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Raggedy Ann Stories by Johnny Gruelle, PREFACE AND DEDICATION


As I write this, I have before me on my desk, propped up against the telephone, an old rag doll. Dear old Raggedy Ann!

The same Raggedy Ann with which my mother played when a child.

There she sits, a trifle loppy and loose-jointed, looking me squarely in the face in a straightforward, honest manner, a twinkle where her shoe-button eyes reflect the electric light.

Evidently Raggedy has been to a "tea party" today, for her face is covered with chocolate. She smiles happily and continuously.

True, she has been nibbled by mice, who have made nests out of the soft cotton with which she has been stuffed, but Raggedy smiled just as broadly when the mice nibbled at her, for her smile is painted on.

What adventures you must have had, Raggedy!

What joy and happiness you have brought into this world!

And no matter what treatment you have received, how patient you have been!

What lessons of kindness and fortitude you might teach could you but talk; you with your wisdom of fifty-nine years. No wonder Rag Dolls are the best beloved! You are so kindly, so patient, so lovable.

The more you become torn, tattered and loose-jointed, Rag Dolls, the more you are loved by children.

Who knows but that Fairyland is filled with old, lovable Rag Dolls—soft, loppy Rag Dolls who ride through all the wonders of Fairyland in the crook of dimpled arms, snuggling close to childish breasts within which beat hearts filled with eternal sunshine.

So, to the millions of children and grown-ups who have loved a Rag Doll, I dedicate these stories of Raggedy Ann.

Johnny Gruelle.


As I write this, I have before me on my desk, propped up against the telephone, an old rag doll. Während ich dies schreibe, liegt vor mir auf meinem Schreibtisch, an das Telefon gelehnt, eine alte Stoffpuppe. Mientras escribo esto, tengo ante mí en mi escritorio, apoyada contra el teléfono, una vieja muñeca de trapo. 私がこれを書いているとき、私は私の前に机の上に、電話に立てかけられた古いぬいぐるみを持っています。 当我写这篇文章时,我的桌子上摆着一个旧布娃娃,靠在电话上。 Dear old Raggedy Ann! Liebe alte Raggedy Ann! 親愛なる古いラガディ・アン!

The same Raggedy Ann with which my mother played when a child. 私の母が子供の頃に遊んだのと同じラガディ・アン。

There she sits, a trifle loppy and loose-jointed, looking me squarely in the face in a straightforward, honest manner, a twinkle where her shoe-button eyes reflect the electric light. Da sitzt sie, ein wenig schlaff und mit lockeren Gelenken, und schaut mir direkt und ehrlich ins Gesicht, mit einem Glitzern in den Augen, in denen sich das elektrische Licht spiegelt. そこに彼女は座って、ささいなだらしなく、ゆるい関節で、私をまっすぐに、正直に顔を真っ直ぐに見ています。彼女の靴のボタンの目が電灯を反射するきらめきです。

Evidently Raggedy has been to a "tea party" today, for her face is covered with chocolate. Offensichtlich war Raggedy heute auf einer "Teeparty", denn ihr Gesicht ist mit Schokolade bedeckt. She smiles happily and continuously. 彼女は幸せそうに、絶え間なく微笑みます。

True, she has been nibbled by mice, who have made nests out of the soft cotton with which she has been stuffed, but Raggedy smiled just as broadly when the mice nibbled at her, for her smile is painted on. Sie ist zwar von Mäusen angeknabbert worden, die aus der weichen Baumwolle, mit der sie ausgestopft ist, Nester gebaut haben, aber Raggedy hat genauso breit gelächelt, als die Mäuse an ihr geknabbert haben, denn ihr Lächeln ist aufgemalt.

What adventures you must have had, Raggedy! Was musst du für Abenteuer erlebt haben, Raggedy!

What joy and happiness you have brought into this world!

And no matter what treatment you have received, how patient you have been! Und ganz gleich, welche Behandlung Sie erhalten haben, wie geduldig Sie gewesen sind!

What lessons of kindness and fortitude you might teach could you but talk; you with your wisdom of fifty-nine years. ما هي دروس اللطف والثبات التي يمكن أن تعلمها ولكن يمكنك التحدث عنها؛ لك بحكمتك من تسعة وخمسين عاما. Was für Lektionen an Güte und Tapferkeit könntest du lehren, wenn du nur reden könntest; du mit deiner Weisheit von neunundfünfzig Jahren. No wonder Rag Dolls are the best beloved! You are so kindly, so patient, so lovable.

The more you become torn, tattered and loose-jointed, Rag Dolls, the more you are loved by children. Je zerrissener, zerfledderter und gelenkiger ihr werdet, ihr Lumpenpuppen, desto mehr werdet ihr von Kindern geliebt.

Who knows but that Fairyland is filled with old, lovable Rag Dolls—soft, loppy Rag Dolls who ride through all the wonders of Fairyland in the crook of dimpled arms, snuggling close to childish breasts within which beat hearts filled with eternal sunshine. Wer weiß schon, dass das Märchenland voller alter, liebenswerter Stoffpuppen ist - weicher, flauschiger Stoffpuppen, die im Arm von Grübchen durch alle Wunder des Märchenlandes reiten und sich an kindliche Brüste kuscheln, in denen Herzen mit ewigem Sonnenschein schlagen. フェアリーランドは古くて愛らしい縫いぐるみ人形で満たされていることを誰が知っていますか? えくぼの曲がった腕でフェアリーランドのすべての不思議を通り抜け、子供のような胸に寄り添い、永遠の太陽の光に満ちた鼓動の心臓に寄り添う、柔らかくてだらしない縫いぐるみ人形です。

So, to the millions of children and grown-ups who have loved a Rag Doll, I dedicate these stories of Raggedy Ann.

Johnny Gruelle.