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10 Beautiful English Words You Should Know

Learning new words and growing your vocabulary is just part of the game if you’re a language learner. It makes for a beautiful journey! While we’re on the topic, there are so many positive, optimistic, and flat-out beautiful words in English. It’s like music to the ears.

I always say that as an English learner, you can never know too many words. Whether it’s tongue-twisters or cool phrases, the size of your English wordstock ultimately affects your English fluency. So, why not add some beauty and positivity in there, as well?

Here’s a list of ten beautiful English words that every learner should know.

Beautiful Everyday English Words

This word is a cool replacement for “happiness” and “luck”. It is predominantly used in poetry and literature, although romantic souls don’t shy away from using it in everyday conversations.

It is also a very popular girl name.

Words cannot describe the felicity of finding a soulmate.

Remember we were talking about music to your ears earlier? Well, “mellifluous” is used to describe something that sounds extremely pleasant and enjoyable.

The singer’s mellifluous vocals combined with smooth piano instrumentals were a recipe for the perfect soul album.

We use the verb “enthuse” to describe the unfiltered excitement and passion we feel for something (or someone) that we want everyone to notice. Native speakers typically use to describe great experiences, such as meeting the person of their dreams of receiving some very good news.

Pro Tip: You can also explain “enthuse” as “to be overly enthusiastic”. This should make it easier for you to remember its meaning and use it in the proper context.

OMG, Johnny’s been enthusing about that new Lion King movie since the trailer got released! Now, I’m excited about it too!

Anyone hearing Beyonce in their heads right now? No, just me? Well, you should, as the word “saccharine” describes people that are “crazy in love” and all the sweet, sentimental things they do for each other.

I’m just so saccharine when it comes to you, my love. I try to say and do all the right things.

Ever found yourself at a loss for words? Like something was so good, bad or complicated to put into “actual” words? Well, those moments were probably “ineffable”.

Something that is “ineffable” causes emotion or pleasure that cannot be put into words.

When I got promoted to CEO after 25 years of hard work, I was overwhelmed by this ineffable feeling of joy, success, and almost conquering the world.

So, technically, we can use “ineffable” for things that are hard to put into words. But, what happens when something is almost “heavenly” and “out of this world”? And using “ineffable” to describe it just isn’t enough?

In these cases, we use the word “elysian”.

The mornings under the sun. The coffee at those elysian beaches. I will never forget my time spent in the Maldives.

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Let me put it this way: if “utopia” is the perfect world, then “panacea” is the perfect solution. In English, we use this word to describe that “imaginary” key to solving every problem in our lives.

I mean, when the going gets tough, we all kind of wish for a “panacea” to fix it.

Kenny, you hate New York! Switching jobs isn’t the panacea that will fix how you feel about the city. It’s still gonna be expensive and tough to live in! That’s just how it is.

In life and romance, there are levels to feeling some type of way about that certain other. There’s “liking” someone, there’s “being in love”, and then there’s “limerence”.

This word is used to desribe feelings of infatuation by someone – feelings that “like” or “love” simply isn’t enough for.

My limerence for Belma has no limits. She is the girl of my dreams. I’ll wait for her forever. I truly believe she is “the one” for me.

This is probably one of my favorite English words ever! Ever had something good happen to you and then five minutes later, an even better thing happens, but only to wake up in the morning to the best news ever?!

Well, it turns out there’s an English word for it, and it’s “serendipity”. We use it to describe a series of happy, fortunate events in a very short time span.

She graduated, got a great job, met the man of her dreams, and got married in Venice. In a boat! I mean, if that’s not serendipity, I don’t know what is!

Last but not least, we find gamboling… all of us have done it at least once in our lifetimes. Not sure what I mean?

Okay, picture yourself jumping around the room with joy and excitement after you had just received a valuable gift or maybe aced the hardest exam ever? That would be you “gamboling”.

To “gambol” means to “jump and run happily at the same time”.

Jane is ecstatic about the good news! She’s been gamboling around the living the entire morning!

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Immersing yourself in English doesn’t require you to travel abroad or sign up for an expensive language program.

However, it can be a bit tiresome to find interesting content, go back and forth between sites, use different dictionaries to look up words, and so on.

That’s why there’s LingQ. A language app that helps you discover and learn from content you love.

You can import videos, podcasts, and much more and turn them into interactive lessons.
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LingQ is available for desktop as well as Android and iOS. Gain access to thousands of hours of audio and transcripts and begin your journey to fluency today.

We’re often asked: is English hard to learn? Well, not if you enjoy the learning process! That’s why there’s LingQ, which allows you to learn English from content you love! This means you can catch up on your favourite English Netflix series or podcasts while furthering your language skills. Check out LingQ today to get started!

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