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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'big deal' mean? - YouTube

What does 'big deal' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob!

Feifei: You're looking pleased

with yourself today, Rob.

Rob: I am. Look - biscuits!

Feifei: Hmm, are biscuits

really that exciting?

Rob: Well, it's not actually the biscuits,

it's the price. I got

five pence off the packet

- a great discount, hey?

Feifei: Five pence! Big deal!

Rob: Well, yes it is a big deal, Feifei - a

big, big deal. By my calculations it's a five

per cent discount. So every bite tastes

better because it's cheaper! Oh hold on -

you're being sarcastic, aren't you?

Feifei: I am. It's a sarcastic phrase. When

we say 'big deal' to someone, we're telling

them that we don't think what they've told

us is very special or impressive. So sorry,

Rob - I'm not impressed!

Rob: It takes a lot to impress you, Feifei.

How about some impressive examples?

A: Have you heard - we're getting

a 1 per cent pay rise?

B: Big deal!

My brother said he completed

the marathon in four hours.

Big deal - I did it in three!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English and

we're talking about

the expression 'big deal', which

can be said to someone to show

you're not impressed by

what they've told you. You can also say

something is 'no big deal' to mean it's not

a serious problem, like this...

Failing your driving test is no big deal - it

happens to people all the time.

You can try again next month.

Rob: So that's 'no big deal', but I think

saving five pence off a packet of biscuits

is a great deal. You know what

people say - every penny counts.

Feifei: Rob, you're making a big deal about

this - that's another use of 'big deal'. When

you make a big deal about something,

it means you make a big fuss.

Rob: A big fuss? I bought 100 packets,

Feifei, saving five pounds - that's

quite a deal don't you think?

Feifei: 100 packets! That's a bit extreme

- you must really love biscuits.

What sort are they?

Rob: They are chocolate digestives.

Feifei: Oh chocolate digestives!

My favourite - OK then, Rob, open them up

and let's start munching.

Rob: Ha! I can see you are impressed

with my 'big deal'. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.

What does 'big deal' mean? - YouTube Was bedeutet "große Sache"? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "big deal"? - YouTube Qu'entend-on par "grosse affaire" ? - YouTube O que significa "grande coisa"? - YouTube Что означает "большое дело"? - YouTube 'Büyük anlaşma' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "велика справа"? - YouTube “大事”是什么意思? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: And hello, I'm Rob!

Feifei: You're looking pleased

with yourself today, Rob.

Rob: I am. Look - biscuits!

Feifei: Hmm, are biscuits

really that exciting?

Rob: Well, it's not actually the biscuits,

it's the price. I got

five pence off the packet

- a great discount, hey?

Feifei: Five pence! Big deal!

Rob: Well, yes it is a big deal, Feifei - a

big, big deal. By my calculations it's a five

per cent discount. So every bite tastes

better because it's cheaper! Oh hold on -

you're being sarcastic, aren't you? 皮肉なんだろ?

Feifei: I am. It's a sarcastic phrase. When

we say 'big deal' to someone, we're telling

them that we don't think what they've told

us is very special or impressive. So sorry,

Rob - I'm not impressed!

Rob: It takes a lot to impress you, Feifei.

How about some impressive examples?

A: Have you heard - we're getting

a 1 per cent pay rise?

B: Big deal!

My brother said he completed

the marathon in four hours.

Big deal - I did it in three!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak

from BBC Learning English and

we're talking about

the expression 'big deal', which

can be said to someone to show

you're not impressed by

what they've told you. You can also say

something is 'no big deal' to mean it's not

a serious problem, like this...

Failing your driving test is no big deal - it

happens to people all the time.

You can try again next month.

Rob: So that's 'no big deal', but I think

saving five pence off a packet of biscuits

is a great deal. You know what

people say - every penny counts. 人々は言う。

Feifei: Rob, you're making a big deal about

this - that's another use of 'big deal'. When

you make a big deal about something,

it means you make a big fuss.

Rob: A big fuss? I bought 100 packets,

Feifei, saving five pounds - that's

quite a deal don't you think?

Feifei: 100 packets! That's a bit extreme

- you must really love biscuits.

What sort are they?

Rob: They are chocolate digestives.

Feifei: Oh chocolate digestives!

My favourite - OK then, Rob, open them up

and let's start munching.

Rob: Ha! I can see you are impressed

with my 'big deal'. Bye.

Feifei: Bye.