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TED Talks, Isabel Allende tells tales of passion

Isabel Allende tells tales of passion

Thank you so much.

It's really scary to be here among the smartest of the smart. I'm here to tell you a few tales of passion. There's a Jewish saying that I love. What is truer than truth? Answer: The story. I'm a storyteller. I want to convey something that is truer than truth about our common humanity. All stories interest me, and some haunt me until I end up writing them. Certain themes keep coming up: justice, loyalty, violence, death, political and social issues, freedom. I'm aware of the mystery around us, so I write about coincidences, premonitions, emotions, dreams, the power of nature, magic. In the last 20 years I have published a few books, but I have lived in anonymity until February of 2006, when I carried the Olympic flag in the Winter Olympics in Italy.

That made me a celebrity. Now people recognize me in Macy's, and my grandchildren think that I'm cool. (Laughter) Allow me to tell you about my four minutes of fame. One of the organizers of the Olympic ceremony, of the opening ceremony, called me and said that I had been selected to be one of the flag-bearers. I replied that surely this was a case of mistaken identity because I'm as far as you can get from being an athlete. Actually, I wasn't even sure that I could go around the stadium without a walker. (Laughter) I was told that this was no laughing matter. This would be the first time that only women would carry the Olympic flag. Five women, representing five continents, and three Olympic gold medal winners. My first question was, naturally, what was I going to wear? (Laughter) A uniform, she said, and asked for my measurements. My measurements. I had a vision of myself in a fluffy anorak, looking like the Michelin Man. (Laughter) By the middle of February, I found myself in Turin, where enthusiastic crowds cheered when any of the 80 Olympic teams was in the street.

Those athletes had sacrificed everything to compete in the games. They all deserved to win, but there's the element of luck. A speck of snow, an inch of ice, the force of the wind, can determine the result of a race or a game. However, what matters most -- more than training or luck -- is the heart. Only a fearless and determined heart will get the gold medal. It is all about passion. The streets of Turin were covered with red posters announcing the slogan of the Olympics. Passion lives here.

Isn't it always true? Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. That is what I need for my characters in my books: a passionate heart. I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rules and take risks. People like all of you in this room. Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. (Laughter) They only make good former spouses. (Laughter) (Applause) In the green room of the stadium, I met the other flag bearers: three athletes, and the actresses Susan Sarandon and Sophia Loren.

Also, two women with passionate hearts. Wangari Maathai, the Nobel prizewinner from Kenya who has planted 30 million trees. And by doing so, she has changed the soil, the weather, in some places in Africa, and of course the economic conditions in many villages. And Somaly Mam, a Cambodian activist who fights passionately against child prostitution. When she was 14 years old, her grandfather sold her to a brothel. She told us of little girls raped by men who believe that having sex with a very young virgin will cure them from AIDS. And of brothels where children are forced to receive five, 15 clients per day, and if they rebel, they are tortured with electricity. In the green room I received my uniform. It was not the kind of outfit that I normally wear, but it was far from the Michelin Man suit that I had anticipated. Not bad, really. I looked like a refrigerator. (Laughter) But so did most of the flag-bearers, except Sophia Loren, the universal symbol of beauty and passion. Sophia is over 70 and she looks great. She's sexy, slim and tall, with a deep tan. Now, how can you have a deep tan and have no wrinkles? I don't know. When asked in a TV interview, "How could she look so good?" She replied, "Posture. My back is always straight, and I don't make old people's noises." (Laughter) So, there you have some free advice from one of the most beautiful women on earth. No grunting, no coughing, no wheezing, no talking to yourselves, no farting. (Laughter) Well, she didn't say that exactly. (Laughter) At some point around midnight, we were summoned to the wings of the stadium, and the loudspeakers announced the Olympic flag, and the music started -- by the way, the same music that starts here, the Aida March.

Sophia Loren was right in front of me -- she's a foot taller than I am, not counting the poofy hair. (Laughter) She walked elegantly, like a giraffe on the African savannah, holding the flag on her shoulder. I jogged behind -- (Laughter) -- on my tiptoes, holding the flag on my extended arm, so that my head was actually under the damn flag. (Laughter) All the cameras were, of course, on Sophia. That was fortunate for me, because in most press photos I appear too, although often between Sophia's legs. (Laughter) A place where most men would love to be. (Laughter) (Applause) The best four minutes of my entire life were those in the Olympic stadium.

My husband is offended when I say this -- although I have explained to him that what we do in private usually takes less than four minutes -- (Laughter) -- so he shouldn't take it personally. I have all the press clippings of those four magnificent minutes, because I don't want to forget them when old age destroys my brain cells. I want to carry in my heart forever the key word of the Olympics -- passion.

So here's a tale of passion. The year is 1998, the place is a prison camp for Tutsi refugees in Congo. By the way, 80 percent of all refugees and displaced people in the world are women and girls. We can call this place in Congo a death camp, because those who are not killed will die of disease or starvation. The protagonists of this story are a young woman, Rose Mapendo, and her children. She's pregnant and a widow. Soldiers have forced her to watch as her husband was tortured and killed. Somehow she manages to keep her seven children alive, and a few months later, she gives birth to premature twins. Two tiny little boys. She cuts the umbilical cord with a stick, and ties it with her own hair. She names the twins after the camp's commanders to gain their favor, and feeds them with black tea because her milk cannot sustain them. When the soldiers burst in her cell to rape her oldest daughter, she grabs hold of her and refuses to let go, even when they hold a gun to her head. Somehow, the family survives for 16 months, and then, by extraordinary luck, and the passionate heart of a young American man, Sasha Chanoff, who manages to put her in a U.S. rescue plane, Rose Mapendo and her nine children end up in Phoenix, Arizona, where they're now living and thriving. Mapendo, in Swahili, means great love.

The protagonists of my books are strong and passionate women like Rose Mapendo. I don't make them up. There's no need for that. I look around and I see them everywhere. I have worked with women and for women all my life. I know them well. I was born in ancient times, at the end of the world, in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative family. No wonder that by age five I was a raging feminist -- although the term had not reached Chile yet, so nobody knew what the heck was wrong with me. (Laughter) I would soon find out that there was a high price to pay for my freedom, and for questioning the patriarchy. But I was happy to pay it, because for every blow that I received, I was able to deliver two. (Laughter) Once, when my daughter Paula was in her twenties, she said to me that feminism was dated, that I should move on. We had a memorable fight. Feminism is dated? Yes, for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today, but not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage, prostitution, forced labor -- they have children that they don't want or they cannot feed. They have no control over their bodies or their lives. They have no education and no freedom. They are raped, beaten up and sometimes killed with impunity, For most Western young women of today, being called a feminist is an insult. Feminism has never been sexy, but let me assure you that it never stopped me from flirting, and I have seldom suffered from lack of men. (Laughter) Feminism is not dead, by no means. It has evolved. If you don't like the term, change it, for Goddess' sake. Call it Aphrodite, or Venus, or bimbo, or whatever you want, the name doesn't matter, as long as we understand what it is about, and we support it. So here's another tale of passion, and this is a sad one.

The place is a small women's clinic in a village in Bangladesh. The year is 2005. Jenny is a young American dental hygienist who has gone to the clinic as a volunteer during her three-week vacation. She's prepared to clean teeth, but when she gets there, she finds out that there are no doctors, no dentists, and the clinic is just a hut full of flies. Outside, there is a line of women who have waited several hours to be treated. The first patient is in excruciating pain because she has several rotten molars. Jenny realizes that the only solution is to pull out the bad teeth. She's not licensed for that, she has never done it. She risks a lot and she's terrified. She doesn't even have the proper instruments, but fortunately she has brought some Novocaine. Jenny has a brave and passionate heart. She murmurs a prayer and she goes ahead with the operation. At the end, the relieved patient kisses her hands. That day the hygienist pulls out many more teeth. The next morning, when she comes again to the so-called clinic, her first patient is waiting for her with her husband. The woman's face looks like a watermelon. It is so swollen that you can't even see the eyes. The husband, furious, threatens to kill the American. Jenny is horrified at what she has done, but then the translator explains that the patient's condition has nothing to do with the operation. The day before, her husband beat her up because she was not home in time to prepare dinner for him. Millions of women live like this today.

They are the poorest of the poor. Although women do two-thirds of the world's labor, they own less than one percent of the world's assets. They are paid less than men for the same work if they're paid at all, and they remain vulnerable because they have no economic independence, and they are constantly threatened by exploitation, violence and abuse. It is a fact that giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income, inherit and own property, benefits the society. If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off. If families prosper, the village prospers, and eventually so does the whole country. Wangari Maathai goes to a village in Kenya.

She talks with the women, and explains that the land is barren because they have cut and sold the trees. She gets the women to plant new trees and water them, drop by drop. In a matter of five or six years, they have a forest, the soil is enriched, and the village is saved. The poorest and most backward societies are always those that put women down. Yet this obvious truth is ignored by governments, and also by philanthropy. For every dollar given to a women's program, 20 dollars are given to men's programs. Women are 51 percent of humankind. Empowering them will change everything -- more than technology and design and entertainment. I can promise you that women working together -- linked, informed and educated -- can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. In any war today, most of the casualties are civilians, mainly women and children. They are collateral damage. Men run the world, and look at the mess we have. What kind of world do we want?

This is a fundamental question that most of us are asking. Does it make sense to participate in the existing world order? We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged. In January I saw an exhibit of Fernando Botero's paintings at the UC Berkeley library. No museum or gallery in the United States, except for the New York gallery that carries Botero's work, has dared to show the paintings because the theme is the Abu Ghraib prison. They are huge paintings of torture and abuse of power, in the voluminous Botero style. I have not been able to get those images out of my mind or my heart. What I fear most is power with impunity. I fear abuse of power, and the power to abuse. In our species, the alpha males define reality, and force the rest of the pack to accept that reality and follow the rules. The rules change all the time, but they always benefit them, and in this case, the trickle-down effect, which does not work in economics, works perfectly. Abuse trickles down from the top of the ladder to the bottom. Women and children, especially the poor, are at the bottom. Even the most destitute of men have someone they can abuse -- a woman or a child. I'm fed up with the power that a few exert over the many through gender, income, race, and class. I think that the time is ripe to make fundamental changes in our civilization.

But for real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men. I'm talking about men with young minds, of course. Old guys are hopeless, we have to wait for them to die off. (Laughter) Yes, I would love to have Sophia Loren's long legs and legendary breasts. But given a choice, I would rather have the warrior heart of Wangari Maathai, Somaly Mam, Jenny, and Rose Mapendo. I want to make this world good. Not better, but to make it good. Why not? It is possible. Look around in this room -- all this knowledge, energy, talent, and technology. Let's get off our fannies, roll up our sleeves and get to work, passionately, in creating an almost perfect world. Thank you.

Isabel Allende tells tales of passion Isabel Allende erzählt Geschichten der Leidenschaft Η Ιζαμπέλ Αλιέντε αφηγείται ιστορίες πάθους Isabel Allende cuenta historias de pasión Isabel Allende raconte des histoires de passion イサベル・アジェンデ、情熱の物語を語る Isabel Allende pasakoja aistros istorijas Isabel Allende opowiada historie o namiętności Isabel Allende conta histórias de paixão Исабель Альенде рассказывает истории о страсти Isabel Allende tutku hikayeleri anlatıyor Ізабель Альєнде розповідає історії про пристрасть 伊莎贝尔-阿连德讲述激情故事

Thank you so much.

It’s really scary to be here among the smartest of the smart. 頭のいい人たちの中で、ここにいることが本当に怖いです。 É realmente assustador estar aqui entre os mais inteligentes dos inteligentes. I’m here to tell you a few tales of passion. 情熱の物語をお伝えします。 There’s a Jewish saying that I love. Es gibt ein jüdisches Sprichwort, das ich liebe. 私が大好きなユダヤの格言があります。 Há um ditado judeu que eu adoro. Есть еврейская поговорка, которую я люблю. What is truer than truth? 真実に勝るものはない。 O que é mais verdadeiro do que a verdade? Что вернее истины? Answer: The story. I’m a storyteller. I want to convey something that is truer than truth about our common humanity. 私たちの共通の人間性について、真実よりも真実に近いものを伝えたいのです。 Quero transmitir algo que é mais verdadeiro do que a verdade sobre a nossa humanidade comum. Я хочу передать что-то более правдивое, чем правда, о нашей общей человечности. 我想传达一些比我们共同人性的真相更真实的东西。 All stories interest me, and some haunt me until I end up writing them. すべてのストーリーに興味を持ち、中には書くことになるまで悩まされるものもあります。 Todas as histórias me interessam, e algumas assombram-me até acabar por escrevê-las. Certain themes keep coming up: justice, loyalty, violence, death, political and social issues, freedom. 正義、忠誠心、暴力、死、政治・社会問題、自由など、ある種のテーマが次々と出てくる。 Alguns temas estão sempre a surgir: justiça, lealdade, violência, morte, questões políticas e sociais, liberdade. Некоторые темы продолжаются: справедливость, лояльность, насилие, смерть, политические и социальные проблемы, свобода. I’m aware of the mystery around us, so I write about coincidences, premonitions, emotions, dreams, the power of nature, magic. 私たちの周りにある謎を意識して、偶然、予感、感情、夢、自然の力、魔法について書いています。 Estou consciente do mistério que nos rodeia, por isso escrevo sobre coincidências, premonições, emoções, sonhos, o poder da natureza, magia. Я знаю тайну вокруг нас, поэтому пишу о совпадениях, предчувствиях, эмоциях, мечтах, силе природы, магии. In the last 20 years I have published a few books, but I have lived in anonymity until February of 2006, when I carried the Olympic flag in the Winter Olympics in Italy. 私は過去20年間、いくつかの本を出版しましたが、私はイタリアの冬季オリンピックでオリンピック旗を掲げた2006年2月まで匿名で暮らしました。

That made me a celebrity. Now people recognize me in Macy’s, and my grandchildren think that I’m cool. 今では、メイシーズで私を認めてくれる人もいますし、孫にも「かっこいい」と言われます。 Agora as pessoas reconhecem-me no Macy's e os meus netos acham que sou fixe. 现在人们在梅西百货公司认识我,我的孙子孙女认为我很酷。 (Laughter) Allow me to tell you about my four minutes of fame. (笑)私の4分間の名声についてお話させてください。 One of the organizers of the Olympic ceremony, of the opening ceremony, called me and said that I had been selected to be one of the flag-bearers. Um dos organizadores da cerimónia olímpica, da cerimónia de abertura, telefonou-me e disse-me que eu tinha sido selecionado para ser um dos porta-bandeiras. I replied that surely this was a case of mistaken identity because I’m as far as you can get from being an athlete. Respondi-lhe que certamente se tratava de um caso de erro de identidade, porque estou o mais longe possível de ser um atleta. Я ответил, что, конечно, это был случай ошибочной идентичности, потому что я настолько далек от того, чтобы быть спортсменом. 我回答说,这肯定是身份错误,因为我和运动员的差距很大。 Actually, I wasn’t even sure that I could go around the stadium without a walker. Na verdade, nem sequer tinha a certeza se conseguiria dar a volta ao estádio sem um andarilho. На самом деле, я даже не был уверен, что смогу обойти стадион без пешехода. 事实上,我什至不确定是否可以在没有助行器的情况下绕体育场走一圈。 (Laughter) I was told that this was no laughing matter. (Risos) Disseram-me que não era caso para rir. (笑声)有人告诉我,这并不是开玩笑的事。 This would be the first time that only women would carry the Olympic flag. Five women, representing five continents, and three Olympic gold medal winners. My first question was, naturally, what was I going to wear? (Laughter) A uniform, she said, and asked for my measurements. (Risos) Um uniforme, disse ela, e pediu-me as medidas. My measurements. As minhas medidas. I had a vision of myself in a fluffy anorak, looking like the Michelin Man. Tive uma visão de mim próprio num anoraque fofo, parecido com o Homem da Michelin. (Laughter) By the middle of February, I found myself in Turin, where enthusiastic crowds cheered when any of the 80 Olympic teams was in the street. Em meados de fevereiro, encontrava-me em Turim, onde multidões entusiasmadas aplaudiam quando alguma das 80 equipas olímpicas estava na rua. 二月中旬,我来到了都灵,每当 80 支奥运代表队中的任何一支出现在街头,都会引来热情的人群欢呼。

Those athletes had sacrificed everything to compete in the games. Эти атлеты пожертвовали всем, чтобы конкурировать в играх. They all deserved to win, but there’s the element of luck. Todos mereciam ganhar, mas há um elemento de sorte. A speck of snow, an inch of ice, the force of the wind, can determine the result of a race or a game. Um grão de neve, um centímetro de gelo, a força do vento, podem determinar o resultado de uma corrida ou de um jogo. However, what matters most -- more than training or luck -- is the heart. No entanto, o mais importante - mais do que o treino ou a sorte - é o coração. Only a fearless and determined heart will get the gold medal. Só um coração destemido e determinado conseguirá a medalha de ouro. 只有一颗无所畏惧,坚定不移的心才能获得金牌。 It is all about passion. É tudo uma questão de paixão. The streets of Turin were covered with red posters announcing the slogan of the Olympics. As ruas de Turim estavam cobertas de cartazes vermelhos que anunciavam o slogan dos Jogos Olímpicos. Passion lives here. A paixão vive aqui.

Isn’t it always true? Não é sempre verdade? Разве это не всегда так? Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. O coração é o que nos move e determina o nosso destino. That is what I need for my characters in my books: a passionate heart. É disso que preciso para as minhas personagens nos meus livros: um coração apaixonado. Это то, что мне нужно для моих персонажей в моих книгах: страстное сердце. I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rules and take risks. Preciso de mavericks, dissidentes, aventureiros, forasteiros e rebeldes, que façam perguntas, contornem as regras e corram riscos. Мне нужны маверики, диссиденты, авантюристы, посторонние и повстанцы, которые задают вопросы, сгибают правила и рискуют. 我需要特立独行者,持不同政见者,冒险家,局外人和叛军,他们会提出问题,改变规则并冒险。 People like all of you in this room. Pessoas como todos vós nesta sala. Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. As pessoas simpáticas e de bom senso não são personagens interessantes. Хорошие люди с здравым смыслом не делают интересных персонажей. (Laughter) They only make good former spouses. (Risos) Só dão bons ex-cônjuges. (Смех) Из них получаются только бывшие супруги. (Laughter) (Applause) In the green room of the stadium, I met the other flag bearers: three athletes, and the actresses Susan Sarandon and Sophia Loren. Na sala verde do estádio, encontrei os outros porta-estandartes: três atletas e as actrizes Susan Sarandon e Sophia Loren.

Also, two women with passionate hearts. Além disso, duas mulheres com corações apaixonados. Wangari Maathai, the Nobel prizewinner from Kenya who has planted 30 million trees. Wangari Maathai, a vencedora do Prémio Nobel do Quénia que plantou 30 milhões de árvores. And by doing so, she has changed the soil, the weather, in some places in Africa, and of course the economic conditions in many villages. E, ao fazê-lo, mudou o solo, o clima, em alguns locais de África, e, claro, as condições económicas de muitas aldeias. And Somaly Mam, a Cambodian activist who fights passionately against child prostitution. E Somaly Mam, uma ativista cambojana que luta apaixonadamente contra a prostituição infantil. When she was 14 years old, her grandfather sold her to a brothel. Quando tinha 14 anos, o seu avô vendeu-a a um bordel. She told us of little girls raped by men who believe that having sex with a very young virgin will cure them from AIDS. Falou-nos de meninas violadas por homens que acreditam que ter relações sexuais com uma virgem muito jovem os curará da SIDA. Она рассказала нам о маленьких девочках, которых изнасиловали мужчины, которые считают, что секс с очень молодой девственницей вылечит их от СПИДа. 她告诉我们,有些小女孩被男人强奸,因为这些男人认为与年轻的处女发生性关系就能治愈她们的艾滋病。 And of brothels where children are forced to receive five, 15 clients per day, and if they rebel, they are tortured with electricity. E de bordéis onde as crianças são obrigadas a receber cinco, 15 clientes por dia e, se se rebelam, são torturadas com eletricidade. И о публичных домах, где детей заставляют принимать по пять, пятнадцать клиентов в день, и если они восстают, их пытают электричеством. 在妓院里,孩子们每天被迫接待 5 到 15 名客人,如果她们反抗,就会遭受电刑。 In the green room I received my uniform. It was not the kind of outfit that I normally wear, but it was far from the Michelin Man suit that I had anticipated. Não era o tipo de roupa que normalmente uso, mas estava longe de ser o fato de Homem Michelin que eu tinha previsto. Это был не тот костюм, который я обычно ношу, но он был далек от костюма Michelin Man, который я ожидал. Not bad, really. Nada mau, na verdade. Неплохо, правда. I looked like a refrigerator. Eu parecia um frigorífico. (Laughter) But so did most of the flag-bearers, except Sophia Loren, the universal symbol of beauty and passion. (Risos) Mas o mesmo aconteceu com a maioria das porta-bandeiras, exceto Sophia Loren, o símbolo universal da beleza e da paixão. (众笑)但是,除了索菲娅·罗兰(Sophia Loren)以外,大多数的旗帜旗手也是如此。 Sophia is over 70 and she looks great. A Sophia tem mais de 70 anos e está óptima. She’s sexy, slim and tall, with a deep tan. Ela é sexy, magra e alta, com um bronzeado profundo. Now, how can you have a deep tan and have no wrinkles? Como é que se pode ter um bronzeado profundo e não ter rugas? I don’t know. When asked in a TV interview, "How could she look so good?" She replied, "Posture. Ela respondeu: "Postura. My back is always straight, and I don’t make old people’s noises." Moje plecy są zawsze proste, a ja nie wydaję odgłosów starców". As minhas costas estão sempre direitas e não faço barulhos de velho". Моя спина всегда прямая, и я не делаю шума старых людей ». 我的后背总是挺直的,我不会吵架。” (Laughter) So, there you have some free advice from one of the most beautiful women on earth. (Risos) Portanto, aí têm alguns conselhos gratuitos de uma das mulheres mais bonitas do mundo. (Смех) Итак, у вас есть бесплатный совет от одной из самых красивых женщин на земле. No grunting, no coughing, no wheezing, no talking to yourselves, no farting. Não grunhir, não tossir, não sibilar, não falar sozinho, não se peidar. (Laughter) Well, she didn’t say that exactly. (Risos) Bem, ela não disse exatamente isso. (Laughter) At some point around midnight, we were summoned to the wings of the stadium, and the loudspeakers announced the Olympic flag, and the music started -- by the way, the same music that starts here, the Aida March. Por volta da meia-noite, fomos chamados às alas do estádio, os altifalantes anunciaram a bandeira olímpica e a música começou - aliás, a mesma música que começa aqui, a Marcha de Aida.

Sophia Loren was right in front of me -- she’s a foot taller than I am, not counting the poofy hair. A Sophia Loren estava mesmo à minha frente - ela é um metro mais alta do que eu, sem contar com o cabelo espetado. Софья Лорен была прямо передо мной - она ​​на ноги выше меня, не считая пухлых волос. 索菲娅·罗兰就在我前面——不算蓬松的头发,她比我高一英尺。 (Laughter) She walked elegantly, like a giraffe on the African savannah, holding the flag on her shoulder. (Risos) Caminhava elegantemente, como uma girafa na savana africana, segurando a bandeira ao ombro. I jogged behind -- (Laughter) -- on my tiptoes, holding the flag on my extended arm, so that my head was actually under the damn flag. Eu corri atrás -- (Risos) -- na ponta dos pés, segurando a bandeira com o braço estendido, de modo que a minha cabeça estava mesmo debaixo da maldita bandeira. Я бегала позади - (Смех) - на моих цыпочках, держа флаг на моей вытянутой руке, так что моя голова была на самом деле под черным флагом. (Laughter) All the cameras were, of course, on Sophia. (Risos) Todas as câmaras estavam, claro, viradas para a Sophia. That was fortunate for me, because in most press photos I appear too, although often between Sophia’s legs. Foi uma sorte para mim, porque na maioria das fotografias de imprensa eu também apareço, embora muitas vezes entre as pernas da Sophia. (Laughter) A place where most men would love to be. (Risos) Um sítio onde a maioria dos homens adoraria estar. (Смех) Место, где большинство мужчин хотели бы быть. (Laughter) (Applause) The best four minutes of my entire life were those in the Olympic stadium. Os melhores quatro minutos de toda a minha vida foram os do estádio olímpico. Лучшие четыре минуты моей жизни были на Олимпийском стадионе.

My husband is offended when I say this -- although I have explained to him that what we do in private usually takes less than four minutes -- (Laughter) -- so he shouldn’t take it personally. O meu marido fica ofendido quando digo isto - embora lhe tenha explicado que o que fazemos em privado demora normalmente menos de quatro minutos - (Risos) - por isso não deve levar a mal. Мой муж обижен, когда я это говорю, хотя я объяснил ему, что то, что мы делаем частным образом, обычно занимает менее четырех минут - (Смех), поэтому он не должен воспринимать это лично. 我这样说对我丈夫很生气-尽管我已经向他解释说,我们私下做的事情通常不到四分钟-(笑声)-所以他不应该亲自去做。 I have all the press clippings of those four magnificent minutes, because I don’t want to forget them when old age destroys my brain cells. Tenho todos os recortes de imprensa desses quatro minutos magníficos, porque não quero esquecê-los quando a velhice destruir as minhas células cerebrais. У меня есть все пресс-вырезки этих четырех великолепных минут, потому что я не хочу забывать их, когда старость уничтожает мои клетки мозга. I want to carry in my heart forever the key word of the Olympics -- passion. Quero levar para sempre no meu coração a palavra-chave dos Jogos Olímpicos: paixão. Я хочу нести в сердце навсегда ключевое слово Олимпиады - страсть.

So here’s a tale of passion. Eis uma história de paixão. The year is 1998, the place is a prison camp for Tutsi refugees in Congo. O ano é 1998 e o local é um campo de prisioneiros para refugiados Tutsi no Congo. By the way, 80 percent of all refugees and displaced people in the world are women and girls. A propósito, 80% de todos os refugiados e pessoas deslocadas no mundo são mulheres e raparigas. We can call this place in Congo a death camp, because those who are not killed will die of disease or starvation. コンゴのこの場所は、殺されなかった人々が病気や飢餓で死ぬので、死の収容所と呼ぶことができます。 Podemos chamar a este lugar no Congo um campo de extermínio, porque aqueles que não forem mortos morrerão de doença ou de fome. The protagonists of this story are a young woman, Rose Mapendo, and her children. She’s pregnant and a widow. Ela está grávida e é viúva. Soldiers have forced her to watch as her husband was tortured and killed. Os soldados obrigaram-na a ver o seu marido ser torturado e morto. Солдаты заставили ее наблюдать, как ее мужа пытали и убивали. 士兵强迫她观看丈夫被折磨和杀害。 Somehow she manages to keep her seven children alive, and a few months later, she gives birth to premature twins. De alguma forma, consegue manter vivos os seus sete filhos e, alguns meses mais tarde, dá à luz gémeos prematuros. Two tiny little boys. Dois meninos pequeninos. She cuts the umbilical cord with a stick, and ties it with her own hair. Corta o cordão umbilical com um pau e ata-o com o seu próprio cabelo. She names the twins after the camp’s commanders to gain their favor, and feeds them with black tea because her milk cannot sustain them. Para ganhar o seu favor, dá aos gémeos os nomes dos comandantes do acampamento e alimenta-os com chá preto, porque o seu leite não os consegue sustentar. Она называет близнецов после командиров лагеря, чтобы получить их пользу, и кормит их черным чаем, потому что ее молоко не выдерживает их. 她以营地指挥官的名字为双胞胎命名,以赢得他们的好感,并用红茶喂养他们,因为她的乳汁无法维持他们的生活。 When the soldiers burst in her cell to rape her oldest daughter, she grabs hold of her and refuses to let go, even when they hold a gun to her head. 兵士たちが自分の娘を強姦するために彼女の細胞を爆破したとき、彼女は彼女をつかんで、銃を彼女の頭に抱えていても手放すことを拒否します。 Quando os soldados entram na sua cela para violar a filha mais velha, ela agarra-a e recusa-se a largá-la, mesmo quando lhe apontam uma arma à cabeça. Когда солдаты ворвались в свою камеру, чтобы изнасиловать свою старшую дочь, она хватает ее и отказывается отпустить, даже когда они держат пистолет в голову. 当士兵冲进她的牢房强奸她的大女儿时,她抓住了她,拒绝放手,即使他们用枪指着她的头。 Somehow, the family survives for 16 months, and then, by extraordinary luck, and the passionate heart of a young American man, Sasha Chanoff, who manages to put her in a U.S. De alguma forma, a família sobrevive durante 16 meses e, depois, por uma sorte extraordinária e pelo coração apaixonado de um jovem americano, Sasha Chanoff, que consegue colocá-la num centro de acolhimento dos EUA. rescue plane, Rose Mapendo and her nine children end up in Phoenix, Arizona, where they’re now living and thriving. avião de salvamento, Rose Mapendo e os seus nove filhos acabam em Phoenix, no Arizona, onde vivem e prosperam atualmente. Mapendo, in Swahili, means great love. Mapendo, em suaíli, significa grande amor.

The protagonists of my books are strong and passionate women like Rose Mapendo. As protagonistas dos meus livros são mulheres fortes e apaixonadas como Rose Mapendo. I don’t make them up. Nie wymyślam ich. Eu não os invento. There’s no need for that. I look around and I see them everywhere. I have worked with women and for women all my life. Toda a minha vida trabalhei com mulheres e para mulheres. I know them well. I was born in ancient times, at the end of the world, in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative family. Nasci nos tempos antigos, no fim do mundo, numa família patriarcal católica e conservadora. No wonder that by age five I was a raging feminist -- although the term had not reached Chile yet, so nobody knew what the heck was wrong with me. Não admira que aos cinco anos eu fosse uma feminista furiosa - embora o termo ainda não tivesse chegado ao Chile, por isso ninguém sabia o que raio se passava comigo. Неудивительно, что к пяти годам я был буйным феминисткой, хотя этот термин еще не добрался до Чили, поэтому никто не знал, что со мной случилось. 难怪我五岁时就已成为狂热的“女权主义者”——尽管这个词当时还没有传到智利,所以没人知道我到底怎么了。 (Laughter) I would soon find out that there was a high price to pay for my freedom, and for questioning the patriarchy. (Risos) Em breve descobriria que havia um preço elevado a pagar pela minha liberdade e por questionar o patriarcado. But I was happy to pay it, because for every blow that I received, I was able to deliver two. Mas fiquei contente por o pagar, porque por cada golpe que recebia, conseguia dar dois. Но я был счастлив заплатить, потому что за каждый удар, который я получил, я смог доставить два. 但是我很高兴为此付出代价,因为我收到的每一次打击都能带来两个打击。 (Laughter) Once, when my daughter Paula was in her twenties, she said to me that feminism was dated, that I should move on. (Risos) Uma vez, quando a minha filha Paula tinha vinte e poucos anos, disse-me que o feminismo estava ultrapassado, que eu devia seguir em frente. We had a memorable fight. Tivemos uma luta memorável. У нас был незабываемый бой. Feminism is dated? O feminismo está ultrapassado? Yes, for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today, but not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage, prostitution, forced labor -- they have children that they don’t want or they cannot feed. Sim, para mulheres privilegiadas como a minha filha e todas nós aqui hoje, mas não para a maioria das nossas irmãs no resto do mundo que ainda são forçadas a casamentos prematuros, à prostituição, a trabalhos forçados - têm filhos que não querem ou que não podem alimentar. Да, для привилегированных женщин, таких как моя дочь и всех нас здесь сегодня, но не для большинства наших сестер в остальном мире, которые все еще вынуждены вступать в преждевременные браки, проституцию, принудительный труд - у них есть дети, которых у них нет хотят или не могут кормить. They have no control over their bodies or their lives. They have no education and no freedom. They are raped, beaten up and sometimes killed with impunity, For most Western young women of today, being called a feminist is an insult. São violadas, espancadas e por vezes mortas impunemente. Para a maioria das jovens ocidentais de hoje, ser chamada feminista é um insulto. Их изнасиловали, избивали, а иногда и убивали безнаказанно. Для большинства западных молодых женщин сегодня, называемых феминистками, это оскорбление. Feminism has never been sexy, but let me assure you that it never stopped me from flirting, and I have seldom suffered from lack of men. フェミニズムは決してセクシーではありませんでしたが、私はそれが私を怒らせるのを止めることは決してありませんでした。そして、私は男性の不足に苦しんだことはほとんどありません。 O feminismo nunca foi sexy, mas deixem-me assegurar-vos que nunca me impediu de namoriscar e que raramente sofri de falta de homens. Феминизм никогда не был сексуальным, но позвольте мне заверить вас, что это никогда не останавливало меня от флирта, и я редко страдал от нехватки мужчин. 女权主义从来都不是性感的,但请相信我,它从来没有阻止过我调情,而且我也很少因为缺少男人而感到痛苦。 (Laughter) Feminism is not dead, by no means. (Risos) O feminismo não está morto, de modo algum. (Смех) Феминизм не мертв, ни в коем случае. It has evolved. If you don’t like the term, change it, for Goddess' sake. Se não gostam do termo, mudem-no, por amor de Deus. Если вам не нравится этот термин, измените его, ради Богини. Call it Aphrodite, or Venus, or bimbo, or whatever you want, the name doesn’t matter, as long as we understand what it is about, and we support it. Chamem-lhe Afrodite, ou Vénus, ou bimba, ou o que quiserem, o nome não importa, desde que compreendamos o que está em causa e o apoiemos. Назовите это Aphrodite, или Venus, или bimbo, или что угодно, имя не имеет значения, если мы понимаем, о чем речь, и мы поддерживаем его. So here’s another tale of passion, and this is a sad one. Eis outra história de paixão, e esta é uma história triste. Итак, вот еще одна история о страсти, и это печально.

The place is a small women’s clinic in a village in Bangladesh. O local é uma pequena clínica para mulheres numa aldeia do Bangladesh. The year is 2005. Jenny is a young American dental hygienist who has gone to the clinic as a volunteer during her three-week vacation. Jenny é uma jovem higienista dentária americana que foi para a clínica como voluntária durante as suas férias de três semanas. Дженни - молодой американский стоматолог-гигиенист, который отправился в клинику волонтером во время трехнедельного отпуска. She’s prepared to clean teeth, but when she gets there, she finds out that there are no doctors, no dentists, and the clinic is just a hut full of flies. Está preparada para limpar dentes, mas quando lá chega, descobre que não há médicos, nem dentistas, e que a clínica é apenas uma cabana cheia de moscas. Она готова чистить зубы, но когда она добирается туда, она узнает, что нет врачей, нет стоматологов, а клиника - просто хижина, полная мух. Outside, there is a line of women who have waited several hours to be treated. No exterior, há uma fila de mulheres que esperaram várias horas para serem tratadas. Снаружи есть линия женщин, которые ждали несколько часов для лечения. The first patient is in excruciating pain because she has several rotten molars. A primeira paciente está a sofrer dores excruciantes porque tem vários molares podres. Jenny realizes that the only solution is to pull out the bad teeth. Jenny apercebe-se de que a única solução é arrancar os dentes estragados. Дженни понимает, что единственным решением является вытащить плохие зубы. She’s not licensed for that, she has never done it. Ela não tem licença para o fazer, nunca o fez. Она не лицензирована для этого, она никогда не делала этого. She risks a lot and she’s terrified. Ela arrisca-se muito e está aterrorizada. She doesn’t even have the proper instruments, but fortunately she has brought some Novocaine. Ela nem sequer tem os instrumentos adequados, mas felizmente trouxe um pouco de Novocaína. Jenny has a brave and passionate heart. She murmurs a prayer and she goes ahead with the operation. Ela murmura uma oração e avança com a operação. At the end, the relieved patient kisses her hands. No final, o doente, aliviado, beija-lhe as mãos. 最后,松了一口气的病人亲吻了她的双手。 That day the hygienist pulls out many more teeth. Nesse dia, a higienista arranca muitos mais dentes. The next morning, when she comes again to the so-called clinic, her first patient is waiting for her with her husband. Następnego ranka, gdy ponownie przychodzi do tzw. przychodni, czeka na nią pierwsza pacjentka wraz z mężem. Na manhã seguinte, quando chega novamente à dita clínica, a sua primeira paciente está à sua espera com o marido. The woman’s face looks like a watermelon. A cara da mulher parece uma melancia. It is so swollen that you can’t even see the eyes. Está tão inchado que nem se consegue ver os olhos. The husband, furious, threatens to kill the American. Jenny is horrified at what she has done, but then the translator explains that the patient’s condition has nothing to do with the operation. Jenny fica horrorizada com o que fez, mas depois o tradutor explica que o estado do doente não tem nada a ver com a operação. 珍妮对自己的所作所为感到震惊,但翻译随后解释说,病人的病情与手术无关。 The day before, her husband beat her up because she was not home in time to prepare dinner for him. No dia anterior, o marido tinha-lhe batido porque ela não tinha chegado a casa a tempo de lhe preparar o jantar. Millions of women live like this today.

They are the poorest of the poor. São os mais pobres dos pobres. Although women do two-thirds of the world’s labor, they own less than one percent of the world’s assets. Embora as mulheres sejam responsáveis por dois terços do trabalho mundial, possuem menos de um por cento dos activos mundiais. Хотя женщины выполняют две трети работы в мире, они владеют менее чем одним процентом мировых активов. They are paid less than men for the same work if they’re paid at all, and they remain vulnerable because they have no economic independence, and they are constantly threatened by exploitation, violence and abuse. São pagas menos do que os homens pelo mesmo trabalho, se é que são pagas, e permanecem vulneráveis porque não têm independência económica e são constantemente ameaçadas de exploração, violência e abuso. 她们从事同样的工作,即使得到报酬,也比男性要少,而且由于没有经济独立,她们处于弱势地位,并不断受到剥削、暴力和虐待的威胁。 It is a fact that giving women education, work, the ability to control their own income, inherit and own property, benefits the society. É um facto que dar às mulheres educação, trabalho, a capacidade de controlar o seu próprio rendimento, herdar e possuir propriedade, beneficia a sociedade. If a woman is empowered, her children and her family will be better off. Se uma mulher for capacitada, os seus filhos e a sua família ficarão em melhor situação. If families prosper, the village prospers, and eventually so does the whole country. Se as famílias prosperam, a aldeia prospera e, eventualmente, todo o país. Wangari Maathai goes to a village in Kenya.

She talks with the women, and explains that the land is barren because they have cut and sold the trees. Ela fala com as mulheres e explica-lhes que a terra é estéril porque elas cortaram e venderam as árvores. She gets the women to plant new trees and water them, drop by drop. Ela faz com que as mulheres plantem novas árvores e as reguem, gota a gota. In a matter of five or six years, they have a forest, the soil is enriched, and the village is saved. The poorest and most backward societies are always those that put women down. As sociedades mais pobres e mais atrasadas são sempre aquelas que menosprezam as mulheres. Yet this obvious truth is ignored by governments, and also by philanthropy. しかし、この明白な真実は、政府や慈善事業によって無視されている。 No entanto, esta verdade óbvia é ignorada pelos governos e também pela filantropia. For every dollar given to a women’s program, 20 dollars are given to men’s programs. Women are 51 percent of humankind. Empowering them will change everything -- more than technology and design and entertainment. Dar-lhes poder vai mudar tudo - mais do que a tecnologia, o design e o entretenimento. I can promise you that women working together -- linked, informed and educated -- can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. Posso prometer-vos que as mulheres que trabalham em conjunto - ligadas, informadas e educadas - podem trazer paz e prosperidade a este planeta abandonado. In any war today, most of the casualties are civilians, mainly women and children. Em qualquer guerra atual, a maior parte das vítimas são civis, principalmente mulheres e crianças. They are collateral damage. São danos colaterais. Они являются сопутствующим ущербом. Men run the world, and look at the mess we have. Mężczyźni rządzą światem, a spójrzcie jaki mamy bałagan. Os homens mandam no mundo, e vejam a confusão que temos. What kind of world do we want?

This is a fundamental question that most of us are asking. Esta é uma questão fundamental que a maioria de nós se coloca. Does it make sense to participate in the existing world order? Faz sentido participar na atual ordem mundial? We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged. Queremos um mundo onde a vida seja preservada e a qualidade de vida seja enriquecida para todos e não apenas para os privilegiados. In January I saw an exhibit of Fernando Botero’s paintings at the UC Berkeley library. Em janeiro, vi uma exposição de pinturas de Fernando Botero na biblioteca da Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley. 一月份,我在加州大学伯克利分校图书馆看到了Fernando Botero的画展。 No museum or gallery in the United States, except for the New York gallery that carries Botero’s work, has dared to show the paintings because the theme is the Abu Ghraib prison. ボテロの作品を運んでいるニューヨークのギャラリーを除いて、アメリカの美術館やギャラリーは、テーマがアブグレイブ刑務所であるため、その絵を描こうとはしていません。 Nenhum museu ou galeria nos Estados Unidos, com exceção da galeria nova-iorquina que exibe a obra de Botero, se atreveu a mostrar os quadros porque o tema é a prisão de Abu Ghraib. Ни один музей или галерея в Соединенных Штатах, за исключением нью-йоркской галереи, где хранятся работы Ботеро, не осмелились показать картины, потому что их тема - тюрьма Абу-Грейб. They are huge paintings of torture and abuse of power, in the voluminous Botero style. São enormes pinturas de tortura e abuso de poder, no estilo volumoso de Botero. Это огромные картины пыток и злоупотребления властью, выполненные в объемном стиле Ботеро. I have not been able to get those images out of my mind or my heart. 私はそれらのイメージを私の心または私の心から得ることができませんでした。 Não consegui tirar essas imagens da minha mente ou do meu coração. Я не мог выбросить эти образы из головы или сердца. What I fear most is power with impunity. O que mais temo é o poder impune. Чего я больше всего боюсь, так это безнаказанной власти. I fear abuse of power, and the power to abuse. Receio o abuso de poder e o poder de abusar. Я боюсь злоупотребления властью и власти злоупотреблять. 我担心滥用权力和滥用权力。 In our species, the alpha males define reality, and force the rest of the pack to accept that reality and follow the rules. Na nossa espécie, os machos alfa definem a realidade e obrigam o resto da matilha a aceitar essa realidade e a seguir as regras. В нашем виде альфа-самцы определяют реальность и заставляют остальную часть стаи принять эту реальность и следовать правилам. 在我们的物种中,阿尔法雄性定义了现实,并迫使其他人接受该现实并遵守规则。 The rules change all the time, but they always benefit them, and in this case, the trickle-down effect, which does not work in economics, works perfectly. As regras mudam a toda a hora, mas beneficiam sempre os seus clientes e, neste caso, o efeito de gota a gota, que não funciona em economia, funciona perfeitamente. Правила все время меняются, но они всегда приносят им пользу, и в этом случае эффект просачивания, который не работает в экономике, работает отлично. Abuse trickles down from the top of the ladder to the bottom. Os abusos vão-se acumulando desde o topo da escada até à base. Злоупотребления стекают вниз по лестнице. 虐待从阶梯的顶端逐渐蔓延至阶梯的底部。 Women and children, especially the poor, are at the bottom. As mulheres e as crianças, especialmente as pobres, estão no fundo do poço. Even the most destitute of men have someone they can abuse -- a woman or a child. Mesmo os homens mais carenciados têm alguém de quem podem abusar - uma mulher ou uma criança. Даже у самых обездоленных мужчин есть кто-то, с кем можно оскорбить - женщина или ребенок. I’m fed up with the power that a few exert over the many through gender, income, race, and class. Mam dość władzy, jaką nieliczni sprawują nad wieloma poprzez płeć, dochody, rasę i klasę. Estou farto do poder que alguns exercem sobre muitos através do género, do rendimento, da raça e da classe. Мне надоела власть, которую немногие оказывают над многими через пол, доход, расу и класс. I think that the time is ripe to make fundamental changes in our civilization. Penso que chegou a altura de fazer mudanças fundamentais na nossa civilização. Я думаю, что пора кардинально изменить нашу цивилизацию.

But for real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. Mas para uma verdadeira mudança, precisamos de energia feminina na gestão do mundo. Но для реальных изменений нам нужна женская энергия в управлении миром. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men. 我々は力の位置に女性の重要な数を必要とする、我々は男性の女性のエネルギーを育成する必要があります。 Precisamos de um número crítico de mulheres em posições de poder e precisamos de alimentar a energia feminina nos homens. Нам нужно критическое количество женщин на руководящих постах, и нам нужно развивать женскую энергию в мужчинах. 我们需要大量女性担任领导职务,并且需要培养男性的女性能量。 I’m talking about men with young minds, of course. 私はもちろん、若い心の男性について話しています。 Estou a falar de homens com mentes jovens, claro. Я, конечно же, говорю о молодых людях. Old guys are hopeless, we have to wait for them to die off. Starzy faceci są beznadziejni, musimy poczekać aż wymrą. Os velhos não têm remédio, temos de esperar que morram. Старики безнадежны, надо ждать, пока они умрут. (Laughter) Yes, I would love to have Sophia Loren’s long legs and legendary breasts. (Risos) Sim, adoraria ter as pernas longas e os seios lendários da Sophia Loren. (Смех) Да, мне бы очень хотелось иметь длинные ноги и легендарную грудь Софи Лорен. But given a choice, I would rather have the warrior heart of Wangari Maathai, Somaly Mam, Jenny, and Rose Mapendo. しかし、選択肢があれば、私はむしろWangari Maathai、Somaly Mam、Jenny、Rose Mapendoの戦士の心を持っています。 Mas se pudesse escolher, preferia ter o coração guerreiro de Wangari Maathai, Somaly Mam, Jenny e Rose Mapendo. Но если бы у меня был выбор, я бы предпочел иметь воинское сердце Вангари Маатаи, Сомали Мам, Дженни и Роуз Мапендо. I want to make this world good. Я хочу сделать этот мир хорошим. Not better, but to make it good. Не лучше, но чтобы было хорошо. Why not? Почему нет? It is possible. Look around in this room -- all this knowledge, energy, talent, and technology. Olhem à vossa volta nesta sala - todo este conhecimento, energia, talento e tecnologia. Осмотритесь в этой комнате - все эти знания, энергия, талант и технологии. Let’s get off our fannies, roll up our sleeves and get to work, passionately, in creating an almost perfect world. 우리의 열망을 벗고 소매를 굴리고 거의 완벽한 세상을 만들기 위해 열정적으로 일을 시작합시다. Vamos levantar-nos, arregaçar as mangas e começar a trabalhar, apaixonadamente, na criação de um mundo quase perfeito. Давайте откажемся от своих причуд, засучим рукава и приступим к страстной работе над созданием почти идеального мира. 让我们摆脱烦恼,卷起袖子,满怀激情地去创造一个几乎完美的世界。 Thank you. Спасибо.