意 佢 ,我 成日 認為 可勇 之所以 學壞 搞到 要 坐監 都 係 因 為 佢 ,聽見 可勇 話 佢 有 幾千 蚊 還返 俾 佢 ,我 都 覺得 有 小小 奇怪 ,好 怕 佢 地 兩個 走 埋 一齊 又 會 唔 知 做 乜嘢 犯法 嘅 事 。

呢 個 時候 ,突然 一下 好 大聲 嘅 煞車 聲 打斷 咗 我 嘅 思維 ,我 行 出 窗 ,見到 一架 新款 Audi 停 咗 喺 我 樓下 ,打開 車門 嘅 係 一條 西裝 友 ,我 再 望 真 小小

「 咦 , 呢 個 咪 係 【 阿栽 】 ? 」第二日 ,一早 起身 ,望望 電話 ,有 十幾個 未接 來電 ,其中 有 八成 都 係 以娜 打黎 ,另外 其他 就 係 公司 嘅 同事 。 我 打返 公司 問問 平時 都 傾到 兩句 計 嘅 同事 我 走 咗 之後 嘅 情況 ,佢 話 Jeffrey 條唔 知乜野 親戚 Rocky 已經 坐 咗 我 個 位 接手 我 嘅 野 ,我 聽到 之後 覺得 好 無奈 ,我 平日 盡忠職守 ,克【克儉】儉 咁 為 公司 做事 ,而家 一件 小小 嘅 誤會 就 咁 樣 對 我 ?

我 好 嬲 , 我 決定 先 解決 我 另外 一個 問題 , 打 俾 以娜 。

由禽 晚 我 打完 架 波子 一 鎚 再 離開 以娜 之後 ,佢 足足 打 咗 十幾 廿次 電話 俾 我 ,但 我 全部 都 冇 聽到 ,對於 呢 個 現象 我 係 自己 感覺良好 ,我 覺得 代表 咗 以娜 著緊 我 同埋 唔 想 失去 我 ,所以 而家 打 咗 十幾次 黎 想 我 原諒 佢 。

所以 我而家 就 打個 電話 狂鬧 佢 一 鑊 出氣 ,再 諗下 點 收埋 個 尾 ,求其 搵 小小 野 罰 佢 ,咁 就 可以 解決 咗 感情 上 嘅 問題 ,全心全意 咁 諗 下 點 對付 公司 嘅 Jeffrey 同 拆返 掂 唔見 咗 貨 嘅 單 野 ,當 我 坐 喺 梳化 正 準備 打 電話 俾 以 娜 嘅 時 ,可勇 開 門 返咗 黎 。

基於 我 本意 係 想 打 去俾 以娜 屌 佢 一 鑊 ,所以 我 唔 想俾 可勇 聽到 ,我 起身 打算 行入 房 先 打 。

可勇 :「哥 咁 早 嘅 ? 」 我 :「 係 呀 , 你 又 同 【 阿栽 】 去 街 去 到 天光 , 係 喎 , 我 禽晚 望 落 樓下 , 見 【 阿栽 】 條友 仔 好似 幾 好景 咁 喎 。」 可勇 :「係 呀 ,佢 而家 做 乜鬼野 倫敦 金 ,同 我 講 早 排 搞掂 咗 個 大 客 過 咗 一千萬 幫 佢 開 戶口 ,而家 晚晚 係 咁 意落 兩 轉 單 都 搵 到 兩三 倍 野 ,禽晚 咪 係 佢 收市 之後 黎 車 我 同 佢 班 同事 去 玩 囉 。」

「係 呀 ? 咁 叻仔 呀 佢 ? 咁 你 都 早 小小 訓喇 。」 我 求 其 講 兩句 就 行返 入房 ,心 諗 晚晚 係 咁 意 打個 電話 都 搵 到 我 成個 月 嘅 人工 ? 呢 個 世界 仲 有 人 做 雞 嘅 ? 呢 條 【 阿栽 】 都 唔 知 係 做 緊 乜野 仆街 野 。

但 我 當然 唔 會 為 呢 種 事 上心 啦 ,我 冥想 咗 五分鐘 ,諗 好 哂 以娜 大約 會 同 我 講 乜 野 佢 係 貪玩 之類 嘅 廢話 ,而 我 又 需要 同 佢 講 乜 野 教訓 佢 之後 再 去 原諒 佢 。

諗 好 哂 ,我 拎起 我 嘅 部 背景 係 我 攬住 以娜 嘅 Sony W801i

「 給我 一團 熊火 試煉 我 , 証 明 我 這麼 恨 恨 愛過 , 期望 不 多 只要 …..」 電話 傳 黎 嘅 係 以娜 嘅 接駁 鈴聲 , 我 再 一次 準備 我 已經 諗 好 咗 嘅 台 詞 。

「喂 ,阿正 ? 」「點呀 ? 」第一招 ,扮沮喪

「今晚 你 得唔得閒 ,我 想 搵 你 。」 嘿 ,咁 直接 即係 表示 妳 好 想 我 盡快 原諒 妳

「我 未知 喎 ,有事 咩 ? 」「我 想 上 你 屋企 執返 哂 所有 野 ,仲有 我本 特區 護照 同 旅行 嘅 個 行李箱 ,我 下星期 要 同 同事 去 星加坡 做野 呀 。」 聽到 以娜 咁 講 ,我 有 小小 錯愕 ,更加 有 小小 恐懼 。

佢 唔 係 貪玩 ,亦 唔 係 黎 認錯 ,佢 係 黎 為 我 地 呢 段 感情 蓋棺 。

我 :「嗯 ,今晚 拎俾 妳 。」

以娜 :「好 丫 ,唔該 哂 。」

以娜 從容 嘅 聲線 令 我 完全 感覺 唔 到 佢 有 任何 唔 開心 , 大姐 而家 我 哋 分手 喎 , 妳 俾 我 見到 妳 同 第二條 友 喺 車 度 咀 咗 啖 喎 , 妳 仲 好意思 咁 好 心情 同 我 好 丫 唔 該 哂 ?

當晚 , 我 哋 約 咗 喺 【 長江 中心 】 下面 嘅 【 大家樂 】 等 , 原因 係 , 以娜 有 客 喺 呢 邊 要 見 , 而 佢 俾 我 嘅 時間 係 : 十分鐘 。

我 特登 搵 一個 轉角 位 黎 坐 ,因為 我 唔 知道 一陣 我 會 唔 會 發脾氣 。

等 咗 十五分鐘 ,以娜 匆忙 咁 黎到 。

以娜 :「對唔住 阿正 ,我 遲 咗 。」

我 冇 答到 以娜 ,因為 我 目光 停留 咗 喺 佢 嘅 個 全新 黑色 加 彩色 花 唔 知 係 乜野 款 嘅 LV 手袋 度 ,呢 個 袋 之前 行 置地 嘅 時 佢 有 同 我 睇 過 ,但 好似 要 成 八千 幾 蚊 ,以 我 原則 手袋 係 要 黎 裝野 ,並唔 係 用黎 演野 ,我 係 唔 會 亦都 唔 準 佢 買 。

我 :「到底 發生 乜野事 ? 」我 單刀直入 。 以娜 :「冇 野 呀 ,係 呀 ,我 好 趕時間 ,我個 護照 呢 ? 你 屋企 上面 我嘅 野 我 遲 小小 先 拎返 ,得唔得 呀 ? 」以娜 估作 輕鬆 嘅 樣 ,有 一剎那 我 真 係 覺得 好 撚 好 撚 討厭 。 我 :「點解 要 分手 ? 點解 你 會 上 咗 嘅 個人 嘅 車 ? 」我 已經 講唔出 ,點解 你哋 會 錫 咗 一 啖 。 以娜 :「好來好去 ,你 就 當 我 變心 。」

我 :「乜 撚 野 叫 當 ? ,唔係 妳 唔通 係 我 ? 」以娜 :「夠喇 ,我 走喇 ,唔 想 再 嘈 ,我 去完 星加玻 返黎 先 再 傾 。」 以娜 講完 就 起身 拎起 手袋 想 走 ,我 即刻 起身 擋住 佢 。

以娜 :「薛可正 ,行開 。」

我 :「 唔 講清楚 , 我 唔 會 俾 妳 走 。」

以娜 放低 個袋 ,好 不屑 咁 望住 我 :

「點樣 唔俾 我 走 ? 好似 你 唔俾 我 想 做 我 嘅 野 咁 ? 」我 冇 出聲 ,我 想 聽 佢 講 到底 佢 有 乜 野 諗 法 。 以娜 :「記唔記得 邊個 Edith ? 」我 當然 記得 , Edith 同 阿火 係 我 同 以娜 一對 共同 朋友 ,兩年 前 Edith 識 咗 一個 有錢 佬 就 飛咗 阿火 ,當時 阿火 仲 要生要死 ,最後 飲醉 咗 喺 二樓 跌 咗 落 街 整斷 咗 隻 腳 ,最後 搞 到 工 又 冇 ,腳 又 唔 多 靈活 ,朋友 都 冇 見 ,最後 聽到 佢 嘅 消息 好似 話 返咗 大陸 。 我 :「嘅 個 貪錢 港女 丫嘛 。」

以娜 :「冇 錯 ,就 係 嘅 個 你哋 口中 嘅 貪錢 港女 ,人哋 而家 仔 都 四個月 ,日日 坐 喺 佢 老公 打本 嘅 畫廊 度 不知 幾 滿足 ,你 仲 記 唔 記得 佢 以前 同 阿火 係 點過 日子 ? 」以娜 咁 講 我 亦 記得返 ,嘅 時 Edith 係 做 空姐 ,而 阿火 就 係 裝修佬 一名 ,初初 一齊 嘅 時 阿火 仲 有 工 開 都 幾 甜蜜 ,到 後來 開工 唔 夠 ,就 日日 坐 屋企 打機 ,由 天堂 1 打到 魔獸 ,佢 仲 同 我 講 ,有次 同 Edith 嗌交 嗌 到 差唔多 分手 ,原因 係 Edith 老母 生日 ,佢 因 為 要 奇岩 守城 而 冇 去 到 。 我 :「挑 ,講到 尾 又 咪 係 貪錢 。」

見到 個 新 嘅 LV ,加埋 嘅 日 嘅 架 波子 ,我 直覺 認為 以娜 係 因為 錢 先 離開 我 ,所以 我 諗 住 指桑 黑槐 咁 單打 一下 以娜 。

以娜 :「邊個 唔 貪錢 ? 你 咪 一樣 日日 同 我 提住 想 你 公司 加 人工 俾 你 ,錢 邊個 嫌多 ? 人哋 而家 結埋 婚 老公 日日 放工 就 渣車 接 佢 返屋企 ,同 阿火 一齊 嘅 時 呢 ? Edith 呢頭 飛 嘅 度 條 仆街 就 返 大陸 叫雞 喇 。」

呢 一樣 係 以 娜 喺 我 Msn 同 阿 火 嘅 對話 偷睇 到 。

我 :「咁 關 我哋 乜野事 ? 」以娜 :「我 兩年 前 想學 跳舞 ,你 話 無謂 ,最後 我要 自己 偷偷地 走去 學 。」 我 :「 我 平時 做野 時間 都 忙 到 想訓 都 冇 , 妳 無 啦 啦 學乜野 跳舞 ? 時間 好多 呀 ? 」以娜 :「一年 前 我 話 儲定 錢 第時 買樓 ,你 話 你 而家 屋企 有 層 樓 ,第時 結咗婚 裝修 下間 屋 就 可以 一齊 住 ,仲 可以 同 世伯 伯母 有 個 照應 。」 我 :「有 乜野 唔 好 ? 我 供 而家 層樓 都 供 到 死死 下 ,仲 邊 有 錢 儲 多份 ? 」 以娜 :「 生日 係 食 【 翠華 】 , 聖誕 係 食 【 麥 奀 記 】 , 連同 我 屋企 人食 飯 都 係 揀 咗 平 嘅 先 。」 我 :「咁 有 乜野 問題 ,都 係 食 一餐飯 之 嘛 。」

以娜 :「你 永遠 將我 當做 你 嘅 附屬品 ,我 同 你 拍拖 ,你 就要 將 你 嘅 世界 同 我 世界 融合 ,但 你 只不過 係 將我 世界 摧毀 ,跟住 將 我 放入 你 嘅 世界 度 ,跳舞 係 我 由細到大 嘅 興趣 ,拍拖 三年 你 都 根本 唔 上心 。

想買樓 係 我 需要 我 將來 嘅 空間 ,我 只不過 唔 想 起身 要 等 廁所 用 ,又 或者 係 想 同 幾個 朋友 返 屋企 傾下 計 嘅 時 唔 需要 擔心 嘈到 屋企 其他人 。

不過 你 講得 冇 錯 ,只不過 係 食 一餐飯 ,因為 你 心目中 你 所 擁有 嘅 野 先 係 最 重要 ,你 覺得 食乜野 都 唔 重要 ,咁 我 甚至 係 我 嘅 家人 都 要 跟 埋 你 咁 諗 ,到底 你 有 冇 尊重 過 我 ,或者 係 我 屋企 人 ?

就 好似 阿火 咁 , Edith 走 嘅 時 佢 就 要 生 要死 ,有 冇 諗過 自己 去 叫雞 嘅 時 係 幾 對唔住 Edith 呀 ? 」我 估唔到 以娜 所講 嘅 會 係 呢 堆 我 冇 諗過 嘅 野 ,一時間 我 唔知 點答 。 以娜 :「 你 唔 使 再 望 住 我 呢 個 袋 , 呢 個 袋 係 之前 你 唔 俾 我 買 嘅 個 , 我 想 用 買 呢 個袋 黎話 俾 自己 聽 , 以後 , 我 應該 行返入 我 自己 嘅 世界 , 做 我 想 做 嘅 野 , 搵 我 想 搵 嘅 路 。

我 諗 你 唔 會 再 唔俾 我 走 。 ByeBye ! 」 就 係 咁 , 以娜 消失 咗 喺 我 眼前 , 我個腦 一路 諗 住 佢 講 嘅 野 , 似是而非 , 我 可以 諗 到 好多 藉口 去 反駁 , 但 係 呢 , 由 以 娜 嘅 態度 嘅 嚟 睇 , 就算 我駁 到 咁 又點 , 佢 已經 唔 會 變返 以前 嘅 個 以 娜 。 行出 【 大家樂 】 , 心神恍惚 嘅 我 望 都 冇 望 就 行 咗 出 馬路 。 「 呠 !!」 突然 一架 車 從 我 右邊 衝 出 嚟 , 我 嚇 到 成 個人 坐 咗 落地 , 架車 一 停 , 個 西裝 友 司機 一落車 就 想 屌 柒 我 。 「 我 屌 你 老母 你 點過 馬 ………. 咦 , 你 咪 係 正哥 ?」

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男人 唔 可以 穷 Chapter 2 man|not|can|poor|chapter Männer dürfen nicht arm seinKapitel 2 男人唔可以穷 Chapter 2 Men cannot be poor Chapter 2

收到 Jeffrey 電話 ,我 仲 未 完全 可以 將 我 對 以娜 嘅 憤怒 Mode 轉換 過嚟 ,同 Jeffrey 收線 之後 ,我 行 咗 埋 去 以娜 坐 住 嘅 架 波子 前面 ,我 嘗試 望下 周圍 睇下 見唔見到 頭先 用 呢 架 車 載 住 以娜 嘅 男人 係 邊個 ,不過 我 望 咗 差唔多 半分鐘 ,都 始終 見唔到 我 想 搵 嘅 人 ,呢 個 時候 以娜 打開 咗 隻 窗 ,伸 咗 個 頭 出嚟 問 我 |||還未|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| received|Jeffrey|phone|I|still|not|completely|able|to transfer|I|towards|Yina|possessive particle|anger|mode|switch|over|with|Jeffrey|hang up|after|I|walked|past tense marker|over|to|Yina|sitting|particle indicating continuous action|possessive particle|classifier for vehicles|car|in front|I|tried|to look around|surroundings|to see|if I could see|earlier|used|this|classifier for vehicles|car|to carry|particle indicating continuous action|Yina|possessive particle|man|is|who|but|I|looked|past tense marker|almost|half a minute|still|ultimately|couldn't see|I|wanted|to find|possessive particle|person|this|classifier for people|time|Yina|opened|past tense marker|classifier for objects|window|stretched|past tense marker|classifier for people|head|out|asked|me After receiving a call from Jeffrey, I still couldn't completely switch my anger towards Yina. After hanging up with Jeffrey, I walked over to the car where Yina was sitting. I tried to look around to see if I could spot the man who had just driven Yina in this car, but after looking for almost half a minute, I still couldn't find the person I was looking for. At that moment, Yina opened the window and leaned out to ask me.

「阿正 ,你 做 乜嘢 呀 ? Ah Cheng|you|do|what|question particle "Ah Zheng, what are you doing?" 頭先 邊個 打俾 你 ? just now|who|called|you "Who called you just now?" 」「妳 收聲 ! you|be quiet "Shut up!" 」我 用 咗 差唔多 連 中環 嘅 邊 嘅 人 都 聽到 嘅 聲線 大叫 ,之後 … I|used|past tense marker|almost|including|Central|possessive particle|which|possessive particle|people|all|heard|possessive particle|voice|shouted|afterwards I shouted at the top of my lungs, almost everyone in Central could hear me, and then ...

「砰 ! bang Bang! !」我 用盡 生平 最大 嘅 力量 一拳 打 咗 落架 波子 車頭 度 ,我 見到 以娜 個樣 好 驚慌 ,不過 我 冇 理到 ,然後 擰 轉頭 ,就 行 去 前面 停 咗 喺 路邊 嘅 的士 上車 。 I|used up|in my life|greatest|possessive particle|strength|one punch|hit|past tense marker|on the|ball|front of the car|at|I|saw|Yina|her face|very|panicked|but|I|did not|pay attention to|then|turned|head|then|walked|to|in front|stopped|past tense marker|at|roadside|possessive particle|taxi|got in the car I used all my strength to punch the front of the car, and I saw Yina's face was very scared, but I didn't care, then I turned around and walked to the taxi parked by the roadside.

我 離開 咗 ,因為 喺 呢 間 波子 前面 ,我 搵 唔 到 我 可以 對抗 佢 嘅 理由 ,以娜 背叛 我 嘅 原因 ,一 早 就 已經 放 咗 喺 我 前面 。 I|left|past tense marker|because|at|this|classifier for buildings|bully|in front of|I|find|not|to|I|can|fight against|him|possessive particle|reason|Yina|betrayal|me|possessive particle|reason|one|early|already|already|put|past tense marker|at|my|in front of I left because in front of this car, I couldn't find a reason to fight against him, the reason for Yina's betrayal had already been laid out in front of me. 愛情 同 面包 面前 ,乜真 係 有 咁 多 人 會 選擇 前者 咩 ? ||||真係||||||||| love|and|bread|in front of|really|is|have|so|many|people|will|choose|former|question particle In the face of love and bread, is there really that many people who would choose the former?

我 感覺 輸 咗 , 但 我 覺得 自己 只不過 係 輸 咗 俾 金錢 , 而 唔 係 能力 上 嘅 比較 , 我 認為 只不過 失去 咗 一個 貪錢 嘅 女人 , 我仲有 我 嘅 事業 , 冇 錯 , 我而家 就要 去 處理 我 事業 上 嘅 問題 , 我 好 快 , 我 好 快 就 會 處理 好 。 ||lost||||||||||||||||||||think|||||greedy for money||||||career||||||||||||||||||||| I feel like I've lost, but I think I've only lost to money, not in terms of ability. I believe I've just lost a money-hungry woman. I still have my career. That's right, I need to deal with the issues in my career now. I'll handle it quickly, very quickly.

由上 環返 中環 嘅 車程 好 短 ,我 好快 就 已經 返到 公司 ,我 一 入 門口 ,就 已經 見到 我 老闆 , Marcus Lam 。 from above|return to|Central|possessive particle|drive|very|short|I|very quickly|then|already|returned to|company|I|one|enter|entrance|then|already|saw|my|boss|Marcus|Lam The drive from Sheung Wan back to Central is very short. I quickly returned to the office. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my boss, Marcus Lam.

「 Marcus ,頭先 Jeffrey 打俾 我 ,佢 話 ….」 Marcus|just now|Jeffrey|called|me|he|said "Marcus, Jeffrey just called me, he said..."

「得喇 ,我 交低 咗 俾 Jeffrey ,你 同 佢 傾 。」 好啦||||||||| okay|I|submitted|past tense marker|to|Jeffrey|you|with|him|discuss "That's enough, I've handed it over to Jeffrey, you discuss it with him."

講完 , Marcus 就 走咗 ,我 望住 佢 背影 ,感覺到 一陣 寒意 ,呢個 一直以嚟 對 我 照顧 有加 ,教識 我 所有 工作 上 知識 、帶 我 人生 第一次 去 中國 會食 成千 蚊 晚餐 嘅 老闆 ,點解 突然 會 敢 ? ||||||||||||||||一直以來|||||||||||||||||||||| after finishing speaking|Marcus|then|left|I|looking at|him|silhouette|felt|a moment of|chill|this|all along|towards|me|care|has been generous|taught|me|all|work|related to|knowledge|took|me|life|first time|to go|China|dining|thousands|dollars|dinner|possessive particle|boss|why|suddenly|would|dare After saying that, Marcus left. I looked at his back and felt a chill. This is the boss who has always taken care of me, taught me all the knowledge about work, and took me to China for the first time to have a dinner worth thousands. Why would he suddenly be so bold?

我 冇 諗 太多嘢 ,一支 箭 咁 就 行咗 入 會議室 ,坐 喺 度 嘅 係 Jeffrey 。 I|didn't|think|too much|a|arrow|like that|then|walked|into|meeting room|sitting|at|place|possessive particle|is|Jeffrey I didn't think too much, just like an arrow, I walked into the meeting room, and sitting there was Jeffrey.

Jeffrey Wan ,溫世 男 ,公司 入 面 嘅 業務經理 ,職位 剛剛 好 就 係 高 我 一級 ,平時 因為 大家 工作 範疇 唔 太 接近 嘅 關係 ,我 都 唔 使 ,亦 唔 會 聽 佢 講 嘢 ,而 佢 亦 都 視 我 為 眼中釘 ,因為 佢 一 早 就 想 安插 多 一 個 親戚 坐 我 個 位 。 Jeffrey|Wan|Wun|male|company|in|inside|possessive particle|business manager|position|just|right|then|is|higher|me|one level|usually|because|everyone|work|scope|not|too|close|possessive particle|relationship|I|also|not|need|also|not|will|hear|he|speak|things|and|he|also|also|see|me|as|thorn in the eye|because|he|one|early|already|wanted|to place|more|one|measure word|relative|to sit|my|measure word|position Jeffrey Wan, a man from the Wan family, is the business manager in the company, and his position is just one level above mine. Usually, because our work areas don't overlap much, I don't need to, nor do I want to listen to him speak, and he also sees me as a thorn in his side because he has long wanted to place a relative in my position.

呢條 仆街 Jeffrey 係 一個 二世祖 ,自細 同 老豆 老母 住 雲景台 ,細細 個 去 美國 讀完 間 野雞大學 ,返嚟 香港 就 日日 落 老籣 溝 鬼妹 ,平時 生活 無憂 ,但 個人 就 冇 乜 能力 ,就 硬 係 鐘意 弄權 ,佢 阿媽 同 Marcus 唔 知 有 乜嘢 交情 ,俾 個 仆街 一 入 嚟 就 坐 呢 個 位 ,全 公司 好多 人 都 唔 妥 佢 。 |混蛋||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| this|bastard|Jeffrey|is|a|second generation rich kid|since young|with|father|mother|live|Yun King Terrace|little|when|went|America|finished studying|a|low-tier university|returned|Hong Kong|then|every day|driving|luxury car|picking up|white girls|usually|life|worry-free|but|person|just|has no|any|ability|just|stubbornly|is|likes|abusing power|he|mother|with|Marcus|not|know|have|any|relationship|let|the|bastard|one|in|come|then|sit|this|the|seat|whole|company|many|people|all|not|okay|him This bastard Jeffrey is a second-generation rich kid. He grew up living in Cloud View Terrace with his parents, went to a mediocre university in the United States, and when he returned to Hong Kong, he spent every day chasing after foreign girls. His life is carefree, but he has no real ability and just loves to wield power. His mother has some unknown connection with Marcus, and as soon as this bastard came in, he sat in this position, which many people in the company are not happy about.

我 一行 入去 , Jeffrey 見到 我 就 好 撚 串 噉 冷笑 咗 一下 I|group|went in|Jeffrey|saw|me|then|very|vulgar intensifier|sarcastic|like that|sneer|past tense marker|a little As I walked in, Jeffrey saw me and gave a very sarcastic smirk.

Jeffrey:「正哥 ,乜 你 捨得 返嚟 喇 ? |Brother Cheng|why|you|willing to|come back|particle indicating completed action Jeffrey: "Hey, brother, are you really willing to come back?" 」我 :「老闆 佢 話 ….. Jeffrey ,發生 咗 乜 野事 ? I|boss|he|said|Jeffrey|happened|past tense marker|what|incident I: "Boss, he said... Jeffrey, what happened?" 」 Jeffrey :「乜野事 ? Jeffrey|what happened Jeffrey: "What happened?" 上星期 你 訂 嘅 批 風筒 ,你 堅持 要 用 嘅 間 新 運輸 ,我 到 今日 都 未搵到 ,頭先 我 打 去 船 公司 查 ,批貨 根本 冇 交到 去 ,而家 間 船 都 開 咗 ,你 話 批貨 到底 去 咗 邊 ? last week|you|ordered|past tense marker|batch|fan|you|insisted|to use|using|past tense marker|classifier for companies|new|transportation|I|until|today|also|haven't found|just now|I|called|to|shipping|company|check|shipment|at all|not|delivered|to|now|classifier for companies|ship|also|opened|past tense marker|you|said|shipment|in the end|went|past tense marker|where Last week, the batch of exhaust fans you ordered, the new transport company you insisted on using, I still haven't found it until today. I just called the shipping company to check, and the goods haven't been delivered at all. The ship has already set sail, so where did the goods go?" 」 我 :「 冇 可能 , 我 今朝 仲打 俾 個 運輸 佬 , 佢 話 今晚 會 fax 返 交貨單 畀 我 , 我 打 去 問問 佢 。」 ||||||||||||||fax||||||||| I: "That's impossible. I called the transport guy this morning, and he said he would fax me the delivery note tonight. I'll call him to ask." Jeffrey:「你 唔使 打 喇 ,我 已經 打咗 。」 |you|don't need to|hit|past tense particle|I|already|hit Jeffrey: "You don't need to call. I've already called."

我 唔 理 Jeffrey 講 嘅 野 ,打 去 俾 個 運輸 佬 ,但 打 咗 十幾 次 都 冇 人 聽 。 I|not|understand|Jeffrey|said|possessive particle|thing|call|to|give|classifier for people|transport|guy|but|call|past tense marker|more than ten|times|all|no|person|answer I don't care about what Jeffrey said, I called the transport guy, but after calling more than ten times, no one answered.

Jeffrey:「點呀 ? |what's up Jeffrey: "What's up?" 搵 唔 到 呀 ? find|not|arrive|question particle Can't find it? 」 我 :「 搵 唔 到 , 我 聽 日會 跟 住 個 地址 去 佢 公司 搵 一次 , 一定 會查 清楚 件 事 。」 ||||||||||||||||||clear|| I: "Can't find it. I will go to his company tomorrow to look for it once, I will definitely get to the bottom of this." Jeffrey:「 唔 使 喇 , 【 林生 】 叫 你 放下 假先 , 清 咗 你 未 放 嘅 大 假 , 先返 公司 慢慢 處理 , 至於 批貨 , 要 報警 定 係 上間 運輸 公司 問 清楚 , 我 自有 安排 。」 ||||Mr. Lam|||put down|leave work|clear|||yet||||holiday|||||as for|batch of goods||report to the police||or||transportation|||clear||will have|arrangements Jeffrey: "No need, Mr. Lam told you to take your leave first, clear the long leave you haven't taken yet, then return to the company to handle things slowly. As for the goods, whether to report to the police or ask the transport company for clarification, I will make my own arrangements."

我 :「 唔 需要 , 我 嘅 工作 你 完全 唔 知 , 我會 自己 向 【 林生 】 講 。」 Me: "No need, you have no idea about my work, I will talk to Mr. Lam myself."

Jeffrey:「 正哥 , 頭先 【 林生 】 冇 同 你 講成 單野 已經 俾 咗 我 跟 ? |||Mr. Lam|||||thing|||||following Jeffrey:「 正哥 , 頭先 【林生】 沒有 和 你 講成 單野 已經給了 我 跟 ? Jeffrey: "Brother Cheng, didn't Mr. Lam just tell you that he has already given me the follow-up?" 你 唔 會仲以 為 【 林生 】 好 信 你 , 年 幾前 你 細佬爭 人 錢 搞 到 有 大耳窿 上 嚟 公司 大吵大鬧 嘅 時 開始 , 【 林生 】 已經 唔 鐘意 你 , 乜 你 唔 知 ? |||||||||||younger brother争||money||||loan shark||||a big commotion|||||||||||| 你 不會還以為 【林生】 很 信 你 , 年幾年前 你 弟弟爭人 錢 搞到 有 大耳窿 上來 公司 大吵大鬧 的 時候 開始 , 【林生】 已經 不 喜歡 你 , 什麼 你 不 知道 ? "You don't still think that Mr. Lam trusts you, do you? A couple of years ago, when your younger brother caused a big scene in the company over money, Mr. Lam already didn't like you. Don't you know that?" 」我 :「你 唔好 再 拎 呢 單野 出嚟 講 ! I|you|should not|again|take|this|thing|out|talk 我 :「 你 不要 再 拎 這 件事 出來 說 ! Me: "Don't bring this up again!" 」 Jeffrey :「唔 好講 ? ||好講 Jeffrey|not|good to talk Jeffrey: "Don't talk about it?" 我哋 仲 知 你 細佬 呢 幾日 就 出監 ,你 屋企 應該 會 等 錢 使 架 可 ? ||||幾日||||||||||||| we|still|know|you|younger brother|this|few days|then|released from prison|you|home|should|will|wait|money|use|particle|can We also know that your younger brother will be released from prison in a few days, your family should be waiting for money to use, right? 」我 :「你 講 乜野 呀 ? ||講什麼|| I|you|speak|what|question particle I: "What are you talking about?" 」 Jeffrey :「我 講 乜野 心照 啦 ,要 講 嘅 已經 講完 ,聽日 Rocky 會 暫代 你 個位 ,有 乜野 唔 明 就 會 打俾 你 問 ,記得 開住 電話 呀 。 |||||||||||||||||||||||你問|||||| Jeffrey|I|say|what|understanding|particle|need|say|past tense particle|already|finished speaking|tomorrow|Rocky|will|temporarily replace|your|position|have|what|not|understand|then|will|call|you|ask|remember|keep on|phone|particle Jeffrey: "I’m just saying what we both know, everything that needs to be said has been said. Tomorrow, Rocky will temporarily take your place. If there's anything you don't understand, he will call you to ask. Remember to keep your phone on." 我而家 走 喇 ,你 走 嘅 時 記得 熄燈 ,俾返 小小 貢獻 公司 呀 。」 |||||||||||貢獻|| I now|leave|past tense particle|you|leave|past tense particle|when|remember|turn off the light|give back|a little|contribution|company|sentence-final particle "I’m leaving now, when you leave, remember to turn off the lights, contribute a little to the company."

講完 , Jeffrey 條 仆街 就 走 咗 ,我 坐 咗 喺 公司 ,一路 咁 諗 ,點解 一日 之內 ,我 會 黑到 好似 俾 人 落 咗 降頭 一樣 ,期間 以娜 打 咗 幾次 俾 我 ,但 我 冇 聽到 ,所有 事 都 嚟 得 太 快 ,我 一路 發呆 ,一路 開住 部 電腦 玩 拆 炸彈 ,一路 玩 到 半夜 三點 。 ||條|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| finished talking|Jeffrey|a derogatory term|bastard|then||past tense marker|me|sat||||all the time||||||||blackout||||||voodoo||during that time|||||||||||||||||||all the time|was daydreaming|all the time||the||playing|拆(1)|bomb|||until|midnight|3 AM After saying that, that bastard Jeffrey left. I sat in the company, thinking about why in just one day, I felt like I had been cursed. During this time, Yana called me a few times, but I didn’t hear it. Everything happened too quickly. I was in a daze, playing a bomb disposal game on my computer until three in the morning.

我 坐 住 N961 返 屯門 市中心 嘅 屋企 , 打開門 , 燈 都 未開 就 坐 咗 喺 梳 化 , 突然 間 有人 開 咗 廁所 燈 , 我 探頭 望望 , 面前 出現 嘅 , 係 一個 我 好 耐 冇 見 過 嘅 臉孔 , 我 一年 前 因為 持械 行劫 而 去 咗 坐監 嘅 親生 細佬 – 薛可勇 。 |||||||||||||||||||suddenly|suddenly|||||||peered||||||||||||||face|||||armed robbery|robbery||||prison||||Xue Keyong I took the N961 back to my home in Tuen Mun city center, opened the door, and sat on the sofa without turning on the lights. Suddenly, someone turned on the bathroom light. I peeked out and saw a face I hadn't seen in a long time, my biological younger brother – Cheung Ho-yung, who went to prison a year ago for armed robbery.

望到 可勇 ,我 先 醒起 ,原來 佢 今日 放監 出嚟 。 saw|Ho Wing|I|then|woke up|originally|he|today|released|out Seeing Ho-yung, I suddenly realized that he was released from prison today.

我 更加 醒起 ,我地 兩 兄弟 最後 一次 見面 ,應該 係 佢 犯事 俾 人 拉 嘅 晚 ,我 喺 差館 當住 幾十 人面 打 咗 佢 一巴 。 I|even more|remember|our|two|brothers|last|time|meeting|should|be|he|committing a crime|by|someone|caught|past tense marker|night|I|at|police station|in front of|dozens of|people|hit|past tense marker|him|a slap I remembered that the last time we met was the night he got caught committing a crime, and I slapped him in front of dozens of people at the police station.

佢 坐監 初期 嘅 段 時間 ,我 因為 嬲 ,未曾 試 過去 探 佢 ,到 後來 過 咗 兩個 星期 冇 咁 嬲 想 去 探 佢 ,點知 又 發生 佢 之前 爭落 錢 嘅 班 收 數 佬 上 我 公司 搞事 ,跟住 嘅 ,就 緊 係 我 更加 嬲 ,一路 到 今日 ,我 先 真正 見返 佢 ,佢 ,好似 瘦 咗 。 he|in prison|initially|possessive particle|period|time|I|because|angry|never|tried|to visit|visit|him|until|later|passed|past tense marker|two|weeks|not|so|angry|wanted|to|visit|him|unexpectedly|again|happened|he|previous|dispute over|money|possessive particle|group of|scam|accounting|people|at|my|company|causing trouble|following|possessive particle|then|certainly|is|I|even more|angry|all the way|until|today|I|finally|truly|saw again|him|he|seems|thin|past tense marker In the early days of his imprisonment, I was angry and had never visited him. After two weeks, I wasn't as angry and wanted to visit him, but then the debt collectors he had issues with came to my company to cause trouble, which made me even angrier. Until today, I finally saw him again, and he seemed to have lost weight.

原來 我 地 兩 兄弟 冇 見 已經 一 年 有 多 。 it turns out|I|possessive particle|two|brothers|have not|seen|already|one|year|have|more It turns out that my brother and I haven't seen each other for more than a year.

佢 望住 我 笑一笑 ,行入 廁所 ,拎 咗 盤水 出嚟 走過 我 身邊 。 He|looked at|me|smiled|walked into|bathroom|took|past tense marker|a tray of water|out|walked past|me|beside He smiled at me, walked into the bathroom, and came out with a plate of water, walking past me.

可勇 :「 哥 , 唔 記得 沖 完涼 倒 咗 盤 【 碌 柚葉水 】 , 你 咁 夜 嘅 ? |||||finished showering|||bowl|rolling|pomelo leaf water|||| Kow: "Bro, did you forget to pour the plate of [grapefruit leaf water] after taking a shower? Why are you out so late?" 加班 呀 ? overtime|question particle Working overtime? 」 當時 嘅 我 心情 其實 好差 , 以 娜 嘅 出軌 、 公司 唔 見 貨 嘅 含冤 , 令 我 已經 覺得 好 辛苦 好 辛苦 , 而家 見 番 一年 幾 冇 見 嘅 細佬 , 雖然 曾經 佢 做錯事 , 雖然 佢 有 連累 我 喺 公司 俾 人 閒話 , 但 始終 二十幾年 嘅 兄弟 情 , 令 我 好 想 埋 去 攬 一 攬 佢 , 問侯 佢 一句 。 |||||||Na||infidelity||||goods||grievances||||||||hard|||again|||||||although|once||||||involving||||||gossip||after all|||brother|||||||||a|hug|him||| At that time, I was actually feeling very down. With Na's infidelity and the company's loss of goods, I was already feeling very, very hard. Now seeing a younger brother I haven't seen in over a year, even though he made mistakes in the past and caused me to be gossiped about at work, the bond of over twenty years of brotherhood made me really want to go over and give him a hug and ask how he was. 可惜 我 冇 。 unfortunately|I|don't have Unfortunately, I didn't.

我 :「係 呀 ,我 忙 到 連 你 出返嚟 都 唔 記得 咗 ,今日 係 阿媽 接 你 ? I|yes|particle|I|busy|to the point of|even|you|come back|also|not|remember|past tense marker|today|is|mom|pick up|you Me: "Yes, I was so busy that I even forgot you were coming out. Is Mom picking you up today?" 」 可勇 :「 冇 , 係 【 阿栽 】 接 我 。」 |||Ah Choi|| Kow Yung: "No, it's [Ah Jai] picking me up." 我 :「 阿媽 明明 話會 去 接 你 , 你 又 避開 佢 ? |||||||||avoid| Me: "Mom clearly said she would pick you up, why are you avoiding her?" 」可勇 :「邊有 ,我 等 咗 陣 見 唔 到 咪 走 先 囉 。」 Keung|where|I|wait|past tense marker|moment|see|not|arrive|then|leave|first|final particle Kow Yung: "No, I waited for a while and when I couldn't see her, I just left." 我 :「大個 仔喇 ,阿媽 呢 一年 為 你 嘅 事 好 傷神 ,唔 好 再 成日 唔 理 佢 。」 I|grown|son|mom|this|year|for|you|possessive particle|matters|very|worried|not|very|again|all the time|not|ignore|her Me: "You're a grown-up now, Mom has been very worried about you this year, don't ignore her all the time."

可勇 :「 我知 喇哥 , 係 呀 我 同 【 阿栽 】  出去 , 你 都 早 小小 休息 。」 Kow Yung: "I know, brother, yes, I went out with [Ah Zai], you should rest a bit earlier."

我 :「有冇 錢 使 ,阿哥 俾 住 幾佰蚊 你 責袋 先 。」 I|do (not) have|money|to spend|older brother|give|to borrow|a few hundred dollars|you|pay back|first Me: "Do you have any money? Brother, give me a few hundred dollars first."

可勇 :「 唔 使 喇 , 【 阿栽 】  佢 今日 還返   之前 借 我 嘅 幾千 蚊 俾 我 , 我 走 喇 , 哥 。」 |||||||||borrowed|||||||||| Kow Yung: "No need, [Ah Zai] returned the few thousand dollars he borrowed from me today. I'm leaving now, brother."

可勇 呢 個 朋友 【 阿栽 】 , 細個 同 我 地 一樣 住 友愛 邨 一齊 大 , 平時 工都 唔 願番 , 日日 都 係 問 屋企 拎 錢 。 |||||when we were small||||||Friendship|village||||||wants to return||||||| Kow Yung's friend [Ah Zai] grew up in the same neighborhood as us, he usually doesn't want to work, and every day he just asks his family for money. 為 人 縮骨 無品 厚 面皮 ,又 鐘意 做 波羅雞 ,所以 一向 我 都 唔 係 好 鐘意 佢 ,我 成日 認為 可勇 之所以 學壞 搞到 要 坐監 都 係 因 為 佢 ,聽見 可勇 話 佢 有 幾千 蚊 還返 俾 佢 ,我 都 覺得 有 小小 奇怪 ,好 怕 佢 地 兩個 走 埋 一齊 又 會 唔 知 做 乜嘢 犯法 嘅 事 。 for|person|cowardly|without character|thick|skin|again|likes|to do|pineapple chicken|so|always|I|also|not|am|very|like|him|I|always|believe|Hoh Yung|the reason why|went bad|ended up|to have to|go to jail|all|is|because|for|him|heard|Hoh Yung|said|he|has|several thousand|dollars|returned|to|him|I|also|feel|has|a little|strange|very|afraid|they|plural marker|two|to run|together|together|again|will|not|know|do|what|illegal|possessive particle|things He is a person with no integrity and thick-skinned, and he likes to be a freeloader, so I have never really liked him. I always thought that Kow Yung learned bad things and ended up in jail because of him. Hearing Kow Yung say that [Ah Zai] returned a few thousand dollars to him, I found it a bit strange and was really afraid that the two of them would get together and do something illegal.

呢 個 時候 ,突然 一下 好 大聲 嘅 煞車 聲 打斷 咗 我 嘅 思維 ,我 行 出 窗 ,見到 一架 新款 Audi 停 咗 喺 我 樓下 ,打開 車門 嘅 係 一條 西裝 友 ,我 再 望 真 小小 this|measure word|moment|suddenly|all of a sudden|very|loud|possessive particle|brake|sound|interrupted|past tense marker|I|possessive particle|thinking|I|walked|out|window|saw|a|new model|Audi|parked|past tense marker|at|my|downstairs|opening|car door|possessive particle|is|a|suit|friend|I|again|looked|really|closely At that moment, a sudden loud screeching sound interrupted my thoughts. I walked out the window and saw a new Audi parked downstairs. The person opening the car door was a suited guy. I looked a little closer.

「 咦 , 呢 個 咪 係 【 阿栽 】 ? "Hey, isn't this 【A Zai】?" 」第二日 ,一早 起身 ,望望 電話 ,有 十幾個 未接 來電 ,其中 有 八成 都 係 以娜 打黎 ,另外 其他 就 係 公司 嘅 同事 。 the next day|early in the morning|got up|glanced at|phone|had|more than ten|missed|calls|among them|had|80%|all|were|Yina|calling|other|other|then|were|company|possessive particle|colleagues The next day, I woke up early and checked my phone. There were over ten missed calls, most of which were from Yina, and the others were from colleagues at the company. 我 打返 公司 問問 平時 都 傾到 兩句 計 嘅 同事 我 走 咗 之後 嘅 情況 ,佢 話 Jeffrey 條唔 知乜野 親戚 Rocky 已經 坐 咗 我 個 位 接手 我 嘅 野 ,我 聽到 之後 覺得 好 無奈 ,我 平日 盡忠職守 ,克【克儉】儉 咁 為 公司 做事 ,而家 一件 小小 嘅 誤會 就 咁 樣 對 我 ? I|call back|company|ask|usually|also|talk about|a few sentences|work|possessive particle|colleague|I|leave|past tense marker|after|possessive particle|situation|he|said|Jeffrey|not|know what|relative|Rocky|already|sitting|past tense marker|I|measure word|position|take over|my|possessive particle|work|I|heard|after|felt|very|helpless|I|usually|dedicated|frugal|frugality|frugally|so|for|company|work|now|one|small|possessive particle|misunderstanding|just|like this|way|treat|me I called the company to ask a colleague I usually chat with about what happened after I left. He said that Jeffrey's relative, Rocky, had already taken over my position and my work. After hearing this, I felt very helpless. I usually work diligently and faithfully for the company, and now a small misunderstanding has led to this?

我 好 嬲 , 我 決定 先 解決 我 另外 一個 問題 , 打 俾 以娜 。 I was very angry, and I decided to first resolve my other issue by calling Yina.

由禽 晚 我 打完 架 波子 一 鎚 再 離開 以娜 之後 ,佢 足足 打 咗 十幾 廿次 電話 俾 我 ,但 我 全部 都 冇 聽到 ,對於 呢 個 現象 我 係 自己 感覺良好 ,我 覺得 代表 咗 以娜 著緊 我 同埋 唔 想 失去 我 ,所以 而家 打 咗 十幾次 黎 想 我 原諒 佢 。 by the time|evening|I|finished|classifier for vehicles|ball|one|hit|again|leave|Yina|after|he|fully|make|past tense marker|more than ten|twenty times|phone call|to|me|but|I|all|all|did not|hear|regarding|this|classifier for nouns|phenomenon|I|am|myself|feel good|I|think|represents|past tense marker|Yina|interested in|me|and|not|want|to lose|me|so|now|make|past tense marker|more than ten times|coming|want|me|to forgive|him After I finished playing ball last night, I left Yina, and she called me more than ten times. But I didn't hear any of them. I feel good about this phenomenon; I think it means Yina cares about me and doesn't want to lose me, so she called me more than ten times to ask for my forgiveness.

所以 我而家 就 打個 電話 狂鬧 佢 一 鑊 出氣 ,再 諗下 點 收埋 個 尾 ,求其 搵 小小 野 罰 佢 ,咁 就 可以 解決 咗 感情 上 嘅 問題 ,全心全意 咁 諗 下 點 對付 公司 嘅 Jeffrey 同 拆返 掂 唔見 咗 貨 嘅 單 野 ,當 我 坐 喺 梳化 正 準備 打 電話 俾 以 娜 嘅 時 ,可勇 開 門 返咗 黎 。 so|I right now|just|make a|phone call|yell at|him|one|pot|vent|again|think about|how|settle|the|end|casually|find|small|things|punish|him|then|just|can|solve|past tense marker|emotional|on|possessive particle|problem|wholeheartedly|then|think|about|how|deal with|company|possessive particle|Jeffrey|and|sort out|handle|lost|past tense marker|goods|possessive particle|order|things|when|I|sit|at|sofa|just|preparing|make|phone call|to|Yi|Na|possessive particle|time|Koyung|open|door|returned|here So now I'm going to call her and vent my anger, then think about how to wrap things up. I'll just find a small reason to punish her, and that should solve the emotional issue. I'll focus on how to deal with Jeffrey from the company and sort out the missing goods. Just as I was sitting on the sofa, ready to call Yina, Koyung came home.

基於 我 本意 係 想 打 去俾 以娜 屌 佢 一 鑊 ,所以 我 唔 想俾 可勇 聽到 ,我 起身 打算 行入 房 先 打 。 based on|I|original intention|was|wanted|call|to give|Yina|scold|him|one|frying pan|so|I|not|wanted to let|Hoi Wing|hear|I|got up|planned|to walk into|room|first|call Since my original intention was to call Yina and scold her, I didn't want Koyung to hear it, so I got up and planned to go into the room to make the call.

可勇 :「哥 咁 早 嘅 ? Ho Yung|brother|so|early|question particle Koyung: "Bro, so early?" 」 我 :「 係 呀 , 你 又 同 【 阿栽 】 去 街 去 到 天光 , 係 喎 , 我 禽晚 望 落 樓下 , 見 【 阿栽 】 條友 仔 好似 幾 好景 咁 喎 。」 |||||||||||||||||||||||||good situation|| Me: "Yeah, you went out with [Ah Jai] until dawn, right? I looked down from the balcony last night and saw [Ah Jai] looking like he was having a good time." 可勇 :「係 呀 ,佢 而家 做 乜鬼野 倫敦 金 ,同 我 講 早 排 搞掂 咗 個 大 客 過 咗 一千萬 幫 佢 開 戶口 ,而家 晚晚 係 咁 意落 兩 轉 單 都 搵 到 兩三 倍 野 ,禽晚 咪 係 佢 收市 之後 黎 車 我 同 佢 班 同事 去 玩 囉 。」 Koyung|yes|particle|he|now|doing|what|London|gold|and|I|told|early|arrange|settled|past tense marker|classifier|big|client|exceeding|past tense marker|ten million|help|him|open|account|now|every night|is|so|easy|two|transactions|orders|all|earn|to|two or three|times|things|last night|just|is|he|market close|after|come|drive|I|with|him|group|colleagues|go|play|particle Keung: "Yeah, what is he doing with London gold now? He told me that he had already secured a big client worth over ten million and helped him open an account. Now every night he can easily make two to three times the amount with just two trades. Last night, he picked me and his colleagues up after the market closed to go out and have fun."

「係 呀 ? is|question particle "Really?" 咁 叻仔 呀 佢 ? so|smart boy|question particle|he "Is he that talented?" 咁 你 都 早 小小 訓喇 。」 then|you|also|early|a little|sleep "Then you should get some rest early." 我 求 其 講 兩句 就 行返 入房 ,心 諗 晚晚 係 咁 意 打個 電話 都 搵 到 我 成個 月 嘅 人工 ? I|request|he|say|two sentences|then|go back|into the room|heart|think|every night|is|so|meaning|make a|phone call|also|find|to|me|whole|month|possessive particle|salary I casually said a few words and went back to my room, thinking to myself, can I really make my entire month's salary just by making a phone call tonight? 呢 個 世界 仲 有 人 做 雞 嘅 ? this|measure word|world|still|has|people|do|prostitution|question particle Is there still someone in this world doing that? 呢 條 【 阿栽 】 都 唔 知 係 做 緊 乜野 仆街   野 。 This guy doesn't even know what the hell he's doing.

但 我 當然 唔 會 為 呢 種 事 上心 啦 ,我 冥想 咗 五分鐘 ,諗 好 哂 以娜 大約 會 同 我 講 乜 野 佢 係 貪玩 之類 嘅 廢話 ,而 我 又 需要 同 佢 講 乜 野 教訓 佢 之後 再 去 原諒 佢 。 but|I|of course|not|will|for|this|kind|thing|take to heart|sentence-final particle|I|meditate|past tense marker|five minutes|think|well|completed action marker|Yina|probably|will|with|I|say|what|thing|she|is|playful|and so on|possessive particle|nonsense|and|I|again|need|to|her|say|what|thing|teach|her|after|again|to|forgive|her But of course, I won't take this kind of thing to heart. I meditated for five minutes, thinking that Yina would probably say something like she's just playing around, and then I would need to teach her something before forgiving her.

諗 好 哂 ,我 拎起 我 嘅 部 背景 係 我 攬住 以娜 嘅 Sony W801i think|very|finished|I|picked up|my|possessive particle|measure word for machines|background|is|I|holding|Yina|possessive particle|Sony|| Thinking it through, I picked up my background, holding Yina's Sony W801i.

「 給我 一團 熊火 試煉 我 , 証 明 我 這麼 恨 恨 愛過 , 期望 不 多 只要 …..」 電話 傳 黎 嘅 係 以娜 嘅 接駁 鈴聲 , 我 再 一次 準備 我 已經 諗 好 咗 嘅 台 詞 。 give me|a lump of|bear fire|test||to prove|prove||||hate||expectation|||||||||||connection|ringing|||||||||||stage|lines "Give me a trial by fire, prove that I have loved so fiercely, not asking for much, just..." The ringtone coming through was Yina's connection tone, and I prepared the lines I had already thought out.

「喂 ,阿正 ? hey|Ah Zheng "Hey, Ah Zheng?" 」「點呀 ? how "What's up?" 」第一招 ,扮沮喪 first move|pretend to be frustrated "First move, act depressed."

「今晚 你 得唔得閒 ,我 想 搵 你 。」 tonight|you|are free|I|want|find|you "Are you free tonight? I want to see you." 嘿 ,咁 直接 即係 表示 妳 好 想 我 盡快 原諒 妳 hey|so|directly|that means|indicates|you|very|want|I|as soon as possible|forgive|you Hey, being so direct means you really want me to forgive you as soon as possible.

「我 未知 喎 ,有事 咩 ? I|don't know|particle indicating realization|have something|question particle "I don't know, what's the matter?" 」「我 想 上 你 屋企 執返 哂 所有 野 ,仲有 我本 特區 護照 同 旅行 嘅 個 行李箱 ,我 下星期 要 同 同事 去 星加坡 做野 呀 。」 I|want|go to|your|home|retrieve|all|all|things|and also|my|special administrative region|passport|and|travel|possessive particle|classifier|suitcase|I|next week|need|with|colleague|go to|Singapore|work|sentence-final particle "I want to go to your house to collect all my things, including my SAR passport and my suitcase for traveling. I need to go to Singapore with my colleagues next week for work." 聽到 以娜 咁 講 ,我 有 小小 錯愕 ,更加 有 小小 恐懼 。 hearing|Yina|so|speak|I|have|a little|shock|even more|have|a little|fear Hearing what Yina said, I was a little shocked and even a little scared.

佢 唔 係 貪玩 ,亦 唔 係 黎 認錯 ,佢 係 黎 為 我 地 呢 段 感情 蓋棺 。 he|not|is|playful|also|not|is|coming|admitting wrong|he|is|coming|for|I|we|this|segment|relationship|final judgment She is not playing around, nor is she admitting a mistake; she is here to put an end to our relationship.

我 :「嗯 ,今晚 拎俾 妳 。」 I|hmm|tonight|will bring|you I: "Hmm, I'll bring it to you tonight."

以娜 :「好 丫 ,唔該 哂 。」 Yina|good|particle indicating agreement|thank you|very much Yina: "Okay, thank you."

以娜 從容 嘅 聲線 令 我 完全 感覺 唔 到 佢 有 任何 唔 開心 , 大姐 而家 我 哋 分手 喎 , 妳 俾 我 見到 妳 同 第二條 友 喺 車 度 咀 咗 啖 喎 , 妳 仲 好意思 咁 好 心情 同 我 好 丫 唔 該 哂 ? |calmly||voice|||||||||any||||||||||||||||||||kissing||bite|||||||||||||| Yina's calm tone made me feel like she wasn't upset at all. Big sister, we just broke up, and I saw you kissing another girl in the car. How can you still be in such a good mood and say thank you to me?

當晚 , 我 哋 約 咗 喺 【 長江 中心 】 下面 嘅 【 大家樂 】 等 , 原因 係 , 以娜 有 客 喺 呢 邊 要 見 , 而 佢 俾 我 嘅 時間 係 : 十分鐘 。 ||||||Yangtze River||||Cafe de Coral||the reason|is|||||||||||||||| That night, we arranged to meet at the "Chung Kong Center" below at "Café de Coral". The reason was that Yina had a client to meet here, and she gave me only ten minutes.

我 特登 搵 一個 轉角 位 黎 坐 ,因為 我 唔 知道 一陣 我 會 唔 會 發脾氣 。 I|specially|found|a|corner|place|to|sit|because|I|not|know|later|I|will|not|will|lose temper I deliberately chose a corner seat because I didn't know if I would lose my temper later.

等 咗 十五分鐘 ,以娜 匆忙 咁 黎到 。 wait|past tense marker|fifteen minutes|Yina|hurriedly|so|arrived After waiting for fifteen minutes, Yina hurriedly arrived.

以娜 :「對唔住 阿正 ,我 遲 咗 。」 Yina|sorry|Ah Zheng|I|late|past tense marker Yina: "Sorry, Ah Zheng, I'm late."

我 冇 答到 以娜 ,因為 我 目光 停留 咗 喺 佢 嘅 個 全新 黑色 加 彩色 花 唔 知 係 乜野 款 嘅 LV 手袋 度 ,呢 個 袋 之前 行 置地 嘅 時 佢 有 同 我 睇 過 ,但 好似 要 成 八千 幾 蚊 ,以 我 原則 手袋 係 要 黎 裝野 ,並唔 係 用黎 演野 ,我 係 唔 會 亦都 唔 準 佢 買 。 I|didn't|answer|Yina|because|I|gaze|lingered|past tense marker|at|her|possessive particle|classifier|brand new|black|plus|colorful|floral|not|know|is|what|model|possessive particle|LV|handbag|in|this|classifier|bag|before|walking|Times Square|possessive particle|time|she|had|with|me|seen|past action marker|but|seems|to cost|around|eight thousand|something|dollars|according to|I|principle|handbag|is|to|for|carrying things|and not|is|for|showing off|I|am|not|will|also|not|allow|her|buy I didn't respond to Yina because my gaze was fixed on her brand new black and colorful floral LV handbag, which I didn't know the model of. She had shown it to me when we were at the mall before, but it seemed to cost over eight thousand dollars. According to my principles, handbags are meant for carrying things, not for showing off, so I wouldn't allow her to buy it.

我 :「到底 發生 乜野事 ? I|after all|happened|what event Me: "What exactly happened?" 」我 單刀直入 。 I|cut straight to the chase I asked directly. 以娜 :「冇 野 呀 ,係 呀 ,我 好 趕時間 ,我個 護照 呢 ? Yina|not have|thing|particle|yes|particle|I|very|in a hurry|my|passport|question particle Yina: "Nothing, I’m just in a hurry. Where's my passport?" 你 屋企 上面 我嘅 野 我 遲 小小 先 拎返 ,得唔得 呀 ? you|home|on top of|my|things|I|late|a little|first|take back|is it okay|question particle The stuff I have at your place, can I pick it up a little later? 」以娜 估作 輕鬆 嘅 樣 ,有 一剎那 我 真 係 覺得 好 撚 好 撚 討厭 。 Yina|pretending to be|relaxed|possessive particle|appearance|have|a moment|I|||felt||very||very|annoying Yina pretended to be relaxed, but for a moment I really felt extremely annoyed. 我 :「點解 要 分手 ? I|why|need to|break up Me: "Why do we have to break up? 點解 你 會 上 咗 嘅 個人 嘅 車 ? why|you|can|get on|past tense marker|possessive particle|personal|possessive particle|car Why did you get into that person's car? 」我 已經 講唔出 ,點解 你哋 會 錫 咗 一 啖 。 I|already|can't say|why|you (plural)|would|kiss|past tense marker|a|bite " I couldn't express why you all ended up kissing. 以娜 :「好來好去 ,你 就 當 我 變心 。」 Yina|good to come and go|you|just|treat|I|change my mind Yina: "Good come good go, you can just think that I've changed my heart."

我 :「乜 撚 野 叫 當 ? I|what|fcking|thing|called|to be Me: "What the hell does 'think' mean? ,唔係 妳 唔通 係 我 ? not|you|can't be|is|me Isn't it you who is not me? 」以娜 :「夠喇 ,我 走喇 ,唔 想 再 嘈 ,我 去完 星加玻 返黎 先 再 傾 。」 Yina|enough|I|am leaving|not|want|again|argue|I|after going|Singapore|returning|first|again|talk " Yina: "That's enough, I'm leaving, I don't want to argue anymore. I'll talk to you again after I come back from Singapore." 以娜 講完 就 起身 拎起 手袋 想 走 ,我 即刻 起身 擋住 佢 。 Yina|finished speaking|then|stood up|picked up|handbag|wanted|to leave|I|immediately|stood up|blocked|her After Yina finished speaking, she stood up to grab her handbag and wanted to leave, so I immediately stood up to block her.

以娜 :「薛可正 ,行開 。」 Yina|Xue Kezheng|go away Yina: "Xue Kezheng, go away."

我 :「 唔 講清楚 , 我 唔 會 俾 妳 走 。」 ||speak clearly|||||| Me: "If you don't explain clearly, I won't let you go."

以娜 放低 個袋 ,好 不屑 咁 望住 我 : Yina|put down|the bag|very|disdainfully|so|staring at|me Yina put down her bag and looked at me disdainfully:

「點樣 唔俾 我 走 ? how|not let|me|leave "How can you not let me go? 好似 你 唔俾 我 想 做 我 嘅 野 咁 ? seems|you|don't let|me|want|do|my|possessive particle|things|like this Is it like you not letting me do what I want to do?" 」我 冇 出聲 ,我 想 聽 佢 講 到底 佢 有 乜 野 諗 法 。 I|didn't|speak|I|want|to hear|he|say|in the end|he|has|what|thing|thought|method I didn't say anything, I wanted to hear what she had to say. 以娜 :「記唔記得 邊個 Edith ? Yina|do you remember|who|Edith Yina: "Do you remember who Edith is?" 」我 當然 記得 , Edith 同 阿火 係 我 同 以娜 一對 共同 朋友 ,兩年 前 Edith 識 咗 一個 有錢 佬 就 飛咗 阿火 ,當時 阿火 仲 要生要死 ,最後 飲醉 咗 喺 二樓 跌 咗 落 街 整斷 咗 隻 腳 ,最後 搞 到 工 又 冇 ,腳 又 唔 多 靈活 ,朋友 都 冇 見 ,最後 聽到 佢 嘅 消息 好似 話 返咗 大陸 。 I|of course|remember|Edith|and|Ah Fai|is|I|and|Yina|a pair of|mutual|friends|two years|ago|Edith|met|past tense marker|a|rich|man|then|left|Ah Fai|at that time|Ah Fai|still|very much in love|in the end|got drunk|past tense marker|at|second floor|fell|past tense marker|down|street|broke|past tense marker|one|leg|in the end|ended up|with|job|again|no|leg|again|not|very|agile|friends|all|no|seen|in the end|hearing|he|possessive particle|news|seems|said|returned|mainland Of course I remember, Edith and Ah Huo are mutual friends of Yina and me. Two years ago, Edith met a rich guy and left Ah Huo. At that time, Ah Huo was in a really bad state, and in the end, he got drunk and fell from the second floor onto the street, breaking his leg. He ended up losing his job, his leg wasn't very agile, and he didn't see his friends anymore. Eventually, I heard that he seemed to have gone back to the mainland. 我 :「嘅 個 貪錢 港女 丫嘛 。」 I|possessive particle|classifier for people|money-grubbing|Hong Kong girl|obviously Me: "That money-grubbing Hong Kong girl, right?"

以娜 :「冇 錯 ,就 係 嘅 個 你哋 口中 嘅 貪錢 港女 ,人哋 而家 仔 都 四個月 ,日日 坐 喺 佢 老公 打本 嘅 畫廊 度 不知 幾 滿足 ,你 仲 記 唔 記得 佢 以前 同 阿火 係 點過 日子 ? Yina|not|wrong|just|is|possessive particle|classifier|you all|in your mouths|possessive particle|money-loving|Hong Kong girl|others|now|son|already|four months|every day|sitting|at|her|husband|art|possessive particle|gallery|in|not knowing|how much|satisfied|you|still|remember|not|remember|she|previously|with|Ah Fai|was|lived|life Yina: "That's right, she's the money-grubbing Hong Kong girl you all talk about. Now she has a baby that's four months old, and she sits every day in the art gallery run by her husband, looking very satisfied. Do you still remember how she used to live with Ah Huo?" 」以娜 咁 講 我 亦 記得返 ,嘅 時 Edith 係 做 空姐 ,而 阿火 就 係 裝修佬 一名 ,初初 一齊 嘅 時 阿火 仲 有 工 開 都 幾 甜蜜 ,到 後來 開工 唔 夠 ,就 日日 坐 屋企 打機 ,由 天堂 1 打到 魔獸 ,佢 仲 同 我 講 ,有次 同 Edith 嗌交 嗌 到 差唔多 分手 ,原因 係 Edith 老母 生日 ,佢 因 為 要 奇岩 守城 而 冇 去 到 。 Yina|so|said|I|also|remembered|past tense particle|time|Edith|was|working|flight attendant|and|Ah Fai|then|was|handyman|a|initially|together|past tense particle|time|Ah Fai|still|had|work|open|also|quite|sweet|until|later|working|not|enough|then|every day|sitting|at home|playing games|from|Paradise|played until|World of Warcraft|he|still|with|me|said|one time|with|Edith|arguing|yelling|until|almost|breaking up|reason|was|Edith|mother|birthday|he|because|for|needed|defending|city|and|did not|go|to "Speaking of which, I also remember that at that time, Edith was a flight attendant, and Ah Fai was a renovation worker. In the beginning, when they were together, Ah Fai still had work, and it was quite sweet. Later on, when he couldn't find work, he would just sit at home playing games every day, from Lineage 1 to World of Warcraft. He even told me that once he had a fight with Edith that almost led to a breakup. The reason was that it was Edith's mother's birthday, and he didn't go because he had to defend the city in a game. 我 :「挑 ,講到 尾 又 咪 係 貪錢 。」 I|pick|talking about|end|again|just|is|greedy for money Me: "In the end, isn't it all about money?"

見到 個 新 嘅 LV ,加埋 嘅 日 嘅 架 波子 ,我 直覺 認為 以娜 係 因為 錢 先 離開 我 ,所以 我 諗 住 指桑 黑槐 咁 單打 一下 以娜 。 saw|the|new|possessive particle|LV|along with|possessive particle|day|possessive particle|measure word for vehicles|car|I|instinctively|thought|Yina|is|because|money|first|left|me|so|I|thought|to be|pointing at the mulberry tree|black locust|like that|to hit|once|Yina Seeing the new LV and the car that came with it, I instinctively thought that Yina left me because of money, so I planned to subtly take a jab at Yina.

以娜 :「邊個 唔 貪錢 ? Yina|who|not|greedy for money Yina: "Who isn't greedy for money?" 你 咪 一樣 日日 同 我 提住 想 你 公司 加 人工 俾 你 ,錢 邊個 嫌多 ? you|just|the same|every day|with|I|remind|hope|you|company|raise|salary|give|you|money|who|dislikes having too much Aren't you the same, always bringing up wanting your company to give you a raise? Who would say no to more money? 人哋 而家 結埋 婚 老公 日日 放工 就 渣車 接 佢 返屋企 ,同 阿火 一齊 嘅 時 呢 ? they|now|finally|marriage|husband|every day|after work|then|drives|picks up|her|home|with|Ah Fai|together|possessive particle|time|question particle People are getting married now, and the husband picks her up from work every day. What about the time with Ah Huo? Edith 呢頭 飛 嘅 度 條 仆街 就 返 大陸 叫雞 喇 。」 Edith|here|fly|past tense particle|at|classifier for people|jerk|then|return|mainland|call for a prostitute|particle indicating completed action Edith is flying over there, and that bastard has gone back to the mainland to hire a prostitute.

呢 一樣 係 以 娜 喺 我 Msn 同 阿 火 嘅 對話 偷睇 到 。 this|thing|is|by|Na|at|I|Msn|with|Mr|Fire|possessive particle|conversation|eavesdropping|arrived This is something I saw while eavesdropping on a conversation between Ina and Ah Huo on my MSN.

我 :「咁 關 我哋 乜野事 ? I|then|concern|us|what business I: "So what does that have to do with us?" 」以娜 :「我 兩年 前 想學 跳舞 ,你 話 無謂 ,最後 我要 自己 偷偷地 走去 學 。」 Yina|I|two years|ago|wanted to learn|dancing|you|said|it was pointless|in the end|I had to|by myself|secretly|go|learn Ina: "Two years ago, I wanted to learn to dance, but you said it was pointless, so in the end, I had to sneak off to learn by myself." 我 :「 我 平時 做野 時間 都 忙 到 想訓 都 冇 , 妳 無 啦 啦 學乜野 跳舞 ? |||||||||||||particle||| Me: "I usually work so much that I don't even have time to sleep. Why are you suddenly learning to dance?" 時間 好多 呀 ? time|much|question particle Is there a lot of time?" 」以娜 :「一年 前 我 話 儲定 錢 第時 買樓 ,你 話 你 而家 屋企 有 層 樓 ,第時 結咗婚 裝修 下間 屋 就 可以 一齊 住 ,仲 可以 同 世伯 伯母 有 個 照應 。」 Yina|one year|ago|I|said|save up|money|at that time|buy a house|you|said|you|now|home|have|one|apartment|at that time|got married|renovate|the next|house|then|can|together|live|also|can|with|father-in-law|mother-in-law|have|a|support Yina: "A year ago, I said I would save money to buy a house. You said you have a house now, and when I get married, we can renovate the house and live together. Plus, we can have some support from your parents." 我 :「有 乜野 唔 好 ? I|have|what|not|good Me: "What's wrong with that?" 我 供 而家 層樓 都 供 到 死死 下 ,仲 邊 有 錢 儲 多份 ? I|pay mortgage|now|apartment|already|pay|until|dead|down|still|where|has|money|save|extra portion I'm already struggling to pay for this house, where would I find extra money to save?" 」 以娜 :「 生日 係 食 【 翠華 】 , 聖誕 係 食 【 麥 奀 記 】 , 連同 我 屋企 人食 飯 都 係 揀 咗 平 嘅 先 。」 ||||Tsui Wah|||||Noodle|||||||||choose|||| Yina: "For my birthday, I eat at [Tsui Wah], for Christmas, I eat at [Mak An Kee], and when my family and I eat, we always choose the cheaper options first." 我 :「咁 有 乜野 問題 ,都 係 食 一餐飯 之 嘛 。」 I|then|have|what|problem|all|is|eat|one meal|possessive particle|question particle Me: "So what's the problem? It's just a meal, right?"

以娜 :「你 永遠 將我 當做 你 嘅 附屬品 ,我 同 你 拍拖 ,你 就要 將 你 嘅 世界 同 我 世界 融合 ,但 你 只不過 係 將我 世界 摧毀 ,跟住 將 我 放入 你 嘅 世界 度 ,跳舞 係 我 由細到大 嘅 興趣 ,拍拖 三年 你 都 根本 唔 上心 。 Yina|you|forever|treat me|as|your|possessive particle|accessory|I|with|you|dating|you|should|merge|your|possessive particle|world|with|my|world|merge|but|you|only|are|treat me|world|destroy|then|put|me|into|your|possessive particle|world|in|dancing|is|my|from childhood|possessive particle|interest|dating|three years|you|also|fundamentally|not|care Yina: "You always treat me as your accessory. When we are dating, you need to merge your world with mine, but you just destroy my world and then put me into yours. Dancing has been my interest since I was little, and you haven't cared about it at all in the three years we've been together."

想買樓 係 我 需要 我 將來 嘅 空間 ,我 只不過 唔 想 起身 要 等 廁所 用 ,又 或者 係 想 同 幾個 朋友 返 屋企 傾下 計 嘅 時 唔 需要 擔心 嘈到 屋企 其他人 。 want to buy a house|is|I|need|I|future|possessive particle|space|I|just|not|want|get up|have to|wait|bathroom|use|or|maybe|is|want|with|a few|friends|return|home|chat|plans|possessive particle|time|not|need|worry|disturbing|home|other people "Wanting to buy a flat is about needing my own space in the future. I just don't want to have to wait for the bathroom when I get up, or want to chat with a few friends at home without worrying about disturbing others in the house."

不過 你 講得 冇 錯 ,只不過 係 食 一餐飯 ,因為 你 心目中 你 所 擁有 嘅 野 先 係 最 重要 ,你 覺得 食乜野 都 唔 重要 ,咁 我 甚至 係 我 嘅 家人 都 要 跟 埋 你 咁 諗 ,到底 你 有 冇 尊重 過 我 ,或者 係 我 屋企 人 ? but|you|said|not|wrong|just|is|eat|a meal|because|you|in your mind|you|all|have|possessive particle|things|first|is|most|important|you|think|what to eat|also|not|important|then|I|even|in|I|possessive particle|family|all|should|follow|together|you|that way|think|after all|you|have|not|respect|past particle|me|or|is|I|home|people "But you are not wrong; it is just a meal. Because in your mind, what you have is the most important. You think what to eat doesn't matter, so even my family has to think like you. Have you ever respected me or my family?"

就 好似 阿火 咁 , Edith 走 嘅 時 佢 就 要 生 要死 ,有 冇 諗過 自己 去 叫雞 嘅 時 係 幾 對唔住 Edith 呀 ? just|like|Ah Fai|so|Edith|leave|past tense particle|when|he|then|has to|live|die|have|not have|thought about|himself|go|call for a prostitute|past tense particle|when|is|how|sorry|Edith|sentence final particle Just like Ah Fai, when Edith left, he was in a state of despair. Did he ever think about how unfair it was to Edith when he went to call for a prostitute? 」我 估唔到 以娜 所講 嘅 會 係 呢 堆 我 冇 諗過 嘅 野 ,一時間 我 唔知 點答 。 I|didn't expect|Yina|what said|possessive particle|meeting|is|this|pile|I|not|thought about|past action particle|things|for a moment|I|didn't know|how to respond I didn't expect that what Yina said would be these things I hadn't thought about. For a moment, I didn't know how to respond. 以娜 :「 你 唔 使 再 望 住 我 呢 個 袋 , 呢 個 袋 係 之前 你 唔 俾 我 買 嘅 個 , 我 想 用 買 呢 個袋 黎話 俾 自己 聽 , 以後 , 我 應該 行返入 我 自己 嘅 世界 , 做 我 想 做 嘅 野 , 搵 我 想 搵 嘅 路 。 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||find|| Yina: "You don't need to keep looking at this bag of mine. This bag is the one you didn't let me buy before. I want to use this bag to remind myself that from now on, I should return to my own world, do the things I want to do, and find the path I want to find.

我 諗 你 唔 會 再 唔俾 我 走 。 I|think|you|not|will|again|not let|me|go I think you won't stop me from leaving again. ByeBye ! Bye Bye ByeBye! 」 就 係 咁 , 以娜 消失 咗 喺 我 眼前 , 我個腦 一路 諗 住 佢 講 嘅 野 , 似是而非 , 我 可以 諗 到 好多 藉口 去 反駁 , 但 係 呢 , 由 以 娜 嘅 態度 嘅 嚟 睇 , 就算 我駁 到 咁 又點 , 佢 已經 唔 會 變返 以前 嘅 個 以 娜 。 |||||||||||||||||seems plausible||||||excuses||refute||||from|from|||attitude|||from the perspective of||argue||||||||||||| "That's it, Yi Na disappeared from my sight. My mind kept thinking about what she said, it was ambiguous. I could think of many excuses to refute, but from Yi Na's attitude, even if I could argue back, it wouldn't change her back to the old Yi Na." 行出 【 大家樂 】 , 心神恍惚 嘅 我 望 都 冇 望 就 行 咗 出 馬路 。 「 呠 !!」 突然 一架 車 從 我 右邊 衝 出 嚟 , 我 嚇 到 成 個人 坐 咗 落地 , 架車 一 停 , 個 西裝 友 司機 一落車 就 想 屌 柒 我 。   「 我 屌 你 老母 你 點過 馬 ………. 咦 , 你 咪 係 正哥 ?」 |Dai Ga Lok|distracted||||||||||||hey||||from|||rushed||||||||sitting||to the ground|||||||driver||||beat|seven||||||||||||| I walked out of [Café de Coral], in a daze, and without looking, I walked straight onto the road. "Whoa!!" Suddenly, a car rushed out from my right, and I was so scared that I fell to the ground. The car stopped, and the driver in a suit got out and wanted to curse at me. "I f*** your mother, how did you cross the road... wait, aren't you Cheng Ge?"

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=5.73 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=5.81 en:AFkKFwvL openai.2025-01-22 ai_request(all=177 err=0.00%) translation(all=147 err=0.00%) cwt(all=3103 err=27.78%)