بيت وحكاية | وما هند إلا مهرةٌ عربيةٌ
Haus und Geschichte | Hind ist nichts anderes als ein arabisches Stutfohlen
House and story Hind is nothing but an Arabian filly
Dom i historia Hind to nic innego jak klaczka arabska
Ev ve hikaye Hind bir Arap kısrakından başka bir şey değil
حكي أن هند بنت النعمان
It was said that Hind, the daughter of Nu`man
كانت أجمل أهل زمانها
She was the most beautiful people of her time
فوصف للحجاج حسنها
He described the pilgrims well
فأنفذ إليها يخطبها
He penetrated her to propose to her
وبذل لها مالا جزيلا
And he made a lot of money for her
وتزوج بها
He married her
وشرط لها عليه بعد الصداق مائتي ألف درهم
And the condition for her after the dowry is two hundred thousand dirhams
ودخل بها
And he entered it
ثم إنها انحدرت معه إلى بلد أبيها المعرة
Then she descended with him to her father's country
وكانت هند فصيحة أديبة
Hind was Fasha literary
فأقام بها الحجاج بالمعرة مدة طويلة
So the pilgrims stayed in Ma'rat for a long time
ثم إن الحجاج رحل بها إلى العراق
Then the pilgrims deported her to Iraq
فأقامت معه ما شاء الله
So she stayed with him, God willing
ثم دخل عليها في بعض الأيام
Then he entered it some days
وهي تنظر في المرآة وتقول
She looks in the mirror and says
فانصرف الحجاج راجعا
Then the pilgrims went and returned
ولم يدخل عليها
He did not enter it
ولم تكن علمت به
She was not aware of it
فأراد الحجاج طلاقها
Al-Hajjaj wanted her to divorce
فأنفذ إليها عبدالله ابن طاهر
Then Abdullah Ibn Taher implemented it
وأنفذ لها معه مائتي الف درهم
And he gave her two hundred thousand dirhams with him
وهي التي كانت لها عليه
It is she who has it on her
And he said
يا ابن طاهر
O Ibn Taher
طلقها بكلمتين ولا تزد عليهما
He divorced her with two words and do not increase them
فدخل عبدالله بن طاهر عليها فقال لها
Abdullah bin Taher entered her and said to her
يقول لك أبو محمد الحجاج
Abu Muhammad al-Hajjaj tells you
كنت فبنت
I was a girl
وهذه المائتا ألف درهم التي كانت لك قبله
These are the two hundred thousand dirhams that you had before him
She said
إعلم يا ابن طاهر أنا والله كنا فما حمدنا
Know, O Ibn Taher, I swear by God we were not
وبنا فما ندمنا
We did not regret it
وهذه المائتا ألف درهم التي جئت بها بشارة لك بخلاصي
These are the two hundred thousand dirhams that I brought as a good tidings to you for my salvation
ثم بعد ذلك بلغ أمير المؤمنين عبد الملك بن مروان خبرها ووصف له جمالها
Then, the Commander of the Faithful, Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, reported her news and described her beauty to him
فأرسل إليها يخطبها فأرسلت إليه كتابا تقول فيه بعد الثناء عليه
He sent her to propose to her, and she sent him a letter in which she said after praising him
إعلم يا امير المؤمنين أن الإناء ولغ فيه الكلب
Know, O Commander of the Faithful, that the vessel was licked by the dog
فلما قرأ عبدالملك الكتاب ضحك من قولها وكتب إليها يقول
When Abdul-Malik read the book, he laughed at her saying and wrote to her to say
إذا ولغ الكلب في إناء أحدكم فليغسله سبعا إحداهن بالتراب
If a dog licks one of you’s bowl, he should wash it seven times, one of them with dirt
فاغسلي الإناء يحل الاستعمال
So wash the bowl is permissible to use
فلما قرأت كتاب أمير المؤمنين لم يمكنها المخالفة
When she read the book of the Commander of the Faithful, she could not go against it
فكتبت إليه بعد الثناء عليه
So I wrote to him after praising him
يا امير المؤمنين والله لا أحل العقد إلا بشرط
O Commander of the Faithful, by God, the contract is not permissible except on condition
فإن قلت ما هو الشرط قلت
If I said what is the condition, I said
أن يقود الحجاج محملي من المعرة إلى بلدك التي أنت فيها ويكون ماشيا حافيا بحليته التي كان فيها أولا
To lead the pilgrims carrying me from Al-Maarrah to your country in which you are and to be walking barefoot in the suit he was in first
فلما قرأ عبد الملك ذلك الكتاب ضحك ضحكا شديدا وأنفذ إلى الحجاج وأمره بذلك
When Abdul Malik read that book, he laughed loudly and ran to the pilgrims, and ordered him to do so
فلما قرأ الحجاج رسالة أمير المؤمنين أجاب وامتثل الأمر ولم يخالف
When the pilgrims read the message of the Commander of the Faithful, he answered and complied with the matter and did not contradict
وأنفذ إلى هند يأمرها بالتجهز فتجهزت
And he carried out to India, ordering her to prepare, and she was prepared
وسار الحجاج في موكبه حتى وصل المعرة بلد هند فركبت هند في محمل الزفاف وركب حولها جواريها وخدمها
And the pilgrims marched in his procession until Maarat reached the country of Hind, so Hind rode in the wedding load and rode around her maidens and servants
وأخذ الحجاج بزمام البعير يقوده ويسير بها
The pilgrims took the reins of the camel, leading it and walking it
فجعلت هند تتواغد عليه وتضحك مع الهيفاء دايتها
Hind made her friends with him and laughed with the slender, her day
ثم إنها قالت للهيفاء يا داية إكشفي لي سجف المحمل
Then she said to Haifa, O Daya, discover the Sajf of the Mahmal to me
فكشفته فوقع وجهها في وجه الحجاج فضحكت عليه
She uncovered him, and she fell in the face of the pilgrims, and laughed at him
فأنشأ يقول
So he says
فأجابته هند تقول
Hind answered him saying
ولم تزل كذلك تضحك وتلعب إلى أن قربت من بلد الخليفة
She was still laughing and playing until she approached the country of the Caliph
فرمت بدينار على الأرض ونادت
She threw a dinar on the ground and called out
يا جمال إنه قد سقط منا درهم فارفعه إلينا
O Jamal, a dirham has fallen from us, so raise it to us
فنظر الحجاج إلى الأرض فلم يجد إلا دينارا فقال إنما هو دينار
Then the pilgrims looked at the land and found nothing but a dinar, so he said it was only a dinar
فقالت بل هو درهم
It is a dirham, she said
قال بل دينار
He said, but dinars
فقالت الحمد لله سقط منا درهم فعوضنا الله دينارا
And she said, Praise be to God, a dirham fell from us, and God rewarded us with a dinar
فخجل الحجاج وسكت ولم يرد جوابا
The pilgrims were ashamed and silent and did not answer them
ثم دخل بها على عبد الملك بن مروان
Then he entered it on Abdul Malik bin Marwan
فتزوج بها وكان من أمرها ما كان
He married her and it was from her what was