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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 228: The Crazy Life of Elvis Presley [1]

Episode 228: The Crazy Life of Elvis Presley [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today is part three of our three-part mini-series

on troubled but iconic American musicians of the 1950s and 60s.

In part one we learned about Ray Charles, the boy who was born dirt-poor and was completely blind

by his 7th birthday, yet managed to become one of the most successful musicians of his generation.

In part two we heard about Johnny Cash, “The Man in Black", and his wild and tragic life.

And now, in part three it is on to the man they called “The King of Rock & Roll”, Elvis Presley.

It's the story of a cult generational icon, of what happens when you are the most famous

young man in 1950s America, an object of love and adoration by millions of teenagers.

But it's also a tale of excess, of huge tragedy and wasted talent, and all

ended very sadly, in a bathroom when Elvis Presley was only 42 years old.

OK then, Elvis Presley.

Elvis was born on January 8th, 1935, three years after

Johnny Cash and four and half years after Ray Charles.

The America he was born into was not a prosperous one.

America was just getting back on its feet after the Great

Depression, and Elvis's parents were constantly struggling for money.

There's even a legend that a 4-year-old Elvis, after hearing his parents yet again arguing

over money, told them to be quiet and promised that he would buy them a Cadillac one day.

Well, if he did indeed say this, he was correct, and this boy growing up

in a poor family in a small town in Mississippi, in the deep south of the

United States, would go on to be the highest selling artist of all time.

Although Elvis found success at a young age, he came up against plenty of hurdles

on his way, and there are countless stories of people telling him he had no

talent, that he couldn't sing, and that there was no way he would be a star.

He almost never even picked up a guitar in the first place.

The story goes that for his 12th birthday he wanted either a rifle or a

bicycle, but his mother refused, thinking that they were both too dangerous.

Instead, she bought the young boy a guitar, and he started taking guitar lessons.

Elvis had shown some talent for music before, but wasn't anything special.

He had entered a singing competition the year before, but came fifth.

His teachers, on his report card, considered him to be an average

student, he certainly showed no signs of what he would later become.

He was, by all accounts, just a normal student - a well-behaved

young boy, he kept his hair short like other boys at the time, was

polite, studied hard in school, but was nothing out of the ordinary.

It was to be the following year, when the family moved to Memphis,

Tennessee, when Elvis started to first cultivate his own image.

Memphis was a big city, filled with new and intriguing types of music.

It was very different from the small town Elvis had grown up in.

People dressed in a different way, and the young Elvis started to cultivate his own image.

He grew long sideburns and grew his hair longer.

He also started to add shoe polish to it to make it dark black.

His natural colour when he was a boy was blondish.

It was light.

By this time he had set his sights on music as a career, and

spent more and more time playing guitar, and jamming with friends.

His style was a mixture of Southern-gospel and country, and he had

this unique voice that sounded to many people like he was black.

After he graduated from high school in 1953, he decided that he wanted to

record himself, reportedly because he had never actually heard himself sing.

He went to the studio of Sun Records, which incidentally was the record label that

would go on to sign Johnny Cash a year later, and paid his $4 to record himself.

Now, it's thought that Elvis knew exactly what he was doing - he

wanted to be spotted, and this was a great way of doing it.

He knew exactly what he sounded like, and there were far cheaper ways to

record yourself, Elvis didn't need to go to the studio of a record label.

In any case, when he walked into the studio, guitar in

hand, the receptionist asked him what kind of singer he was.

He responded “I sing all kinds.

I don't sound like nobody”.

He recorded two songs, and was noticed by the boss of

Sun Records and recorded as a “good ballad singer”.

But nothing happened after that.

Presley was forced to take a job as a delivery driver, driving trucks, where he was paid $1 an hour.

He tried out for a few bands, but had no luck, even once being rejected by one singer who

famously told him to stick to driving trucks because “you're never going to make it as a singer”.

It wouldn't be until a year later, in 1954, that Elvis got his big break.

He was back in Sun Records, and after failing to play anything that excited the record label

bosses, was fooling around in the studio playing a cover of a blues song called “That's all right”.

When the boss of Sun Records, Sam Phillips heard it, he rushed into the studio.

This was the sound he was looking for.

It was recorded, and played on the local radio station.

It was such a hit that it was played multiple times, and people

kept on calling in to the radio station to ask who it was.

Elvis started touring, but he only really had one song, “That's all right”.

He would play the song over and over, there were literally

concerts where this one song would be played on repeat.

In 1954, by the way, when he first found success, he was only 19 years old.

For his first stage performances, he was a shadow of the confident sex-icon Elvis that he became.

Indeed, he was incredibly shy and nervous, he was not the confident man that you might imagine.

And in fact it was a combination of being nervous and trying to keep the rhythm

of the music that caused him to move his legs and hips from side to side.

But as soon as he did this, as soon as he moved his hips around, the

crowd, especially the young female members of the crowd, cried out in joy.

This was something incredibly new and wild for 1950s America.

Singers might click their fingers or move around a little

bit, but not their hips, and nothing at all sexual.

There was Elvis, a very good-looking young man with a

guitar thrusting his hips around in a sexual manner.

As the tours continued, the adoring female fans continued to

grow in number, and would do anything to grab Elvis's attention.

He would be mobbed by adoring fans, with girls just wanting to touch him.

This female attention caused him to become the target of a lot of male jealousy, and in

some towns he would have to have a police guard to stop jealous young boys attacking him.

It wasn't only out of jealousy that some people disliked him.

Religious ministers considered him to be leading the nation's youth astray.

One reverend told his congregation that “Elvis Presley is morally insane” and

another lamented that “his stage antics are intended to arouse the lower instincts.

Apparently he is succeeding.”

There was even a letter sent to the director of the FBI from a Catholic church

warning that "Presley is a definite danger to the security of the United States.

... [His] actions and motions were such as to rouse the sexual passions of teenaged youth.”

Elvis Presley was certainly getting noticed.

By 1955, shortly after his 20th birthday, he also got a new manager, a man named

Colonel Tom Parker, who was to be a very powerful force in Elvis' life and career.

Although he claimed to be called Tom Parker and to have been born in the United States, he was

actually born in the Netherlands, and his real name was Andreas Cornelis [Dries] van Kuijk.

Parker, his new manager, cultivated this image of Elvis Presley as a sex symbol, making

Elvis tell a reporter that he had 25 girlfriends, but don't worry ladies, Elvis wants you

to know that you too can become one of his twenty five if you buy a ticket to his show.

This new manager, Colonel Tom Parker, is thought to have

controlled and squeezed Elvis, profiting greatly from his success.

Parker took between 25% and 50% of all of the money Elvis made, and

exerted very tight control over the direction of Elvis's career.

Although he can justifiably be accused of exploiting Elvis, he was certainly an

important part of Elvis's success, and understood what the real appeal of Elvis was.

By 1956, Elvis had several number one singles under his belt, and was popular

on the radio, but to really experience Elvis you had to see him perform.

And the best way for as many people as possible to see that was for him to go on TV.

Parker managed to book Elvis to go on TV, on a popular show called the Ed Sullivan Show.

Elvis' first TV appearance came on September 9th of 1956,

when he was a mere 21-year-old, and performed Hound Dog.

And 60 million people tuned in to see him, a record-breaking 83% of the entire TV audience.

For many people, this was the first time they had seen Elvis.

They might have heard him, but they had never seen him on stage.

And what they saw was shocking, shockingly provocative.

In particular, what Elvis did with his groin and his crotch, his famous sexualised movement

of his hips, was considered to be too provocative for mainstream TV audiences of the time

The host, Ed Sullivan, complained about it, even saying that he thought Elvis had a coke bottle

hidden in his trousers, and said “We can't have this on a Sunday night - this is a family show”.

But, being provocative, and being very handsome, sells, and

after this TV appearance he was catapulted to household fame.

His next record, “Love Me Tender”, had a record-breaking one million pre-orders,

and he was simply the biggest and most in demand musician in the world.

Elvis concerts were characterised by his walking onto the stage to the screams of

young girls, then he would start playing, typically Hound Dog, to much more screaming.

The irony of this all was, perhaps, that he really wasn't

considered by anyone to be a very talented musician.

Reportedly he never actually wrote any of his own music - he was listed as a co-writer

of most of his songs, but this is believed to have been a demand by his record label.

And he was obviously quite good at the guitar, but nothing he did on the guitar was revolutionary.

Elvis's talent and appeal came from Elvis Presley the performer.

He looked and acted the part.

He was an incredibly handsome young man, and had an amazing presence.

It was, therefore, perhaps no surprise that both he and his manager thought

the next logical step for him was Hollywood, to make it as a movie star.

The idea was that the movies would help sell his music, and not only would Elvis's fame

grow even larger but he, and everyone involved with him, would grow fabulously wealthy.

And so, starting in 1956 with Love Me Tender, he set out on a career

as an actor, and starred in 31 films over the course of his career.

Episode 228: The Crazy Life of Elvis Presley [1] Folge 228: Das verrückte Leben des Elvis Presley [1] Episode 228: The Crazy Life of Elvis Presley [1] Episodio 228: La loca vida de Elvis Presley [1] Épisode 228 : La vie folle d'Elvis Presley [1] Episodio 228: La folle vita di Elvis Presley [1] 第228話エルビス・プレスリーのクレイジーライフ【1 Odcinek 228: Szalone życie Elvisa Presleya [1] Episódio 228: A Vida Louca de Elvis Presley [1] Эпизод 228: Безумная жизнь Элвиса Пресли [1] Epizoda 228: Noro življenje Elvisa Presleyja [1] 228\. Elvis Presley'in Çılgın Hayatı [1] Епізод 228: Божевільне життя Елвіса Преслі [1]. 第228集:猫王的疯狂生活[1] 第228集:埃爾維斯·普雷斯利的瘋狂生活[1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English. Hola, hola hola, y bienvenidos a English Learning for Curious Minds, de Leonardo English. Привет, привет, и добро пожаловать в книгу «Изучение английского для пытливых умов» Леонардо Инглиша. Merhaba, merhaba merhaba ve Leonardo English'in Meraklı Zihinler İçin İngilizce Öğrenme kitabına hoş geldiniz.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and El programa en el que podrás escuchar historias fascinantes y aprender cosas raras y Шоу, в котором можно послушать увлекательные истории и узнать странные и Büyüleyici hikayeler dinleyebileceğiniz, tuhaf ve tuhaf şeyler öğrenebileceğiniz şov.

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English. cosas maravillosas sobre el mundo al mismo tiempo que mejora su inglés. удивительные вещи о мире, в то же время улучшая свой английский.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today is part three of our three-part mini-series Soy Alastair Budge, y hoy es la tercera parte de nuestra miniserie de tres partes Ben Alastair Budge ve bugün üç bölümlük mini dizimizin üçüncü bölümü.

on troubled but iconic American musicians of the 1950s and 60s. über unruhige, aber ikonische amerikanische Musiker der 1950er und 60er Jahre. sobre músicos estadounidenses problemáticos pero emblemáticos de los años 50 y 60. sobre músicos americanos problemáticos, mas icônicos, dos anos 1950 e 60. 1950'lerin ve 60'ların sorunlu ama ikonik Amerikalı müzisyenleri üzerine.

In part one we learned about Ray Charles, the boy who was born dirt-poor and was completely blind Im ersten Teil erfuhren wir von Ray Charles, dem Jungen, der elend geboren wurde und völlig blind war En la primera parte conocimos a Ray Charles, el niño que nació pobre y completamente ciego. Na primeira parte, aprendemos sobre Ray Charles, o menino que nasceu pobre e completamente cego Birinci bölümde, doğuştan fakir ve tamamen kör olan Ray Charles'ı öğrendik.

by his 7th birthday, yet managed to become one of the most successful musicians of his generation. bis zu seinem 7. Geburtstag und schaffte es dennoch, einer der erfolgreichsten Musiker seiner Generation zu werden. a los 7 años, y sin embargo consiguió convertirse en uno de los músicos de más éxito de su generación. no seu sétimo aniversário, mas conseguiu tornar-se um dos músicos mais bem sucedidos da sua geração. 7\. yaş gününe kadar, neslinin en başarılı müzisyenlerinden biri olmayı başardı.

In part two we heard about Johnny Cash, “The Man in Black", and his wild and tragic life. En la segunda parte conocimos a Johnny Cash, "El Hombre de Negro", y su alocada y trágica vida. Na segunda parte, ouvimos falar de Johnny Cash, “O Homem de Preto”, e sua vida selvagem e trágica. İkinci bölümde Johnny Cash'i, “Siyahlı Adam”ı ve onun vahşi ve trajik hayatını duyduk.

And now, in part three it is on to the man they called “The King of Rock & Roll”, Elvis Presley. Und jetzt, in Teil drei, geht es um den Mann, den sie „The King of Rock & Roll“ nannten, Elvis Presley. Y ahora, en la tercera parte, le toca el turno al hombre al que llamaban "El Rey del Rock & Roll", Elvis Presley. Ve şimdi, üçüncü bölümde, “Rock & Roll'un Kralı” olarak adlandırdıkları adam Elvis Presley'de.

It's the story of a cult generational icon, of what happens when you are the most famous Es ist die Geschichte einer Kult-Generationsikone, was passiert, wenn man der berühmteste ist Es la historia de un icono generacional de culto, de lo que ocurre cuando eres el más famoso C'est l'histoire d'une icône générationnelle culte, de ce qui se passe quand on est le plus célèbre... Ez egy kultikus generációs ikon története, arról, hogy mi történik, ha te vagy a leghíresebb É a história de um ícone geracional cult, do que acontece quando você é o mais famoso En ünlü olduğunuzda neler olduğuna dair bir kült nesil ikonunun hikayesi. 这是一个关于一代偶像的故事,讲述了当你成为最有名的人时会发生什么

young man in 1950s America, an object of love and adoration by millions of teenagers. junger Mann im Amerika der 1950er Jahre, ein Objekt der Liebe und Verehrung von Millionen Teenagern. joven en la América de los años 50, objeto de amor y adoración por parte de millones de adolescentes. fiatalember az 1950-es évek Amerikájában, tinédzserek millióinak szerelmének és imádatának tárgya. 1950'ler Amerika'sında genç adam, milyonlarca genç tarafından sevgi ve hayranlık nesnesi. 20世纪50年代美国的年轻人,数以百万计的青少年喜爱和崇拜的对象。

But it's also a tale of excess, of huge tragedy and wasted talent, and all Aber es ist auch eine Geschichte von Exzess, von großer Tragödie und verschwendetem Talent und allem Pero también es una historia de excesos, de enormes tragedias y de talento desperdiciado, y todo De ez is egy történet a túlzásokról, a hatalmas tragédiákról és az elpazarolt tehetségről, és minden Mas é também uma história de excessos, de grandes tragédias e de talentos desperdiçados, e tudo Но это также рассказ об излишествах, огромной трагедии и потраченном впустую таланте, и обо всем остальном. Ama aynı zamanda aşırılığın, büyük trajedinin ve boşa harcanan yeteneklerin hikayesidir.

ended very sadly, in a bathroom when Elvis Presley was only 42 years old. endete sehr traurig in einem Badezimmer, als Elvis Presley erst 42 Jahre alt war. terminó muy tristemente, en un baño cuando Elvis Presley sólo tenía 42 años. terminou muito tristemente, em um banheiro quando Elvis Presley tinha apenas 42 anos. закончилось очень печально, в ванной, когда Элвису Пресли было всего 42 года. Elvis Presley sadece 42 yaşındayken bir banyoda çok üzücü bir şekilde sona erdi.

OK then, Elvis Presley. Tamam o zaman, Elvis Presley.

Elvis was born on January 8th, 1935, three years after

Johnny Cash and four and half years after Ray Charles. Johnny Cash und viereinhalb Jahre nach Ray Charles. Johnny Cash e quatro anos e meio depois de Ray Charles. Johnny Cash ve Ray Charles'tan dört buçuk yıl sonra.

The America he was born into was not a prosperous one. Das Amerika, in das er hineingeboren wurde, war kein wohlhabendes. Az az Amerika, ahová született, nem volt virágzó. A América em que ele nasceu não era próspera. Америка, в которой он родился, не была процветающей. Doğduğu Amerika müreffeh bir Amerika değildi. 他出生的美国并不富裕。

America was just getting back on its feet after the Great Amerika kam nach dem Großen gerade wieder auf die Beine Estados Unidos acababa de recuperarse tras el Gran L'Amérique se remettait à peine sur pied après la Grande Guerre. Amerika épp csak talpra állt a Nagy Világégés után. A América estava se recuperando depois da Grande Америка только вставала на ноги после Великой Amerika, Büyük Savaş'tan sonra daha yeni ayağa kalkıyordu.

Depression, and Elvis's parents were constantly struggling for money. Depressionen, und Elvis' Eltern kämpften ständig um Geld. Depresszió, és Elvis szülei folyamatosan pénzhiánnyal küzdöttek. Depressão e os pais de Elvis estavam constantemente lutando por dinheiro. Депрессия, и родители Элвиса постоянно боролись за деньги. Depresyon ve Elvis'in ebeveynleri sürekli para için mücadele ediyorlardı.

There's even a legend that a 4-year-old Elvis, after hearing his parents yet again arguing Es gibt sogar eine Legende, dass ein 4-jähriger Elvis, nachdem er seine Eltern wieder einmal streiten hörte Még egy legenda is kering, miszerint a 4 éves Elvis, miután hallotta, hogy a szülei ismét veszekednek. Existe até uma lenda que um Elvis de 4 anos, depois de ouvir seus pais novamente discutindo Существует даже легенда, что четырехлетний Элвис, услышав очередной спор своих родителей. Hatta bir efsane var ki, 4 yaşındaki Elvis, anne ve babasının bir kez daha tartıştığını duyduktan sonra.

over money, told them to be quiet and promised that he would buy them a Cadillac one day. über Geld, sagte ihnen, sie sollten ruhig sein und versprach, dass er ihnen eines Tages einen Cadillac kaufen würde. pénzt adott át, azt mondta nekik, hogy maradjanak csendben, és megígérte, hogy egyszer majd vesz nekik egy Cadillacet. そして、「いつかキャデラックを買ってやる」と約束した。 por dinheiro, disse-lhes para ficarem quietos e prometeu que um dia compraria um Cadillac para eles. за деньги, велел им вести себя тихо и пообещал, что однажды купит им "Кадиллак". Onlara sessiz olmalarını söyledi ve bir gün onlara bir Cadillac alacağına söz verdi.

Well, if he did indeed say this, he was correct, and this boy growing up Nun, wenn er das tatsächlich gesagt hat, dann hat er Recht, und dieser Junge wächst auf Nos, ha valóban ezt mondta, akkor igaza volt, és ez a fiú, aki felnő... Bem, se ele realmente disse isso, ele estava certo, e esse menino crescendo Что ж, если он действительно сказал это, он был прав, и этот мальчик, взрослеющий Bunu gerçekten söylediyse, haklıydı ve bu çocuk büyüyor.

in a poor family in a small town in Mississippi, in the deep south of the in einer armen Familie in einer kleinen Stadt in Mississippi, im tiefen Süden der USA egy szegény családban, egy kisvárosban, Mississippi államban, a déli államok mélyén. em uma família pobre em uma pequena cidade no Mississippi, no extremo sul do Mississippi'nin derin güneyindeki küçük bir kasabada fakir bir ailede

United States, would go on to be the highest selling artist of all time. Vereinigten Staaten der meistverkaufte Künstler aller Zeiten. États-Unis, deviendrait l'artiste le plus vendu de tous les temps. Egyesült Államokban, minden idők legnagyobb példányszámban eladott előadója lesz. Estados Unidos, viria a ser o artista mais vendido de todos os tempos. США, станет самым продаваемым артистом всех времен. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, tüm zamanların en çok satan sanatçısı olmaya devam edecek. 美国,将继续成为有史以来销量最高的艺术家。

Although Elvis found success at a young age, he came up against plenty of hurdles Obwohl Elvis schon in jungen Jahren erfolgreich war, stieß er auf viele Hürden Bien qu'Elvis ait connu le succès très jeune, il s'est heurté à de nombreux obstacles Bár Elvis már fiatalon sikereket ért el, rengeteg akadállyal kellett szembenéznie. Embora Elvis tenha obtido sucesso ainda jovem, ele enfrentou muitos obstáculos Elvis genç yaşta başarıya ulaşmasına rağmen birçok engelle karşılaştı. 尽管埃尔维斯在年轻时就取得了成功,但他也遇到了很多障碍

on his way, and there are countless stories of people telling him he had no auf seinem Weg, und es gibt unzählige Geschichten von Leuten, die ihm sagen, er hätte keine en su camino, y hay innumerables historias de gente que le decía que no tenía a caminho, e há inúmeras histórias de pessoas dizendo que ele não tinha yolda ve ona hiçbir şeyi olmadığını söyleyen sayısız insan hikayesi var.

talent, that he couldn't sing, and that there was no way he would be a star. Talent, dass er nicht singen konnte und dass er auf keinen Fall ein Star werden würde. talento, que não sabia cantar e que não havia como ser uma estrela. талант, что он не умеет петь и что он никак не может стать звездой. yetenek, şarkı söyleyememesi ve yıldız olmasının hiçbir yolu yoktu. 天赋,他不会唱歌,他不可能成为明星。

He almost never even picked up a guitar in the first place. Er hat fast nie überhaupt eine Gitarre in die Hand genommen. Il a même failli ne jamais prendre une guitare. Szinte soha nem is vett gitárt a kezébe. Ele quase nunca pegou uma guitarra em primeiro lugar. Он почти никогда даже не брал в руки гитару. İlk başta neredeyse hiç gitar almadı. Він майже ніколи навіть не брав до рук гітару. 他几乎从一开始就没有拿起吉他。

The story goes that for his 12th birthday he wanted either a rifle or a Die Geschichte besagt, dass er sich zu seinem 12. Geburtstag entweder ein Gewehr oder eine A történet szerint a 12. születésnapjára vagy egy puskát vagy egy A história diz que em seu aniversário de 12 anos ele queria um rifle ou um Hikayeye göre, 12. doğum günü için ya bir tüfek ya da bir

bicycle, but his mother refused, thinking that they were both too dangerous. Fahrrad, aber seine Mutter weigerte sich, weil sie dachte, dass sie beide zu gefährlich seien. kerékpárt, de az anyja visszautasította, mert úgy gondolta, hogy mindkettő túl veszélyes. bicicleta, mas sua mãe recusou, pensando que ambos eram muito perigosos. ama annesi ikisinin de çok tehlikeli olduğunu düşünerek reddetti.

Instead, she bought the young boy a guitar, and he started taking guitar lessons. Stattdessen kaufte sie dem Jungen eine Gitarre und er begann, Gitarrenunterricht zu nehmen. Ehelyett vett a kisfiúnak egy gitárt, és elkezdett gitárleckéket venni. Em vez disso, comprou uma guitarra ao rapaz e ele começou a ter aulas de guitarra. Bunun yerine genç çocuğa bir gitar aldı ve gitar dersleri almaya başladı.

Elvis had shown some talent for music before, but wasn't anything special. Elvis hatte schon früher ein gewisses Talent für Musik gezeigt, war aber nichts Besonderes. Elvis már korábban is mutatott némi zenei tehetséget, de nem volt semmi különleges. Elvis já havia mostrado algum talento para a música antes, mas não era nada de especial. Элвис и раньше проявлял некоторый музыкальный талант, но не был чем-то особенным. Elvis daha önce müzik için biraz yetenek göstermişti ama özel bir şey değildi.

He had entered a singing competition the year before, but came fifth. Er hatte im Jahr zuvor an einem Gesangswettbewerb teilgenommen, wurde aber Fünfter. Годом ранее он участвовал в конкурсе вокалистов, но занял пятое место. Bir yıl önce bir şarkı yarışmasına katılmıştı, ancak beşinci oldu. За рік до цього він брав участь у співочому конкурсі, але посів п'яте місце. 前一年他参加了一场歌唱比赛,但获得了第五名。

His teachers, on his report card, considered him to be an average Seine Lehrer hielten ihn auf seinem Zeugnis für durchschnittlich Sus profesores, en su boletín de notas, le consideraban un alumno medio. Tanárai a bizonyítványában átlagosnak ítélték. Seus professores, em seu boletim escolar, o consideravam um aluno mediano. Его учителя в его табеле успеваемости считали его средним Karnesinde yazan öğretmenleri onu ortalama biri olarak görüyordu. Вчителі в табелі успішності вважали його середнячком

student, he certainly showed no signs of what he would later become. Student, er zeigte sicherlich keine Anzeichen dessen, was er später werden würde. tanuló volt, semmi jelét nem mutatta annak, amivé később vált. estudante, certamente não dava sinais do que viria a ser. студент, он, конечно, не подавал признаков того, кем он станет позже. öğrenci, kesinlikle daha sonra ne olacağına dair hiçbir işaret göstermedi. У студентські роки він, звісно, не виявляв жодних ознак того, ким згодом стане.

He was, by all accounts, just a normal student - a well-behaved Er war allem Anschein nach nur ein normaler Schüler – ein braver Il était, de l'avis général, un étudiant normal, un élève bien élevé. Ele era, segundo todos os relatos, apenas um aluno normal - um aluno bem-comportado По общему мнению, он был обычным учеником — хорошо воспитанным Her halükarda normal bir öğrenciydi - terbiyeli bir За всіма ознаками, він був звичайним студентом, добре себе поводив.

young boy, he kept his hair short like other boys at the time, was kleiner Junge, er trug seine Haare kurz wie andere Jungen zu dieser Zeit, war menino, ele mantinha o cabelo curto como os outros meninos da época, era мальчик, он носил короткие волосы, как и другие мальчики в то время, был genç oğlan, o zamanki diğer çocuklar gibi saçını kısa tuttu,

polite, studied hard in school, but was nothing out of the ordinary. höflich, lernte fleißig in der Schule, war aber nichts Außergewöhnliches. educado, estudou muito na escola, mas não era nada fora do comum. вежливый, хорошо учился в школе, но ничего из ряда вон выходящего не было. kibardı, okulda çok çalıştı ama sıra dışı bir şey değildi. Ввічливий, старанно вчився в школі, але не був чимось незвичайним.

It was to be the following year, when the family moved to Memphis, Es sollte das folgende Jahr sein, als die Familie nach Memphis zog, Это должно было произойти в следующем году, когда семья переехала в Мемфис. Ertesi yıl, aile Memphis'e taşındığında,

Tennessee, when Elvis started to first cultivate his own image. Tennessee, als Elvis anfing, sein eigenes Image zu pflegen. Tennessee, quand Elvis a commencé à cultiver sa propre image. Tennessee, quando Elvis começou a cultivar a sua própria imagem. Tennessee, Elvis ilk kez kendi imajını geliştirmeye başladığında.

Memphis was a big city, filled with new and intriguing types of music. Memphis war eine große Stadt, in der es viele neue und interessante Musikrichtungen gab. Memphis era uma cidade grande, cheia de novos e intrigantes tipos de música. Memphis, yeni ve ilgi çekici müzik türleriyle dolu büyük bir şehirdi.

It was very different from the small town Elvis had grown up in. Es war ganz anders als die kleine Stadt, in der Elvis aufgewachsen war. Он сильно отличался от маленького городка, в котором вырос Элвис. Elvis'in büyüdüğü küçük kasabadan çok farklıydı.

People dressed in a different way, and the young Elvis started to cultivate his own image. Die Leute kleideten sich anders, und der junge Elvis begann, sein eigenes Image zu pflegen. İnsanlar farklı bir şekilde giyindi ve genç Elvis kendi imajını geliştirmeye başladı.

He grew long sideburns and grew his hair longer. Er wuchs lange Koteletten und ließ sein Haar länger wachsen. Pustio je duge zaliske i dužu kosu. Ele deixou crescer as costeletas e deixou o cabelo crescer. Uzun favorileri ve saçlarını uzattı.

He also started to add shoe polish to it to make it dark black. Er fing auch an, Schuhcreme hinzuzufügen, um es dunkelschwarz zu machen. También empezó a añadirle betún de zapatos para convertirlo en negro oscuro. Il a également commencé à y ajouter du cirage pour le rendre noir foncé. Počeo mu je dodavati i kremu za cipele kako bi postao tamno crn. Iniziò anche ad aggiungere del lucido da scarpe per renderlo nero scuro. Ele também começou a adicionar graxa de sapato para torná-lo preto escuro. Он также начал добавлять в него крем для обуви, чтобы сделать его темно-черным. Ayrıca koyu siyah yapmak için ayakkabı cilası eklemeye başladı. Він також почав додавати в нього крем для взуття, щоб зробити його темно-чорним.

His natural colour when he was a boy was blondish. Als Junge hatte er eine blonde Naturfarbe. Su color natural de niño era rubio. Lorsqu'il était enfant, sa couleur naturelle était le blond. Sua cor natural quando menino era aloirado. Çocukken doğal rengi sarışındı.

It was light. Es war hell. Era ligero. Il était léger. È stato leggero. Era leve. Було світло.

By this time he had set his sights on music as a career, and Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte er sich die Musik als Karriere zum Ziel gesetzt und Para entonces ya se había fijado en la música como carrera, y À cette époque, il a décidé de faire carrière dans la musique. U to je vrijeme već bacio pogled na glazbu kao karijeru, i Nesta altura, já tinha decidido seguir uma carreira musical e Bu zamana kadar bir kariyer olarak müziğe gözünü dikmişti ve 此时,他已将音乐作为自己的事业,并

spent more and more time playing guitar, and jamming with friends. verbrachte immer mehr Zeit damit, Gitarre zu spielen und mit Freunden zu jammen. provodio je sve više vremena svirajući gitaru i svirajući s prijateljima. ha passato sempre più tempo a suonare la chitarra e a suonare con gli amici. passou cada vez mais tempo tocando violão e tocando com os amigos. Gitar çalmaya ve arkadaşlarla takılmaya gitgide daha fazla zaman harcıyordu. 花越来越多的时间弹吉他,和朋友一起即兴演奏。

His style was a mixture of Southern-gospel and country, and he had Sein Stil war eine Mischung aus Southern-Gospel und Country, und das hatte er Su estilo era una mezcla de gospel sureño y country, y tenía O seu estilo era uma mistura de Southern-gospel e country, e tinha Tarzı, Güney İncili ile ülkenin bir karışımıydı ve

this unique voice that sounded to many people like he was black. diese einzigartige Stimme, die für viele Menschen so klang, als wäre er schwarz. esta voz única que soava para muitas pessoas como se ele fosse negro. этот уникальный голос, который звучал для многих людей как черный. birçok insana siyahmış gibi gelen bu eşsiz ses. цей унікальний голос, який звучав для багатьох людей так, ніби він був чорношкірим.

After he graduated from high school in 1953, he decided that he wanted to Nach dem Abitur 1953 beschloss er, das zu wollen Depois de terminar o liceu em 1953, decidiu que queria 1953 yılında liseden mezun olduktan sonra,

record himself, reportedly because he had never actually heard himself sing. nahm sich selbst auf, angeblich weil er sich selbst noch nie singen gehört hatte. gravar ele próprio, alegadamente porque nunca se tinha ouvido a cantar. записывать себя, как сообщается, потому что он никогда не слышал, как поет. Kendisini şarkı söylerken hiç duymadığı için kaydetti. не записував себе, як повідомляється, тому що ніколи не чув, як він співає.

He went to the studio of Sun Records, which incidentally was the record label that Er ging ins Studio von Sun Records, das übrigens das Plattenlabel war Fue al estudio de Sun Records, que por cierto era el sello discográfico que Ele foi para o estúdio da Sun Records, que aliás era a gravadora que Он отправился в студию Sun Records, которая, кстати, была звукозаписывающей компанией, Tesadüfen plak şirketi olan Sun Records'un stüdyosuna gitti.

would go on to sign Johnny Cash a year later, and paid his $4 to record himself. würde ein Jahr später Johnny Cash unter Vertrag nehmen und seine 4 Dollar bezahlen, um sich selbst aufzunehmen. ficharía a Johnny Cash un año después, y le pagó 4 dólares para que grabara él mismo. viria a assinar com Johnny Cash um ano mais tarde, e pagou-lhe 4 dólares para gravar ele próprio. Год спустя он подписал контракт с Джонни Кэшем и заплатил свои 4 доллара за запись самого себя. bir yıl sonra Johnny Cash ile sözleşme imzalayacaktı ve kendisini kaydetmek için 4 dolarını ödedi. через рік підпише контракт з Джонні Кешем і заплатить 4 долари, щоб записати себе.

Now, it's thought that Elvis knew exactly what he was doing - he Nun wird angenommen, dass Elvis genau wusste, was er tat – er On pense aujourd'hui qu'Elvis savait exactement ce qu'il faisait. Agora, pensa-se que Elvis sabia exatamente o que estava a fazer - ele Теперь считается, что Элвис точно знал, что он делал - он Şimdi, Elvis'in tam olarak ne yaptığını bildiği düşünülüyor - o

wanted to be spotted, and this was a great way of doing it. wollte entdeckt werden, und das war eine großartige Möglichkeit, dies zu tun. voulait se faire repérer, et c'était un excellent moyen de le faire. queria ser descoberto, e essa era uma ótima maneira de fazer isso. хотел быть замеченным, и это был отличный способ сделать это. fark edilmek istiyordu ve bu, bunu yapmanın harika bir yoluydu. хотіли, щоб їх помітили, і це був чудовий спосіб зробити це.

He knew exactly what he sounded like, and there were far cheaper ways to Er wusste genau, wie er klang, und es gab weitaus billigere Möglichkeiten, dies zu tun Sabía exactamente cómo sonaba, y había formas mucho más baratas de Il savait exactement à quoi il ressemblait, et il y avait des moyens bien moins coûteux de le faire. Ele sabia exatamente como soava, e havia maneiras muito mais baratas de Он точно знал, как звучит, и существовали куда более дешевые способы Sesinin neye benzediğini tam olarak biliyordu ve bunu yapmanın çok daha ucuz yolları vardı. Він точно знав, як він звучить, і існували набагато дешевші способи 他清楚地知道自己的声音是什么样的,并且有更便宜的方法可以做到这一点。

record yourself, Elvis didn't need to go to the studio of a record label. selbst aufzunehmen, musste Elvis nicht ins Studio eines Plattenlabels gehen. записывай себя, Элвису не нужно было идти в студию звукозаписывающего лейбла. Elvis'in bir plak şirketinin stüdyosuna gitmesine gerek yoktu. Щоб записати себе, Елвісу не потрібно було йти до студії звукозаписуючої компанії. 自己录制唱片,猫王不需要去唱片公司的录音室。

In any case, when he walked into the studio, guitar in Jedenfalls, als er das Studio betrat, Gitarre rein Her halükarda, stüdyoya girdiğinde, gitar

hand, the receptionist asked him what kind of singer he was. Andererseits fragte ihn die Rezeptionistin, was für ein Sänger er sei. mano, la recepcionista le preguntó qué tipo de cantante era. el, resepsiyonist ona nasıl bir şarkıcı olduğunu sordu. Коли він підняв руку, секретарка запитала його, що він за співак.

He responded “I sing all kinds. Er antwortete: „Ich singe alle Arten. Respondió: "Canto de todo.

I don't sound like nobody”. Ich klinge nicht wie niemand“. No sueno como nadie". Je ne ressemble à personne". Я ни на кого не похож». Kimseye benzemiyorum”. Я не звучу як ніхто". 我听起来不像任何人”。

He recorded two songs, and was noticed by the boss of Er nahm zwei Songs auf und wurde vom Chef bemerkt Gravou duas canções e foi notado pelo chefe da İki şarkı kaydetti ve patronu tarafından fark edildi.

Sun Records and recorded as a “good ballad singer”. Sun Records und wurde als „guter Balladensänger“ aufgenommen. Sun Records y grabado como "buen cantante de baladas". Sun Records e gravada como uma "boa cantora de baladas". Sun Records ve “iyi bir balad şarkıcısı” olarak kaydedildi. Sun Records і був записаний як "хороший баладний співак".

But nothing happened after that. Aber danach passierte nichts. Але після цього нічого не сталося.

Presley was forced to take a job as a delivery driver, driving trucks, where he was paid $1 an hour. Presley war gezwungen, einen Job als Lieferfahrer anzunehmen und Lastwagen zu fahren, wo er 1 Dollar pro Stunde erhielt. Presley foi obrigado a aceitar um emprego como motorista de entregas, conduzindo camiões, onde recebia 1 dólar por hora. Presley, teslimat sürücüsü olarak, kamyon şoförlüğü yapmak zorunda kaldı ve burada saatte 1 dolar ödendi. Преслі був змушений влаштуватися на роботу водієм-експедитором, керуючи вантажівками, де йому платили 1 долар на годину.

He tried out for a few bands, but had no luck, even once being rejected by one singer who Er probierte es bei einigen Bands aus, hatte aber kein Glück, wurde sogar einmal von einem Sänger abgelehnt Il a essayé de faire partie de quelques groupes, mais n'a pas eu de chance. Tentou entrar em algumas bandas, mas não teve sorte, chegando mesmo a ser rejeitado por um cantor que Он попробовал себя в нескольких группах, но ему не повезло, даже однажды его отверг один певец, который Birkaç grup denedi ama şansı olmadı, hatta bir keresinde bir şarkıcı tarafından reddedildi. 他尝试过几个乐队,但都没有成功,甚至有一次被一个歌手拒绝了,

famously told him to stick to driving trucks because “you're never going to make it as a singer”. sagte ihm bekanntermaßen, er solle beim Lkw-Fahren bleiben, weil „du es nie als Sänger schaffen wirst“. disse-lhe para se dedicar à condução de camiões porque "nunca vais ter sucesso como cantor". ünlü olarak ona kamyon sürmeye devam etmesini söyledi çünkü “asla bir şarkıcı olarak başaramayacaksın”. сказав йому, щоб він продовжував водити вантажівки, бо "з тебе ніколи не вийде співака".

It wouldn't be until a year later, in 1954, that Elvis got his big break. Erst ein Jahr später, 1954, hatte Elvis seinen großen Durchbruch. Não seria até um ano depois, em 1954, que Elvis teve sua grande chance. Только год спустя, в 1954 году, Элвис добился своего большого прорыва. Elvis'in büyük çıkışını ancak bir yıl sonra, 1954'te yaptı. Лише через рік, у 1954 році, Елвіс отримав свій великий прорив.

He was back in Sun Records, and after failing to play anything that excited the record label Er war zurück bei Sun Records und nachdem er nichts gespielt hatte, was das Plattenlabel begeisterte Ele estava de volta à Sun Records, e depois de não tocar nada que excitasse a gravadora Sun Records'a geri döndü ve plak şirketini heyecanlandıran hiçbir şeyi çalamadıktan sonra Він повернувся до Sun Records, і після того, як не зміг зіграти нічого, що б зацікавило лейбл. 在未能演奏任何令唱片公司兴奋的作品后,他回到了太阳唱片公司

bosses, was fooling around in the studio playing a cover of a blues song called “That's all right”. Bosse, alberte im Studio herum und spielte ein Cover eines Blues-Songs namens „That's all right“. jefes, estaba tonteando en el estudio tocando una versión de una canción de blues llamada "That's all right". patrões, estava brincando no estúdio tocando um cover de uma música de blues chamada “That's all right”. patronlar, stüdyoda “İşte bu kadar” adlı bir blues şarkısının cover'ını çalıyordu. Я, як і мої боси, дуріла в студії, граючи кавер на блюзову пісню під назвою "That's all right". 老板们正在录音室里闲逛,翻唱一首名为“That's all right”的布鲁斯歌曲。

When the boss of Sun Records, Sam Phillips heard it, he rushed into the studio. Cuando el jefe de Sun Records, Sam Phillips, lo oyó, se apresuró a entrar en el estudio. Quando o patrão da Sun Records, Sam Phillips, a ouviu, foi a correr para o estúdio. Sun Records'un patronu Sam Phillips bunu duyunca stüdyoya koştu.

This was the sound he was looking for. Das war der Klang, den er suchte. Este era el sonido que estaba buscando. Este era o som que ele estava à procura. Це був звук, який він шукав.

It was recorded, and played on the local radio station. Es wurde aufgenommen und auf dem lokalen Radiosender gespielt. Se grabó y se emitió en la emisora de radio local. Foi gravado e tocado na estação de rádio local. Он был записан и прозвучал на местной радиостанции. Kaydedildi ve yerel radyo istasyonunda çalındı.

It was such a hit that it was played multiple times, and people Es war so ein Hit, dass es mehrere Male gespielt wurde, und Leute Le succès a été tel qu'il a été rejoué plusieurs fois et que les gens se sont mis à l'écoute. Foi um sucesso tão grande que foi tocada várias vezes e as pessoas Это был такой хит, что его проигрывали несколько раз, и люди Öyle bir hit oldu ki defalarca çalındı ve insanlar

kept on calling in to the radio station to ask who it was. rief immer wieder beim Radiosender an, um zu fragen, wer das sei. продолжал звонить на радиостанцию, чтобы спросить, кто это был. Kim olduğunu sormak için radyo istasyonunu aramaya devam etti.

Elvis started touring, but he only really had one song, “That's all right”. Elvis fing an zu touren, aber er hatte eigentlich nur einen Song, „That's all right“. Elvis começou a fazer turnês, mas na verdade ele só tinha uma música, “That's all right”. Elvis turneye çıkmaya başladı, ancak gerçekten tek bir şarkısı vardı, “Sorun değil”.

He would play the song over and over, there were literally Er würde das Lied immer und immer wieder spielen, es gab buchstäblich Ele tocava a música várias vezes, havia literalmente Он играл эту песню снова и снова, буквально Şarkıyı tekrar tekrar çalardı, kelimenin tam anlamıyla Він грав цю пісню знову і знову, там були буквально

concerts where this one song would be played on repeat. Konzerte, bei denen dieser eine Song wiederholt gespielt wurde. shows em que essa música seria tocada repetidas vezes. концерты, на которых эта песня будет играться на повторе. bu şarkının tekrar tekrar çalınacağı konserler. концерти, де ця одна пісня грала б на повторі.

In 1954, by the way, when he first found success, he was only 19 years old. Als er 1954 zum ersten Mal Erfolg hatte, war er übrigens erst 19 Jahre alt. В 1954 году, кстати, когда он впервые добился успеха, ему было всего 19 лет. Bu arada, 1954'te ilk başarıya ulaştığında sadece 19 yaşındaydı.

For his first stage performances, he was a shadow of the confident sex-icon Elvis that he became. Bei seinen ersten Bühnenauftritten war er ein Schatten der selbstbewussten Sex-Ikone Elvis, zu der er wurde. En sus primeras actuaciones sobre el escenario, era una sombra del Elvis sex-icon seguro de sí mismo en que se convirtió. Para suas primeiras apresentações no palco, ele era uma sombra do ícone sexual confiante que Elvis se tornou. Во время своих первых выступлений на сцене он был тенью уверенного в себе секс-иконы Элвиса, которым он стал. İlk sahne performanslarında, dönüştüğü kendine güvenen seks ikonu Elvis'in gölgesiydi. У своїх перших виступах на сцені він був тінню впевненого в собі секс-ікони Елвіса, яким він і став. 在他的第一次舞台表演中,他就像他后来成为的自信性感偶像猫王的影子。

Indeed, he was incredibly shy and nervous, he was not the confident man that you might imagine. Tatsächlich war er unglaublich schüchtern und nervös, er war nicht der selbstbewusste Mann, den man sich vielleicht vorstellt. Gerçekten de inanılmaz derecede utangaç ve gergindi, hayal edebileceğiniz gibi kendinden emin bir adam değildi. Дійсно, він був неймовірно сором'язливим і нервовим, він не був впевненим у собі чоловіком, яким ви могли його собі уявити.

And in fact it was a combination of being nervous and trying to keep the rhythm Und tatsächlich war es eine Kombination aus Nervosität und dem Versuch, den Rhythmus zu halten E, de facto, foi uma combinação de nervosismo e tentativa de manter o ritmo И на самом деле это было сочетание нервозности и попытки сохранить ритм. Ve aslında bu, gergin olmanın ve ritmi korumaya çalışmanın bir bileşimiydi. І насправді це було поєднання нервування і намагання тримати ритм

of the music that caused him to move his legs and hips from side to side. der Musik, die ihn veranlasste, seine Beine und Hüften hin und her zu bewegen. da música que o fazia mover as pernas e os quadris de um lado para o outro. музыки, которая заставляла его двигать ногами и бедрами из стороны в сторону. bacaklarını ve kalçalarını bir yandan diğer yana hareket ettirmesine neden olan müzik. музики, яка змушувала його рухати ногами і стегнами з боку в бік.

But as soon as he did this, as soon as he moved his hips around, the Aber sobald er das tat, sobald er seine Hüften bewegte, das Mas assim que o fez, assim que mexeu as ancas, o Но как только он это сделал, как только он шевельнул бедрами, Ama bunu yapar yapmaz, kalçalarını hareket ettirir etmez,

crowd, especially the young female members of the crowd, cried out in joy. Menge, besonders die jungen weiblichen Mitglieder der Menge, schrien vor Freude. multidão, especialmente as jovens mulheres da multidão, gritaram de alegria. Толпа, особенно молодые девушки из толпы, закричала от радости. kalabalığın özellikle genç kadın üyeleri sevinçle haykırdı.

This was something incredibly new and wild for 1950s America. Das war etwas unglaublich Neues und Wildes für das Amerika der 1950er Jahre. Isto era algo incrivelmente novo e selvagem para a América dos anos 50. Это было что-то невероятно новое и дикое для Америки 1950-х годов. Bu, 1950'lerin Amerika'sı için inanılmaz derecede yeni ve vahşi bir şeydi.

Singers might click their fingers or move around a little Sänger könnten mit den Fingern schnippen oder sich ein wenig bewegen Os cantores podem estalar os dedos ou mexer-se um pouco Певцы могут щелкнуть пальцами или немного пошевелиться. Şarkıcılar parmaklarını tıklatabilir veya biraz hareket edebilir Співаки можуть клацати пальцями або трохи рухатися

bit, but not their hips, and nothing at all sexual. etwas, aber nicht ihre Hüften und überhaupt nichts Sexuelles. mais pas leurs hanches, et rien de sexuel du tout. pouco, mas não seus quadris, e nada sexual. немного, но не их бедра, и вообще ничего сексуального. biraz, ama kalçaları değil ve cinsel hiçbir şey yok.

There was Elvis, a very good-looking young man with a Da war Elvis, ein sehr gut aussehender junger Mann mit einem Ali estava Elvis, um jovem muito bem parecido com um Там был Элвис, очень красивый молодой человек с

guitar thrusting his hips around in a sexual manner. Gitarre, die seine Hüften auf sexuelle Weise herumstößt. guitarra empurrando seus quadris de uma maneira sexual. гитара сексуально толкала его бедра. gitar kalçalarını cinsel bir şekilde iterek. 吉他以性感的方式推动他的臀部。

As the tours continued, the adoring female fans continued to Als die Tourneen weitergingen, fuhren die begeisterten weiblichen Fans fort À medida que as turnês continuavam, as adoradas fãs do sexo feminino continuavam a По мере того, как гастроли продолжались, обожающие фанатки продолжали Turlar devam ederken, hayran kadın hayranlar

grow in number, and would do anything to grab Elvis's attention. an Zahl zunehmen und würden alles tun, um Elvis Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen. crescer em número e faria qualquer coisa para chamar a atenção de Elvis. расти в числе, и сделают все, чтобы привлечь внимание Элвиса. sayıca büyür ve Elvis'in dikkatini çekmek için her şeyi yapardı. ставали дедалі численнішими і робили все, щоб привернути увагу Елвіса.

He would be mobbed by adoring fans, with girls just wanting to touch him. Er wurde von begeisterten Fans umringt, und Mädchen wollten ihn einfach nur berühren. Ele seria cercado por fãs adoráveis, com garotas apenas querendo tocá-lo. Его окружала толпа обожающих фанатов, а девушки просто хотели прикоснуться к нему. Sadece ona dokunmak isteyen kızlarla, hayran hayranlar tarafından tacize uğrardı. Його оточували обожнювані шанувальники, дівчата просто хотіли до нього доторкнутися.

This female attention caused him to become the target of a lot of male jealousy, and in Diese weibliche Aufmerksamkeit führte dazu, dass er das Ziel einer Menge männlicher Eifersucht wurde, und zwar Essa atenção feminina fez com que ele se tornasse alvo de muitos ciúmes masculinos e, em Bu kadın ilgisi, onun birçok erkek kıskançlığının hedefi haline gelmesine neden oldu.

some towns he would have to have a police guard to stop jealous young boys attacking him. In einigen Städten würde er eine Polizeiwache brauchen, um zu verhindern, dass eifersüchtige Jungen ihn angriffen. Dans certaines villes, il devrait être surveillé par la police pour éviter que de jeunes garçons jaloux ne l'attaquent. algumas cidades ele teria que ter uma guarda policial para impedir que meninos ciumentos o atacassem. В некоторых городах ему пришлось бы иметь полицейскую охрану, чтобы остановить нападавших на него завистливых мальчишек. Bazı kasabalarda, kendisine saldıran kıskanç gençleri durdurmak için bir polis korumasına sahip olması gerekirdi.

It wasn't only out of jealousy that some people disliked him. Nicht nur aus Eifersucht mochten ihn manche nicht. Ce n'est pas seulement par jalousie que certains l'ont détesté. Não era só por inveja que algumas pessoas não gostavam dele. Bazı insanların onu sevmemesi sadece kıskançlıktan değildi. Деякі люди не любили його не лише через заздрість.

Religious ministers considered him to be leading the nation's youth astray. Religiöse Geistliche hielten ihn für einen Irrführer der Jugend der Nation. Les ministres religieux considèrent qu'il égare la jeunesse du pays. Os ministros religiosos consideravam que ele estava a desencaminhar a juventude do país. Dini bakanlar onu milletin gençliğini yoldan çıkaran biri olarak görüyorlardı. Релігійні служителі вважали, що він веде молодь країни на манівці.

One reverend told his congregation that “Elvis Presley is morally insane” and Ein Reverend sagte seiner Gemeinde, dass „Elvis Presley moralisch verrückt ist“ und Un révérend a déclaré à sa congrégation qu'"Elvis Presley est moralement fou" et qu'"il n'y a pas d'autre solution". Um reverendo disse à sua congregação que “Elvis Presley é moralmente insano” e Один преподобный сказал своей пастве, что «Элвис Пресли морально безумен» и Bir rahip cemaatine “Elvis Presley ahlaken deli” dedi ve

another lamented that “his stage antics are intended to arouse the lower instincts. ein anderer beklagte, dass „seine Bühnenpossen die niederen Instinkte wecken sollen. un autre a déploré que "ses pitreries sur scène soient destinées à éveiller les instincts les plus bas". outro lamentou que “suas travessuras de palco se destinam a despertar os instintos inferiores. bir diğeri, “onun sahne maskaralıklarının alt içgüdüleri uyandırmayı amaçladığını” söyledi.

Apparently he is succeeding.” Offenbar gelingt es ihm.“ Apparemment, il y parvient". Görünüşe göre başarılı oluyor." Судячи з усього, йому це вдається".

There was even a letter sent to the director of the FBI from a Catholic church Es gab sogar einen Brief von einer katholischen Kirche an den Direktor des FBI Houve até uma carta enviada ao diretor do FBI por uma igreja católica Hatta bir Katolik kilisesinden FBI direktörüne gönderilen bir mektup bile vardı.

warning that "Presley is a definite danger to the security of the United States. Warnung, dass "Presley eine definitive Gefahr für die Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten darstellt. "Presley, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin güvenliği için kesin bir tehlikedir.

... [His] actions and motions were such as to rouse the sexual passions of teenaged youth.” ... [Seine] Handlungen und Bewegungen waren geeignet, die sexuellen Leidenschaften eines Teenagers zu wecken." ... [As suas acções e movimentos eram de molde a despertar as paixões sexuais de um jovem adolescente". ... [Onun] eylemleri ve hareketleri, genç gençlerin cinsel tutkularını uyandıracak türdendi.”

Elvis Presley was certainly getting noticed. Elvis Presley wurde sicherlich bemerkt. Elvis Presley se estaba haciendo notar. Elvis Presley se fait remarquer. Elvis Presley estava certamente a ser notado. Elvis Presley kesinlikle fark ediliyordu. Елвіса Преслі, безумовно, помічали.

By 1955, shortly after his 20th birthday, he also got a new manager, a man named Bis 1955, kurz nach seinem 20. Geburtstag, bekam er auch einen neuen Manager, einen Mann namens Em 1955, pouco depois de ter completado 20 anos, arranjou também um novo empresário, um homem chamado 1955'te, 20. doğum gününden kısa bir süre sonra, yeni bir menajeri de oldu.

Colonel Tom Parker, who was to be a very powerful force in Elvis' life and career. Colonel Tom Parker, der eine sehr mächtige Kraft in Elvis' Leben und Karriere sein sollte. Le colonel Tom Parker, qui allait jouer un rôle très important dans la vie et la carrière d'Elvis. O Coronel Tom Parker, que viria a ser uma força muito poderosa na vida e carreira de Elvis. Elvis'in hayatında ve kariyerinde çok güçlü bir güç olacak olan Albay Tom Parker.

Although he claimed to be called Tom Parker and to have been born in the United States, he was Obwohl er behauptete, Tom Parker zu heißen und in den Vereinigten Staaten geboren zu sein, war er es Bien qu'il ait prétendu s'appeler Tom Parker et être né aux États-Unis, il était Embora afirmasse chamar-se Tom Parker e ter nascido nos Estados Unidos, era Хотя он утверждал, что его зовут Том Паркер и что он родился в Соединенных Штатах, он был Adının Tom Parker olduğunu ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde doğduğunu iddia etmesine rağmen, Хоча він стверджував, що його звуть Том Паркер і що він народився в США, він був

actually born in the Netherlands, and his real name was Andreas Cornelis [Dries] van Kuijk. eigentlich in den Niederlanden geboren, und sein richtiger Name war Andreas Cornelis [Dries] van Kuijk. realmente nascido na Holanda, e seu nome verdadeiro era Andreas Cornelis [Dries] van Kuijk. насправді народився в Нідерландах, і його справжнє ім'я було Андреас Корнеліс [Дріс] ван Куйк.

Parker, his new manager, cultivated this image of Elvis Presley as a sex symbol, making Parker, sein neuer Manager, kultivierte dieses Bild von Elvis Presley als Sexsymbol und machte Parker, seu novo empresário, cultivou essa imagem de Elvis Presley como um símbolo sexual, fazendo Yeni menajeri Parker, Elvis Presley'in bu imajını bir seks sembolü olarak geliştirdi.

Elvis tell a reporter that he had 25 girlfriends, but don't worry ladies, Elvis wants you Elvis erzählt einem Reporter, dass er 25 Freundinnen hatte, aber keine Sorge, meine Damen, Elvis will Sie Elvis a dit à un journaliste qu'il avait 25 petites amies, mais ne vous inquiétez pas mesdames, Elvis vous veut... Elvis diz a um repórter que ele teve 25 namoradas, mas não se preocupem meninas, Elvis quer vocês Elvis bir muhabire 25 sevgilisi olduğunu söyledi ama merak etmeyin hanımlar, Elvis sizi istiyor. Елвіс розповідає репортеру, що у нього було 25 подружок, але не хвилюйтеся, дівчата, Елвіс хоче вас

to know that you too can become one of his twenty five if you buy a ticket to his show. zu wissen, dass auch Sie einer seiner 25 werden können, wenn Sie ein Ticket für seine Show kaufen.

This new manager, Colonel Tom Parker, is thought to have Dieser neue Manager, Colonel Tom Parker, wird angenommen Pensa-se que este novo diretor, o coronel Tom Parker, tenha Bu yeni yönetici Albay Tom Parker'ın

controlled and squeezed Elvis, profiting greatly from his success. kontrollierte und drückte Elvis und profitierte stark von seinem Erfolg. controlavam e espremiam Elvis, lucrando imenso com o seu sucesso. контролировал и сжимал Элвиса, извлекая большую выгоду из его успеха. Elvis'i kontrol etti ve sıkıştırdı, başarısından büyük ölçüde yararlandı. контролював і тиснув на Елвіса, отримуючи величезні прибутки від його успіху. 控制和挤压埃尔维斯,从他的成功中获益匪浅。

Parker took between 25% and 50% of all of the money Elvis made, and Parker nahm zwischen 25 % und 50 % des gesamten Geldes, das Elvis verdiente, und

exerted very tight control over the direction of Elvis's career. übte sehr strenge Kontrolle über die Richtung von Elvis' Karriere aus. exerceu um controle muito rígido sobre a direção da carreira de Elvis. Elvis'in kariyerinin yönü üzerinde çok sıkı kontrol uyguladı. здійснював дуже жорсткий контроль над напрямком кар'єри Елвіса.

Although he can justifiably be accused of exploiting Elvis, he was certainly an Obwohl ihm zu Recht vorgeworfen werden kann, Elvis ausgebeutet zu haben, war er es mit Sicherheit Bien que l'on puisse à juste titre l'accuser d'avoir exploité Elvis, il a certainement été un エルヴィスを利用したと非難されるのは当然だが、彼がエルヴィスを利用したのは確かだ。 Apesar de poder ser justificadamente acusado de explorar Elvis, ele era certamente um Elvis'i sömürmekle haklı olarak suçlanabilse de, kesinlikle bir Хоча його можна справедливо звинуватити в експлуатації Елвіса, він, безперечно, був 尽管他有理由被指控剥削埃尔维斯,但他无疑是一个

important part of Elvis's success, and understood what the real appeal of Elvis was. wichtiger Teil von Elvis' Erfolg und verstand, was die wahre Anziehungskraft von Elvis war. parte importante del éxito de Elvis, y comprendió cuál era el verdadero atractivo de Elvis. parte importante do sucesso de Elvis, e compreendeu qual era o verdadeiro atrativo de Elvis. важная часть успеха Элвиса, и понял, в чем была настоящая привлекательность Элвиса. Elvis'in başarısının önemli bir parçasıydı ve Elvis'in gerçek çekiciliğinin ne olduğunu anladı. важливу частину успіху Елвіса, і зрозумів, у чому полягала справжня привабливість Елвіса. 埃尔维斯成功的重要组成部分,并了解埃尔维斯的真正吸引力是什么。

By 1956, Elvis had several number one singles under his belt, and was popular Bis 1956 hatte Elvis mehrere Nummer-Eins-Singles auf dem Buckel und war beliebt En 1956, Elvis avait déjà plusieurs numéros un à son actif et était très populaire. Em 1956, Elvis tinha vários singles número um em seu currículo e era popular К 1956 году у Элвиса за плечами было несколько синглов номер один, и он был популярен. 1956'da Elvis'in kemerinin altında birkaç bir numaralı single vardı ve popülerdi До 1956 року Елвіс мав кілька синглів номер один і був популярним 到 1956 年,猫王已经拥有多首排名第一的单曲,并广受欢迎

on the radio, but to really experience Elvis you had to see him perform. im Radio, aber um Elvis wirklich zu erleben, musste man ihn live sehen. na rádio, mas para conhecer realmente Elvis tinha de o ver atuar. по радио, но чтобы по-настоящему почувствовать Элвиса, нужно было увидеть его выступление. ama Elvis'i gerçekten deneyimlemek için onun performansını görmeniz gerekiyordu. по радіо, але щоб по-справжньому відчути Елвіса, потрібно було побачити його виступ.

And the best way for as many people as possible to see that was for him to go on TV. Und der beste Weg für so viele Menschen wie möglich, das zu sehen, war für ihn, ins Fernsehen zu gehen. Y la mejor manera de que lo viera el mayor número posible de personas era que saliera en televisión. E a melhor maneira de o maior número possível de pessoas verem isso era ele ir à televisão. Ve mümkün olduğu kadar çok insanın bunu görmesinin en iyi yolu, onun için televizyona çıkmasıydı.

Parker managed to book Elvis to go on TV, on a popular show called the Ed Sullivan Show. Parker schaffte es, Elvis für eine Fernsehsendung in einer beliebten Show namens Ed Sullivan Show zu buchen. Parker consiguió que Elvis apareciera en televisión, en un popular programa llamado Ed Sullivan Show. Parker conseguiu contratar Elvis para ir à televisão, num programa popular chamado Ed Sullivan Show. Parker, Elvis'i Ed Sullivan Show adlı popüler bir şovda televizyona çıkması için ayarlamayı başardı. Паркер зумів запросити Елвіса на телебачення, на популярне шоу під назвою "Шоу Еда Саллівана".

Elvis' first TV appearance came on September 9th of 1956, Elvis' erster Fernsehauftritt fand am 9. September 1956 statt, Первое появление Элвиса на телевидении состоялось 9 сентября 1956 года. Elvis'in ilk televizyon görüntüsü 9 Eylül 1956'da geldi. Перша поява Елвіса на телебаченні відбулася 9 вересня 1956 року,

when he was a mere 21-year-old, and performed Hound Dog. als er gerade einmal 21 Jahre alt war und Hound Dog aufführte. quando ele tinha apenas 21 anos, e interpretou Hound Dog. когда ему был всего 21 год, и исполнил Hound Dog. sadece 21 yaşındayken ve Hound Dog'u canlandırdığında. коли йому був лише 21 рік і він виконав "Гончого пса".

And 60 million people tuned in to see him, a record-breaking 83% of the entire TV audience. Und 60 Millionen Menschen schalteten ein, um ihn zu sehen, rekordverdächtige 83 % des gesamten Fernsehpublikums. E 60 milhões de pessoas sintonizaram para vê-lo, um recorde de 83% de toda a audiência da TV. А посмотреть его настроились 60 миллионов человек, рекордные 83% от всей телеаудитории. І 60 мільйонів людей налаштувалися на його перегляд, що становить рекордні 83% всієї телеаудиторії.

For many people, this was the first time they had seen Elvis. Für viele Menschen war dies das erste Mal, dass sie Elvis sahen. Para muitas pessoas, esta era a primeira vez que viam Elvis. Для багатьох людей це був перший раз, коли вони побачили Елвіса.

They might have heard him, but they had never seen him on stage. Sie haben ihn vielleicht gehört, aber sie hatten ihn noch nie auf der Bühne gesehen.

And what they saw was shocking, shockingly provocative. Und was sie sahen, war schockierend, erschreckend provokativ. Et ce qu'ils ont vu était choquant, choquant et provocateur. E o que eles viram foi chocante, chocantemente provocativo. Ve gördükleri şok ediciydi, şok edici derecede kışkırtıcıydı.

In particular, what Elvis did with his groin and his crotch, his famous sexualised movement Insbesondere was Elvis mit seiner Leiste und seinem Schritt gemacht hat, seine berühmte sexualisierte Bewegung In particolare, ciò che Elvis faceva con l'inguine e la pancia, il suo famoso movimento sessualizzato. Em particular, o que Elvis fazia com a virilha e as virilhas, o seu famoso movimento sexualizado В частности, то, что Элвис сделал со своим пахом и промежностью, его знаменитое сексуализированное движение Özellikle Elvis'in kasık ve kasıklarıyla yaptığı ünlü cinselleştirilmiş hareketi. Зокрема, те, що Елвіс робив зі своїм пахом і промежиною, його знаменитий сексуалізований рух

of his hips, was considered to be too provocative for mainstream TV audiences of the time seiner Hüften, galt damals als zu provokativ für das Mainstream-TV-Publikum de ses hanches, a été jugée trop provocante pour les téléspectateurs de l'époque. de seus quadris, foi considerado muito provocativo para o público da TV convencional da época його стегон, вважалася занадто провокаційною для тогочасної телеаудиторії.

The host, Ed Sullivan, complained about it, even saying that he thought Elvis had a coke bottle Der Gastgeber, Ed Sullivan, beschwerte sich darüber und sagte sogar, dass er dachte, Elvis hätte eine Colaflasche O apresentador, Ed Sullivan, queixou-se disso, chegando mesmo a dizer que pensava que Elvis tinha uma garrafa de coca-cola Ev sahibi Ed Sullivan, Elvis'in bir kola şişesi olduğunu düşündüğünü bile söyleyerek bundan şikayet etti. Ведучий, Ед Салліван, поскаржився на це, навіть сказав, що йому здалося, ніби у Елвіса була пляшка з-під кока-коли

hidden in his trousers, and said “We can't have this on a Sunday night - this is a family show”. versteckt in seiner Hose und sagte: „Wir können das nicht an einem Sonntagabend haben – das ist eine Familienshow“. escondido nas calças, e disse: "Não podemos ter isto num domingo à noite - este é um programa familiar". захований у його штанах, і сказав: "Ми не можемо дозволити це в неділю ввечері - це сімейне шоу".

But, being provocative, and being very handsome, sells, and Aber provokativ zu sein und sehr gutaussehend zu sein, verkauft sich und Mas, sendo provocador, e sendo muito bonito, vende, e Ama kışkırtıcı ve çok yakışıklı olmak satıyor ve

after this TV appearance he was catapulted to household fame. nach diesem TV-Auftritt wurde er zu Haushaltsruhm katapultiert. Após esta aparição na televisão, foi catapultado para a fama. после этого выступления на телевидении он стал известен во всем мире. bu TV görüntüsünden sonra hane halkı şöhretine mancınık oldu. Після цієї появи на телебаченні він злетів до побутової популярності. 这次电视露面后,他一举成为家喻户晓的人物。

His next record, “Love Me Tender”, had a record-breaking one million pre-orders, Sein nächstes Album „Love Me Tender“ hatte eine rekordverdächtige Million Vorbestellungen. O seu disco seguinte, "Love Me Tender", bateu o recorde de um milhão de pré-encomendas, Bir sonraki rekoru “Love Me Tender”, rekor kıran bir milyon ön sipariş aldı.

and he was simply the biggest and most in demand musician in the world. und er war einfach der größte und gefragteste Musiker der Welt. e era simplesmente o maior e mais requisitado músico do mundo. и он был просто самым большим и востребованным музыкантом в мире. ve o sadece dünyanın en büyük ve en çok aranan müzisyeniydi. і він був просто найбільшим і найзатребуванішим музикантом у світі.

Elvis concerts were characterised by his walking onto the stage to the screams of Elvis-Konzerte waren dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass er zu den Schreien von Elvis auf die Bühne ging Les concerts d'Elvis se caractérisent par le fait qu'il entre sur scène sous les cris des spectateurs. Os concertos de Elvis caracterizavam-se por ele entrar no palco aos gritos de Elvis konserleri, onun çığlıkları eşliğinde sahneye çıkmasıyla karakterize edilirdi.

young girls, then he would start playing, typically Hound Dog, to much more screaming. junge Mädchen, dann fing er an zu spielen, typisch Hound Dog, und viel mehr zu schreien. jovens raparigas, então ele começava a tocar, tipicamente Hound Dog, para muito mais gritos. молодых девушек, то он начинал играть, как обычно, в гончую собаку, чтобы гораздо больше кричать. genç kızlar, daha sonra genellikle Hound Dog oynamaya başlar ve çok daha fazla çığlık atardı. Він починав грати в "Гончого пса", і крик його ставав набагато сильнішим.

The irony of this all was, perhaps, that he really wasn't Die Ironie an all dem war vielleicht, dass er es wirklich nicht war A ironia de tudo isso era, talvez, que ele realmente não era Bütün bunların ironisi, belki de onun gerçekten öyle olmadığıydı. Іронія всього цього полягала, мабуть, у тому, що він насправді не був

considered by anyone to be a very talented musician. von allen als sehr talentierter Musiker angesehen. никто не считал его очень талантливым музыкантом. herkes tarafından çok yetenekli bir müzisyen olarak kabul edilir. вважається дуже талановитим музикантом.

Reportedly he never actually wrote any of his own music - he was listed as a co-writer Berichten zufolge hat er nie wirklich eigene Musik geschrieben – er wurde als Co-Autor aufgeführt Segundo consta, nunca escreveu nenhuma das suas próprias músicas - constava como coautor Bildirildiğine göre, hiçbir zaman kendi müziğini yazmadı - ortak yazar olarak listelendi

of most of his songs, but this is believed to have been a demand by his record label. der meisten seiner Songs, aber es wird angenommen, dass dies eine Forderung seines Plattenlabels war. da maioria das suas canções, mas crê-se que esta foi uma exigência da sua editora discográfica. из большинства его песен, но считается, что это было требованием его звукозаписывающей компании. şarkılarının çoğu, ancak bunun plak şirketi tarafından talep edildiğine inanılıyor.

And he was obviously quite good at the guitar, but nothing he did on the guitar was revolutionary. Und er war offensichtlich ziemlich gut auf der Gitarre, aber nichts, was er auf der Gitarre gemacht hat, war revolutionär. Ve belli ki gitarda oldukça iyiydi, ama gitarda yaptığı hiçbir şey devrim niteliğinde değildi. І він, очевидно, досить добре грав на гітарі, але нічого з того, що він робив на гітарі, не було революційним.

Elvis's talent and appeal came from Elvis Presley the performer. Elvis' Talent und Anziehungskraft kamen von Elvis Presley, dem Darsteller. O talento e o atrativo de Elvis vinham de Elvis Presley, o artista. Талант и привлекательность Элвиса исходили от исполнителя Элвиса Пресли. Elvis'in yeteneği ve çekiciliği, oyuncu Elvis Presley'den geldi. Талант і привабливість Елвіса прийшли від Елвіса Преслі як виконавця.

He looked and acted the part. Er sah aus und spielte die Rolle. Il avait l'air et jouait le rôle. Ele olhou e fez o papel. Он выглядел и играл роль. Baktı ve rolü oynadı. Він виглядав і грав свою роль.

He was an incredibly handsome young man, and had an amazing presence. Er war ein unglaublich gut aussehender junger Mann und hatte eine erstaunliche Ausstrahlung. İnanılmaz derecede yakışıklı bir genç adamdı ve inanılmaz bir varlığı vardı. Він був неймовірно вродливим молодим чоловіком, і мав дивовижну присутність. 他是一个非常英俊的年轻人,而且有着惊人的存在感。

It was, therefore, perhaps no surprise that both he and his manager thought Es war daher vielleicht keine Überraschung, dass sowohl er als auch sein Manager dachten Portanto, talvez não fosse surpresa que tanto ele quanto seu gerente pensassem Поэтому неудивительно, что и он, и его менеджер думали, Bu nedenle, hem kendisinin hem de menajerinin böyle düşünmesi belki de şaşırtıcı değildi.

the next logical step for him was Hollywood, to make it as a movie star. Der nächste logische Schritt für ihn war Hollywood, um es als Filmstar zu schaffen. o próximo passo lógico para ele era Hollywood, para se tornar numa estrela de cinema. onun için bir sonraki mantıklı adım, onu bir film yıldızı yapmak için Hollywood'du.

The idea was that the movies would help sell his music, and not only would Elvis's fame Die Idee war, dass die Filme helfen würden, seine Musik zu verkaufen, und nicht nur Elvis' Ruhm A ideia era que os filmes ajudariam a vender a sua música, e não só a fama de Elvis Ідея полягала в тому, що фільми допоможуть продавати його музику, а не тільки славу Елвіса

grow even larger but he, and everyone involved with him, would grow fabulously wealthy. noch größer werden, aber er und alle, die mit ihm zu tun haben, würden fabelhaft reich werden. mas ele, e todos os envolvidos com ele, tornar-se-iam fabulosamente ricos. вырастет еще больше, но он и все, кто с ним связан, станут сказочно богатыми. daha da büyüyecek ama o ve onunla ilişkisi olan herkes inanılmaz derecede zenginleşecekti. але він і всі, хто з ним пов'язаний, стануть казково багатими. 变得更大,但他和所有与他有关的人都会变得非常富有。

And so, starting in 1956 with Love Me Tender, he set out on a career Und so startete er 1956 mit Love Me Tender seine Karriere Ve böylece, 1956'da Love Me Tender ile başlayarak bir kariyere başladı. 于是,从 1956 年的《Love Me Tender》开始,他开始了自己的职业生涯

as an actor, and starred in 31 films over the course of his career. als Schauspieler und spielte im Laufe seiner Karriere in 31 Filmen mit. como ator e estrelou 31 filmes ao longo de sua carreira. bir aktör olarak ve kariyeri boyunca 31 filmde rol aldı. як актор, і знявся в 31 фільмі протягом своєї кар'єри.