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Hambaanglaang - Level 6, 失控 嘅 雀 仔

失控 嘅 雀 仔

今日 Raji 唔 使 返學 ,所以 去 咗 公園 野餐。 佢 好 鍾意 坐 喺 草地 ,一邊 食 嘢 一邊 望住 天空。 佢 覺得 噉 樣好 寫意 好 舒服。 不過 ,今日 同 平時 嘅 野餐 有 啲 唔 同。 因 為 佢 食 食 下 嘅 時候 ,嚟 咗 一位 不速之客!

一隻 全身 黑麻麻 嘅 雀 仔 飛 到 Raji 面前。 雀 仔同 Raji 你眼望我眼 ,Raji 見 隻 雀 仔流 晒 口水 噉 ,似乎 好肚 餓。 不過 ,Raji 知道 唔 可以 亂 餵 野生動物 ,所以 都 冇 諗 住 分享 自己 啲 食物 畀 雀 仔。

Raji 決定 唔 理 隻 雀 仔 ,自己 繼續 食 嘢。 當 佢 將 餅乾 放入 口 嗰 陣 ,雀 仔 突然 衝向 Raji,一口 咬 走 佢 手上 塊 餅乾! Raji 眼光光 噉 望 住 自己 隻 手 ,先 知道 塊 餅乾 唔 見 咗。 佢 一 轉頭 ,見到 隻 雀 仔 已經 咬住 佢 塊 餅 飛 到 好 遠 好 遠……

Raji 唔 甘心 自己 嘅 食物 畀 佢 搶走 ,即刻 去 追雀仔! 雖然 雀 仔飛 得 快 ,但 Raji 都 跑 得 唔 慢! 為 咗 塊 餅乾 ,Raji追到 天腳底 都 要 追 到 隻 雀 仔!

「咪 走 啊!」

Raji 一邊 追 ,一邊 大叫。 雀 仔 原本 以為 自己 已經 得手 ,聽到 Raji嘅 叫聲 後 ,先 發現 原來 Raji一直 追 住 佢。 為 咗 唔 俾 佢 追 到 ,雀 仔 決定 再 飛高 啲 ,飛快 啲……

點知雀 仔飛 得 太快 ,唔 小心 撞 到 啲 建築物! 香港 有 好多 高樓大廈 ,雀 仔 飛 嘅 時候 ,一個 唔 小心 就 好易 撞親。 雀 仔 撼 到 個頭 ,暈一暈 ,喺 高空 直 墮 —— Raji 見 佢 就 嚟 跌 中 Salim,即刻 叫 Salim 小心!

但 係 Salim 掛住 踩 單車 ,聽 唔 到 Raji 叫 佢! 砰 一聲 ,雀 仔撞 低 咗 Salim,Salim 部 單車 都 撞爛 埋 ,而且 兩個 都 受 咗 傷。 雀 仔起 返身 之後 ,突然 發惡 噉 不停 撞 Salim!

之後 怪事 就 發生 喇! 雀 仔個樣 變得 越 嚟 越 兇暴 ,身體 都 越 變越 大 ,由 細細 隻 嘅 雀 仔 變成 一隻 好 強壯 嘅 巨鳥! Salim 話 佢 睇 開 卡通片 ,知道 好多 角色 喺 嬲 嘅 時候 都 會 變得 特別 兇猛 強悍! 佢 同 Raji 都 好 驚 ,唔 知 點算。

但 係 巨鳥 冇 再 理 佢哋 ,而 係 即刻 飛走 咗。 Raji 同 Salim 都 唔 知 佢 會 飛去 邊 ,擔心 佢 會 傷 到 其他人 ,所以 都 追 住 佢。 巨鳥 飛 到 一個 市集 ,呢 度 有 好多 人 ,好 熱鬧。 巨鳥 不斷 向 周圍 衝撞 ,現場 一片 混亂。 因為 巨鳥 動作 太快 ,市集 啲 人 都 阻止 唔 到 佢。

好彩 現場 有 一個 對 鳥類 深有 研究 嘅 學者 ,佢 即刻 叫 現場 所有人 冷靜 ,唔 好 驚!

Raji同 Salim走 去 學者 身邊 ,想 聽 下 學者 有 咩 見解。 學者 叫 大家 仔細 觀察 巨鳥 嘅 行 為 ,大家 先 留意 到 原來 巨鳥 並 冇 攻擊 人 ,只 係 喺 度 好 急切 噉 周圍 揾 食物。

呢 個 時候 ,Raji 同 Salim 至 諗 起 巨鳥 之所以 咁 急 ,係 因 為 佢 撞 跌 Salim 嘅 時候 ,整爛 埋塊 餅乾 ,而 佢 實在太 肚餓 喇 ,所以 至 急 住過 嚟 揾 食物!

明白 晒 呢 一切 之後 ,Raji 趁 巨鳥 食緊 嘢 嘅 時候 ,突然 從 後 捉住 佢! 「你 唔 好 再 喺 度 搞 住 人哋 喇! 你 嚟 我 屋企 ,我 請 你 食 嘢 當 賠罪 啦! 」Raji 同 佢 講。

知道 有 嘢 食 之後 ,巨鳥 即刻 冷靜 落 嚟 ,仲 變到 好乖。

之後 Raji 帶 巨鳥 去 佢 屋企 ,仲 請 佢 食 咗 餐 勁 嘅 ,巨鳥 好開心! 大家 相處 一陣 之後 ,Raji 同 Salim 了解 到 佢 其實 本性 唔 壞 ,仲好 温馴 聽話 添!

本來 Raji 想留 巨鳥 喺 屋企 養 ,但 巨鳥 係 經過 基因突變 嘅 罕見 動物 ,學者 擔心 佢 會 俾 人 捉 去 做 研究 ,所以 佢哋 唯有 將 佢 放歸 大自然。

唔 知 巨鳥 而家 做 緊 咩 ,仲有 冇 餓親 呢?

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失控 嘅 雀 仔 runaway sparrow 失控慨雀仔 失控嘅雀仔

今日 Raji 唔 使 返學 ,所以 去 咗 公園 野餐。 ||||go to school|||||picnic 佢 好 鍾意 坐 喺 草地 ,一邊 食 嘢 一邊 望住 天空。 |||||the grass|||||| 佢 覺得 噉 樣好 寫意 好 舒服。 |||looks good|artistic charm|| He found it so easy to write and so comfortable. 不過 ,今日 同 平時 嘅 野餐 有 啲 唔 同。 However, today was a little different from the usual picnics. 因 為 佢 食 食 下 嘅 時候 ,嚟 咗 一位 不速之客! |||||||||||unexpected guest Because when she was eating, an unexpected guest came!

一隻 全身 黑麻麻 嘅 雀 仔 飛 到 Raji 面前。 ||black and fuzzy||||||| 雀 仔同 Raji 你眼望我眼 ,Raji 見 隻 雀 仔流 晒 口水 噉 ,似乎 好肚 餓。 ||||||||||||seems to be|| The finch and Raji were looking at each other and Raji was drooling at the sight of the finch, which seemed to be very hungry. 不過 ,Raji 知道 唔 可以 亂 餵 野生動物 ,所以 都 冇 諗 住 分享 自己 啲 食物 畀 雀 仔。 |||||randomly||wildlife|||||||||||| However, Raji knows not to feed wild animals indiscriminately, so she did not think of sharing her food to the finches.

Raji 決定 唔 理 隻 雀 仔 ,自己 繼續 食 嘢。 ||||||||keep|| Raji decided to ignore the bird and continue eating by himself. 當 佢 將 餅乾 放入 口 嗰 陣 ,雀 仔 突然 衝向 Raji,一口 咬 走 佢 手上 塊 餅乾! when||||into|||||||charged towards||one bite||||in hand||cookie While he was putting the biscuit into his mouth, Birdie suddenly rushed towards Raji and took a bite out of the biscuit in his hand! Raji 眼光光 噉 望 住 自己 隻 手 ,先 知道 塊 餅乾 唔 見 咗。 |looking||looking at||||||||||| Raji's eyes were glued to his hand, knowing that the cookie was gone. 佢 一 轉頭 ,見到 隻 雀 仔 已經 咬住 佢 塊 餅 飛 到 好 遠 好 遠…… ||turned around|||||||||||||very far||

Raji 唔 甘心 自己 嘅 食物 畀 佢 搶走 ,即刻 去 追雀仔! ||reluctant to||||||snatch away||| 雖然 雀 仔飛 得 快 ,但 Raji 都 跑 得 唔 慢! |||||||||||not slow 為 咗 塊 餅乾 ,Raji追到 天腳底 都 要 追 到 隻 雀 仔! for||piece|cookie|Raji chased|||||||| For the sake of a biscuit, Raji chased a finch as far as his feet could see!

「咪 走 啊!」

Raji 一邊 追 ,一邊 大叫。 ||chasing|| 雀 仔 原本 以為 自己 已經 得手 ,聽到 Raji嘅 叫聲 後 ,先 發現 原來 Raji一直 追 住 佢。 ||originally|thought|||in control||Raji's||||||has been||| Birdie thought he had won, but when he heard Raji's cries, he realized that Raji had been chasing him. 為 咗 唔 俾 佢 追 到 ,雀 仔 決定 再 飛高 啲 ,飛快 啲…… |||||catch up||||||||faster|

點知雀 仔飛 得 太快 ,唔 小心 撞 到 啲 建築物! |||||||||buildings 香港 有 好多 高樓大廈 ,雀 仔 飛 嘅 時候 ,一個 唔 小心 就 好易 撞親。 |||tall buildings||||||||||very easy|collide with 雀 仔 撼 到 個頭 ,暈一暈 ,喺 高空 直 墮 —— Raji 見 佢 就 嚟 跌 中 Salim,即刻 叫 Salim 小心! ||bump|||||high altitude|straight|fall|||||||||||| Birdie hit his head, fainted, and fell straight down from a height - Raji saw him coming and hit Salim, and immediately told Salim to be careful!

但 係 Salim 掛住 踩 單車 ,聽 唔 到 Raji 叫 佢! |||focused on|riding||||||| But when Salim got stuck on his bike, he couldn't hear Raji calling him! 砰 一聲 ,雀 仔撞 低 咗 Salim,Salim 部 單車 都 撞爛 埋 ,而且 兩個 都 受 咗 傷。 bang|||the bird||||||||smashed up|together with|||||| With a bang, Birdie knocked down Salim, who crashed his bike and injured both of them. 雀 仔起 返身 之後 ,突然 發惡 噉 不停 撞 Salim! |suddenly|turned around||||||| After Sparrow got up and turned around, he suddenly bumped into Salim viciously!

之後 怪事 就 發生 喇! |strange things||| And then something strange happened! 雀 仔個樣 變得 越 嚟 越 兇暴 ,身體 都 越 變越 大 ,由 細細 隻 嘅 雀 仔 變成 一隻 好 強壯 嘅 巨鳥! |baby|become||||ferocious|body|||become more|||||||||||||giant bird The sparrow has become more and more fierce, and its body has become bigger and bigger, from a thin sparrow to a very strong giant bird! Salim 話 佢 睇 開 卡通片 ,知道 好多 角色 喺 嬲 嘅 時候 都 會 變得 特別 兇猛 強悍! |||||cartoons|||characters||||||||||fierce and strong Salim said that he watched the cartoon and knew that many characters would become particularly fierce and powerful when they were angry! 佢 同 Raji 都 好 驚 ,唔 知 點算。 ||||||||what to do

但 係 巨鳥 冇 再 理 佢哋 ,而 係 即刻 飛走 咗。 ||||||||||flew away| But the bird ignored them and flew away. Raji 同 Salim 都 唔 知 佢 會 飛去 邊 ,擔心 佢 會 傷 到 其他人 ,所以 都 追 住 佢。 巨鳥 飛 到 一個 市集 ,呢 度 有 好多 人 ,好 熱鬧。 ||||market|||||||lively 巨鳥 不斷 向 周圍 衝撞 ,現場 一片 混亂。 giant bird|continuously||the surroundings|colliding|scene|a scene of|chaos The scene was chaotic as the giant bird kept crashing into the surrounding area. 因為 巨鳥 動作 太快 ,市集 啲 人 都 阻止 唔 到 佢。

好彩 現場 有 一個 對 鳥類 深有 研究 嘅 學者 ,佢 即刻 叫 現場 所有人 冷靜 ,唔 好 驚! |the scene|||||extensive research|research||scholar||immediately|||everyone|calm down|||

Raji同 Salim走 去 學者 身邊 ,想 聽 下 學者 有 咩 見解。 Raji with|with Salim||scholar|next to|||||||opinions 學者 叫 大家 仔細 觀察 巨鳥 嘅 行 為 ,大家 先 留意 到 原來 巨鳥 並 冇 攻擊 人 ,只 係 喺 度 好 急切 噉 周圍 揾 食物。 scholar|||carefully|observe|giant bird||||everyone||notice||||||attack|||||||eagerly|||| The scholars told us to watch the behavior of the birds carefully, and we noticed that the birds were not attacking people, but were eagerly looking for food around them.

呢 個 時候 ,Raji 同 Salim 至 諗 起 巨鳥 之所以 咁 急 ,係 因 為 佢 撞 跌 Salim 嘅 時候 ,整爛 埋塊 餅乾 ,而 佢 實在太 肚餓 喇 ,所以 至 急 住過 嚟 揾 食物! ||||||||||||||||||||||broke|the piece|cookie|||was too|hungry|||||to come over||| At this point, Raji and Salim wondered if Giant Bird was in such a hurry because he had crushed a piece of biscuit when he knocked Salim down, and he was so hungry that he had to rush over for food!

明白 晒 呢 一切 之後 ,Raji 趁 巨鳥 食緊 嘢 嘅 時候 ,突然 從 後 捉住 佢! |||everything||||||||||||| After realizing this, Raji suddenly grabbed the bird from behind while it was eating! 「你 唔 好 再 喺 度 搞 住 人哋 喇! 你 嚟 我 屋企 ,我 請 你 食 嘢 當 賠罪 啦! ||||||||||apology| If you come to my house, I'll ask you to eat as an indemnity! 」Raji 同 佢 講。 "Raji spoke with him.

知道 有 嘢 食 之後 ,巨鳥 即刻 冷靜 落 嚟 ,仲 變到 好乖。 |||||||calm down||||| After realizing that there was something to eat, the giant bird immediately calmed down and became a good boy.

之後 Raji 帶 巨鳥 去 佢 屋企 ,仲 請 佢 食 咗 餐 勁 嘅 ,巨鳥 好開心! 大家 相處 一陣 之後 ,Raji 同 Salim 了解 到 佢 其實 本性 唔 壞 ,仲好 温馴 聽話 添! |||||||||||nature||||gentle and obedient|| After spending some time together, Raji and Salim realized that she was not a bad person, but a tame and obedient one!

本來 Raji 想留 巨鳥 喺 屋企 養 ,但 巨鳥 係 經過 基因突變 嘅 罕見 動物 ,學者 擔心 佢 會 俾 人 捉 去 做 研究 ,所以 佢哋 唯有 將 佢 放歸 大自然。 ||wanted to keep|||||||||gene mutation||rare|||||||||||||||||return to| Raji wanted to keep the bird in his house, but as it is a genetically mutated and rare animal, the academics were worried that it would be captured for research, so they had to release it into the wild.

唔 知 巨鳥 而家 做 緊 咩 ,仲有 冇 餓親 呢? I wonder what the giant bird is doing at home, and whether he is hungry?