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The Adventures of Buster Bear by Thornton W. Burgess, I. BUSTER BEAR GOES FISHING


Buster Bear yawned as he lay on his comfortable bed of leaves and watched the first early morning sunbeams creeping through the Green Forest to chase out the Black Shadows. Once more he yawned, and slowly got to his feet and shook himself. Then he walked over to a big pine-tree, stood up on his hind legs, reached as high up on the trunk of the tree as he could, and scratched the bark with his great claws. After that he yawned until it seemed as if his jaws would crack, and then sat down to think what he wanted for breakfast.

While he sat there, trying to make up his mind what would taste best, he was listening to the sounds that told of the waking of all the little people who live in the Green Forest. He heard Sammy Jay way off in the distance screaming, "Thief! Thief!" and grinned. "I wonder," thought Buster, "if some one has stolen Sammy's breakfast, or if he has stolen the breakfast of some one else. Probably he is the thief himself." He heard Chatterer the Red Squirrel scolding as fast as he could make his tongue go and working himself into a terrible rage. "Must be that Chatterer got out of bed the wrong way this morning," thought he. He heard Blacky the Crow cawing at the top of his lungs, and he knew by the sound that Blacky was getting into mischief of some kind. He heard the sweet voices of happy little singers, and they were good to hear. But most of all he listened to a merry, low, silvery laugh that never stopped but went on and on, until he just felt as if he must laugh too. It was the voice of the Laughing Brook. And as Buster listened it suddenly came to him just what he wanted for breakfast.

"I'm going fishing," said he in his deep grumbly-rumbly voice to no one in particular. "Yes, Sir, I'm going fishing. I want some fat trout for my breakfast." He shuffled along over to the Laughing Brook, and straight to a little pool of which he knew, and as he drew near he took the greatest care not to make the teeniest, weeniest bit of noise. Now it just happened that early as he was, some one was before Buster Bear. When he came in sight of the little pool, who should he see but another fisherman there, who had already caught a fine fat trout. Who was it? Why, Little Joe Otter to be sure. He was just climbing up the bank with the fat trout in his mouth. Buster Bear's own mouth watered as he saw it. Little Joe sat down on the bank and prepared to enjoy his breakfast. He hadn't seen Buster Bear, and he didn't know that he or any one else was anywhere near. Buster Bear tiptoed up very softly until he was right behind Little Joe Otter. "Woof, woof!" said he in his deepest, most grumbly-rumbly voice. "That's a very fine looking trout. I wouldn't mind if I had it myself." Little Joe Otter gave a frightened squeal and without even turning to see who was speaking dropped his fish and dived headfirst into the Laughing Brook. Buster Bear sprang forward and with one of his big paws caught the fat trout just as it was slipping back into the water.

"Here's your trout, Mr. Otter," said he, as Little Joe put his head out of water to see who had frightened him so. "Come and get it." But Little Joe wouldn't. The fact is, he was afraid to. He snarled at Buster Bear and called him a thief and everything bad he could think of. Buster didn't seem to mind. He chuckled as if he thought it all a great joke and repeated his invitation to Little Joe to come and get his fish. But Little Joe just turned his back and went off down the Laughing Brook in a great rage.

"It's too bad to waste such a fine fish," said Buster thoughtfully. "I wonder what I'd better do with it." And while he was wondering, he ate it all up. Then he started down the Laughing Brook to try to catch some for himself.


Buster Bear yawned as he lay on his comfortable bed of leaves and watched the first early morning sunbeams creeping through the Green Forest to chase out the Black Shadows. Buster Bear bailla alors qu'il était allongé sur son confortable lit de feuilles et regardait les premiers rayons de soleil du matin ramper à travers la forêt verte pour chasser les ombres noires. バスター・ベアーは心地よい木の葉のベッドに横たわりながらあくびをし、黒い影を追い出すために緑の森に忍び込む朝日を眺めた。 Buster Bear căscă în timp ce stătea întins pe patul său confortabil de frunze și privea primele raze de soare dimineața devreme care se târau prin Pădurea Verde pentru a alunga Umbrele Negre. 八哥熊躺在舒适的树叶床上打着哈欠,看着清晨的第一缕阳光爬过绿色森林,赶走黑影。 Once more he yawned, and slowly got to his feet and shook himself. Une fois de plus, il bâilla, se leva lentement et se secoua. もう一度あくびをすると、ゆっくりと立ち上がり、体を揺らした。 Încă o dată căscă și se ridică încet în picioare și se scutură. 他再次打了个哈欠,慢慢站起身来,抖了抖身子。 Then he walked over to a big pine-tree, stood up on his hind legs, reached as high up on the trunk of the tree as he could, and scratched the bark with his great claws. Puis il se dirigea vers un grand pin, se dressa sur ses pattes de derrière, tendit la main aussi haut que possible sur le tronc de l'arbre et gratta l'écorce avec ses grandes griffes. そして大きな松の木に近づき、後ろ足で立ち上がり、木の幹のできるだけ高いところに手を伸ばして、大きな爪で樹皮を引っ掻いた。 Apoi s-a dus la un pin mare, s-a ridicat pe picioarele din spate, a ajuns cât a putut de sus pe trunchiul copacului și a zgâriat scoarța cu ghearele lui mari. 然后,它走到一棵大松树旁,用后腿站起来,把手伸到尽可能高的树干上,用大爪子抓树皮。 After that he yawned until it seemed as if his jaws would crack, and then sat down to think what he wanted for breakfast. Après cela, il bâilla jusqu'à ce qu'il ait l'impression que ses mâchoires allaient craquer, puis s'assit pour réfléchir à ce qu'il voulait pour le petit-déjeuner. その後、彼は顎が割れそうなほどあくびをした、朝食は何にしようかと考えていた。 După aceea a căscat până când i s-a părut că fălcile îi vor crăpa, apoi s-a așezat să se gândească la ce voia la micul dejun. 之后,他打了个哈欠,直到下巴似乎要裂开,然后坐下来思考早餐想吃什么。 之后,他打了个哈欠,直到下巴似乎要裂开,然后坐下来思考早餐想吃什么。

While he sat there, trying to make up his mind what would taste best, he was listening to the sounds that told of the waking of all the little people who live in the Green Forest. Pendant qu'il était assis là, essayant de se décider sur ce qui aurait le meilleur goût, il écoutait les sons qui racontaient le réveil de tous les petits gens qui vivent dans la Forêt Verte. 彼はそこに座り、何が一番おいしいか決めようとしている間、緑の森に住むすべての小さな人々の目覚めを告げる音に耳を傾けていた。 În timp ce stătea acolo, încercând să se hotărască ce ar avea cel mai bun gust, asculta sunetele care spuneau despre trezirea tuturor oamenilor mici care trăiesc în Pădurea Verde. Пока он сидел, пытаясь решить, что будет вкуснее, он прислушивался к звукам, говорящим о пробуждении всех маленьких людей, живущих в Зеленом лесу. 当他坐在那里,试着决定哪种味道最好时,他在倾听生活在绿色森林里的所有小人们醒来的声音。 He heard Sammy Jay way off in the distance screaming, "Thief! Il entendit au loin Sammy Jay crier : « Voleur ! 遠くでサミー・ジェイが「泥棒」と叫んでいるのが聞こえた! L-a auzit pe Sammy Jay departe, strigând: „Hoț! 他听到远处的萨米-杰伊在尖叫:"小偷! Thief!" 小偷!" and grinned. et sourit. とニヤリと笑った。 și rânji. 并咧嘴一笑。 "I wonder," thought Buster, "if some one has stolen Sammy's breakfast, or if he has stolen the breakfast of some one else. "Je me demande," pensa Buster, "si quelqu'un a volé le petit-déjeuner de Sammy, ou s'il a volé le petit-déjeuner de quelqu'un d'autre. 「誰かがサミーの朝食を盗んだのか、それともサミーが誰かの朝食を盗んだのか。 „Mă întreb”, gândi Buster, „dacă cineva a furat micul dejun al lui Sammy sau dacă a furat micul dejun altcuiva. "巴斯特想:"我在想,是不是有人偷了萨米的早餐,或者他偷了别人的早餐。 Probably he is the thief himself." おそらく、彼自身が泥棒なのだろう」。 Probabil că el este hoțul însuși”. 也许他就是那个小偷。" He heard Chatterer the Red Squirrel scolding as fast as he could make his tongue go and working himself into a terrible rage. Il entendit Chatterer l'écureuil roux gronder aussi vite qu'il pouvait faire aller sa langue et se mettre dans une rage terrible. 赤リスのおしゃべりが、舌を出すのが精一杯の速さで叱りつけ、ひどい怒りに身を任せているのが聞こえた。 L-a auzit pe Chatterer, Veverița Roșie, dojenindu-și cât de repede putea să-și facă limba să treacă și trecându-se într-o furie groaznică. Він почув, як руда білка Бовтун лається так швидко, як тільки може, і доводить себе до жахливої люті. 他听到红松鼠查特尔用舌头拼命地骂着,把自己骂得气急败坏。 "Must be that Chatterer got out of bed the wrong way this morning," thought he. « Ça doit être que Chatterer s'est levé du lit de travers ce matin », pensa-t-il. 「きっと、おしゃべりさんが今朝、ベッドから出る方法を間違えたに違いない。 „Trebuie că Chatterer s-a ridicat din pat în sensul greșit în această dimineață”, se gândi el. "他想,"一定是查特今天早上下床时走错了路。 He heard Blacky the Crow cawing at the top of his lungs, and he knew by the sound that Blacky was getting into mischief of some kind. Il entendit Blacky le Corbeau croasser à tue-tête, et il sut par le son que Blacky se lançait dans une sorte de bêtise. 彼はカラスのブラッキーが大声で鳴くのを聞き、その音でブラッキーが何かのいたずらに巻き込まれていることを知った。 L-a auzit pe Blacky cioara croșcându-și în vârful plămânilor și a știut, după sunet, că Blacky făcea un fel de rău. Он услышал, как ворон Блэки каркает во всю мощь своих легких, и по звуку понял, что Блэки затеял какую-то пакость. 他听到乌鸦小黑的叫声,听声音就知道小黑在搞什么恶作剧。 He heard the sweet voices of happy little singers, and they were good to hear. Il entendait les douces voix de joyeux petits chanteurs, et c'était bon à entendre. 彼は幸せそうな小さな歌い手たちの甘い歌声を聞いた。 A auzit vocile dulci ale cântăreților fericiți și erau bine să audă. 他听到了快乐的小歌手们甜美的歌声,这歌声很好听。 But most of all he listened to a merry, low, silvery laugh that never stopped but went on and on, until he just felt as if he must laugh too. Mais surtout, il écoutait un rire joyeux, bas et argenté qui ne s'arrêtait jamais mais continuait encore et encore, jusqu'à ce qu'il se sente obligé de rire aussi. しかし、何よりも彼は、陽気で、低く、銀色に輝く笑い声に耳を傾けていた、自分も笑わなければならないような気がしてきた。 Dar mai ales a ascultat un râs vesel, jos, argintiu, care nu s-a oprit niciodată, ci a continuat și mai departe, până când a simțit că trebuie să râdă și el. 但最重要的是,他听到了一种快乐、低沉、银铃般的笑声,这种笑声从未停止过,而是一直持续着,直到他觉得自己似乎也必须笑出来。 但最重要的是,他听到了一种快乐、低沉、银铃般的笑声,这种笑声从未停止过,而是一直持续着,直到他觉得自己似乎也必须笑出来。 It was the voice of the Laughing Brook. C'était la voix du ruisseau qui rit. 笑う小川の声だった。 Era vocea pârâului care râde. And as Buster listened it suddenly came to him just what he wanted for breakfast. Et pendant que Buster écoutait, il lui vint soudain exactement ce qu'il voulait pour le petit-déjeuner. バスターはそれを聞いているうちに、突然、朝食に何を食べたいか思いついた。 Și, în timp ce Buster asculta, i se făcu dintr-o dată exact ceea ce își dorea la micul dejun.

"I'm going fishing," said he in his deep grumbly-rumbly voice to no one in particular. "Je vais pêcher", a-t-il dit de sa voix profonde et grincheuse à personne en particulier. 「釣りに行くんだ」と、彼は誰にともなく、不機嫌そうな声で言った。 — Mă duc la pescuit, spuse el cu vocea lui profund mormăioasă, nimănui anume. "Я йду на риболовлю", - сказав він своїм глибоким буркотливим голосом, ні до кого не звертаючись. "Yes, Sir, I'm going fishing. 「はい、サー、釣りに行きます。 I want some fat trout for my breakfast." 朝食に太ったマスを食べたいんだ」。 He shuffled along over to the Laughing Brook, and straight to a little pool of which he knew, and as he drew near he took the greatest care not to make the teeniest, weeniest bit of noise. Il se traîna jusqu'au Laughing Brook, et directement à une petite mare qu'il connaissait, et en s'approchant, il prit le plus grand soin de ne pas faire le moindre bruit. 彼は笑いながら小川に向かった、そしてまっすぐに、彼が知っている小さな淵に向かった、そして近づくと、ほんのわずかな音も立てないように細心の注意を払った。 S-a târâit până la Pârâul Râs și direct la o mică piscină pe care o cunoștea și, pe măsură ce se apropia, a avut cea mai mare grijă să nu facă cel mai mic, cel mai mic zgomot. Now it just happened that early as he was, some one was before Buster Bear. Maintenant, il s'est juste passé que dès qu'il était, quelqu'un était avant Buster Bear. Acum sa întâmplat că, devreme, cineva a fost înaintea lui Buster Bear. When he came in sight of the little pool, who should he see but another fisherman there, who had already caught a fine fat trout. Quand il arriva en vue de la petite mare, qui devait-il y voir sinon un autre pêcheur, qui avait déjà pêché une belle truite grasse. Când a intrat în vederea bazinului, pe cine ar trebui să vadă decât un alt pescar acolo, care prinsese deja un păstrăv fin gras. Who was it? Cine a fost? Why, Little Joe Otter to be sure. Pourquoi, Little Joe Otter pour être sûr. De ce, micul Joe Otter, sigur. He was just climbing up the bank with the fat trout in his mouth. Tocmai urca pe mal cu păstrăvul gras în gură. Buster Bear's own mouth watered as he saw it. Lui Buster Bear i se lăsa gura apă când a văzut-o. Little Joe sat down on the bank and prepared to enjoy his breakfast. Micul Joe s-a așezat pe mal și s-a pregătit să savureze micul dejun. He hadn't seen Buster Bear, and he didn't know that he or any one else was anywhere near. Il n'avait pas vu Buster Bear, et il ne savait pas que lui ou quelqu'un d'autre était à proximité. Nu-l văzuse pe Buster Bear și nu știa că el sau altcineva se afla în apropiere. Buster Bear tiptoed up very softly until he was right behind Little Joe Otter. Buster Bear s-a ridicat în vârful picioarelor foarte încet până când a ajuns chiar în spatele lui Micul Joe Otter. "Woof, woof!" „Vai, vai!” said he in his deepest, most grumbly-rumbly voice. spuse el cu vocea sa cea mai profundă, cea mai morocănoasă. "That's a very fine looking trout. "C'est une très belle truite. I wouldn't mind if I had it myself." Ça ne me dérangerait pas si je l'avais moi-même." Nu m-ar deranja dacă l-aș avea eu însumi.” Little Joe Otter gave a frightened squeal and without even turning to see who was speaking dropped his fish and dived headfirst into the Laughing Brook. Little Joe Otter a poussé un cri effrayé et sans même se retourner pour voir qui parlait, il a laissé tomber son poisson et a plongé la tête la première dans le Laughing Brook. Micul Joe Otter a scos un țipăit speriat și, fără să se întoarcă să vadă cine vorbea, și-a aruncat peștele și s-a aruncat cu capul înainte în Pârâul Râs. Buster Bear sprang forward and with one of his big paws caught the fat trout just as it was slipping back into the water. Buster Bear bondit en avant et avec une de ses grosses pattes attrapa la grosse truite juste au moment où elle retombait dans l'eau. Buster Bear a sărit în față și cu una dintre labele lui mari prinse păstrăvul gras exact în momentul în care se strecura înapoi în apă.

"Here's your trout, Mr. Otter," said he, as Little Joe put his head out of water to see who had frightened him so. "Voici votre truite, M. Otter", dit-il, tandis que Petit Joe sortait la tête de l'eau pour voir qui l'avait ainsi effrayé. — Iată păstrăvul dumneavoastră, domnule Vidra, spuse el, în timp ce Micul Joe scotea capul din apă să vadă cine îl speriase atât de mult. "Come and get it." "Venez le chercher." "Vino și ia-l." But Little Joe wouldn't. The fact is, he was afraid to. Le fait est qu'il avait peur. He snarled at Buster Bear and called him a thief and everything bad he could think of. Il a grondé après Buster Bear et l'a traité de voleur et de tout ce qu'il pouvait penser de mal. A mârâit la Buster Bear și l-a numit hoț și tot ce se putea gândi la rău. Buster didn't seem to mind. Buster ne semblait pas s'en soucier. Buster nu părea să-l deranjeze. He chuckled as if he thought it all a great joke and repeated his invitation to Little Joe to come and get his fish. Il gloussa comme s'il pensait que tout cela était une bonne blague et réitéra son invitation à Little Joe pour qu'il vienne chercher son poisson. But Little Joe just turned his back and went off down the Laughing Brook in a great rage. Mais Little Joe a juste tourné le dos et est descendu le ruisseau Laughing dans une grande rage.

"It's too bad to waste such a fine fish," said Buster thoughtfully. "I wonder what I'd better do with it." And while he was wondering, he ate it all up. Then he started down the Laughing Brook to try to catch some for himself.