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Self-Help - Youtube, Improve Your Finances by 3495% | Atomic Habits by James Clear (1)

Improve Your Finances by 3495% | Atomic Habits by James Clear (1)

If you save a little money now, you are still not a millionaire.

If you splurge now, you still didn't go broke.

But keep doing this over time, and you'll see some real changes.

Almost half of all New Year's resolutions are about personal finances.

Only 16% of all New Year's resolutions succeed,

which means that many promises that we make ourselves

about both finances and other important topics, are broken.

That begs the question

- Why is this so difficult?

Why do people continue making promises to themselves that they cannot keep?

And, perhaps most importantly,

is there a way out of this infinite loop of disappointment?

The answer to these questions lies within our habits.

This is a top 5 takeaway summary of Atomic Habits,

written by James Clear.

And this is The Swedish Investor,

bringing you the best tips and tools for reaching financial freedom,

through stock market investing

… and habits.

Takeaway number 1: The Aggregation of Marginal Gains

You've heard the exceptions.

The entrepreneur who hit it big during his first year of business.

The musician who won a contest and became an instant success

The person who guessed a correct string of numbers at the Powerball.

These are stories of explosive wealth accumulation,

and, while they can sometimes be mesmerizing,

they aren't really that reliable.

Let me ask you this:

Do you know of something that you can and will do

that is likely to improve your finances by 100% in a month?

No? Well, me neither.

Do you know of something that could improve your finances by 1%?

This is MUCH simpler.

It could be as straightforward as getting a credit card with some nice cashback,

moving money from a cash account to an index fund,

figuring out how to monetize your hobby,

or just quitting that subscription service that didn't add much to your life anyways.

The 100% improvement is the needle in the 1% haystack.

Don't try to find it.

Instead, just grab the haystack and go look for another one.

In Atomic Habits, James Clear points out that

you need no defining moment to reach success,

whatever success means to you.

Instead, you need many small wins that aggregate over time.

You need a ton of those tiny 1% gains,

which are much easier to spot and act on,

and over time, they'll accumulate.

If you can improve your finances by just a single percentage point each month,

and you keep on doing that, say, for the next thirty years,

you'll see some truly remarkable results.

$10,000 would become $359,496.41,

a 3495% improvement!

James Clear refers to this as “the aggregation of marginal gains”.

This is a really similar concept to what we within financial circles call compound interest.

And it works in the other way too.

If you move 1% in the wrong direction for too long,

you end up in a terrible spot.

This makes one thing strikingly obvious:

It doesn't matter much where you are right now.

What matters is your trajectory.

That's because your current outcome is always a lagging measure of your habits.

A small change in your habits will drastically affect your life

when you allow it to compound.

The plane that takes off in New York lands in Stockholm instead of Moscow

if the pilot shifts the heading just 2.4 degrees north.

But there is a catch.

Anyone who has ever failed a New Year's resolution

knows all too well that motivation alone won't cut it.

Afterall, then everyone would probably succeed with these things,

but the fact is that we are all very conservative with our energy.

Translation: we are lazy.

We shall soon look at a 4-step model that will make you much more likely to succeed

with any new type of habits,

but first, we shall talk about why most of your old New Year's resolutions

were doomed right from the get-go.

Takeaway number 2: Systems » Goals

Conventional wisdom tells us to set smart goals.

That's S M A R T with capital letters:

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

If we follow this advice,

your SMART New Year's resolution might look something like this:

"By the end of this year, I will make sure that my savings account holds $20,000.”

It does sound like a good idea,

but James Clear explains that even smart goals are actually dumb,

especially for achieving long-term success and aggregation of marginal gains.

Here's why:

- Goals are, per definition, only temporary changes.

$20,000 is quite a bit of money,

but it's not match for a spendthrift to burn through.

- Goals are not very motivating.

After you've reached your goal, you've won the game.

As Warren Buffett likes to ask:

“… and then what?”

- Goals restrict your happiness.

In a sense, you are telling yourself that you aren't satisfied until X happens.

Happiness shouldn't only be for your future self!

Instead, we want to turn that goal on its head and ask the following:

“What makes it so that I can have $20,000 in my savings account by the end of the year?”

Take note of the process, the system, that will get you there.

If nothing pops up, try to imagine a person who can get there, imaginative or real.

What does this person do on a daily basis?

And – just as importantly

- what does this person NOT do?

This person probably doesn't wait until the end of the month to see if there's some

money left over to put towards investment,

but rather, that's the first thing he does

when he gets his paycheck.

He probably doesn't watch too many reality series, but instead,

he consumes information that makes him wiser

and that benefits him in the long run.

Moreover, he doesn't invest aimlessly,

picking up the stocks of the latest fad that his colleagues at work recommend

or that he heard about on Reddit.

Instead, he invests with a purpose and a strategy.

Do you think that a person with these habits

- with this system - can accumulate $20,000?

Of course, and he doesn't even have to set it as a goal.

He will reach it anyways, because he already knows how to play.

According to Super Bowl winner Bill Walsh:

“The score takes care of itself.”

The purpose of a goal is to win the game,

but the purpose of a system is that you continue playing the game.

To get as many reps as possible.

Ultimately, it's reps in a properly constructed system that is driving success anyways.

So now I think it's time to learn how to keep playing.

Takeaway number 3: The 4-Step Model of Habits

If you've ever wondered why you cannot stick to the habits

that will transform you into the person you want to become,

the answer lies in one of these four:

Cue, craving, response, reward.

Biologically, we are wired so that when we are put in a certain context (cue),

we want to feel something (craving),

which gets us to act (response),

and finally, getting what we craved for (reward).

For each rep, for each successful cycle in this loop,

your habits become more and more internalized and easier to perform.

The link between cue and reward becomes more obvious,

which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage,

depending on the value that you attach to a certain action.

Before getting into the loop, you need to take inventory.

Create a “Habits Scorecard” where you write down what you do in a day

with a + (positive), = (neutral) or – (negative) next to each habit,

depending on if the habit is turning you into the person you want to be or not.

Now, you are ready to go.

The most powerful cues that exist are time and place.

You want to make cues that lead to positive habits obvious

and those that lead to negative behaviour invisible.

For example, maybe you've noticed on your Habits Scorecard that if you're at the bar

with a certain group of friends right after receiving your paycheck,

you tend to … show off a bit.

You want to be “the king of the bar”

as the Swedish musician Magnus Uggla sings.

Well, then you need to change things up.

If you change the time or the place,

you may have changed the cue so much

that you will no longer indulge in this financially destructive behaviour.

For positive habits, make it obvious,

and there's a powerful method for this which James Clear calls habit stacking.

It looks something like this:


Oftentimes this has both time and place built into it, thanks to your current habit.

With that cup of coffee that you make yourself at home in the morning,

you can learn about personal finance and investing by watching an episode of The Swedish Investor.

Too self-serving? Well, read the damn Economist then.

The next step is craving,

and you crave what is attractive to you, and avoid what is unattractive.

Therefore, you need to make positive habits attractive and negative habits unattractive.

This can be done through as little as reframing your mindset about a few things.

For instance, when you see someone with an expensive car

(which is not a good idea for your wallet right now),

instead of thinking

“wow, this person must be so successful, because otherwise, he couldn't have afforded that car”

you can think

“wow, this person is probably pretty squeezed right now because he spent that much on a car.”

Such a mindset makes splurging less attractive.

It could also mean that you pair some short-term reward

with habits that otherwise just pay off in the long run.

Warren Buffett has mastered this by making reading annual reports of stock market companies more attractive.

While reading, he gets to have an unlimited amount of Coke.

Alright, I made this up, but the man does drink a ton of Coke,

and he does read a ton of annual reports.

Thirdly, we have the response.

You want the response to be easy for good habits and difficult for bad ones.

James Clear gives a ton of great examples on how to do this in his book,

and I think that the most powerful one that we can talk about in conjunction with financial habits is the lock-out.

If you have a tendency to come home with more than you expected every time you visit the mall,

then start bringing just enough cash for the purchase you planned, but no more.

You can do similar things to lock-in good behaviours, but there's another powerful technique too.

This is to downscale every new habit into a lesser version of itself.

Staying up until midnight working on your side-business before waking up at 6 AM for work

becomes doing something for your side-business for 5 minutes after finishing dinner.

Setting aside 40% of your income towards investments each month becomes setting aside $100.

The point is to show up, to get in reps, and make it more likely to show up by not committing

to too much already from the start..

Most people would rather dream about running a marathon

than actually tying their running shoes.

But you need to have confidence in the snowball that you are creating by starting out small.

Finally, there's the reward, and positive habits should have satisfactory rewards

while negative habits should have unsatisfactory ones.

A surprisingly satisfactory tool to use is the streak.

It also works in the opposite direction;

I truly hate breaking my streaks.

The keyword here is visuals.

Put up an almanac on your fridge and make a clear green checkmark

on every day that you, for instance, did not end up with your hand in the cookie jar,

ie. taking money out of your investment account for personal consumption.

If you did, make a big red cross.

But do not miss twice.

If you can get these four right,

you are MUCH more likely to stick with the habits you wish to have and avoid those you do not want.

Improve Your Finances by 3495% | Atomic Habits by James Clear (1) Verbessern Sie Ihre Finanzen um 3495% | Atomic Habits von James Clear (1) Mejore sus finanzas un 3495% | Hábitos atómicos de James Clear (1) Migliorare le finanze del 3495% | Abitudini atomiche di James Clear (1) 家計を3495%改善する|ジェームス・クリアのアトミック習慣 (1) Verbeter uw financiën met 3495% | Atomic Habits door James Clear (1) Popraw swoje finanse o 3495% | Atomowe nawyki Jamesa Cleara (1) Melhore as suas finanças em 3495% | Atomic Habits de James Clear (1) Улучшите свои финансы на 3495% | Атомные привычки Джеймса Клира (1) Mali Durumunuzu %3495 Oranında İyileştirin | James Clear'dan Atomik Alışkanlıklar (1) 将您的财务状况改善 3495% |詹姆斯·克莱尔的《原子习惯》(1) 將您的財務狀況改善 3495% |詹姆斯克萊爾的《原子習慣》(1)

If you save a little money now, you are still not a millionaire. Si vous économisez un peu d'argent aujourd'hui, vous n'êtes pas encore millionnaire.

If you splurge now, you still didn't go broke. Si vous faites des folies maintenant, vous ne vous êtes pas ruiné pour autant.

But keep doing this over time, and you'll see some real changes.

Almost half of all New Year's resolutions are about personal finances.

Only 16% of all New Year's resolutions succeed,

which means that many promises that we make ourselves

about both finances and other important topics, are broken.

That begs the question Cela soulève la question suivante

- Why is this so difficult?

Why do people continue making promises to themselves that they cannot keep? Pourquoi les gens continuent-ils à se faire des promesses qu'ils ne peuvent pas tenir ?

And, perhaps most importantly,

is there a way out of this infinite loop of disappointment? Existe-t-il un moyen de sortir de cette boucle infinie de déception ?

The answer to these questions lies within our habits. La réponse à ces questions se trouve dans nos habitudes.

This is a top 5 takeaway summary of Atomic Habits, Il s'agit d'un résumé des 5 principaux points à retenir d'Atomic Habits,

written by James Clear.

And this is The Swedish Investor,

bringing you the best tips and tools for reaching financial freedom,

through stock market investing en investissant sur les marchés boursiers

… and habits.

Takeaway number 1: The Aggregation of Marginal Gains

You've heard the exceptions.

The entrepreneur who hit it big during his first year of business. L'entrepreneur qui a réussi dès sa première année d'activité. 这位企业家在创业的第一年就取得了巨大的成功。

The musician who won a contest and became an instant success Le musicien qui a gagné un concours et qui a connu un succès immédiat 赢得比赛并一举成名的音乐家

The person who guessed a correct string of numbers at the Powerball. La personne qui a deviné une suite correcte de numéros au Powerball. 在强力球中猜出正确一串数字的人。

These are stories of explosive wealth accumulation, Il s'agit d'histoires d'accumulation explosive de richesses, 这些都是财富爆炸式积累的故事,

and, while they can sometimes be mesmerizing, et, bien qu'ils puissent parfois être hypnotisants, 虽然它们有时令人着迷,

they aren't really that reliable. ils ne sont pas vraiment fiables.

Let me ask you this:

Do you know of something that you can and will do

that is likely to improve your finances by 100% in a month? qui est susceptible d'améliorer vos finances de 100 % en un mois ?

No? Well, me neither.

Do you know of something that could improve your finances by 1%?

This is MUCH simpler.

It could be as straightforward as getting a credit card with some nice cashback, Puede ser tan sencillo como conseguir una tarjeta de crédito con una buena devolución de dinero, Cela peut être aussi simple que d'obtenir une carte de crédit avec un bon cashback,

moving money from a cash account to an index fund, Trasladar dinero de una cuenta en efectivo a un fondo indexado, transférer de l'argent d'un compte en espèces vers un fonds indiciel, 将资金从现金账户转移到指数基金,

figuring out how to monetize your hobby, averiguar cómo monetizar tu afición, trouver un moyen de rentabiliser son hobby,

or just quitting that subscription service that didn't add much to your life anyways. o simplemente dejar ese servicio de suscripción que de todas formas no aportaba mucho a tu vida. ou tout simplement arrêter ce service d'abonnement qui n'apportait de toute façon pas grand-chose à votre vie.

The 100% improvement is the needle in the 1% haystack. La mejora del 100% es la aguja en el pajar del 1%. L'amélioration de 100 % est l'aiguille dans la botte de foin de 1 %. 100%的改进是1%大海捞针。

Don't try to find it. No intentes encontrarlo.

Instead, just grab the haystack and go look for another one. En lugar de eso, coge el pajar y ve a buscar otro. Au lieu de cela, il suffit d'attraper la botte de foin et d'en chercher une autre.

In Atomic Habits, James Clear points out that En Atomic Habits, James Clear señala que

you need no defining moment to reach success, no necesitas un momento decisivo para alcanzar el éxito, 你不需要决定性的时刻来获得成功,

whatever success means to you. lo que el éxito signifique para ti. quel que soit le sens que vous donnez à la réussite.

Instead, you need many small wins that aggregate over time. En lugar de eso, necesitas muchas pequeñas victorias que se acumulen con el tiempo.

You need a ton of those tiny 1% gains, Necesitas un montón de esas pequeñas ganancias del 1%,

which are much easier to spot and act on, que son mucho más fáciles de detectar y de actuar en consecuencia,

and over time, they'll accumulate.

If you can improve your finances by just a single percentage point each month, Si puede mejorar sus finanzas un solo punto porcentual cada mes,

and you keep on doing that, say, for the next thirty years, y sigues haciéndolo, digamos, durante los próximos treinta años,

you'll see some truly remarkable results.

$10,000 would become $359,496.41,

a 3495% improvement! ¡una mejora del 3495%!

James Clear refers to this as “the aggregation of marginal gains”. James Clear lo denomina "agregación de ganancias marginales".

This is a really similar concept to what we within financial circles call compound interest. Se trata de un concepto muy similar a lo que en los círculos financieros llamamos interés compuesto. Il s'agit d'un concept très similaire à ce que les milieux financiers appellent les intérêts composés.

And it works in the other way too. Y también funciona en el otro sentido.

If you move 1% in the wrong direction for too long, Si mueves el 1% en la dirección equivocada durante demasiado tiempo,

you end up in a terrible spot. acabas en una situación terrible.

This makes one thing strikingly obvious: Esto hace que una cosa sea sorprendentemente obvia: Il y a donc une évidence qui saute aux yeux : 这使得一件事变得非常明显:

It doesn't matter much where you are right now. No importa mucho dónde estés ahora. L'endroit où vous vous trouvez en ce moment n'a pas beaucoup d'importance.

What matters is your trajectory. Lo que importa es tu trayectoria. Ce qui compte, c'est votre trajectoire.

That's because your current outcome is always a lagging measure of your habits. Esto se debe a que tu resultado actual es siempre una medida rezagada de tus hábitos. En effet, votre résultat actuel est toujours une mesure décalée de vos habitudes. 那是因为你当前的结果始终是你习惯的滞后衡量标准。

A small change in your habits will drastically affect your life

when you allow it to compound. cuando permites que se agrave.

The plane that takes off in New York lands in Stockholm instead of Moscow 从纽约起飞的飞机降落在斯德哥尔摩而不是莫斯科

if the pilot shifts the heading just 2.4 degrees north. si el piloto cambia el rumbo sólo 2,4 grados al norte. 如果飞行员将航向向北移动 2.4 度。

But there is a catch. 但是有一个问题!

Anyone who has ever failed a New Year's resolution Cualquiera que haya fracasado alguna vez en un propósito de Año Nuevo

knows all too well that motivation alone won't cut it. sabe muy bien que la motivación por sí sola no basta. sait trop bien que la motivation seule ne suffit pas.

Afterall, then everyone would probably succeed with these things, Después de todo, entonces probablemente todo el mundo tendría éxito con estas cosas,

but the fact is that we are all very conservative with our energy. pero el hecho es que todos somos muy conservadores con nuestra energía.

Translation: we are lazy.

We shall soon look at a 4-step model that will make you much more likely to succeed Pronto veremos un modelo de 4 pasos que le hará tener muchas más probabilidades de éxito

with any new type of habits,

but first, we shall talk about why most of your old New Year's resolutions

were doomed right from the get-go. estaban condenados desde el principio. étaient condamnés dès le départ.

Takeaway number 2: Systems » Goals Conclusión número 2: Sistemas " Objetivos

Conventional wisdom tells us to set smart goals. La sabiduría convencional nos dice que fijemos objetivos inteligentes.

That's S M A R T with capital letters:

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. específicas, mensurables, alcanzables, pertinentes y sujetas a plazos.

If we follow this advice,

your SMART New Year's resolution might look something like this: tu propósito SMART de Año Nuevo podría ser algo así:

"By the end of this year, I will make sure that my savings account holds $20,000.” "Para finales de este año, me aseguraré de que mi cuenta de ahorros tenga 20.000 dólares".

It does sound like a good idea, Parece una buena idea,

but James Clear explains that even smart goals are actually dumb, pero James Clear explica que incluso los objetivos inteligentes son en realidad tontos,

especially for achieving long-term success and aggregation of marginal gains. especialmente para lograr el éxito a largo plazo y la agregación de ganancias marginales.

Here's why:

- Goals are, per definition, only temporary changes. - Los objetivos son, por definición, sólo cambios temporales.

$20,000 is quite a bit of money, 20.000 dólares es bastante dinero,

but it's not match for a spendthrift to burn through. pero no es rival para un derrochador. mais ce n'est pas suffisant pour qu'un dépensier s'en mette plein les poches.

- Goals are not very motivating. - Los objetivos no son muy motivadores.

After you've reached your goal, you've won the game. Cuando hayas alcanzado tu objetivo, habrás ganado la partida.

As Warren Buffett likes to ask:

“… and then what?”

- Goals restrict your happiness.

In a sense, you are telling yourself that you aren't satisfied until X happens. En cierto sentido, te estás diciendo a ti mismo que no estarás satisfecho hasta que ocurra X.

Happiness shouldn't only be for your future self! La felicidad no debe ser sólo para tu futuro yo.

Instead, we want to turn that goal on its head and ask the following: En su lugar, queremos darle la vuelta a ese objetivo y preguntarnos lo siguiente:

“What makes it so that I can have $20,000 in my savings account by the end of the year?” "¿Qué hace que pueda tener 20.000 dólares en mi cuenta de ahorros a final de año?".

Take note of the process, the system, that will get you there. Toma nota del proceso, del sistema, que te llevará hasta allí.

If nothing pops up, try to imagine a person who can get there, imaginative or real. Si no aparece nada, intenta imaginar a una persona que pueda llegar hasta allí, imaginativa o real.

What does this person do on a daily basis?

And – just as importantly Y, lo que es igual de importante

- what does this person NOT do?

This person probably doesn't wait until the end of the month to see if there's some Es probable que esta persona no espere hasta final de mes para ver si hay algún

money left over to put towards investment, dinero sobrante para invertir,

but rather, that's the first thing he does sino que es lo primero que hace

when he gets his paycheck. cuando reciba su paga.

He probably doesn't watch too many reality series, but instead, Probablemente no ve demasiadas series de telerrealidad, pero en cambio,

he consumes information that makes him wiser consume información que le hace más sabio

and that benefits him in the long run.

Moreover, he doesn't invest aimlessly, Además, no invierte sin rumbo, De plus, il n'investit pas à tort et à travers,

picking up the stocks of the latest fad that his colleagues at work recommend recogiendo las existencias de la última moda que recomiendan sus compañeros de trabajo

or that he heard about on Reddit. o que escuchó en Reddit.

Instead, he invests with a purpose and a strategy. En cambio, invierte con un propósito y una estrategia.

Do you think that a person with these habits ¿Crees que una persona con estos hábitos

- with this system - can accumulate $20,000?

Of course, and he doesn't even have to set it as a goal. Por supuesto, y ni siquiera tiene que fijárselo como objetivo. Bien sûr, et il n'a même pas besoin d'en faire un objectif.

He will reach it anyways, because he already knows how to play. Lo alcanzará de todos modos, porque ya sabe jugar. Il y parviendra de toute façon, car il sait déjà jouer.

According to Super Bowl winner Bill Walsh:

“The score takes care of itself.” "La puntuación se cuida sola". "Le score se fait tout seul.

The purpose of a goal is to win the game, El objetivo de un gol es ganar el partido,

but the purpose of a system is that you continue playing the game.

To get as many reps as possible. Conseguir tantas repeticiones como sea posible. Obtenir le plus grand nombre de répétitions possible.

Ultimately, it's reps in a properly constructed system that is driving success anyways. En última instancia, son las repeticiones en un sistema correctamente construido las que impulsan el éxito de todos modos.

So now I think it's time to learn how to keep playing.

Takeaway number 3: The 4-Step Model of Habits

If you've ever wondered why you cannot stick to the habits Si alguna vez se ha preguntado por qué no puede seguir los hábitos

that will transform you into the person you want to become,

the answer lies in one of these four:

Cue, craving, response, reward. Pista, ansia, respuesta, recompensa.

Biologically, we are wired so that when we are put in a certain context (cue), Biológicamente, estamos programados para que cuando nos pongan en un contexto determinado (cue),

we want to feel something (craving), queremos sentir algo (ansia),

which gets us to act (response),

and finally, getting what we craved for (reward).

For each rep, for each successful cycle in this loop, Para cada repetición, para cada ciclo con éxito en este bucle,

your habits become more and more internalized and easier to perform.

The link between cue and reward becomes more obvious,

which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, lo que puede ser tanto una ventaja como un inconveniente,

depending on the value that you attach to a certain action.

Before getting into the loop, you need to take inventory. Antes de entrar en materia, hay que hacer inventario. Avant d'entrer dans la boucle, il faut faire l'inventaire.

Create a “Habits Scorecard” where you write down what you do in a day Crea un "Cuadro de mando de hábitos" donde anotes lo que haces al día

with a + (positive), = (neutral) or – (negative) next to each habit, con un + (positivo), = (neutro) o - (negativo) al lado de cada hábito,

depending on if the habit is turning you into the person you want to be or not.

Now, you are ready to go. Ahora, ya está listo.

The most powerful cues that exist are time and place. Los indicios más poderosos que existen son el tiempo y el lugar.

You want to make cues that lead to positive habits obvious Quieres hacer evidentes las señales que conducen a hábitos positivos

and those that lead to negative behaviour invisible. y las que conducen a comportamientos negativos invisibles.

For example, maybe you've noticed on your Habits Scorecard that if you're at the bar

with a certain group of friends right after receiving your paycheck,

you tend to … show off a bit. tiendes a... presumir un poco.

You want to be “the king of the bar”

as the Swedish musician Magnus Uggla sings.

Well, then you need to change things up. Entonces tienes que cambiar las cosas.

If you change the time or the place, Si cambias la hora o el lugar,

you may have changed the cue so much puede que hayas cambiado tanto el taco

that you will no longer indulge in this financially destructive behaviour. que no volverás a caer en este comportamiento financieramente destructivo.

For positive habits, make it obvious,

and there's a powerful method for this which James Clear calls habit stacking.

It looks something like this:


Oftentimes this has both time and place built into it, thanks to your current habit. A menudo, esto tiene tanto el tiempo como el lugar incorporados, gracias a su hábito actual.

With that cup of coffee that you make yourself at home in the morning, Con esa taza de café que te preparas en casa por las mañanas,

you can learn about personal finance and investing by watching an episode of The Swedish Investor. puede aprender sobre finanzas personales e inversión viendo un episodio de El inversor sueco.

Too self-serving? Well, read the damn Economist then. Trop égoïste ? Alors lisez ce foutu Economist.

The next step is craving,

and you crave what is attractive to you, and avoid what is unattractive.

Therefore, you need to make positive habits attractive and negative habits unattractive.

This can be done through as little as reframing your mindset about a few things.

For instance, when you see someone with an expensive car

(which is not a good idea for your wallet right now),

instead of thinking

“wow, this person must be so successful, because otherwise, he couldn't have afforded that car”

you can think

“wow, this person is probably pretty squeezed right now because he spent that much on a car.”

Such a mindset makes splurging less attractive.

It could also mean that you pair some short-term reward Cela peut également signifier que vous avez besoin d'une récompense à court terme.

with habits that otherwise just pay off in the long run. avec des habitudes qui s'avèrent payantes à long terme.

Warren Buffett has mastered this by making reading annual reports of stock market companies more attractive. Warren Buffett est passé maître en la matière en rendant la lecture des rapports annuels des entreprises boursières plus attrayante.

While reading, he gets to have an unlimited amount of Coke.

Alright, I made this up, but the man does drink a ton of Coke,

and he does read a ton of annual reports.

Thirdly, we have the response.

You want the response to be easy for good habits and difficult for bad ones.

James Clear gives a ton of great examples on how to do this in his book,

and I think that the most powerful one that we can talk about in conjunction with financial habits is the lock-out. et je pense que le plus puissant d'entre eux, en relation avec les habitudes financières, est le lock-out.

If you have a tendency to come home with more than you expected every time you visit the mall,

then start bringing just enough cash for the purchase you planned, but no more.

You can do similar things to lock-in good behaviours, but there's another powerful technique too.

This is to downscale every new habit into a lesser version of itself. Il s'agit de réduire chaque nouvelle habitude à une version inférieure d'elle-même.

Staying up until midnight working on your side-business before waking up at 6 AM for work Rester éveillé jusqu'à minuit pour travailler sur son activité secondaire avant de se lever à 6 heures du matin pour aller travailler.

becomes doing something for your side-business for 5 minutes after finishing dinner. devient de faire quelque chose pour votre activité secondaire pendant 5 minutes après avoir terminé le dîner.

Setting aside 40% of your income towards investments each month becomes setting aside $100. En consacrant 40 % de votre revenu à des investissements chaque mois, vous mettez 100 $ de côté.

The point is to show up, to get in reps, and make it more likely to show up by not committing L'objectif est de se présenter, de faire des répétitions, et de faire en sorte qu'il soit plus facile de se présenter en ne s'engageant pas.

to too much already from the start..

Most people would rather dream about running a marathon La plupart des gens préfèrent rêver de courir un marathon

than actually tying their running shoes. que d'attacher leurs chaussures de course.

But you need to have confidence in the snowball that you are creating by starting out small. Mais vous devez avoir confiance dans la boule de neige que vous créez en commençant modestement.

Finally, there's the reward, and positive habits should have satisfactory rewards Enfin, il y a la récompense, et les habitudes positives doivent être récompensées de manière satisfaisante

while negative habits should have unsatisfactory ones.

A surprisingly satisfactory tool to use is the streak. La mèche est un outil étonnamment satisfaisant à utiliser.

It also works in the opposite direction;

I truly hate breaking my streaks. Je déteste vraiment interrompre mes séries. 我真的很讨厌打破我的连胜。

The keyword here is visuals.

Put up an almanac on your fridge and make a clear green checkmark

on every day that you, for instance, did not end up with your hand in the cookie jar,

ie. taking money out of your investment account for personal consumption. IE。从您的投资账户中取出资金用于个人消费。

If you did, make a big red cross.

But do not miss twice.

If you can get these four right,

you are MUCH more likely to stick with the habits you wish to have and avoid those you do not want.