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History, Roman Empire (1)

Roman Empire (1)

For over a century, the Roman Colosseum has hosted the most grueling and bloody games

in human history, fought and won by the Roman gladiator.

At the end of the second century, the Roman people witness a game like no other.

For the first time in history, a Roman emperor will fight to the death.

At the end of the second century, the Roman people witness a game like no other.

Commodus' reign will mark the beginning of the fall of the greatest civilization on

But his story begins more than a decade earlier.

By the end of the second century, there's no civilization as massive or as powerful as the Roman Empire.

Almost one in five people on Earth lives within the Empire's boundaries.

And is under rule of one of the most powerful men on the planet.

The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

For more than a decade, Aurelius has waged war to defend the Empire's reach.

And he reigns over a territory that spans thousands of miles.

From Western Europe and the Middle East, through parts of Africa, and the entire Mediterranean.

Marcus Aurelius was considered really one of the most successful emperors.

He was not just emperor, but he was a distinguished philosopher.

He was a student of Epictetus, who was the leading Stoic philosopher of the day.

And he was a gifted philosophical writer in his own right.

His meditations are still read today.

Over the last century, Rome has been built into one of the most advanced cities in the ancient world.

And under Aurelius' reign, it's given rise to a modern era.

The Roman Empire in the second century was a formidable global superpower.

They had the most proficient military forces.

They ruled the most civilized array of people.

There was anything that you wanted, by Roman standards, you could find in their empire.

And what kept this empire together was an incredibly efficient array of infrastructure.

Ancient Rome, during this time period, was the greatest empire that the world had ever known.

It was responsible for enormous advances in technology, such as the system of Roman roads, or the aqueducts that supplied water.

The city of Rome itself had reached one million people, so it was the first large-scale urban metropolis.

Marcus Aurelius rules over 50 million people within the boundaries of the Roman Empire.

And no one lives better than his son, Commodus.

The problem that was ushered in by Marcus Aurelius, when instead of doing what his predecessors had done,

and adopting a person who was qualified by temperament and upbringing and training to serve as emperor,

instead wanted his son to succeed him.

Commodus was the first Roman emperor who was ever born to a sitting emperor.

Growing up the son of an emperor, as someone who was raised from birth to succeed his father,

we have to imagine that Commodus' ego had no place to go, knowing that he would have this role,

that this had planted some seed in his mind that he was in some sense extraordinary.



Good morning, Mother.


Do you know what time it is?


I'm sending you to Germania.


I'm sending you to Germania.

What? Why?

Because all you do here is drink and play with whores.

But there's a war.

It'll teach you discipline.

I'm not going anywhere.

It's already been decided.

Your father's expecting you.

When you think about Commodus, who had more personally and more historically going for him

than any other human being previous in the history of human existence,

I mean, in fact, no Roman emperor for 80 years had had a son.

However, one would be very, very hard-pressed to find a less intellectually, less energetic,

less motivated person with that type of responsibility in the whole of human history.

Against his will, Commodus has been called to Germania,

ordered to train under his father to become the next emperor.

Hundreds of miles from Rome, along the borders of the empire,

massive armies of Germanic tribes are invading Roman territory.

And the Roman military has been called to the front lines.

The Battle of the Dacians

With one of the strongest ground and naval forces in the world,

Roman military is made up of hundreds of thousands of highly trained soldiers,

equipped with the latest weaponry,

and prepared to defend the empire's borders at all costs.

There was the problem of Rome's neighbors, both to the east and to the north,

the Parthians to the east and Germanic tribes to the north, which were a threat.

Romans had been fighting Germans at this point for 250 years.

And the border on the Danube had always been a problem,

and in fact, as it turns out, always would be a problem.

The Roman army was the most formidable fighting machine that the ancient world had seen.

The basis for their success was less their capacity for killing,

and more their capacity for entrenchment.

It was a capacity for digging fortresses,

for fashioning all the infrastructure of a frontier force

that served to ensure that the Roman frontiers were essentially guarded and held secure.

The Battle of the Danube

The Battle of the Danube

Oh, Satoris, that's disgusting.

I hope you learned your lesson. You'll never outdrink me, my friend.

Never again.

For my father I'm here.

Let's hope we're not stuck here for too long.

Come with me.

Marcus Aurelius and Commodus have come down in history as very, very different individuals.

After all, he was also a leading general of his time and led many wars along the Danube frontier.

Commodus probably was as irresponsible as people say.

That said, Marcus Aurelius does not appear to have shown any hesitation in promoting Commodus from a very young age.

The Battle of the Danube

Where is he?


The Battle of the Danube

I promised your mother I'd try and do my best to make a man of you.

I never break my word. Ever.

It begins now.

Are you going to train like some common soldier?






I'm going to show you what happens when you don't know how to handle a sword.

The Battle of the Danube

One of the great debates, not just among Roman historians of today, but even of the time, was why Commodus?

Why did Marcus Aurelius choose Commodus?

Why, despite the fact that everybody seemed to see that he was not up to this task, why was there still the insistence that Commodus was going to be the next emperor?

Perhaps we can chalk it up to naivete or a kind of generic just love for his son, blinding him to the realities that his son was not up to the task and his son was not ready for this position.

The Battle of the Danube

The Battle of the Danube

The Battle of the Danube

The means through which Commodus was groomed and trained to become emperor were unparalleled in Roman history.

He had high hopes for his son during this period.

What Marcus Aurelius imagined for his child and what his child became were two very different things.

As Commodus trains, the Germanic tribes begin to push through Roman defences.

Banding together and launching a massive assault on the Roman army.

The great Roman nightmare was of northern barbarians sweeping southwards and conquering Rome.

In the reign of Marcus Aurelius, there was disturbance.

He knew that he had no choice but to confront that.

And as it turned out, the wars that Marcus Aurelius fought against the German people were as strenuous and challenging as any barbarian enemy that the Roman people faced.

Lasting years, it's a devastating war, killing thousands of men on both sides.

The Battle of the Danube

The war also takes its toll on the emperor, who soon falls ill.

Marcus Aurelius spent most of his life dealing with, fighting, trying to resist, coping with barbarian tribes pressing up against the frontiers of the empire.

And as the health of Marcus Aurelius began to fade, there was a great deal of worrying.

He seems to have had problems with chest and stomach. It may have been cancer, it may have been something to do with his heart. One doesn't really know.

The news of the emperor's death

With the emperor's health diminishing, news is sent to the palace.

But on its way back to Rome, the message is quickly distorted.

And soon enough, it becomes a rumor that Marcus Aurelius has died.

In the case of Marcus Aurelius, it seems quite clear that rumors started to spread that the emperor had died.

And sometimes these may well have been engineered.

And what is crucial about this is that verification of these rumors in the Roman world would have been phenomenally difficult.

The Emperor's Death

Before long, the rumor of Marcus Aurelius' death spread.

And soon after, the rumor of Marcus Aurelius' death reached the most powerful woman in the empire, Empress Faustina.

Faustina was Marcus Aurelius' wife. She was the daughter of the previous emperor, Antoninus Pius.

And she was a successful wife to Marcus, gave him children over that period.

So she must immediately have looked for her safety and for her family's safety.

Devastated by news of her husband's death, Faustina fears her son isn't ready for the throne.

And knows she has to come up with a plan before word reaches the senate.

The Roman Senate

The Roman Senate is made up of the most influential men in the empire.

All looking for opportunities to further their political careers.

The Senate

There were clearly any number of folks in the Roman Senate themselves, or senators, who thought that they had an even better claim to nobility, or to the throne, than the reigning emperor himself.

In general, it seems that being at the top was a very lonely and dangerous place in ancient Rome.

Throughout the empire, governors and ambitious leaders are determined to seize control.

And a challenge to the throne could come from any of the empire's regions.

With rumors quickly spreading, a power grab could soon take hold.

The play for the throne puts members of the royal family at risk.

Including the emperor's daughter, Lucilla.

Married to her father's trusted advisor, Lucilla has already been groomed for a life of influence.

Lucilla had been one of the oldest of Marcus Aurelius' children, who had survived into adulthood.

She had been involved in Roman politics, the backroom deals, the administration.

So she was far more experienced, she had far better contacts, she had resources at her disposal that Commodus didn't even know existed.

But with the throne being called into question, Lucilla knows her ambitions are in jeopardy.

Lucilla was Commodus' older sister, 12 years older.

And so she was used to having a place at the top table in Roman society.

But she certainly seems to have been slightly jealous of the increasingly powerful role that her younger brother Commodus would have to inherit.

No. Yes.

No one told me we were leaving.

You've heard.

Where are we going?

I'm going to Egypt.

You're staying here.

We can't abandon Rome completely, and there are things I need to do to secure our safety.

In Egypt?

You're seeing Ovidius Cassius.

I'm doing what I need to do to protect our family.

So to protect Commodus, you'll leave me here by myself?

I know it's dangerous.

But what other choice do we have?

My cloak. I will return as quickly as I can.

We will all be together. We will all be safe.

Trust me.


Any member of the imperial family is potentially in danger when the emperor dies.

It is extremely common for emperors who fall from power to have their entire family wiped out.

The Empire of Egypt

Determined to protect her family and secure her own power.

Faustina sets a plan in motion.

Instead of waiting for an overthrow, the empress plans to leave her city.


Travelling more than 1,000 miles south.

Across the Mediterranean to one of the empire's furthest regions.


The land of the Greeks.

One of the wealthiest territories in the world.

Egypt is one of the leading producers of grain.

And is home to one of the largest ports in the northern hemisphere.

Guarded by more than 15,000 Roman soldiers.

And run by the second most powerful man in the empire.

Egyptian governor, Avidius Cassius.

Egypt was the personal territory of the emperor.

It was actually his estate.

And Cassius was tasked with keeping control of Egypt.

Essentially keeping control of the emperor's own private lands.

He had been trusted by the family. He had been in the inner circle.

Sir. The report you requested.

I want you to double the guards at the port.

There's been some pilfering in the grain.

I'm not happy.

You can go.


The image that we get of Faustina is one of untrustworthiness and promiscuity.

There are many rumors going around about both of these areas.

And one of the most famous ones is that the emperor was a man who was a slave.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire.

There are many rumors going around about both of these areas.

And we can see a partial answer to that in Faustina's bid to Ovidius Cassius.

Where she thought maybe she would be able to retain her position in the empire.

Perhaps even as his wife.

That was unexpected.


You've always been there for me.

Ever since we were children.

Now you're the only one who can protect me.

I think you might be overestimating me.

How could I?

Marcus always said you were the second most powerful man in the empire.

You could be emperor yourself.

If you wanted.


With the strength of your armies and my name behind you, no one could stop you.

Emperor of Rome.

But you must promise me one thing.


Protect my family.


As if he were your own.

Allegedly, again, she had actually promised to marry Ovidius Cassius.

After Marcus's presumed death, in order to solidify that transfer of power.

Because if a power vacuum had been left, that would have put Faustina and everybody else around Marcus in an extremely perilous position.

With Empress Faustina's backing, Ovidius Cassius raises an army to march on Rome and claim the throne for himself.

Within months, he sees the city of Rome in the hands of the Romans.

He makes the ultimate move for the throne.

Within months, he seizes control of major territories in the Eastern Roman Empire.

And with support from leaders in Egypt, Syria, Judea and Arabia.

He makes the ultimate move for the throne.

And so...

Cassius declared himself emperor. Egypt declared him to be the emperor as well.

Two of the legions located within Egypt declared Cassius for emperor.

And then it was gradually revealed that Marcus Aurelius was still alive.

That he hadn't passed away after all that the messages had been incorrectly interpreted.

And now we have two rival emperors. We have a potential civil war within the empire.

As news of Aurelius' recovery reaches Egypt, Empress Faustina knows she must face her husband in Germania.

While Ovidius Cassius chooses to continue his campaign for the throne.

Ovidius Cassius, I think, had little choice but to continue with his campaign.

If he backed away at that point, then everybody's going to know, including Marcus,

is going to know that he was ready to seize the power from Marcus' own son.

Who was the closest person in line for the succession.

The legions of Ovidius Cassius

Ovidius Cassius has raised seven legions already. Three in Syria, two in Judea, one in Arabia and one in Egypt.

So only Cappadocia and Britannia remain loyal.

If we split our forces in half, we send ten legions across the Mediterranean to Alexandria.

Ten legions are not enough to hold the front here. Our men will be spread as far as Ventura. It will be practically useless.

With all due respect, Emperor, your wife has put Rome in…

My wife has nothing to do with it.

Mother? She's involved?

No. Rumors only, nothing more.

Listen, if we move the fifteens north, the Dacia, take the twelves.


After inadvertently starting a war for the throne, Faustina knows she must return to her husband and try to maintain her place as empress.

Faustina, unfortunately, overplayed her hand.

The great women in Roman society always supported their men, elevated their men, pushed the men that they represented into greater positions of power, greater positions of competition, and helped to drive them forward.

We can see this playing out, of course, directly in the case of Ovidia's Cassius, where she clearly trusted him and had every reason to believe that he would make a fantastic emperor.

Unfortunately, of course, we have a miscommunication that ends up backfiring on that entire situation.

I need to talk to my mother.

The general's in there wants you dead.

By the gods, how has this gotten so bad?

The general's in there wants you dead.

By the gods, how has this gotten so bad?

By the gods, how has this gotten so bad?

I never intended this.

Well, is it true? Did you betray us?

I never intended this.

Well, is it true? Did you betray us?

I thought your father was dead.

I knew what that meant, how they would come for us.

I knew what that meant, how they would come for us.

I was only trying to protect us, to protect you.

It's always a misunderstanding. Don't tell father that.

He'll never believe me.

It's the truth. Of course he'll believe you.

The truth.

He'll understand. He has to.

He has to.

Is it true?

You know me better than that.

That is not an answer.

You think I betray my own family, my husband.

I think someone can be driven to do anything when their life's in jeopardy.

And some things are beyond their control.

I'm not going to let you do that.

I'm not going to let you do that.

I'm not going to let you do that.

I'm not going to let you do that.

And some things are beyond even imagining.

Faustina, tell me the truth.

I don't know what to tell you.

I need the truth!

You tell me plainly. Now.

I've been faithful to you. Always.

And these stories concerning you and Ovidius Cassius.

They're lies.

It's rumors.

If there is one thing that's true, it's that I love you.

And I would not do anything to hurt you.

Anything else is a lie.

I just needed to hear it from your own lips.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Protect Commodus.


Being a Roman Emperor was a difficult job.

You were atop of a system that managed one of the largest empires the world had ever known.

But there were also problems of loyalty.

But there were also problems of loyalty.

In such a big empire, you need to delegate.

But who can you trust?

Can you trust even members of your own family?

Often, sadly not.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.




Roman Empire (1) Römisches Reich (1) Imperio Romano (1) Empire romain (1) Impero romano (1) ローマ帝国 (1) Romeinse Rijk (1) Imperium Rzymskie (1) Império Romano (1) Римская империя (1) Rimski imperij (1) Roma İmparatorluğu (1) Римська імперія (1) 罗马帝国 (1) 羅馬帝國 (1)

For over a century, the Roman Colosseum has hosted the most grueling and bloody games Durante más de un siglo, el Coliseo romano ha albergado los juegos más cruentos y sangrientos V rimskem Koloseju že več kot stoletje potekajo najbolj izčrpavajoče in krvave igre.

in human history, fought and won by the Roman gladiator. v zgodovini človeštva, ki ga je izbojeval in dobil rimski gladiator.

At the end of the second century, the Roman people witness a game like no other. Ob koncu drugega stoletja so bili Rimljani priča igri, kakršne še ni bilo.

For the first time in history, a Roman emperor will fight to the death. 歴史上初めて、ローマ皇帝が死闘を繰り広げる。 Prvič v zgodovini se bo rimski cesar boril na življenje in smrt.

At the end of the second century, the Roman people witness a game like no other. 2世紀末、ローマの人々は他では見られない試合を目撃した。 Ob koncu drugega stoletja so bili Rimljani priča igri, kakršne še ni bilo.

Commodus' reign will mark the beginning of the fall of the greatest civilization on El reinado de Cómodo marcará el inicio de la caída de la mayor civilización sobre Commodusova vladavina bo pomenila začetek propada največje civilizacije na svetu.

But his story begins more than a decade earlier. Njegova zgodba pa se je začela več kot desetletje prej.

By the end of the second century, there's no civilization as massive or as powerful as the Roman Empire. Ob koncu drugega stoletja ni bilo tako obsežne ali močne civilizacije, kot je bilo rimsko cesarstvo.

Almost one in five people on Earth lives within the Empire's boundaries. Skoraj vsak peti Zemljan živi znotraj meja imperija.

And is under rule of one of the most powerful men on the planet. Y está bajo el gobierno de uno de los hombres más poderosos del planeta. V njej vlada eden najmočnejših ljudi na svetu.

The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Rimski cesar Mark Avrelij.

For more than a decade, Aurelius has waged war to defend the Empire's reach. Aurelij že več kot desetletje vodi vojno, da bi zaščitil doseg imperija.

And he reigns over a territory that spans thousands of miles. In kraljuje na ozemlju, ki se razteza na tisoče kilometrov.

From Western Europe and the Middle East, through parts of Africa, and the entire Mediterranean. Od zahodne Evrope in Bližnjega vzhoda prek delov Afrike do celotnega Sredozemlja.

Marcus Aurelius was considered really one of the most successful emperors. Mark Avrelij je veljal za enega najuspešnejših cesarjev.

He was not just emperor, but he was a distinguished philosopher. Ni bil le cesar, ampak tudi ugleden filozof.

He was a student of Epictetus, who was the leading Stoic philosopher of the day. Bil je učenec Epikteta, ki je bil vodilni stoiški filozof tistega časa.

And he was a gifted philosophical writer in his own right. Bil je tudi nadarjen filozofski pisatelj.

His meditations are still read today. Njegove meditacije berejo še danes.

Over the last century, Rome has been built into one of the most advanced cities in the ancient world. V zadnjem stoletju je Rim postal eno najnaprednejših mest antičnega sveta.

And under Aurelius' reign, it's given rise to a modern era. Pod Avrelijevo vladavino se je začela sodobna doba.

The Roman Empire in the second century was a formidable global superpower. Rimski imperij je bil v drugem stoletju izjemna svetovna velesila.

They had the most proficient military forces. Imeli so najbolj izurjene vojaške sile.

They ruled the most civilized array of people. Vladali so najbolj civiliziranemu krogu ljudi.

There was anything that you wanted, by Roman standards, you could find in their empire. V njihovem cesarstvu je bilo mogoče najti vse, kar ste si po rimskih standardih želeli.

And what kept this empire together was an incredibly efficient array of infrastructure. Ta imperij je bil povezan z izjemno učinkovito infrastrukturo.

Ancient Rome, during this time period, was the greatest empire that the world had ever known. Stari Rim je bil v tem obdobju največji imperij, kar jih je svet poznal.

It was responsible for enormous advances in technology, such as the system of Roman roads, or the aqueducts that supplied water. Bila je odgovorna za izjemen tehnološki napredek, kot je sistem rimskih cest ali akvadukti za oskrbo z vodo.

The city of Rome itself had reached one million people, so it was the first large-scale urban metropolis. Mesto Rim je imelo že milijon prebivalcev, tako da je bilo prva velika mestna metropola.

Marcus Aurelius rules over 50 million people within the boundaries of the Roman Empire. Mark Avrelij vlada več kot 50 milijonom ljudi znotraj meja rimskega imperija.

And no one lives better than his son, Commodus. In nihče ne živi bolje kot njegov sin Komod.

The problem that was ushered in by Marcus Aurelius, when instead of doing what his predecessors had done, Problem, ki ga je sprožil Mark Avrelij, ko je, namesto da bi storil to, kar so storili njegovi predhodniki,

and adopting a person who was qualified by temperament and upbringing and training to serve as emperor, in sprejetje osebe, ki je bila po temperamentu, vzgoji in izobrazbi primerna za cesarja,

instead wanted his son to succeed him. pa je želel, da ga nasledi njegov sin.

Commodus was the first Roman emperor who was ever born to a sitting emperor. Komod je bil prvi rimski cesar, ki se je rodil sedanjemu cesarju.

Growing up the son of an emperor, as someone who was raised from birth to succeed his father, Odraščanje kot sin cesarja, ki je bil že od rojstva vzgajan, da bo nasledil svojega očeta,

we have to imagine that Commodus' ego had no place to go, knowing that he would have this role, predstavljati si moramo, da se Komodov ego ni imel kam umakniti, ko je vedel, da bo imel to vlogo,

that this had planted some seed in his mind that he was in some sense extraordinary. da je to v njegovem umu zasejalo seme, da je v nekem smislu izjemen.

Commodus. Commodus.


Good morning, Mother.


Do you know what time it is? Ali veste, koliko je ura?

Early. Zgodaj.

I'm sending you to Germania. Pošiljam vas v Germanijo.

Early. Zgodaj.

I'm sending you to Germania.

What? Why?

Because all you do here is drink and play with whores.

But there's a war.

It'll teach you discipline.

I'm not going anywhere.

It's already been decided. Odločitev je že sprejeta.

Your father's expecting you. Vaš oče vas pričakuje.

When you think about Commodus, who had more personally and more historically going for him Если вспомнить Коммода, у которого было больше личных и исторических заслуг. Ko pomislite na Komoda, ki je imel več osebnih in zgodovinskih zaslug.

than any other human being previous in the history of human existence, kot katerikoli drug človek v zgodovini človeškega obstoja,

I mean, in fact, no Roman emperor for 80 years had had a son. Dejansko noben rimski cesar 80 let ni imel sina.

However, one would be very, very hard-pressed to find a less intellectually, less energetic, Vendar pa bi zelo težko našli manj intelektualnega, manj energičnega človeka,

less motivated person with that type of responsibility in the whole of human history. manj motivirana oseba s takšno odgovornostjo v vsej človeški zgodovini.

Against his will, Commodus has been called to Germania, Komoda proti njegovi volji pokličejo v Germanijo,

ordered to train under his father to become the next emperor. mu je ukazal, naj se usposablja pri svojem očetu, da bi postal naslednji cesar.

Hundreds of miles from Rome, along the borders of the empire, Več sto kilometrov od Rima, ob mejah cesarstva,

massive armies of Germanic tribes are invading Roman territory. na rimsko ozemlje vdirajo ogromne vojske germanskih plemen.

And the Roman military has been called to the front lines. Rimska vojska je bila poklicana na frontno črto.

The Battle of the Dacians Bitka pri Dakih

With one of the strongest ground and naval forces in the world, Z eno najmočnejših kopenskih in pomorskih sil na svetu,

Roman military is made up of hundreds of thousands of highly trained soldiers, Rimsko vojsko sestavlja več sto tisoč visoko usposobljenih vojakov,

equipped with the latest weaponry, opremljena z najnovejšim orožjem,

and prepared to defend the empire's borders at all costs. in pripravljeni braniti meje imperija za vsako ceno.

There was the problem of Rome's neighbors, both to the east and to the north, Rim je imel težave s sosedi, tako na vzhodu kot na severu,

the Parthians to the east and Germanic tribes to the north, which were a threat. Parti na vzhodu in germanska plemena na severu, ki so predstavljala grožnjo.

Romans had been fighting Germans at this point for 250 years. Rimljani so se na tej točki že 250 let borili z Nemci.

And the border on the Danube had always been a problem, Meja na Donavi je bila vedno problematična,

and in fact, as it turns out, always would be a problem. in, kot se je izkazalo, bi bila v resnici vedno težava.

The Roman army was the most formidable fighting machine that the ancient world had seen. Rimska vojska je bila najbolj mogočen bojni stroj, kar jih je videl antični svet.

The basis for their success was less their capacity for killing, A base do seu sucesso era menos a sua capacidade de matar, Osnova njihovega uspeha je bila manj njihova sposobnost ubijanja,

and more their capacity for entrenchment. in bolj njihova sposobnost uveljavljanja.

It was a capacity for digging fortresses, To je bila zmogljivost za kopanje trdnjav,

for fashioning all the infrastructure of a frontier force za oblikovanje celotne infrastrukture obmejnih sil

that served to ensure that the Roman frontiers were essentially guarded and held secure. ki so zagotavljali, da so bile rimske meje v bistvu varovane in varne.

The Battle of the Danube Bitka na Donavi

The Battle of the Danube

Oh, Satoris, that's disgusting. Oh, Satoris, to je odvratno.

I hope you learned your lesson. You'll never outdrink me, my friend. Upam, da ste se naučili lekcijo. Nikoli me ne boš prelisičil, moj prijatelj.

Never again. Nikoli več.

For my father I'm here. Zaradi očeta sem tukaj.

Let's hope we're not stuck here for too long. Upajmo, da tu ne bomo obtičali predolgo.

Come with me. Pojdi z mano.

Marcus Aurelius and Commodus have come down in history as very, very different individuals. Mark Avrelij in Komod sta se v zgodovino zapisala kot zelo, zelo različna posameznika.

After all, he was also a leading general of his time and led many wars along the Danube frontier. Navsezadnje je bil tudi vodilni general svojega časa in je vodil številne vojne ob podonavski meji.

Commodus probably was as irresponsible as people say. Commodus je bil verjetno tako neodgovoren, kot pravijo ljudje.

That said, Marcus Aurelius does not appear to have shown any hesitation in promoting Commodus from a very young age. Тем не менее, Марк Аврелий не проявил никаких колебаний в продвижении Коммода с самого раннего возраста. Kljub temu se zdi, da Marko Avrelij ni okleval pri spodbujanju Komoda že v zelo mladih letih.

The Battle of the Danube Bitka na Donavi

Where is he? Kje je?


The Battle of the Danube

I promised your mother I'd try and do my best to make a man of you. Tvoji materi sem obljubil, da se bom potrudil, da iz tebe naredim moškega.

I never break my word. Ever. Nikoli ne prelomim besede. Nikoli.

It begins now. Začenja se zdaj.

Are you going to train like some common soldier? Ali boš treniral kot navaden vojak?



Again. Ponovno.



I'm going to show you what happens when you don't know how to handle a sword. Pokazal ti bom, kaj se zgodi, če ne znaš ravnati z mečem.

The Battle of the Danube

One of the great debates, not just among Roman historians of today, but even of the time, was why Commodus? Ena od velikih razprav, ne le med današnjimi rimskimi zgodovinarji, temveč tudi v tistem času, je bila, zakaj prav Commodus?

Why did Marcus Aurelius choose Commodus? Zakaj je Mark Avrelij izbral Komoda?

Why, despite the fact that everybody seemed to see that he was not up to this task, why was there still the insistence that Commodus was going to be the next emperor? Zakaj so kljub temu, da so vsi videli, da ni kos tej nalogi, še vedno vztrajali, da bo Commodus naslednji cesar?

Perhaps we can chalk it up to naivete or a kind of generic just love for his son, blinding him to the realities that his son was not up to the task and his son was not ready for this position. Возможно, мы можем объяснить это наивностью или просто родовой любовью к сыну, ослепившей его, когда он понял, что его сын не справился с задачей и не был готов к этой должности. Morda lahko to pripišemo naivnosti ali nekakšni generični ljubezni do sina, ki ga je zaslepila pred dejstvom, da njegov sin ni bil kos nalogi in da ni bil pripravljen na ta položaj.

The Battle of the Danube

The Battle of the Danube

The Battle of the Danube

The means through which Commodus was groomed and trained to become emperor were unparalleled in Roman history. Sredstva, s katerimi je bil Komodus pripravljen in usposobljen, da bi postal cesar, so bila v rimski zgodovini neprimerljiva.

He had high hopes for his son during this period. V tem obdobju je veliko upal na svojega sina.

What Marcus Aurelius imagined for his child and what his child became were two very different things. Kar si je Mark Avrelij predstavljal za svojega otroka in kar je njegov otrok postal, sta bili dve zelo različni stvari.

As Commodus trains, the Germanic tribes begin to push through Roman defences. Medtem ko Commodus trenira, začnejo germanska plemena prebijati rimsko obrambo.

Banding together and launching a massive assault on the Roman army. Združijo se in začnejo množičen napad na rimsko vojsko.

The great Roman nightmare was of northern barbarians sweeping southwards and conquering Rome. Velika rimska nočna mora je bila, da bodo severni barbari prodrli na jug in osvojili Rim.

In the reign of Marcus Aurelius, there was disturbance. V času vladavine Marka Avrelija je prišlo do nemirov.

He knew that he had no choice but to confront that. Vedel je, da nima druge izbire, kot da se s tem sooči.

And as it turned out, the wars that Marcus Aurelius fought against the German people were as strenuous and challenging as any barbarian enemy that the Roman people faced. Izkazalo se je, da so bile vojne, ki jih je Marko Avrelij vodil proti Germanom, enako naporne in zahtevne kot vsi barbarski sovražniki, s katerimi se je soočalo rimsko ljudstvo.

Lasting years, it's a devastating war, killing thousands of men on both sides. Vojna, ki traja več let, je uničujoča in v njej na obeh straneh umre na tisoče ljudi.

The Battle of the Danube

The war also takes its toll on the emperor, who soon falls ill. Vojna terja svoj davek tudi od cesarja, ki kmalu zboli.

Marcus Aurelius spent most of his life dealing with, fighting, trying to resist, coping with barbarian tribes pressing up against the frontiers of the empire. Mark Avrelij se je večino svojega življenja ukvarjal z barbarskimi plemeni, ki so pritiskala na meje cesarstva, se z njimi boril, se jim poskušal upreti in se z njimi spopadal.

And as the health of Marcus Aurelius began to fade, there was a great deal of worrying. Ko je zdravje Marka Avrelija začelo pešati, je bilo veliko skrbi.

He seems to have had problems with chest and stomach. It may have been cancer, it may have been something to do with his heart. One doesn't really know. Zdi se, da je imel težave s prsmi in želodcem. Morda je šlo za raka, morda za nekaj, kar je bilo povezano s srcem. Tega se ne ve.

The news of the emperor's death Novica o cesarjevi smrti

With the emperor's health diminishing, news is sent to the palace. Ker je cesarjevo zdravje vse slabše, v palačo pošljejo novico.

But on its way back to Rome, the message is quickly distorted. Toda na poti nazaj v Rim se sporočilo hitro popači.

And soon enough, it becomes a rumor that Marcus Aurelius has died. Kmalu se začne govoriti, da je umrl Mark Avrelij.

In the case of Marcus Aurelius, it seems quite clear that rumors started to spread that the emperor had died. V primeru Marka Avrelija se zdi povsem jasno, da so se začele širiti govorice, da je cesar umrl.

And sometimes these may well have been engineered. Včasih so bili ti morda tudi načrtovani.

And what is crucial about this is that verification of these rumors in the Roman world would have been phenomenally difficult. Bistveno pri tem je, da bi bilo preverjanje teh govoric v rimskem svetu izjemno težko.

The Emperor's Death

Before long, the rumor of Marcus Aurelius' death spread. Kmalu se je razširila govorica o smrti Marka Avrelija.

And soon after, the rumor of Marcus Aurelius' death reached the most powerful woman in the empire, Empress Faustina. Kmalu zatem je vest o smrti Marka Avrelija dosegla najmočnejšo žensko v cesarstvu, cesarico Faustino.

Faustina was Marcus Aurelius' wife. She was the daughter of the previous emperor, Antoninus Pius. Faustina je bila žena Marka Avrelija. Bila je hči prejšnjega cesarja Antonina Pija.

And she was a successful wife to Marcus, gave him children over that period. Marcusu je bila uspešna žena in mu je v tem obdobju dala otroke.

So she must immediately have looked for her safety and for her family's safety. Zato je morala takoj poskrbeti za svojo varnost in varnost svoje družine.

Devastated by news of her husband's death, Faustina fears her son isn't ready for the throne. Faustina se boji, da njen sin ni pripravljen na prestol, saj jo je pretresla novica o moževi smrti.

And knows she has to come up with a plan before word reaches the senate. In ve, da mora pripraviti načrt, še preden bo ta prišel v senat.

The Roman Senate

The Roman Senate is made up of the most influential men in the empire. Rimski senat sestavljajo najvplivnejši možje v cesarstvu.

All looking for opportunities to further their political careers. Vsi iščejo priložnosti za nadaljevanje svoje politične kariere.

The Senate

There were clearly any number of folks in the Roman Senate themselves, or senators, who thought that they had an even better claim to nobility, or to the throne, than the reigning emperor himself. V rimskem senatu je bilo veliko ljudi ali senatorjev, ki so menili, da imajo še večjo pravico do plemstva ali prestola kot sam vladajoči cesar.

In general, it seems that being at the top was a very lonely and dangerous place in ancient Rome. Na splošno se zdi, da je bilo biti na vrhu v starem Rimu zelo osamljeno in nevarno.

Throughout the empire, governors and ambitious leaders are determined to seize control. Po vsem cesarstvu so guvernerji in ambiciozni voditelji odločeni prevzeti nadzor.

And a challenge to the throne could come from any of the empire's regions. Izziv za prestol lahko pride iz katere koli regije cesarstva.

With rumors quickly spreading, a power grab could soon take hold. Ker se govorice hitro širijo, bi lahko kmalu prišlo do prevzema oblasti.

The play for the throne puts members of the royal family at risk. V igri za prestol so ogroženi člani kraljeve družine.

Including the emperor's daughter, Lucilla. Vključno s cesarjevo hčerko Lucillo.

Married to her father's trusted advisor, Lucilla has already been groomed for a life of influence. Lucilla, poročena z očetovim zaupnim svetovalcem, je že pripravljena na vplivno življenje.

Lucilla had been one of the oldest of Marcus Aurelius' children, who had survived into adulthood. Lucilla je bila ena najstarejših otrok Marka Avrelija, ki so preživeli do odraslosti.

She had been involved in Roman politics, the backroom deals, the administration. Bila je vpletena v rimsko politiko, zakulisne dogovore in administracijo.

So she was far more experienced, she had far better contacts, she had resources at her disposal that Commodus didn't even know existed. Bila je torej veliko bolj izkušena, imela je veliko boljše stike, na voljo je imela sredstva, za katera Commodus sploh ni vedel, da obstajajo.

But with the throne being called into question, Lucilla knows her ambitions are in jeopardy. Toda ker je prestol pod vprašajem, Lucilla ve, da so njene ambicije ogrožene.

Lucilla was Commodus' older sister, 12 years older. Lucilla je bila Komodova 12 let starejša sestra.

And so she was used to having a place at the top table in Roman society. Zato je bila navajena, da je imela v rimski družbi mesto za najvišjo mizo.

But she certainly seems to have been slightly jealous of the increasingly powerful role that her younger brother Commodus would have to inherit. Vsekakor pa se zdi, da je bila rahlo ljubosumna na vse močnejšo vlogo, ki jo je moral podedovati njen mlajši brat Commodus.

No. Yes.

No one told me we were leaving.

You've heard. Slišali ste že.

Where are we going?

I'm going to Egypt.

You're staying here.

We can't abandon Rome completely, and there are things I need to do to secure our safety. Rima ne moremo popolnoma zapustiti in nekaj stvari moram storiti, da zagotovim našo varnost.

In Egypt?

You're seeing Ovidius Cassius. Videli ste Ovidija Kasija.

I'm doing what I need to do to protect our family. Za zaščito naše družine delam, kar moram.

So to protect Commodus, you'll leave me here by myself? Torej me boš, da bi zaščitil Komoda, pustil tukaj samega?

I know it's dangerous. Vem, da je nevarno.

But what other choice do we have? Toda kakšno drugo izbiro imamo?

My cloak. I will return as quickly as I can. Moj plašč. Vrnil se bom, kakor hitro bom mogel.

We will all be together. We will all be safe. Vsi bomo skupaj. Vsi bomo varni.

Trust me.


Any member of the imperial family is potentially in danger when the emperor dies. Vsak član cesarske družine je lahko v nevarnosti, ko cesar umre.

It is extremely common for emperors who fall from power to have their entire family wiped out. Za cesarje, ki so padli z oblasti, je bilo zelo pogosto, da je bila njihova celotna družina izbrisana.

The Empire of Egypt

Determined to protect her family and secure her own power. Odločena je zaščititi svojo družino in si zagotoviti lastno moč.

Faustina sets a plan in motion. Faustina začne uresničevati načrt.

Instead of waiting for an overthrow, the empress plans to leave her city. Namesto da bi čakala na strmoglavljenje, cesarica namerava zapustiti svoje mesto.


Travelling more than 1,000 miles south.

Across the Mediterranean to one of the empire's furthest regions.


The land of the Greeks. Dežela Grkov.

One of the wealthiest territories in the world. Eno najbogatejših ozemelj na svetu.

Egypt is one of the leading producers of grain. Egipt je eden vodilnih proizvajalcev žita.

And is home to one of the largest ports in the northern hemisphere. V njem se nahaja eno največjih pristanišč na severni polobli.

Guarded by more than 15,000 Roman soldiers. Varovalo ga je več kot 15.000 rimskih vojakov.

And run by the second most powerful man in the empire. Vodi ga drugi najmočnejši človek v imperiju.

Egyptian governor, Avidius Cassius. Egiptovski guverner Avidij Kasij.

Egypt was the personal territory of the emperor. Egipt je bil osebno cesarjevo ozemlje.

It was actually his estate. To je bilo pravzaprav njegovo posestvo.

And Cassius was tasked with keeping control of Egypt. Kasij pa je bil zadolžen za nadzor nad Egiptom.

Essentially keeping control of the emperor's own private lands. V bistvu je ohranil nadzor nad cesarjevimi zasebnimi zemljišči.

He had been trusted by the family. He had been in the inner circle. Družina mu je zaupala. Bil je v ožjem krogu.

Sir. The report you requested. Gospod. Poročilo, ki ste ga zahtevali.

I want you to double the guards at the port. Hočem, da podvojite stražarje v pristanišču.

There's been some pilfering in the grain. V žitu je bilo nekaj kraje.

I'm not happy. Nisem zadovoljen.

You can go. Lahko greste.


The image that we get of Faustina is one of untrustworthiness and promiscuity. Podoba, ki jo dobimo o Faustini, je podoba nezaupanja in promiskuitete.

There are many rumors going around about both of these areas. O obeh področjih krožijo številne govorice.

And one of the most famous ones is that the emperor was a man who was a slave. Eden najbolj znanih je, da je bil cesar človek, ki je bil suženj.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire. Bil je suženj rimskega imperija.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire. Bil je suženj rimskega imperija.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire.

And he was a slave to the Roman Empire.

There are many rumors going around about both of these areas.

And we can see a partial answer to that in Faustina's bid to Ovidius Cassius. Delni odgovor na to lahko vidimo v Faustinini ponudbi Ovidiju Kasiju.

Where she thought maybe she would be able to retain her position in the empire. Mislila je, da bo morda lahko obdržala svoj položaj v cesarstvu.

Perhaps even as his wife. Morda celo kot njegova žena.

That was unexpected. To je bilo nepričakovano.

Cassius. Cassius.

You've always been there for me. Vedno si bil zame.

Ever since we were children. Že od otroštva.

Now you're the only one who can protect me. Zdaj si edini, ki me lahko zaščiti.

I think you might be overestimating me. Mislim, da me precenjujete.

How could I? Kako bi lahko?

Marcus always said you were the second most powerful man in the empire. Marcus je vedno govoril, da si drugi najmočnejši človek v imperiju.

You could be emperor yourself. Lahko postaneš cesar.

If you wanted.


With the strength of your armies and my name behind you, no one could stop you. Z močjo vaših vojsk in mojim imenom za vami vas nihče ne more ustaviti.

Emperor of Rome.

But you must promise me one thing. Vendar mi moraš obljubiti nekaj.

Anything. Karkoli.

Protect my family. Zaščitite mojo družino.


As if he were your own. Kot da bi bil vaš lastnik.

Allegedly, again, she had actually promised to marry Ovidius Cassius. Domnevno naj bi se tudi v resnici obljubila, da se bo poročila z Ovidijem Kasijem.

After Marcus's presumed death, in order to solidify that transfer of power. Po Marcusovi domnevni smrti, da bi utrdili prenos moči.

Because if a power vacuum had been left, that would have put Faustina and everybody else around Marcus in an extremely perilous position. Kajti če bi na oblasti ostala praznina, bi se Faustina in vsi drugi okoli Marcusa znašli v izjemno nevarnem položaju.

With Empress Faustina's backing, Ovidius Cassius raises an army to march on Rome and claim the throne for himself. Ovidij Kasij ob podpori cesarice Faustine zbere vojsko, da bi napadel Rim in zahteval prestol zase.

Within months, he sees the city of Rome in the hands of the Romans. V nekaj mesecih vidi, da je mesto Rim v rokah Rimljanov.

He makes the ultimate move for the throne. Izvede odločilno potezo za prestol.

Within months, he seizes control of major territories in the Eastern Roman Empire. V nekaj mesecih prevzame nadzor nad večjimi ozemlji v Vzhodnem rimskem cesarstvu.

And with support from leaders in Egypt, Syria, Judea and Arabia.

He makes the ultimate move for the throne. Izvede odločilno potezo za prestol.

And so...

Cassius declared himself emperor. Egypt declared him to be the emperor as well. Kasij se je razglasil za cesarja. Za cesarja ga je razglasil tudi Egipt.

Two of the legions located within Egypt declared Cassius for emperor. Dve legiji v Egiptu sta razglasili Kasija za cesarja.

And then it was gradually revealed that Marcus Aurelius was still alive. Potem pa se je postopoma razkrilo, da je Mark Avrelij še vedno živ.

That he hadn't passed away after all that the messages had been incorrectly interpreted. Da vendarle ni umrl, da so bila sporočila napačno interpretirana.

And now we have two rival emperors. We have a potential civil war within the empire. Zdaj imamo dva konkurenčna cesarja. Imamo potencialno državljansko vojno v cesarstvu.

As news of Aurelius' recovery reaches Egypt, Empress Faustina knows she must face her husband in Germania. Ko novica o Avrelijevi ozdravitvi doseže Egipt, cesarica Faustina ve, da se mora soočiti s svojim možem v Germaniji.

While Ovidius Cassius chooses to continue his campaign for the throne. Medtem ko se Ovidij Kasij odloči nadaljevati kampanjo za prestol.

Ovidius Cassius, I think, had little choice but to continue with his campaign. Mislim, da Ovidij Kasij ni imel druge izbire, kot da nadaljuje svojo kampanjo.

If he backed away at that point, then everybody's going to know, including Marcus, Če se bo takrat umaknil, bodo to izvedeli vsi, tudi Marcus,

is going to know that he was ready to seize the power from Marcus' own son.

Who was the closest person in line for the succession. Kdo je bil najbližja oseba v vrsti za nasledstvo.

The legions of Ovidius Cassius Legije Ovidija Kasija

Ovidius Cassius has raised seven legions already. Three in Syria, two in Judea, one in Arabia and one in Egypt. Ovidij Kasij je zbral že sedem legij. Tri v Siriji, dve v Judeji, eno v Arabiji in eno v Egiptu.

So only Cappadocia and Britannia remain loyal. Tako ostajata zvesta le Kapadokija in Britanija.

If we split our forces in half, we send ten legions across the Mediterranean to Alexandria. Če svoje sile razdelimo na pol, pošljemo deset legij čez Sredozemlje v Aleksandrijo.

Ten legions are not enough to hold the front here. Our men will be spread as far as Ventura. It will be practically useless. Deset legij ni dovolj, da bi tukaj zadržale fronto. Naši možje se bodo razporedili do Venture. To bo praktično neuporabno.

With all due respect, Emperor, your wife has put Rome in… Z vsem dolžnim spoštovanjem, cesar, vaša žena je postavila Rim v...

My wife has nothing to do with it. Moja žena s tem nima ničesar skupnega.

Mother? She's involved? Mati? Je vpletena?

No. Rumors only, nothing more. Ne. Samo govorice, nič več.

Listen, if we move the fifteens north, the Dacia, take the twelves. Poslušajte, če premaknemo petnajsterico na sever, Dacia, vzemite dvanajsterico.


After inadvertently starting a war for the throne, Faustina knows she must return to her husband and try to maintain her place as empress. Ko Faustina nehote sproži vojno za prestol, ve, da se mora vrniti k možu in poskušati ohraniti položaj cesarice.

Faustina, unfortunately, overplayed her hand. Infelizmente, a Faustina exagerou na sua atuação. Faustina je žal pretiravala.

The great women in Roman society always supported their men, elevated their men, pushed the men that they represented into greater positions of power, greater positions of competition, and helped to drive them forward. Velike ženske v rimski družbi so vedno podpirale svoje moške, jih povzdigovale, spodbujale moške, ki so jih zastopale, k večji moči in tekmovalnosti ter jim pomagale napredovati.

We can see this playing out, of course, directly in the case of Ovidia's Cassius, where she clearly trusted him and had every reason to believe that he would make a fantastic emperor. To lahko vidimo neposredno v primeru Ovidijevega Kasija, ki mu je očitno zaupala in upravičeno verjela, da bo odličen cesar.

Unfortunately, of course, we have a miscommunication that ends up backfiring on that entire situation. Na žalost seveda pride do nesporazuma, ki se na koncu maščuje celotni situaciji.

I need to talk to my mother.

The general's in there wants you dead. Tam je general, ki te želi ubiti.

By the gods, how has this gotten so bad? Pri bogovih, kako je to lahko tako slabo?

The general's in there wants you dead.

By the gods, how has this gotten so bad?

By the gods, how has this gotten so bad?

I never intended this. Tega nisem nikoli nameraval.

Well, is it true? Did you betray us? Ali je to res? Ste nas izdali?

I never intended this.

Well, is it true? Did you betray us?

I thought your father was dead.

I knew what that meant, how they would come for us. Vedel sem, kaj to pomeni, kako bodo prišli po nas.

I knew what that meant, how they would come for us.

I was only trying to protect us, to protect you. Poskušal sem le zaščititi nas, tebe.

It's always a misunderstanding. Don't tell father that. Vedno gre za nesporazum. Tega ne govori očetu.

He'll never believe me.

It's the truth. Of course he'll believe you.

The truth.

He'll understand. He has to.

He has to.

Is it true?

You know me better than that.

That is not an answer.

You think I betray my own family, my husband. Misliš, da sem izdala svojo družino, svojega moža.

I think someone can be driven to do anything when their life's in jeopardy. Mislim, da je nekdo lahko pripravljen storiti karkoli, če je njegovo življenje ogroženo.

And some things are beyond their control.

I'm not going to let you do that. Tega vam ne bom dovolil.

I'm not going to let you do that.

I'm not going to let you do that.

I'm not going to let you do that.

And some things are beyond even imagining. Nekaterih stvari si sploh ne moremo predstavljati.

Faustina, tell me the truth.

I don't know what to tell you.

I need the truth!

You tell me plainly. Now. Povejte mi jasno. Zdaj.

I've been faithful to you. Always. Bil sem ti zvest. Vedno.

And these stories concerning you and Ovidius Cassius. In te zgodbe o tebi in Ovidiju Kasiju.

They're lies. To so laži.

It's rumors.

If there is one thing that's true, it's that I love you. Če je kaj res, potem je to, da te imam rad.

And I would not do anything to hurt you.

Anything else is a lie.

I just needed to hear it from your own lips.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Protect Commodus.


Being a Roman Emperor was a difficult job. Biti rimski cesar je bilo težko delo.

You were atop of a system that managed one of the largest empires the world had ever known. Bili ste na vrhu sistema, ki je upravljal enega največjih imperijev, kar jih je svet poznal.

But there were also problems of loyalty. Pojavile pa so se tudi težave z lojalnostjo.

But there were also problems of loyalty.

In such a big empire, you need to delegate. V tako velikem imperiju je treba delegirati.

But who can you trust?

Can you trust even members of your own family? Ali lahko zaupate celo članom svoje družine?

Often, sadly not. Pogosto žal ne.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


