Sie kommt spät nach Hause.
Ela chega tarde em casa.
Eve geç geliyor.
She comes home late.
Kein Problem, er hat nichts bemerkt.
Não tem problema, ele não notou nada.
Sorun değil, hiçbir şey fark etmedi.
No problem, he didn't notice anything.
Sie kann sich beruhigen, sie hat alle Spuren verwischt.
|||smiriti se||||tragove|izbrisala je
she|can|herself|calm down|she|has|all|traces|erased
Ela pode se acalmar, ela cobriu todos os vestígios.
Она может успокоиться, она замела все следы.
Sakinleşebilir, tüm izleri kapatmıştır.
She can calm down, she has erased all traces.
Da wird ihr klar, dass sie einen Fehler gemacht hat.
Ela então percebe que cometeu um erro.
Затем она понимает, что совершила ошибку.
Daha sonra hata yaptığını anlıyor.
Then it becomes clear to her that she made a mistake.
Was tun jetzt?
what|to do|now
cosa fare adesso
O que fazer agora
What to do now?
Sie sah auf die Uhr.
She looked at the clock.
Fast sieben.
Skoro sedam.|
Almost seven.
Sie würde spät kommen.
she|would|late|to come
Ela iria se atrasar.
Geç kalacaktı.
She would be late.
Er würde sie fragend ansehen.
On bi je upitno pogledao.|||upitno|gledati
he|would|her|questioningly|to look at
Lui la guardava con aria interrogativa.
Ele a olhava interrogativamente.
Он вопросительно посмотрел на нее.
Ona soran gözlerle bakacaktı.
He would look at her questioningly.
Wo bist du gewesen?
Dove sei stato?
Onde você esteve?
Где вы были?
Where have you been?
Er habe versucht, sie anzurufen.
||pokušao je||
he|has|tried|her|to call
Ele tentou ligar para ela.
Onu aramaya çalıştı.
He had tried to call her.
Dann erst ihr stummes Handy auf dem Küchentisch gesehen.
then|first|her|silent|phone|on|the|kitchen table|seen
Só então viu seu celular silencioso na mesa da cozinha.
Потом только увидел на кухонном столе ее молчащий мобильный телефон.
Ancak o zaman sessiz cep telefonunu mutfak masasının üzerinde gördü.
Only then did he see her silent phone on the kitchen table.
Sie musste sich melden, jetzt sofort, mit irgendeiner Entschuldigung.
|morala je||prijaviti se||odmah||nekom isprikom|
she|had to|herself|report|now|immediately|with|any|excuse
Ela tinha que se apresentar, agora mesmo, com algum tipo de desculpa.
Она должна была выступить прямо сейчас и принести извинения.
Hemen şimdi bir tür bahaneyle ortaya çıkması gerekiyordu.
She had to get in touch, right now, with some excuse.
Sie ging in ein Café, fragte, ob sie mal telefonieren dürfe.
|||||pitala je|je li||||
she|went|to|a|café|asked|if|she|once|to call|may
Ela foi a um café e perguntou se podia dar um telefonema.
Она зашла в кафе, спросила, можно ли воспользоваться телефоном.
Bir kafeye gitti ve telefon edip edemeyeceğini sordu.
She went into a café, asked if she could make a phone call.
Die Frage war etwas ‚retro‘, schon klar, aber der junge Barmann nickte lächelnd und reichte ihr ein Handy über die Theke.
||||retro||||||barmen|klimnuo je glavom|s osmijehom||dodao je||||||šank
the|question|was|a bit|retro|already|clear|but|the|young|bartender|nodded|smiling|and|handed|her|a|phone|over|the|counter
A pergunta foi um pouco 'retro', com certeza, mas o jovem barman acenou com a cabeça com um sorriso e entregou-lhe um celular sobre o balcão.
Вопрос, конечно, был немного "ретро", но молодой бармен с улыбкой кивнул и протянул ей через барную стойку мобильный телефон.
Soru biraz 'retro'ydu, orası kesin, ama genç barmen gülümseyerek başını salladı ve tezgahın üzerinden ona bir cep telefonu verdi.
The question was a bit 'retro', of course, but the young bartender nodded with a smile and handed her a mobile phone over the counter.
Sie zögerte einen Moment.
Ona|Oklijevala je trenutak.||
Она на мгновение замешкалась.
Bir an tereddüt etti.
She hesitated for a moment.
Seine Nummer?
Onun numarası?
His number?
Egal, dann eben Festnetz.
Svejedno||onda|Fiksna linija
no matter|then|just|landline
Não importa, então apenas telefone fixo.
Önemli değil, o zaman sadece sabit hat.
Never mind, then a landline.
Aber was sagen?
but|what|to say
Mas dizer o quê?
Ama ne demek?
But what to say?
Aber wo waren dann ihre Einkaufstaschen?
|||||vrećice za kupovinu
but|where|were|then|their|shopping bags
Но где же тогда были их сумки с покупками?
Ama o zaman alışveriş çantaları neredeydi?
But where were her shopping bags?
Ohne Sportsachen?
|Bez sportske opreme?
without|sports clothes
Spor malzemeleri olmadan mı?
Without sports clothes?
Was sonst?
O que mais?
Что еще?
What else?
Was könnte sie ...?
|Što bi mogla...|
O que ela poderia...?
Что она может...?
Ne yapabilir ki...?
What could she ...?
Er ging nicht ran, vielleicht war er noch joggen gegangen oder drüben bei Selma und Karl.
|||||||||||preko puta||||
he|went|not|to the phone|maybe|was|he|still|running|gone|or|over there|at|Selma|and|Karl
Ele não respondeu, talvez tenha ido correr ou na casa de Selma e Karl.
Он не ответил, возможно, он все еще на пробежке или в доме Сельмы и Карла.
Cevap vermedi, belki koşuya gitmiştir ya da Selma'nın ve Karl'ın yanına gitmiştir.
He didn't pick up, maybe he had gone jogging or was over at Selma and Karl's.
Besser so, viel besser, dachte sie erleichtert.
better|like this|much|better|thought|she|relieved
Melhor assim, muito melhor, pensou com alívio.
Böylesi daha iyi, çok daha iyi, diye düşündü rahatlayarak.
Better this way, much better, she thought relieved.
Plötzlich der Anrufbeantworter, seine gutgelaunte Stimme: „Wir sind nicht zu Hause, freuen uns aber ...“ Ihre Lust, ihre Sehnsucht, dieser Stimme einfach zu glauben.
Iznenada||telefonska sekretarica||dobro raspoložen|glas||||||||||||čežnja, žudnja||glas|||
suddenly|the|answering machine|his|cheerful|voice|we|are|not|at|home|look forward|us|but|your|desire||longing|this|voice|simply|to|to believe
De repente, a secretária eletrônica, sua voz bem-humorada: "Não estamos em casa, mas estamos felizes..." Seu desejo, sua vontade de simplesmente acreditar nessa voz.
Birden telesekreter, onun güler yüzlü sesi: "Evde değiliz ama mutluyuz..." Bu sese inanma arzusu, özlemi.
Suddenly the answering machine, his cheerful voice: "We are not at home, but we are looking forward to ..." Her desire, her longing, to simply believe that voice.
„Ich bin's, Schatz“, hörte sie sich sagen, „du, ich ... ich sitze gerade noch im Café ... mit Pia.
||Dušo|||||||||upravo sada|||||Pia
I|am|darling|heard|her|herself|say|you|I||sit|just|still|in the|café|with|Pia
"Sou eu, querido", ouviu-se dizer, "você, eu... estou sentada no café... com Pia.
"It's me, darling," she heard herself say, "you know, I'm ... I'm still sitting in the café ... with Pia.
Die geht morgen schon wieder auf große Reise, und da haben wir uns ein bisschen verquatscht.
|||||||||||||||zapričali smo se
the|goes|tomorrow|already|again|on|big|trip|and|there|have|we|ourselves|a|little|talked too much
Ela já vai fazer uma grande viagem de novo amanhã, e conversamos um pouco por lá.
Yarın yine büyük bir geziye çıkıyor ve orada biraz sohbet ettik.
She's leaving on a big trip tomorrow, and we've been chatting a bit too much.
Ich begleite sie jetzt noch kurz nach Hause, und dann komme ich.
Vou acompanhá-la até em casa por um momento e depois irei.
I'm just going to walk her home for a bit, and then I'll come.
Bis gleich.“ Och, diese verdammten Messages!
Yakında görüşürüz.” Ah, bu lanet mesajlar!
See you soon." Oh, these damn messages!
Plötzlich soll man sprechen, und jedes Wort wird registriert.
suddenly|should|one|to speak|and|every|word|is|registered
De repente você deve falar e cada palavra é registrada.
Aniden konuşmalısın ve her kelime kaydediliyor.
Suddenly you have to talk, and every word is being recorded.
Sie gab das Telefon zurück, blieb an der Theke stehen.
|vratila je||||ostala je||||
Ela devolveu o telefone e ficou parada no balcão.
She handed the phone back, remaining at the counter.
Vielleicht war das gar nicht so schlecht.
maybe|was|that|at all|not|so|bad
Talvez isso não fosse tão ruim, afinal.
Belki de o kadar da kötü değildi.
Maybe that wasn't so bad after all.
Eine gute Freundin von beiden.
İkisinin de iyi bir arkadaşı.
A good friend of both.
Aber keine von denen, die er von sich aus anrufen würde.
|||od onih|||||||bi
but|none|of|them|which|he|of|himself|out|to call|would
Ale żadnego z tych, których wezwałby z własnej woli.
Mas nenhum deles ele chamaria por conta própria.
Ama kendi isteğiyle arayacaklarının hiçbiri.
But not one of those he would call on his own.
Außerdem stimmte es wirklich, dass Pia morgen wegfuhr.
Osim toga|bilo je točno||doista||||odlazila
moreover|was|it|really|that|Pia|tomorrow|would leave
Além disso, era verdade que Pia iria embora amanhã.
Ayrıca, Pia'nın yarın gideceği gerçekten doğruydu.
Besides, it was really true that Pia was leaving tomorrow.
Hatte sie doch neulich erzählt.
Mówiła ci niedawno.
Ela disse a você recentemente.
Geçenlerde sana söyledi.
She had mentioned it the other day.
Als Sales Manager eines Modelabels war sie ständig unterwegs.
as|sales|manager|of a|fashion label|was|she|constantly|on the go
Como gerente de vendas de uma grife, ela estava sempre em movimento.
Bir moda markasının satış müdürü olarak her zaman hareket halindeydi.
As a sales manager of a fashion label, she was constantly on the go.
Die Geschichte war sogar sehr gut.
A história realmente foi muito boa.
Hikaye aslında çok iyiydi.
The story was actually very good.
Erleichtert ließ sie sich auf einen der Barhocker sinken.
relieved|let|her|herself|onto|one|the|bar stool|sink
Aliviada, ela se sentou em um dos bancos do bar.
Rahatlayarak bar taburelerinden birine oturdu.
Relieved, she sank onto one of the bar stools.
Plötzlich stand ein Glas Prosecco vor ihr.
suddenly|stood|a|glass|Prosecco|in front of|her
Aniden önünde bir bardak Prosecco vardı.
Suddenly, a glass of Prosecco appeared in front of her.
Dahinter das Lächeln des Barmanns.
behind it|the|smile|of the|bartender
Atrás do sorriso do barman.
Barmenin gülümsemesinin ardında.
Behind it was the smile of the bartender.
„Der geht aufs Haus.
the|goes|to the|house
"Ele está em casa.
"O evde.
"That's on the house."
Nur telefonieren, das geht bei uns nicht.
only|to call|this|works|with|us|not
Apenas fazer chamadas telefônicas não é possível conosco.
Just making phone calls, that doesn't work for us.
Und Sie haben doch noch ein bisschen Zeit ... “
E você ainda tem um tempinho..."
And you still have a little time ...
Als sie eine knappe Stunde später nach Hause kam, war alles dunkel.
Kiedy po godzinie wróciła do domu, było już ciemno.
When she came home about an hour later, everything was dark.
Sehr gut, dachte sie, zuerst da zu sein, sicher ein psychologischer Vorteil.
very|good|thought|she|first|there|to|to be|surely|a|psychological|advantage
Muito bom, ela pensou, estar lá primeiro, definitivamente uma vantagem psicológica.
Very good, she thought, to be the first one there, surely a psychological advantage.
Sie holte sich ein Glas Wein aus der Küche, setzte sich – ohne Licht zu machen – auf das Sofa im Wohnzimmer und sah aus dem Fenster.
she|fetched|herself|a|glass|wine|from|the|kitchen|sat|herself|without|light|to|to make|on|the|sofa|in the|living room|and|looked|out|the|window
Pegou uma taça de vinho na cozinha, sentou-se no sofá da sala – sem acender a luz – e olhou pela janela.
She got a glass of wine from the kitchen, sat down – without turning on the light – on the sofa in the living room and looked out the window.
Leuchtendes Abendrot.
glowing|evening red
Arrebol brilhante.
Glowing sunset.
In diesem Moment hörte sie den Schlüssel in der Haustür.
in|this|moment|heard|she|the|key|in|the|front door
Nesse momento ela ouviu a chave na porta da frente.
At that moment, she heard the key in the front door.
Langsam, ganz langsam drehte sie sich um.
Slowly, very slowly, she turned around.
Durch den Türspalt sah sie, wie er im Flur sein Jackett auszog und sich vor dem Spiegel kurz durch die Haare fuhr.
through|the|door crack|saw|she|how|he|in the|hallway|his|jacket|took off|and|himself|in front of|the|mirror|briefly|through|the|hair|ran
Pela fresta da porta, ela o viu tirando o paletó no corredor e passando a mão pelos cabelos diante do espelho.
Kapının aralığından, onun koridorda ceketini çıkardığını ve aynanın önünde elini saçlarından geçirdiğini gördü.
Through the crack of the door, she saw him taking off his jacket in the hallway and briefly running his fingers through his hair in front of the mirror.
„Da bist du ja“, sagte sie freundlich.
"There you are," she said kindly.
Er drehte sich um.
He turned around.
„Mein Gott, hast du mich erschreckt!
"Meu Deus, você me assustou!
"My God, you scared me!"
Warum sitzt du denn so im Dunklen?“
why|are sitting|you|then|so|in the|dark
"Why are you sitting in the dark?"
„Oh, ich bin auch erst gerade nach Hause gekommen“, lächelte sie.
"Ah, ben de eve yeni geldim," diye gülümsedi.
"Oh, I just got home too," she smiled.
Sie hatte sich vorgenommen, so nahe wie möglich an der Wahrheit zu bleiben, „und hab's mir erst mal bequem gemacht.
she|had|herself|intended|as|close|as|possible|to|the|truth|to|to stay|and|have it|myself|first|once|comfortable|made
Ela havia resolvido ficar o mais próximo possível da verdade, “e me acomodei por enquanto.
Gerçeğe olabildiğince yakın kalmaya karar vermişti ve "şimdilik kendimi rahat hissettim.
She had resolved to stay as close to the truth as possible, "and I made myself comfortable first.
Außerdem, schau mal raus ...“ Er kam ins Wohnzimmer, beugte sich über sie und gab ihr einen Kuss auf die Stirn.
moreover|look|sometimes|outside|he|came|into the|living room|bent|himself|over|her|and|gave|her|a|kiss|on|the|forehead
Além disso, olhe para fora... Ele entrou na sala, inclinou-se sobre ela e beijou-lhe a testa.
Ayrıca dışarıya bak..." Oturma odasına girdi, üzerine eğildi ve alnından öptü.
Besides, look outside..." He came into the living room, leaned over her, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Sie zeigte aus dem Fenster.
she|showed|out of|the|window
Ela apontou para a janela.
Pencereyi işaret etti.
She pointed out the window.
„Sieh mal, was für ein herrliches Abendrot.“ Er streifte die Schuhe ab und ließ sich neben ihr aufs Sofa fallen.
look|now|what|for|a|magnificent|sunset|he|took off|the|shoes|off|and|let|himself|next to|her|onto the|sofa|fall
“Olha, que belo pôr do sol.” Ele tirou os sapatos e se sentou no sofá ao lado dela.
"Bak, ne güzel bir gün batımı." Ayakkabılarını fırlattı ve onun yanındaki kanepeye çöktü.
"Look at that beautiful sunset." He took off his shoes and fell onto the sofa next to her.
„Ein Glas Wein, Liebling?“, fragte sie.
"A glass of wine, darling?" she asked.
Er sah auf das halbvolle Glas in ihrer Hand.
Elindeki yarısı dolu bardağa baktı.
He looked at the half-full glass in her hand.
„Ja, gerne.“
"Yes, please."
Sie stand auf und ging in die Küche.
Ela se levantou e foi até a cozinha.
She stood up and went to the kitchen.
„Äh ... hast du Hunger?“
"Uh ... are you hungry?"
„Nein, eigentlich nicht.
"No, not really."
Ich habe vorhin schon ...“, antwortete er.
Eu já...", respondeu.
"I already did earlier...", he replied.
„Gut“, meinte sie und brachte ihm ein volles Glas, „ich auch nicht.
"Güzel," dedi ve ona dolu bir bardak getirdi, "ben de.
"Good," she said and brought him a full glass, "I won't either."
Ich kann ja später eine Pizza holen.“
I|can|indeed|later|a|pizza|to get
Daha sonra pizza alabilirim."
"I can get a pizza later."
„Wie du willst, wir können uns aber ruhig Zeit lassen.
how|you|want|we|can|ourselves|but|calmly|time|to let
"Nasıl istersen ama zamanımızı alabiliriz.
"As you wish, but we can take our time."
Und die Pizza kann auch ich holen.“
and|the|pizza|can|also|I|to get
"And I can also get the pizza."
„Lass nur“, sagte sie, „mache ich gerne.
"Boş ver," dedi, "bunu yapmaktan mutluluk duyarım.
"Just let it be," she said, "I like doing it."
Aber noch nicht gleich.“
but|still|not|right away
"But not just yet."
„Absolut einverstanden.“
absolutely|in agreement
"Kesinlikle katılıyorum."
"Absolutely agreed."
Sie stießen an, sahen sich kurz in die Augen.
they|clinked|to|saw|each other|briefly|into|the|eyes
Eles brindaram e se olharam nos olhos por um momento.
Bardakları tokuşturup bir süre birbirlerinin gözlerinin içine baktılar.
They clinked their glasses, looking briefly into each other's eyes.
Kein Argwohn, kein Vorwurf.
No suspicion, no accusation.
Sie lehnte sich beruhigt zurück.
She leaned back, feeling at ease.
Sie brauchte sich überhaupt keine Sorgen zu machen.
she|needed|herself|at all|no|worries|to|to make
She didn't have to worry at all.
„Wie war dein Tag, Liebling?“, hörte sie sich fragen.
how|was|your|day|darling|heard|she|herself|to ask
"How was your day, darling?" she heard herself ask.
„Gut“, antwortete er.
"Good," he replied.
„Ich war nach dem Büro noch in der Stadt.“
"I was in the city after work."
„In der Stadt?
"In the city?"
Was hast du denn da gemacht?“
"What were you doing there?"
„Na ja.“ Er tat geheimnisvoll.
“Bem.” Ele agiu misterioso.
"Well." He acted mysteriously.
„Du hast doch bald Geburtstag, oder?“
you|have|after all|soon|birthday|right
"You have a birthday coming up soon, right?"
„Ach so.“ Sie lächelte.
"Oh, I see." She smiled.
„Ich hoffe, du hast du dir da keinen Stress gemacht.“
"I hope you didn't stress yourself out there."
„Nö, keine Sorge.
"No, don't worry."
Ich war dann noch gemütlich ein Bierchen trinken.“
I|was|then|still|comfortably|a|small beer|to drink
Wygodnie piłem wtedy piwo”.
I then casually had a beer."
„Mit Karl, nehme ich an.
"With Karl, I assume."
Der will ja morgen auch zum Yoga kommen.“
he|wants|indeed|tomorrow|also|to the|yoga|to come
Ele também quer vir para a ioga amanhã.
He wants to come to yoga tomorrow too."
„Nein, nein, nicht mit Karl.“ Dann fügte er schnell hinzu: „Das Yoga wird ihm aber sicher gut tun.“ Einen Augenblick Stille.
no||not|with|Karl|then|added|he|quickly|to it|the|yoga|will|him|but|surely|well|do|a|moment|silence
“Não, não, não com Karl.” Então ele acrescentou rapidamente: “A ioga certamente fará bem a ele.” Um momento de silêncio.
"No, no, not with Karl." Then he quickly added: "The yoga will surely do him good." A moment of silence.
Absolute Stille.
Absolute silence.
„Äh .... Mit wem warst du nun einen trinken“, nahm sie das Gespräch wieder auf.
uh|with|whom|were|you|now|one|to drink|took|she|the|conversation|again|up
- Uh... z kim piłeś - podjęła rozmowę.
"Uh .... Who were you drinking with then," she resumed the conversation.
Sein Blick.
O visual dele.
His gaze.
Als würde er die Frage nicht ganz verstehen.
as|would|he|the|question|not|completely|to understand
Como se não tivesse entendido bem a pergunta.
As if he didn't quite understand the question.
„Ach so.
"Oh, I see."
Mit Pia.
"With Pia."
Ich war mit Pia in der Haifischbar.“
I|was|with|Pia|in|the|shark bar
"I was with Pia at the shark bar."
„Mit Pia?“
"With Pia?"
„Ich hab sie angerufen“, erklärte er, „wegen des Geschenkes.
I|have|her|called|explained||because of|the|gift
"I called her," he explained, "about the gift."
Ich brauchte da eine Expertin.
I needed an expert there.
Du weißt doch, allein bin ich da völlig verloren.“ Die Nachricht!, fiel ihr ein.
you|know|however|alone|am|I|there|completely|lost|the|message|occurred|to her|one
Wiesz, że jestem tam całkowicie zagubiony sam.” Wiadomości!, przypomniała sobie.
Você sabe que estou totalmente perdida lá sozinha.” A notícia!, ela lembrou.
You know, I'm completely lost on my own." The message! she remembered.
Die verdammte Nachricht!
The damn message!
„Pia fährt doch morgen weg, aber sie hatte noch ein wenig Zeit, also haben wir uns auf einen Aperitif getroffen.
"Pia vai embora amanhã, mas ainda tinha um tempinho, então nos encontramos para um aperitivo.
"Pia is leaving tomorrow, but she still had a little time, so we met for an aperitif.
Sie hatte echt gute Tipps!
She had really good tips!
Sie kennt dich wirklich gut, muss ich sagen.
she|knows|you|really|well|must|I|to say
She really knows you well, I must say.
Besser als ich.
Better than I do.
Du wirst staunen.“
you|will|be amazed
Você vai se surpreender."
You will be amazed.
Die Nachricht, die verdammte Nachricht!!
The message, the damn message!!
Sie wollte einen Schluck trinken, setzte das Glas aber wieder ab.
she|wanted|a|sip|to drink|put|the|glass|but|again|down
Ela queria tomar um gole, mas baixou o copo novamente.
She wanted to take a sip, but put the glass down again.
„Was ist 'n los mit dir?
is|is|going on|going on|with|you
"What's wrong with you?"
Du hast doch nichts dagegen, dass ich mit Pia über dein Geschenk spreche, oder?“ Er grinste.
you|have|indeed|nothing|against it|that|I|with|Pia|about|your|gift|speak|or|he|grinned
Você não se importa se eu falar com Pia sobre o seu presente, não é? Ele sorriu.
"You don't mind if I talk to Pia about your gift, do you?" He grinned.
„Hey, du … du wirst doch nicht eifersüchtig sein?“
hey|you||will|really|not|jealous|to be
"Ei, você... você não vai ficar com ciúmes, vai?"
"Hey, you... you aren't going to be jealous, are you?"
„Nein“, sagte sie leise, „bestimmt nicht.“
"No," she said quietly, "definitely not."
„Na also.“ Er leerte sein Glas, stand auf und ging zum Lichtschalter.
well|then|he|emptied|his|glass|stood|up|and|went|to the|light switch
"Well then." He emptied his glass, stood up, and went to the light switch.
„Nein“, flüsterte sie, „bitte nicht!“
"Não", ela sussurrou, "por favor, não!"
"No," she whispered, "please don't!"
„Wie du willst“, meinte er verwundert und löschte das Licht wieder.
how|you|want|said|he|surprised|and|turned off|the|light|again
"Como quiser", disse ele surpreso e apagou a luz novamente.
"As you wish," he said, surprised, and turned off the light again.
Sie wollte aufspringen, ihm irgendwie zuvorkommen, aber er stand bereits neben dem Telefon.
she|wanted|to jump up|to him|somehow|to come before|but|he|stood|already|next to|the|phone
Ela queria pular, antecipá-lo de alguma forma, mas ele já estava parado ao lado do telefone.
She wanted to jump up, to somehow get ahead of him, but he was already standing next to the phone.
„Hast du die Nachrichten schon abgehört?“, fragte er.
have|you|the|news|already|listened to|asked|he
"Have you already listened to the messages?" he asked.
Sie sah zum Fenster hinaus.
she|saw|to the|window|out
She looked out the window.
Plötzlich fast absolute Dunkelheit.
Suddenly almost complete darkness.
„Nein“, sagte sie, „doch, ich meine, da ist nichts ...“
"Não", ela disse, "sim, quero dizer, não há nada ..."
"No," she said, "but I mean, there is nothing..."
Er beugte sich über den Anrufbeantworter.
he|bent|himself|over|the|answering machine
He leaned over the answering machine.
„Da sehe ich aber eine „Zwei“ leuchten.“
"But I see a 'two' lighting up."
„Das ist nichts Wichtiges“, rief sie schnell, „wirklich nicht.“
"That's nothing important," she quickly shouted, "really not."
„Na, ich höre es noch mal ab.“ Er drückte den Knopf, sie balle beide Hände zu einer Faust.
„Cóż, posłucham tego jeszcze raz.” Nacisnął przycisk, a ona zacisnęła obie dłonie w pięści.
“Bem, vou ouvir de novo.” Ele apertou o botão, ela cerrou os punhos.
"Well, I'll listen to it again." He pressed the button, and she clenched both hands into a fist.
„Sie haben zwei Nachrichten“, sagte die sterile Stimme, „Nachricht Nummer 1, erhalten heute um 18 Uhr 52.“ Piep.
"You have two messages," said the sterile voice, "Message number 1, received today at 6:52 PM." Beep.
„Ich bin's, Schatz.
"It's me, darling."
Du, ich sitze gerade noch ...“
you|I|sit|right now|still
You know, I'm still sitting ..."
Sie wartete auf irgendetwas, aber es blieb ganz still.
Ela estava esperando por algo, mas estava muito quieto.
She was waiting for something, but it remained completely silent.
Sie wartete auf seine Schritte, auf einen Schrei, darauf, dass sein Glas auf dem Boden zerbrach.
she|waited|for|his|steps|for|a|scream|for that|that|his|glass|on|the|ground|broke
Ela esperou por seus passos, por um grito, por seu copo quebrar no chão.
She waited for his footsteps, for a scream, for his glass to shatter on the floor.
Aber sie hörte nichts, nicht einmal, dass er das verdammte Ding wenigstens abschaltete.
but|she|heard|nothing|not|even|that|he|the|damned|thing|at least|turned off
Ale nic nie słyszała, nawet tego, że przynajmniej wyłączył to cholerstwo.
Mas ela não ouviu nada, nem mesmo que ele pelo menos desligou a maldita coisa.
But she heard nothing, not even that he at least turned off the damn thing.
Er stand irgendwo hinter ihr, und es war, als ob beide den Atem anhielten.
Ele estava parado em algum lugar atrás dela e era como se os dois estivessem prendendo a respiração.
He stood somewhere behind her, and it was as if both were holding their breath.
Sie wagte nicht, sich umzudrehen.
she|dared|not|herself|to turn around
Ela não ousou se virar.
She did not dare to turn around.
Sie starrte einfach nach draußen, in diese plötzliche Dunkelheit.
Ela apenas olhou para esta escuridão repentina.
She simply stared outside, into that sudden darkness.
Piep, piep, piep, kam es vom Band, und dann, in die Stille hinein: „Nachricht Nummer 2.
beep|||came|it|from the|band|and|then|into|the|silence|in|message|number
Bip, bip, bip, veio a fita, e então, no silêncio: "Mensagem número 2.
Beep, beep, beep, came from the tape, and then, into the silence: "Message number 2."
Erhalten heute um 19 Uhr 17.“ Piep.
Received today at 7:17 PM. Beep.
„Hallo, meine Lieben.
hello|my|dear ones
"Hello, my dears.
Hier ist Pia.
This is Pia.
Es ist schon Montagabend, kurz nach sieben.
it|is|already|Monday evening|shortly|after|seven
It is already Monday evening, just after seven.
Ich habe es leider nicht mehr geschafft, euch früher anzurufen.
I|have|it|unfortunately|not|anymore|managed|you|earlier|to call
Infelizmente não consegui te ligar antes.
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to call you earlier.
Ich wollte mich aber wenigstens noch verabschieden.
I|wanted|myself|but|at least|still|to say goodbye
Mas pelo menos eu queria dizer adeus.
But I at least wanted to say goodbye.
Ich fahre ja schon morgen früh.
Estou saindo de manhã cedo.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning.
Ich melde mich wieder, wenn ich zurück bin, so in zwei Wochen.
Eu entrarei em contato com você quando voltar, cerca de duas semanas.
I'll get in touch again when I'm back, in about two weeks.
Oder mal zwischendurch.
or|sometimes|in between
Ou no meio.
Or maybe in between.
Bis dann!“
See you then!
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