
An adjective is a word such as "tall", "lonely" or "educational" that either describes or gives more information about a person or thing. Adjectives usually come before nouns and after being and sensing verbs such as "taste" and "feel".


That is a very tall man.

He's such a lonely puppy when I'm at work.

We watched an educational movie.

There was a sweet taste in my mouth.

The old, dark house gave me a bad feeling.

The Order of Adjectives

When using multiple adjectives together there is an order:

Quantity, Value/opinion, Size, Temperature, Age, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material

The tall (size) Chinese (origin) vase was worth a lot of money.

My favourite (value/opinion) old (age) blue (colour) sweater was ruined in the wash.

The cold (temperature) round (shape) metal (material) touched my arm and shocked me.

Using Adjectives to Compare

To compare the attributes of two things that are equal this is the structure to use:

as + adjective + as

Coco is as thirsty as Steve.

She is as tall as her best friend.

The string is as long as the table.

To compare the attributes of two things that are unequal these are the structures to use:

not as + adjective + as
less + adjective + than
adjective + than

They are not as cool as the others.

Miranda is not as funny as her sister.

They are less cool than the others.

Miranda is less funny than her sister.

The others are cooler than them.

Yoko is funnier than Miranda.

Adjectives Describing Quantity

When comparing things that are equal this is the structure to use:

as + adjective indicating quantity + (noun) + as

I had as many books as a library has in my house.

There were as many dogs as there were people at the party.

If I had as few problems as you do, I would be more relaxed.

When comparing things that are unequal this is the structure to use:

adjective indicating quantity + (noun) + than

Sarah hat mehr Stifte als ihre Schwester.

Der große Affe hat weniger Nüsse als der kleine Affe.

Wir haben mehr Erfolg als sie haben.

Die Firma verdiente weniger Geld als letztes Jahr.

Comparative Adjectives

Comparative adjectives allow us to compare two nouns to one another. Here is the structure we use with comparative adjectives:

Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).

Most comparative adjectives are formed by adding "r" or "-er" to the end of the adjective or "more" in front of the adjective.

Adjektiv Comparative
small kleiner
wide breiter
stark stärker
glücklich glücklicher
intelligent intelligenter
wichtig wichtiger

The fir tree is stronger than the pine tree.

Mein Freund ist älter als dein Freund.

Deine Gesundheit ist wichter als dein Bedürfnis für Süßigkeiten.

The green and the red sweets both taste good, but I like the green better . ("...than the red." is implied).

Superlative Adjectives

A superlative adjective compares three or more nouns and takes the comparison of nouns to the highest degree. Here's how to structure it:

Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).

Most superlative adjectives are formed by adding "-est" to the adjective or "most" in front of the adjective.

Adjektiv Superlative
small am kleinsten
wide am breitesten
stark am stärksten
glücklich am glücklisten
intelligent am intelligentesten
wichtig am wichtigsten

Jims Mutter ist die intelligenteste Person, die ich kenne.

Meine Stadt hat die kleinste Bibliothek im Land.

Unser Hund ist am glücklichsten, wenn sie an einem Knochen kaut.

Irregular comparative and superlative adjectives

Like with most things in English grammar, there are exceptions to the above most common structures. Here are some of the most common irregular comparatives and superlatives:

Adjektiv Comparative Superlative
weit weiter am weitesten
good besser am besten
many mehr am meisten
well besser am besten
bad worse worst