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Dracula (Graded Reader), Chapter Two. The Horrible Dream

Chapter Two. The Horrible Dream

Jonathan Harker's Diary (continued)

There's no way out! I'm a prisoner here! The count has made me a prisoner. But why?

Earlier today, I saw the count in my room. He was making my bed. Then, later, I saw him laying the table. This means he definitely doesn't have any servants. Does this mean that he was also the coach driver? The coach driver who brought me here? Does this mean that he can talk to wolves? Can he make wolves be quiet by holding up his hand? I'm feeling very afraid. Is this why the people of Bistritz didn't want me to come here? I must find out more about the count. But I must be careful.


I talked to the count for a long time. I asked him about Transylvanian history. He likes to talk about history. He's very interesting when he talks about it. He loves to talk about war and blood. He talks about war like he was there at the time. He's related to Attila the Hun and he's very proud of it. I now think he's a dangerous man.

12th May

The count says I must stay here for a month. I've written to Mr Hawkins, my employer, to tell him the news. Count Dracula asked me to write. I also wrote to Mina. I didn't say anything about the count in my letters. I didn't say anything about being a prisoner. I gave my letters to the count. I'm sure he'll read them.

The count is busy again this evening. He's told me to be careful in the castle. He says I must be careful where I go. I must be careful where I sleep. I must only sleep in my own room. I must be careful not to fall asleep anywhere else. He says the castle is old; if I fall asleep in another room, I'll have bad dreams. Bad things can happen in this castle.


When the count left me, I went to my room. I looked out of my window and I saw the count. He was climbing out of his window. Then he climbed down the cliff. He wasn't climbing like a man, he was climbing like an animal. Then, he disappeared into a gap in the cliff!

15th May

Tonight, I saw the count go out of his window again. Again, he climbed down the cliff like an animal. I watched him go. I picked up my lamp. I went to look around the castle some more. This time, I went to new places. Places that I know the count goes. A lot of the doors were locked. Then, on one corridor, I found a door which wasn't locked. It was difficult to open, but I pushed it hard. The room inside was very light. There were no curtains at the window. The moon lit the room brightly. Now, here I am, in this room, writing my diary. I like this room more than my room. It doesn't feel like a prison.

Later: the Morning of 16th May

I finished writing my diary and put it in my pocket. Then I felt sleepy. I lay down on the sofa and went to sleep. I had a horrible dream. At least, I hope it was all a dream. It seems so real to me.

I was in the room, asleep. There were three young women. They came towards me. Two of them were dark. They looked very like the count. They had red eyes and long, sharp noses. The third was blonde. All three of them had very white teeth and very red lips. I thought their lips were beautiful. I wanted them to kiss me. Then, the blonde woman came towards me. She came to kiss me. She licked her lips. She showed me her teeth. She had teeth like the count. Teeth like a dog. I could hear her breathing, near me. I could feel her teeth on my neck. I waited. Then, suddenly, I heard the count. He pulled the woman away. His eyes were on fire. He was very angry. He shouted at the women. ‘Have that!' he said.

He threw a bag on the floor. Something, or someone, inside the bag cried.

I woke up in my own bed. Maybe it was a dream. Or maybe the count carried me here. My clothes are in the wardrobe, but not in their usual place. My watch has stopped. I usually check it before bed. There are other small things, too. But my diary is still here. It's still in my pocket. So perhaps it's my imagination.

19th May

I went down to look at the room in daylight. I want to know the truth. The door was locked from the inside. Now, I don't think it was a dream. I think the women wanted my blood.

I'm definitely in trouble. Last night the count asked me to write three letters. He told me to put different dates on them. He told me what to write. In one, I said that my work is nearly finished and that I'm coming home soon. In the second, I said that I'm leaving tomorrow. In the third letter, I said that I'm now at Bistritz. I dated the letters June 12th, June 19th and June 29th. Now I know. I must die before June 29th.

28th May

There's a chance of escape. Some workers have come to the castle. They're camping outside. I must write some letters. Perhaps the workmen will post them for me.

I wrote two letters. One to Mr Hawkins and one to Mina. I wrote Mina's in shorthand. I'm sure the count can't read shorthand. Then I put them around some money. I threw them to the workers. One of the workers took off his hat. He smiled.

Then, about five minutes later, the count came in. He was holding the letters. They were open. He looked at me. He was angry. Then, he threw the letters into the fire. He left the room and closed the door. He locked the door behind him. Now I'm a prisoner in my room, as well as in the castle. I went to bed. I was very tired.

31st May

This morning, I looked in my bag for paper and envelopes. They were missing. I looked in my wardrobe and my travelling clothes weren't there. My big coat is also missing. All my useful things are missing. All the things which are useful to me outside the castle. What's going to happen to me?

17th June

Earlier today, I was sitting on my bed. I heard a sound of horses outside. I looked out of my window. There was a team of horses there. They were pulling a cart. There were a lot of long wooden boxes on the cart. Two workers were taking the boxes off the cart. The boxes looked like coffins. Then the workers went away. Later they came back with more boxes.

24th June, before morning

Last night, the count left me early. He went to his room and locked the door. I went to the window. I looked for him. After about half an hour, I saw the count. He was wearing my travelling clothes. He was carrying that horrible bag. He wants people to see me in the town. He wants people to see me posting letters. He wants people to see me doing bad things. Everyone is going to think I am bad.

Later, I woke up. I heard wolves howling. I heard the count in his room. I also heard someone crying in his room. Was it a child? Then I looked outside. There was a woman there. She saw me at the window. ‘Give me my child. You monster! Give me my child,' she screamed. She was crying. The count called out of his window. Suddenly, hundreds of wolves appeared. The woman screamed again. The wolves licked their lips. Then, they attacked her. Now, she was dead. Like her child.

25th June

I never see the count during the day. I always see him at night. Why is he always awake at night? Perhaps he sleeps during the day. I need to find some keys to the castle. Perhaps I can climb the cliffs like the count. Perhaps I can climb into his room. I'm going to try today.

Same day, later

I'm back in my room. I did it! I climbed into the count's room. It was empty. I looked for the keys. The keys to the castle and to the count's room. I didn't find them. Behind a door, there were some stairs. I went down the stairs. They were dark. They went outside. They went to a graveyard. It was near an old chapel. In the graveyard, there were a lot of the wooden boxes. The same wooden boxes from the cart. There were fifty of them. All of them were full of earth. I looked inside the boxes. In one of them, I saw the count. Was he dead? Was he asleep? I didn't know. His eyes were open, but he didn't look dead. His face wasn't cold, it was warm. His face was pale, but it was always pale. His lips were very red. I still didn't know; was he dead, or was he asleep? It was horrible. I ran back to the count's room. I climbed back to my room. I was very frightened.

29th June

29th June! The same date as my third letter. The last of the three letters the count told me to write. The count is going to England tomorrow. He says I can leave tomorrow too. But why can't I go tonight?

I asked the count. He opened the front door of the castle. ‘Of course you can go,' he said. ‘Go now!'

I looked out of the door. There were hundreds of wolves outside. They were howling at me. I couldn't leave.

Later, I heard the count. He was talking to the three women. ‘Tomorrow! You'll have everything tomorrow, my lovelies!' he said.

So, tomorrow is my last day. I must escape! I can't go tonight, but I'll try to climb down the cliffs tomorrow.

30th June, morning

This morning there's a lot of noise. The workers are putting the boxes onto carts. There are a lot of horses. The count is leaving. My room is locked. I'm a prisoner here. I must try to climb the cliffs.

Mina, I hope I see you again. If you find this diary, remember me. I love you very much.

Letter from Miss Mina Murray to Miss Lucy Westenra – 9th May

Dear Lucy,

How are you? I'm fine. I'm studying a lot at the moment. I'm learning to write in shorthand. I want to help Jonathan with his work. I'm also learning to use a typewriter. I'm now quite good. When Jonathan and I are married, I can type his work for him. I had a letter from him yesterday. He's coming back soon. He's writing a diary. I'm going to write a diary, too. A lot of people say it's very good for you. They say it helps your memory.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you. I've never been to Whitby, but I love the sea and I love the sea air.

Tell me everything, when you write to me. I haven't had any news from you for a long time. I've heard some stories about a tall, handsome man! Who is he? Write soon,

Love Mina

Letter from Lucy Westenra to Mina Murray – Wednesday

Dear Mina,

Thank you for your letter. Yes, you're right. There is a tall handsome man. His name's Mr Arthur Holmwood. We go out together sometimes. Sometimes, he comes to our house. Mother likes him a lot.

Oh, Mina, I think I love him. And, I think he loves me.

Please don't tell anyone. Write to me soon. You're my best friend in the world,

Love Lucy

Chapter Two. The Horrible Dream Kapitel zwei. Der schreckliche Traum Κεφάλαιο δεύτερο. Το φρικτό όνειρο Capítulo II. El sueño horrible Chapitre 2. Le rêve horrible Capitolo 2. L'orribile sogno 第二章恐ろしい夢 챕터 2. 끔찍한 꿈 Rozdział drugi. Przerażający sen Capítulo II. O sonho horrível Глава вторая. Ужасный сон İkinci Bölüm. Korkunç Rüya Розділ другий. Жахливий сон 第二章。可怕的梦

Jonathan Harker's Diary (continued)

There's no way out! I'm a prisoner here! The count has made me a prisoner. But why?

Earlier today, I saw the count in my room. He was making my bed. Then, later, I saw him laying the table. This means he definitely doesn't have any servants. Does this mean that he was also the coach driver? The coach driver who brought me here? Does this mean that he can talk to wolves? Can he make wolves be quiet by holding up his hand? I'm feeling very afraid. Is this why the people of Bistritz didn't want me to come here? I must find out more about the count. But I must be careful.


I talked to the count for a long time. I asked him about Transylvanian history. He likes to talk about history. He's very interesting when he talks about it. He loves to talk about war and blood. He talks about war like he was there at the time. He's related to Attila the Hun and he's very proud of it. I now think he's a dangerous man.

12th May

The count says I must stay here for a month. I've written to Mr Hawkins, my employer, to tell him the news. Count Dracula asked me to write. I also wrote to Mina. I didn't say anything about the count in my letters. I didn't say anything about being a prisoner. I gave my letters to the count. I'm sure he'll read them.

The count is busy again this evening. He's told me to be careful in the castle. He says I must be careful where I go. I must be careful where I sleep. I must only sleep in my own room. I must be careful not to fall asleep anywhere else. He says the castle is old; if I fall asleep in another room, I'll have bad dreams. Bad things can happen in this castle.


When the count left me, I went to my room. I looked out of my window and I saw the count. He was climbing out of his window. Then he climbed down the cliff. He wasn't climbing like a man, he was climbing like an animal. Then, he disappeared into a gap in the cliff!

15th May

Tonight, I saw the count go out of his window again. Again, he climbed down the cliff like an animal. I watched him go. I picked up my lamp. I went to look around the castle some more. This time, I went to new places. Places that I know the count goes. A lot of the doors were locked. Then, on one corridor, I found a door which wasn't locked. It was difficult to open, but I pushed it hard. The room inside was very light. There were no curtains at the window. The moon lit the room brightly. Now, here I am, in this room, writing my diary. I like this room more than my room. It doesn't feel like a prison.

Later: the Morning of 16th May

I finished writing my diary and put it in my pocket. Then I felt sleepy. I lay down on the sofa and went to sleep. I had a horrible dream. At least, I hope it was all a dream. It seems so real to me.

I was in the room, asleep. There were three young women. They came towards me. Two of them were dark. They looked very like the count. They had red eyes and long, sharp noses. The third was blonde. All three of them had very white teeth and very red lips. I thought their lips were beautiful. I wanted them to kiss me. Then, the blonde woman came towards me. She came to kiss me. She licked her lips. She showed me her teeth. She had teeth like the count. Teeth like a dog. I could hear her breathing, near me. I could feel her teeth on my neck. I waited. Then, suddenly, I heard the count. He pulled the woman away. His eyes were on fire. He was very angry. He shouted at the women. ‘Have that!' he said.

He threw a bag on the floor. Something, or someone, inside the bag cried.

I woke up in my own bed. Maybe it was a dream. Or maybe the count carried me here. My clothes are in the wardrobe, but not in their usual place. My watch has stopped. I usually check it before bed. There are other small things, too. But my diary is still here. It's still in my pocket. So perhaps it's my imagination.

19th May

I went down to look at the room in daylight. I want to know the truth. The door was locked from the inside. Now, I don't think it was a dream. I think the women wanted my blood.

I'm definitely in trouble. Last night the count asked me to write three letters. He told me to put different dates on them. He told me what to write. In one, I said that my work is nearly finished and that I'm coming home soon. In the second, I said that I'm leaving tomorrow. In the third letter, I said that I'm now at Bistritz. I dated the letters June 12th, June 19th and June 29th. Now I know. I must die before June 29th.

28th May

There's a chance of escape. Some workers have come to the castle. They're camping outside. I must write some letters. Perhaps the workmen will post them for me.

I wrote two letters. One to Mr Hawkins and one to Mina. I wrote Mina's in shorthand. I'm sure the count can't read shorthand. Then I put them around some money. I threw them to the workers. One of the workers took off his hat. He smiled.

Then, about five minutes later, the count came in. He was holding the letters. They were open. He looked at me. He was angry. Then, he threw the letters into the fire. He left the room and closed the door. He locked the door behind him. Now I'm a prisoner in my room, as well as in the castle. I went to bed. I was very tired.

31st May

This morning, I looked in my bag for paper and envelopes. They were missing. I looked in my wardrobe and my travelling clothes weren't there. My big coat is also missing. All my useful things are missing. All the things which are useful to me outside the castle. What's going to happen to me?

17th June

Earlier today, I was sitting on my bed. I heard a sound of horses outside. I looked out of my window. There was a team of horses there. They were pulling a cart. There were a lot of long wooden boxes on the cart. Two workers were taking the boxes off the cart. The boxes looked like coffins. Then the workers went away. Later they came back with more boxes.

24th June, before morning

Last night, the count left me early. He went to his room and locked the door. I went to the window. I looked for him. After about half an hour, I saw the count. He was wearing my travelling clothes. He was carrying that horrible bag. He wants people to see me in the town. He wants people to see me posting letters. He wants people to see me doing bad things. Everyone is going to think I am bad.

Later, I woke up. I heard wolves howling. I heard the count in his room. I also heard someone crying in his room. Was it a child? Then I looked outside. There was a woman there. She saw me at the window. ‘Give me my child. You monster! Give me my child,' she screamed. She was crying. The count called out of his window. Suddenly, hundreds of wolves appeared. The woman screamed again. The wolves licked their lips. Then, they attacked her. Now, she was dead. Like her child.

25th June

I never see the count during the day. I always see him at night. Why is he always awake at night? Perhaps he sleeps during the day. I need to find some keys to the castle. Perhaps I can climb the cliffs like the count. Perhaps I can climb into his room. I'm going to try today.

Same day, later

I'm back in my room. I did it! I climbed into the count's room. It was empty. I looked for the keys. The keys to the castle and to the count's room. I didn't find them. Behind a door, there were some stairs. I went down the stairs. They were dark. They went outside. They went to a graveyard. It was near an old chapel. In the graveyard, there were a lot of the wooden boxes. The same wooden boxes from the cart. There were fifty of them. All of them were full of earth. I looked inside the boxes. In one of them, I saw the count. Was he dead? Was he asleep? I didn't know. His eyes were open, but he didn't look dead. His face wasn't cold, it was warm. His face was pale, but it was always pale. His lips were very red. I still didn't know; was he dead, or was he asleep? It was horrible. I ran back to the count's room. I climbed back to my room. I was very frightened.

29th June

29th June! The same date as my third letter. The last of the three letters the count told me to write. The count is going to England tomorrow. He says I can leave tomorrow too. But why can't I go tonight?

I asked the count. He opened the front door of the castle. ‘Of course you can go,' he said. ‘Go now!'

I looked out of the door. There were hundreds of wolves outside. They were howling at me. I couldn't leave.

Later, I heard the count. He was talking to the three women. ‘Tomorrow! You'll have everything tomorrow, my lovelies!' he said.

So, tomorrow is my last day. I must escape! Ich muss fliehen! I can't go tonight, but I'll try to climb down the cliffs tomorrow. Ich kann heute Abend nicht mitkommen, aber ich werde versuchen, morgen die Klippen hinunterzuklettern.

30th June, morning

This morning there's a lot of noise. The workers are putting the boxes onto carts. Die Arbeiter laden die Kisten auf Wagen. There are a lot of horses. The count is leaving. My room is locked. I'm a prisoner here. I must try to climb the cliffs.

Mina, I hope I see you again. If you find this diary, remember me. I love you very much.

Letter from Miss Mina Murray to Miss Lucy Westenra – 9th May

Dear Lucy,

How are you? I'm fine. I'm studying a lot at the moment. I'm learning to write in shorthand. I want to help Jonathan with his work. I'm also learning to use a typewriter. I'm now quite good. When Jonathan and I are married, I can type his work for him. I had a letter from him yesterday. He's coming back soon. He's writing a diary. I'm going to write a diary, too. A lot of people say it's very good for you. They say it helps your memory.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you. Ich freue mich wirklich darauf, Sie zu sehen. I've never been to Whitby, but I love the sea and I love the sea air.

Tell me everything, when you write to me. I haven't had any news from you for a long time. I've heard some stories about a tall, handsome man! Who is he? Write soon,

Love Mina

Letter from Lucy Westenra to Mina Murray – Wednesday

Dear Mina,

Thank you for your letter. Yes, you're right. There is a tall handsome man. His name's Mr Arthur Holmwood. We go out together sometimes. Sometimes, he comes to our house. Mother likes him a lot.

Oh, Mina, I think I love him. And, I think he loves me.

Please don't tell anyone. Write to me soon. You're my best friend in the world,

Love Lucy