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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer, Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Gun Control in the U.S. (1)

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Gun Control in the U.S. (1)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer, and in this video I'd like

to help you prepare for a discussion about a current issue: gun control.

I won't be showing any violent images, and I won't be using any offensive language,

but this topic is for a mature audience. I caution my younger viewers and ask

that you don't watch this lesson without permission from your parents or guardians. Okay?

Gun control is a hot topic right now. If you're going to talk

about this, you'll need some vocabulary and background knowledge. I'm not here to

promote my politics, and I'm not here to argue with anyone. I'm here is a language

teacher who wants to give you information that will help you

communicate more confidently and clearly about this important issue. Okay?

The basic debate is over the sale, the ownership, and the use of guns by private

citizens. This debate goes back to the beginning of our country's history.

You know we have a constitution, correct? We also have a Bill of Rights which goes

back to 1791. The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to our Constitution.

Amendments are changes. The first ten amendments were written to limit

government power and protect individual freedoms and rights, or what we can also

call civil liberties and civil rights.

Today our two major political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans.

One thing the parties disagree over is how big a role the government should have.

have. Generally speaking, the Democrats are for a stronger, more centralized

government, and the Republicans are for having less government control at the federal level.

When some of our founding fathers argued for the Bill of Rights, we had the

Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Anti-Federalists opposed a strong

federal government, and they wanted a lot of control to remain with the states.

The Bill of Rights addressed the fears of the Anti-Federalists and made sure that

the new U.S. federal government wouldn't limit or infringe on our civil liberties and rights.

The very first amendment protects our freedom of speech and freedom of

religion. Those are the big ones. The First Amendment also includes freedom of

the press, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to petition,

meaning we can complain to the government about something without

getting punished. The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms, meaning the right

to own a gun. People in favor of owning guns like to state that we've had this

right since the beginning, but opponents of gun ownership say that the law was

written at a completely different time in history.

In colonial times, we didn't have an organized army.

We had the militia -- just a group of regular men who brought their own guns

to fight when needed. Today with our local police forces and strong national

army, do civilians need to own guns? That's a question for debate. Civilians are

people who are not in the military and who are not police officers. So Americans

argue about whether armed civilians help or harm society. But there's something

else you should know. There's another reason why the Second Amendment was

written. The law was originally put in place partly to protect citizens from

the tyranny of government. "Tyranny" refers to cruel

and unfair treatment. If citizens are completely disarmed,

meaning if all weapons are taken away, then it's possible for a cruel

government to oppress them or have full control over them. So those who defend

their Second Amendment right say it's their right to defend themselves against

danger from anyone, including the government.

I'd say that gun owners are mostly law-abiding people. They buy guns legally

and use them responsibly. It's not a crime to be a gun collector or a gun enthusiast.

I read that there are at least 393 million guns in the U.S.

But I don't think we've had 393 million gun-related crimes in the past year.

Of course, all it takes is one person to misuse a legally owned gun and commit a terrible act of violence.

Everyone agrees that even one mass shooting is one too many.

A mass shooting is usually defined as any shooting that involves four or more

people, not counting the shooter.

Note that we can say "shooter" or "gunman." Shooter is a gender-neutral word.

Not all shootings result in death, so we usually talk about mass shootings rather than mass killings,

but you'll hear both terms used in the news. Did you know that the majority of

guns used in mass shootings were obtained legally? That means that the

owners purchased the guns legally. To buy a gun in the U.S., you need to go to a

licensed dealer, someone who is allowed by law to sell guns or what some call

firearms. A licensed dealer performs background checks before selling guns to

people. Many Americans agree on the need for background checks, but those who

strongly oppose more gun control say that tighter regulation opens the door

to invasion of privacy. These people argue that stricter gun laws negatively

affect responsible gun owners. There are arguments over what kinds of guns should

be sold to private citizens. Those with a middle position tolerate civilian

use of guns as long as the guns are used for sport or basic home defense.

Many Americans at the present are against the sale of assault weapons to civilians.

Assault weapons are the kinds of guns used by the military, and they can shoot very fast.

They can shoot repeatedly if they have a high-capacity magazine.

That's the part of the gun that holds the bullets. Even if the government

banned all assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, we'd have to

figure out what to do with the assault weapons already out there.

A ban is a law that says something can't be done. We actually had a ban on

assault weapons a while back, but it expired. Will we have another ban on

assault weapons? That's what many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates

are pushing for. Some have proposed a federal buyback program. Gun owners would

turn over their assault weapons and be compensated. How easy would it be to put

such a program into practice? We don't know.

Gun laws vary from state to state. Florida is one of the states that has a

Stand Your Ground law, which is a shoot-first policy. It allows gun owners

to defend themselves in the face of danger. The law, not surprisingly, has been

interpreted different ways, not always in favor of the gun owner.

One difficulty in getting any law passed is that our politicians have to work together.

They're from different parties, and they represent different interests,

so agreement doesn't happen often. Then there are the lobbyists. A lobby is an

organized group that tries to influence the government according to the common

interests they share. The National Rifle Association, or what we call the NRA for

short, is a very large and powerful special interest group. They've been

around since the late 1800s, and today they strongly defend their Second

Amendment rights. NRA lobbyists have had much influence in Washington.

But remember that the need and desire to own a gun goes back

farther than the 1800s. Many of the early colonists had guns to hunt and to defend

themselves from hostile Native Americans. Later as the country expanded West,

people on the frontier fought Native Americans and sometimes each other with guns.

Hollywood has glorified this period of our Wild West. Incidentally, you have to

wonder how the U.S. would have grown if we hadn't used firearms against the Native

Americans. Our military had an unfair advantage over the Native Americans in

terms of weapons. At some point I should make a video about the history of Native

Americans and their treatment by the U.S. government. Let me know if that topic interests you.

Gun violence increased in the early 1900s, especially in cities like Chicago.

Organized crime makes use of guns, and that's one fact that responsible gun

owners like to highlight. Mass shootings in the U.S. have increased for sure, but

many homicides here are gang-related.

Those acts of violence don't involve the Smiths down the street who happen to

own a pistol for self-defense or your cousin Bill who likes to hunt with a

rifle during deer season. But opponents of gun ownership say that guns in the

home and guns carried by civilians can lead to unnecessary violence. So all gun

owners keep their guns away from children? How can we monitor the mental

health of gun owners with no criminal record? Is the answer to ban all guns?

The topic of gun control will remain a central issue for Americans until we

agree on how to prevent mass shootings. Until that time, we'll continue to hear

the same descriptions in news reports: a senseless tragedy, a horrific event, a

deadly mass shooting. Many of us are stunned by the fact that we've grown

used to asking the same questions:

Another one? Where? How many were killed?

Did they get the shooter? Who was it?

Some shooters have a clear motive, a reason

for committing the crime. Other shootings leave us baffled. Not all shootings are

hate crimes that target specific people. Some shootings are random.

The news reports always tell us the location, the time, and the number of victims.

Victims include fatalities and injuries. "Fatality" is another word for "death." Some news

reports are now choosing not to identify the shooter by name because there's a

risk of giving notoriety to these criminals. "Notoriety" is the state of

being famous for doing something bad.

Until we can stop mass shootings, we have to remain prepared. On Instagram, I shared

my thoughts on having active shooter drills in the public schools.

Visit me on Instagram to listen to that post. An active shooter is a gunman who

is actively shooting with a weapon. Active shooter drills prepare the staff

and students for the emergency in which a gunman opens fire in a school or on school grounds.

There are two basic responses: evacuation and lockdown.

In an evacuation, people leave the school and escape to safety. In a lockdown, all doors

are locked to keep the people inside safe.

Note that a school can be in lockdown or go into lockdown.

If you're the parent of a public school student here in the U.S.,

you'll probably hear about a safety training program called ALICE.

A.L.I.C.E. is an acronym for alert, lockdown, inform, counter, evacuate.

These are the actions of school staff can choose to take during an active shooting.

Often the threat of a school shooting comes from a student or a former student,

so do you think arming teachers with guns is a solution? This is currently

decided at the state level. Schools are generally a gun-free zone, but some

states have laws that allow adults to carry a concealed weapon. "Concealed" means hidden.

There are two ways you can carry a gun: open or concealed.

We can talk about open carry states or people with concealed carry permits.

If I'm not mistaken, Florida is the most recent state to pass a law allowing classroom teachers to be armed.

To sum up, Americans are aware of the increase in mass shootings. We know

there's a problem; now we have to talk about our current gun laws and agree on

how to prevent future violence. Some will ask for no guns.

Others will demand their right to own any and all guns. That's part of the

problem right there. Some say that guns increase the chance for violence and

guns make them feel unsafe. Others say that owning a gun gives them

a sense of safety -- guns can prevent crimes. Hopefully, we can find a middle

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Gun Control in the U.S. (1) Pokročilá konverzace s Jennifer o kontrole zbraní v USA (1) Fortgeschrittenes Gespräch mit Jennifer über Waffenkontrolle in den USA (1) Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Gun Control in the U.S. (1) Conversación avanzada con Jennifer sobre el control de armas en los EE. UU. (1) Conversation avancée avec Jennifer sur le contrôle des armes à feu aux États-Unis (1) Conversazione avanzata con Jennifer sul controllo delle armi negli Stati Uniti (1) 米国における銃規制についてのジェニファーとの上級会話 (1) 미국의 총기 규제에 관한 제니퍼와의 고급 대화 (1) Zaawansowana rozmowa z Jennifer na temat kontroli broni w USA (1) Conversa avançada com Jennifer sobre controle de armas nos EUA (1) Расширенная беседа с Дженнифер о контроле за оборотом оружия в США (1) Avancerat samtal med Jennifer om Gun Control i USA (1) Jennifer ile ABD'de Silah Kontrolü Üzerine İleri Düzey Söyleşi (1) Розширена розмова з Дженніфер про контроль над зброєю в США (1) 与詹妮弗深入对话美国枪支管制(一) 与詹妮弗就美国枪支管制问题的高级对话 (1)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer, and in this video I'd like Hallo zusammen, ich bin Jennifer von English with Jennifer, und in diesem Video möchte ich Ciao a tutti. Sono Jennifer di English with Jennifer, e in questo video vorrei Oi pessoal. Eu sou Jennifer de inglês com Jennifer, e neste vídeo eu gostaria 大家好。我是来自 English with Jennifer 的 Jennifer,在这个视频中我想

to help you prepare for a discussion about a current issue: gun control. které vám pomohou připravit se na diskusi o aktuálním problému: ovládání zbraní. um Sie auf eine Diskussion über ein aktuelles Thema vorzubereiten: Waffenkontrolle. per aiutarvi a preparare una discussione su un tema attuale: il controllo delle armi. para ajudá-lo a se preparar para uma discussão sobre um assunto atual: controle de armas.

I won't be showing any violent images, and I won't be using any offensive language, Nebudu ukazovat žádné násilné obrázky a nebudu používat žádný urážlivý jazyk, Ich werde keine gewalttätigen Bilder zeigen und keine anstößigen Ausdrücke verwenden, Non mostrerò immagini violente e non userò un linguaggio offensivo, Não mostrarei imagens violentas e não usarei linguagem ofensiva, Я не показуватиму жодних сцен насильства і не використовуватиму жодної образливої лексики,

but this topic is for a mature audience. I caution my younger viewers and ask aber dieses Thema ist für ein erwachsenes Publikum. Ich warne meine jüngeren Zuschauer und frage ma questo argomento è destinato a un pubblico maturo. Metto in guardia i miei spettatori più giovani e chiedo mas este tópico é para um público maduro. Alerto meus espectadores mais jovens e pergunto але ця тема для зрілої аудиторії. Я застерігаю своїх молодших глядачів і прошу

that you don't watch this lesson without permission from your parents or guardians. Okay? že se na tuto lekci nedíváte bez svolení rodičů nebo opatrovníků. Dobře? dass ihr euch diese Lektion nicht ohne die Erlaubnis eurer Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten anseht, okay?

Gun control is a hot topic right now. If you're going to talk Ovládání zbraní je momentálně žhavé téma. Jestli chceš mluvit Waffenkontrolle ist derzeit ein heißes Thema. Wenn Sie über Il controllo delle armi è un argomento scottante in questo momento. Se si vuole parlare di

about this, you'll need some vocabulary and background knowledge. I'm not here to o tom budete potřebovat určitou slovní zásobu a znalosti. Nejsem tady proto benötigen Sie ein gewisses Vokabular und Hintergrundwissen. Ich bin nicht hier, um Per poterlo fare, avrete bisogno di un po' di vocabolario e di conoscenze di base. Non sono qui per

promote my politics, and I'm not here to argue with anyone. I'm here is a language Ich bin nicht hier, um für meine Politik zu werben, und ich bin nicht hier, um mit jemandem zu streiten. promuovere la mia politica, e non sono qui per discutere con nessuno. Sono qui per parlare un linguaggio thúc đẩy hoạt động chính trị của tôi và tôi không ở đây để tranh luận với bất kỳ ai. Tôi ở đây là một ngôn ngữ 宣传我的政治,我不是来与任何人争论的。我在这里是一种语言

teacher who wants to give you information that will help you Lehrer, der dir Informationen geben will, die dir helfen werden insegnante che vuole fornirvi informazioni che vi aiuteranno

communicate more confidently and clearly about this important issue. Okay? selbstbewusster und klarer über dieses wichtige Thema zu kommunizieren. Okay? comunicare con maggiore sicurezza e chiarezza su questo importante tema. Va bene?

The basic debate is over the sale, the ownership, and the use of guns by private Die grundlegende Debatte dreht sich um den Verkauf, den Besitz und die Verwendung von Waffen durch Privatpersonen Il dibattito di base riguarda la vendita, il possesso e l'uso delle armi da parte di privati.

citizens. This debate goes back to the beginning of our country's history. občanů. Tato debata sahá až na začátek historie naší země. cidadãos. Este debate remonta ao início da história do nosso país.

You know we have a constitution, correct? We also have a Bill of Rights which goes Víš, že máme ústavu, že? Máme také Listinu práv, která platí Sie wissen, dass wir eine Verfassung haben, richtig? Wir haben auch eine Bill of Rights, die besagt Você sabe que temos uma constituição, correto? Também temos uma Declaração de Direitos que vai

back to 1791. The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to our Constitution. zurück bis 1791. Die Bill of Rights sind die ersten zehn Zusatzartikel zu unserer Verfassung. quay trở lại năm 1791. Tuyên ngôn Nhân quyền là mười sửa đổi đầu tiên trong Hiến pháp của chúng ta.

Amendments are changes. The first ten amendments were written to limit Dodatky jsou změny. Prvních deset dodatků bylo napsáno na omezení Änderungsanträge sind Änderungen. Die ersten zehn Änderungsanträge wurden geschrieben, um die

government power and protect individual freedoms and rights, or what we can also vládní moc a chránit individuální svobody a práva, nebo co můžeme také Macht der Regierung und Schutz der individuellen Freiheiten und Rechte, oder was wir auch

call civil liberties and civil rights. bürgerliche Freiheiten und Bürgerrechte nennen. gọi là quyền tự do dân sự và quyền công dân.

Today our two major political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. Dnes jsou naše dvě hlavní politické strany Demokraté a Republikáni.

One thing the parties disagree over is how big a role the government should have. Ein Punkt, über den sich die Parteien nicht einig sind, ist die Frage, wie groß die Rolle der Regierung sein sollte. Tarafların üzerinde anlaşamadığı bir konu, hükümetin ne kadar büyük bir rol oynaması gerektiğidir.

have. Generally speaking, the Democrats are for a stronger, more centralized Generell sind die Demokraten für eine stärkere, zentralisierte Politik. var. Genel olarak, Demokratlar daha güçlü ve daha merkezi bir

government, and the Republicans are for having less government control at the federal level. Regierung, und die Republikaner sind für eine geringere staatliche Kontrolle auf Bundesebene. Cumhuriyetçiler ise federal düzeyde daha az hükümet kontrolü olmasından yanadır.

When some of our founding fathers argued for the Bill of Rights, we had the Als einige unserer Gründerväter für die Bill of Rights plädierten, hatten wir die Quando alguns de nossos pais fundadores defenderam a Declaração de Direitos, tivemos a Kurucu babalarımızdan bazıları Haklar Bildirgesi'ni savunduğunda Khi một số người sáng lập của chúng tôi tranh luận về Tuyên ngôn Nhân quyền, chúng tôi đã có

Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Anti-Federalists opposed a strong Föderalisten und die Anti-Föderalisten. Die Anti-Föderalisten waren gegen eine starke Federalistas e antifederalistas. Os antifederalistas se opuseram a um forte Federalistler ve Anti-Federalistler. Anti-Federalistler güçlü bir

federal government, and they wanted a lot of control to remain with the states. Sie wollten, dass ein großer Teil der Kontrolle bei den Staaten verbleibt. governo federal, e eles queriam que muito do controle permanecesse com os estados. Federal hükümet, kontrolün büyük kısmının eyaletlerde kalmasını istiyordu.

The Bill of Rights addressed the fears of the Anti-Federalists and made sure that Die Bill of Rights griff die Befürchtungen der Antiföderalisten auf und stellte sicher, dass A Declaração de Direitos abordou os temores dos antifederalistas e garantiu que Haklar Bildirgesi, Anti-Federalistlerin korkularını giderdi ve şunları sağladı 《权利法案》解决了反联邦党人的担忧,并确保

the new U.S. federal government wouldn't limit or infringe on our civil liberties and rights. die neue US-Bundesregierung würde unsere bürgerlichen Freiheiten und Rechte nicht einschränken oder verletzen. o novo governo federal dos Estados Unidos não limitaria nem infringiria nossas liberdades e direitos civis.

The very first amendment protects our freedom of speech and freedom of Der erste Änderungsantrag schützt unsere Redefreiheit und die Freiheit der

religion. Those are the big ones. The First Amendment also includes freedom of náboženství. To jsou ti velcí. První dodatek také zahrnuje svobodu

the press, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to petition, tisk, právo pokojně se shromažďovat a petiční právo, Pressefreiheit, das Recht, sich friedlich zu versammeln, und das Recht auf Petitionen, a imprensa, o direito de reunião pacífica e o direito de petição, báo chí, quyền hội họp ôn hòa, quyền kiến nghị,

meaning we can complain to the government about something without

getting punished. The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms, meaning the right Der zweite Verfassungszusatz ist das Recht, Waffen zu tragen, d.h. das Recht sendo punido. A Segunda Emenda é o direito de portar armas, ou seja, o direito

to own a gun. People in favor of owning guns like to state that we've had this vlastnit zbraň. Lidé zastánci vlastnictví zbraní rádi tvrdí, že jsme to měli Die Befürworter des Waffenbesitzes führen gerne an, dass wir dieses Problem schon lange haben. possuir uma arma. Pessoas a favor do porte de armas gostam de afirmar que já tivemos isso

right since the beginning, but opponents of gun ownership say that the law was

written at a completely different time in history.

In colonial times, we didn't have an organized army. Nos tempos coloniais, não tínhamos um exército organizado. Thời thuộc địa, nước ta chưa có quân đội có tổ chức.

We had the militia -- just a group of regular men who brought their own guns Tínhamos a milícia - apenas um grupo de homens comuns que traziam suas próprias armas

to fight when needed. Today with our local police forces and strong national para lutar quando necessário. Hoje, com nossas forças policiais locais e fortes

army, do civilians need to own guns? That's a question for debate. Civilians are exército, os civis precisam possuir armas? Essa é uma questão para debate. Os civis são

people who are not in the military and who are not police officers. So Americans

argue about whether armed civilians help or harm society. But there's something darüber streiten, ob bewaffnete Zivilisten der Gesellschaft helfen oder schaden. discutem se civis armados ajudam ou prejudicam a sociedade. Mas há algo

else you should know. There's another reason why the Second Amendment was

written. The law was originally put in place partly to protect citizens from 书面。该法律最初制定的部分目的是为了保护公民免受

the tyranny of government. "Tyranny" refers to cruel

and unfair treatment. If citizens are completely disarmed, Wenn die Bürger vollständig entwaffnet sind, werden sie ungerecht behandelt,

meaning if all weapons are taken away, then it's possible for a cruel

government to oppress them or have full control over them. So those who defend Regierung, sie zu unterdrücken oder die volle Kontrolle über sie zu haben. Wer also die chính phủ đàn áp họ hoặc có toàn quyền kiểm soát họ. Vì vậy những người bảo vệ

their Second Amendment right say it's their right to defend themselves against

danger from anyone, including the government.

I'd say that gun owners are mostly law-abiding people. They buy guns legally 我想说的是,枪支拥有者大多是守法的人。他们合法购买枪支

and use them responsibly. It's not a crime to be a gun collector or a gun enthusiast.

I read that there are at least 393 million guns in the U.S.

But I don't think we've had 393 million gun-related crimes in the past year.

Of course, all it takes is one person to misuse a legally owned gun and commit a terrible act of violence. Natürlich braucht es nur eine Person, die eine legal besessene Waffe missbraucht und eine schreckliche Gewalttat begeht. Elbette, yasal olarak sahip olunan bir silahın kötüye kullanılması ve korkunç bir şiddet eylemi gerçekleştirilmesi için tek bir kişi yeterlidir. 当然,只需要一个人滥用合法拥有的枪支并实施可怕的暴力行为即可。

Everyone agrees that even one mass shooting is one too many. Herkes bir toplu katliamın bile çok fazla olduğu konusunda hemfikirdir. Mọi người đều đồng ý rằng ngay cả một vụ xả súng hàng loạt cũng là quá nhiều. 每个人都同意,即使发生一起大规模枪击事件,也已经是太多了。

A mass shooting is usually defined as any shooting that involves four or more 大规模枪击事件通常被定义为涉及四人或四人以上的枪击事件

people, not counting the shooter.

Note that we can say "shooter" or "gunman." Shooter is a gender-neutral word. 请注意,我们可以说“射手”或“枪手”。射手是一个不分性别的词。

Not all shootings result in death, so we usually talk about mass shootings rather than mass killings,

but you'll hear both terms used in the news. Did you know that the majority of

guns used in mass shootings were obtained legally? That means that the Waffen, die bei Massenerschießungen verwendet wurden, legal erworben wurden? Das bedeutet, dass die

owners purchased the guns legally. To buy a gun in the U.S., you need to go to a

licensed dealer, someone who is allowed by law to sell guns or what some call

firearms. A licensed dealer performs background checks before selling guns to

people. Many Americans agree on the need for background checks, but those who Viele Amerikaner sind sich über die Notwendigkeit von Hintergrundkontrollen einig, aber diejenigen, die gente. Muchos estadounidenses están de acuerdo en la necesidad de verificación de antecedentes, pero aquellos que

strongly oppose more gun control say that tighter regulation opens the door sind entschieden gegen eine stärkere Waffenkontrolle und sagen, dass eine strengere Regulierung die Tür öffnet

to invasion of privacy. These people argue that stricter gun laws negatively Diese Leute argumentieren, dass strengere Waffengesetze sich negativ auf den Schutz der Privatsphäre auswirken.

affect responsible gun owners. There are arguments over what kinds of guns should Es wird darüber gestritten, welche Arten von Waffen in den Verkehr gebracht werden sollten.

be sold to private citizens. Those with a middle position tolerate civilian được bán cho tư nhân. Những người ở vị trí trung dung bao dung dân sự 出售给私人公民。处于中间位置的人容忍平民

use of guns as long as the guns are used for sport or basic home defense.

Many Americans at the present are against the sale of assault weapons to civilians. Viele Amerikaner sind derzeit gegen den Verkauf von Angriffswaffen an Zivilisten. Nhiều người Mỹ hiện nay phản đối việc bán vũ khí tấn công cho dân thường.

Assault weapons are the kinds of guns used by the military, and they can shoot very fast.

They can shoot repeatedly if they have a high-capacity magazine. Họ có thể bắn liên tục nếu có băng đạn dung lượng lớn.

That's the part of the gun that holds the bullets. Even if the government

banned all assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, we'd have to alle Angriffswaffen und Magazine mit hoher Kapazität verbieten würde, müssten wir

figure out what to do with the assault weapons already out there. herauszufinden, was mit den bereits im Umlauf befindlichen Angriffswaffen geschehen soll. 弄清楚如何处理现有的攻击性武器。

A ban is a law that says something can't be done. We actually had a ban on

assault weapons a while back, but it expired. Will we have another ban on

assault weapons? That's what many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates

are pushing for. Some have proposed a federal buyback program. Gun owners would đang thúc đẩy. Một số đã đề xuất một chương trình mua lại liên bang. Những người sở hữu súng sẽ

turn over their assault weapons and be compensated. How easy would it be to put

such a program into practice? We don't know.

Gun laws vary from state to state. Florida is one of the states that has a Luật súng khác nhau tùy theo từng tiểu bang. Florida là một trong những bang có

Stand Your Ground law, which is a shoot-first policy. It allows gun owners 坚守阵地法,这是一种先开枪的政策。它允许枪支拥有者

to defend themselves in the face of danger. The law, not surprisingly, has been

interpreted different ways, not always in favor of the gun owner.

One difficulty in getting any law passed is that our politicians have to work together.

They're from different parties, and they represent different interests, They're from different parties, and they represent different interests,

so agreement doesn't happen often. Then there are the lobbyists. A lobby is an

organized group that tries to influence the government according to the common

interests they share. The National Rifle Association, or what we call the NRA for

short, is a very large and powerful special interest group. They've been

around since the late 1800s, and today they strongly defend their Second

Amendment rights. NRA lobbyists have had much influence in Washington. Derechos de enmienda. Los grupos de presión de la NRA han tenido mucha influencia en Washington.

But remember that the need and desire to own a gun goes back

farther than the 1800s. Many of the early colonists had guns to hunt and to defend más allá del siglo XIX. Muchos de los primeros colonos tenían armas para cazar y defender

themselves from hostile Native Americans. Later as the country expanded West,

people on the frontier fought Native Americans and sometimes each other with guns. những người ở biên giới đã chiến đấu với người Mỹ bản địa và đôi khi với nhau bằng súng.

Hollywood has glorified this period of our Wild West. Incidentally, you have to

wonder how the U.S. would have grown if we hadn't used firearms against the Native

Americans. Our military had an unfair advantage over the Native Americans in

terms of weapons. At some point I should make a video about the history of Native

Americans and their treatment by the U.S. government. Let me know if that topic interests you.

Gun violence increased in the early 1900s, especially in cities like Chicago.

Organized crime makes use of guns, and that's one fact that responsible gun

owners like to highlight. Mass shootings in the U.S. have increased for sure, but

many homicides here are gang-related. nhiều vụ giết người ở đây có liên quan đến băng đảng.

Those acts of violence don't involve the Smiths down the street who happen to 这些暴力行为并不涉及街上的史密斯夫妇,他们碰巧

own a pistol for self-defense or your cousin Bill who likes to hunt with a

rifle during deer season. But opponents of gun ownership say that guns in the súng trường trong mùa hươu. Nhưng những người phản đối quyền sở hữu súng nói rằng súng ở

home and guns carried by civilians can lead to unnecessary violence. So all gun

owners keep their guns away from children? How can we monitor the mental

health of gun owners with no criminal record? Is the answer to ban all guns?

The topic of gun control will remain a central issue for Americans until we

agree on how to prevent mass shootings. Until that time, we'll continue to hear

the same descriptions in news reports: a senseless tragedy, a horrific event, a

deadly mass shooting. Many of us are stunned by the fact that we've grown

used to asking the same questions:

Another one? Where? How many were killed?

Did they get the shooter? Who was it?

Some shooters have a clear motive, a reason Một số kẻ xả súng có động cơ rõ ràng, có lý do

for committing the crime. Other shootings leave us baffled. Not all shootings are

hate crimes that target specific people. Some shootings are random.

The news reports always tell us the location, the time, and the number of victims.

Victims include fatalities and injuries. "Fatality" is another word for "death." Some news

reports are now choosing not to identify the shooter by name because there's a

risk of giving notoriety to these criminals. "Notoriety" is the state of

being famous for doing something bad.

Until we can stop mass shootings, we have to remain prepared. On Instagram, I shared

my thoughts on having active shooter drills in the public schools.

Visit me on Instagram to listen to that post. An active shooter is a gunman who

is actively shooting with a weapon. Active shooter drills prepare the staff

and students for the emergency in which a gunman opens fire in a school or on school grounds.

There are two basic responses: evacuation and lockdown.

In an evacuation, people leave the school and escape to safety. In a lockdown, all doors

are locked to keep the people inside safe.

Note that a school can be in lockdown or go into lockdown.

If you're the parent of a public school student here in the U.S.,

you'll probably hear about a safety training program called ALICE.

A.L.I.C.E. is an acronym for alert, lockdown, inform, counter, evacuate.

These are the actions of school staff can choose to take during an active shooting.

Often the threat of a school shooting comes from a student or a former student,

so do you think arming teachers with guns is a solution? This is currently

decided at the state level. Schools are generally a gun-free zone, but some

states have laws that allow adults to carry a concealed weapon. "Concealed" means hidden.

There are two ways you can carry a gun: open or concealed.

We can talk about open carry states or people with concealed carry permits.

If I'm not mistaken, Florida is the most recent state to pass a law allowing classroom teachers to be armed.

To sum up, Americans are aware of the increase in mass shootings. We know

there's a problem; now we have to talk about our current gun laws and agree on

how to prevent future violence. Some will ask for no guns.

Others will demand their right to own any and all guns. That's part of the

problem right there. Some say that guns increase the chance for violence and

guns make them feel unsafe. Others say that owning a gun gives them

a sense of safety -- guns can prevent crimes. Hopefully, we can find a middle