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Storybooks Canada Cantonese, 蠟 做 嘅 細路仔

蠟 做 嘅 細路仔

好耐 好 耐 之前 ,有 一 個 好 快樂 嘅 家庭。

班 細路仔 從來 都 唔 會 打交 ,仲 成日 喺 屋企 同埋 農田 度 幫 爹哋 媽咪 做嘢。

但 係 佢哋 唔准 靠近 火。

佢 哋 淨係 可以 喺 夜晚黑 做嘢。 冇計 啦 ,因 為 佢哋 都係 用 蠟 做 嘅!

但係 其中 一個 男仔 好想 出去 ,感受 一下 陽光。

有 一日 ,佢 終於 忍唔住 啦。 雖然 兄弟 都 警告 過 佢……

但 係 已經 太 遲 啦! 佢 喺 炎熱 嘅 太陽 底下 融 咗。

其他 蠟 做 嘅 細路仔 見到 佢哋 嘅 兄弟 逐漸 融化 、消失 ,非常之 傷心。

但係 佢哋 諗 出 咗 一個 好 辦法 :就係 將 融化 咗 嗰 嚿 蠟 捻 成 一隻 雀仔。

佢哋 將 變成 雀仔 嘅 兄弟 帶 去 一 座 高山 上面。

太陽 慢慢 升起 ,佢 一路 迎 向 晨光 唱歌 ,一路 遠走高飛。

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蠟 做 嘅 細路仔 wax|to be||little boy Wachsschienen Children made of wax. 왁스 칠한 작은 조각 Восковые рельсы 蜡做慨细路仔

好耐 好 耐 之前 ,有 一 個 好 快樂 嘅 家庭。 a long time||long|before|||||happy||family Long long ago, there was a very happy family.

班 細路仔 從來 都 唔 會 打交 ,仲 成日 喺 屋企 同埋 農田 度 幫 爹哋 媽咪 做嘢。 class||always||||fight|still|every day|at|home|and|farmland|at|help|daddy|mommy|work Ban Xilu never knew how to get along with each other, and Zhong Cheng always helped his parents with work at home and on the farmland.

但 係 佢哋 唔准 靠近 火。 ||they|not allowed|approach| But they were not allowed near the fire.

佢 哋 淨係 可以 喺 夜晚黑 做嘢。 |they|only|||at night| They can just work in the dark at night. 冇計 啦 ,因 為 佢哋 都係 用 蠟 做 嘅! no way||because|because||also|using|wax|| Never mind, because they are all made of wax!

但係 其中 一個 男仔 好想 出去 ,感受 一下 陽光。 |among|one|boy|really want|go out|feel|a moment|sunlight But one of the boys really wanted to go out and feel the sunshine.

有 一日 ,佢 終於 忍唔住 啦。 |||finally|couldn't hold| One day, he finally couldn't help it. 雖然 兄弟 都 警告 過 佢…… although|brother||warned|before| Although brothers have warned him...

但 係 已經 太 遲 啦! ||already|too|late| But it's too late! 佢 喺 炎熱 嘅 太陽 底下 融 咗。 |in|scorching||the sun|under|melted| She melted under the hot sun.

其他 蠟 做 嘅 細路仔 見到 佢哋 嘅 兄弟 逐漸 融化 、消失 ,非常之 傷心。 other||||||||brother|gradually|melting away|disappear|very|very sad The other wax children were very sad to see their brothers melting away and disappearing.

但係 佢哋 諗 出 咗 一個 好 辦法 :就係 將 融化 咗 嗰 嚿 蠟 捻 成 一隻 雀仔。 ||think|thought||a||method|it is|to|melted||that|piece of||shape into|into||bird But they came up with a good way: twist the melted wax into a sparrow.

佢哋 將 變成 雀仔 嘅 兄弟 帶 去 一 座 高山 上面。 |will|become||||take|||seat|mountain| They took their brother, who had become a sparrow, to a high mountain.

太陽 慢慢 升起 ,佢 一路 迎 向 晨光 唱歌 ,一路 遠走高飛。 |slowly|rises|||heading towards||morning light|singing||far away and high flying As the sun rose slowly, he sang all the way to the morning light and flew far away.