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Hamlet (Graded Reader), Act 1

Act 1

Scene 1

In front of Elsinore Castle, Denmark.

[Enter Horatio and Marcellus, an officer.]

marcellus. Horatio, do you think it'll come again tonight?

horatio. My dear Marcellus, I told you before, I don't believe in ghosts! I think you were dreaming the other night when you were with Bernardo.

marcellus. You're wrong, Horatio. Bernardo saw it too. Look, it's coming!

[Enter ghost.]

marcellus. Can you see it, Horatio? Isn't it like our dead King?

horatio. You're right, Marcellus, this ghost is very like our poor dead King. I'll try to speak to it, even if I'm afraid of it. Ghost, why have you come here this night?

marcellus. Oh no! It's going away. Maybe it's angry.

horatio. No! Wait! Speak to us!

[Exit ghost.]

marcellus. Do you believe me now, Horatio?

horatio. Yes, the ghost of our dear King, dressed for war. I'm afraid this means something bad is going to happen to Denmark. When our dear, dead King, Hamlet, won the war against Norway, he took a lot of their cities. Now, the young Prince of Norway, Fortinbras, wants to make war with Denmark to win them back. I must tell young Hamlet. Maybe the ghost will speak to him.

marcellus. Yes, let's go and tell him now!

[Exit all.]

Scene 2

A Room in the Castle. [Enter Claudius King of Denmark, Queen Gertrude, Hamlet, Polonius and Laertes.]

king. My dear brother, Hamlet, died not long ago, but we have much to be happy about. I've married my brother's wife, Queen Gertrude, and we'll make Denmark stronger than ever before. A message has come from young Fortinbras. Now that my brother is dead, he wants the cities back that Hamlet won in the war. Never! I've written a letter to the King of Norway, Fortinbras' old uncle, telling him no. Now, Laertes, what about you?

laertes. I came here to see you become King. Now I'd like to return to France where I was before.

king. Does your father agree? What do you say Polonius?

polonius. Yes, I agree, my dear King.

king. Well, you can go then, Laertes. Now, Hamlet, my nephew and my son, why are you still so sad and wearing black?

queen. Yes, good Hamlet, take off those dark clothes. Let Denmark see that you're happy again. Stop thinking of your dead father. You know that everybody must die one day.

hamlet. Yes, this I know, mother, but these dark, heavy clothes are nothing. My heart is heavier with sad thoughts for my father.

king. Believe me, Hamlet, I understand you, but you must look to the future now. Your father lost his father; it's all part of nature. Think of me as your father now. One day, you'll become King of Denmark. So, I ask you to stay here with your mother and I and not to go back to school in Wittenberg.

queen. Yes, please, Hamlet, stay with us.

hamlet. I'll do as you ask, mother.

king. Wonderful! We must have a party! Come, Gertrude.

[Exit King, Queen, Laertes and Polonius.]

hamlet. Oh, I want to die! I lost my poor father just two months ago and already, my mother has another husband, my father's terrible brother. What happened to the love between my mother and father? Now she has given her love to another man, so easily and so soon! However, I can't tell anybody these things and my heart is breaking.

[Enter Horatio and Marcellus.]

horatio. Hamlet, my good friend!

hamlet. Horatio, Marcellus! Why are you here, in Elsinore?

horatio. We came when we heard about your father.

hamlet. You're very kind, my good friends, but I think you also came for my mother's wedding.

horatio. Well, yes, it all happened very quickly.

hamlet. Too quickly for me! I can still see my father.

horatio. Oh! Where?

hamlet. In my head. But why such a strange question?

horatio. We think we saw your father's ghost last night.

hamlet. What? Where?

horatio. Marcellus saw him the night before too, and asked me to watch with him outside the castle last night. I didn't believe him. Then, I saw it with my own eyes.

hamlet. Did you speak to this ghost?

horatio. I tried, but it didn't answer. Please, come and watch with us tonight, Hamlet. I'm sure your father's ghost will speak to you.

hamlet. This is all very strange. Don't tell anybody else. I'll come tonight between eleven and twelve.

horatio. We'll wait for you.

[Exit Horatio and Marcellus.]

hamlet. Can this all be true? I'll see tonight!

[Exit Hamlet.]

Scene 3

A Room in Polonius' House. [Enter Laertes and Ophelia.]

laertes. Ophelia, my dear sister. I've come to say goodbye. I'm going back to France and the ship is waiting for me.

ophelia. I'll write to you, my dear brother.

laertes. I'm glad of that. But remember, Ophelia, don't listen to Hamlet when he says he loves you. One day he'll be King so you can never be his wife. Don't let him play with your love.

ophelia. I'll remember your words dear Laertes. Take care.

laertes. Don't worry about me. Oh! Here's father.

[Enter Polonius.]

polonius. Are you still here, Laertes? Your ship is waiting for you. But before you go, listen to your father. Remember, when you're in France, don't say everything you think, and don't do everything that comes into your head. Be nice to people, but not too friendly. Don't get angry with people, but don't be too kind. Listen more than you talk. Dress well but not too well. Don't borrow any money and don't give any to anybody. Finally, always be true to yourself.

laertes. Thank you father for your advice but I really must go now. Goodbye father, goodbye Ophelia, and remember my words.

[Exit Laertes.]

polonius. What did Laertes say to you, Ophelia?

ophelia. It was about Hamlet.

polonius. Recently, I've seen you and Hamlet often together. What does Hamlet want from you?

ophelia. Oh father, he says he loves me!

polonius. My dear daughter, you're too young to understand about love. I'm sure Hamlet is just using you. Please, don't speak to him anymore.

ophelia. But father, he's done nothing to hurt me. He sends me letters full of sweet words.

polonius. Enough child! Hamlet is a prince. You can never be his wife. Now, you're too young to know better, but when you're older you'll thank me.

ophelia. Alright father, I'll do as you ask.

[Exit all.]

Scene 4

In front of Elsinore Castle. [Enter Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus.]

hamlet. It's a very cold night. What time is it?

[sound of music.]

horatio. Almost midnight. I can hear music. Where's it coming from?

hamlet. It's the King. He's having a party. He does this often, and all the world is laughing at Denmark! It's terrible!

[Enter ghost.]

horatio. Look, Hamlet, the ghost is here.

hamlet. Ah! You're so like my father. Please, speak to me.

hamlet. Look, my friends, it wants me to follow it.

marcellus. Don't go, Hamlet!

horatio. Yes, stay with us. Maybe it's dangerous.

hamlet. Then, I'll stay here near the castle, but leave me alone with the ghost.

horatio. Alright. Come Marcellus, we'll wait for Hamlet inside.

[Exit Horatio and Marcellus.]

hamlet. Now we're alone, speak to me.

ghost. Hamlet, I'm the ghost of your father and I've come to tell you how I died.

hamlet. I'm listening.

ghost. Everyone thinks a snake killed me, but while I was sleeping in my garden, somebody came and put poison in my ear. That snake is now King of Denmark.

hamlet. Do you mean, Claudius, your brother, killed you?

ghost. Yes... Now you must kill Claudius for me, but don't hurt your mother and don't tell anybody about our meeting.

hamlet. I'll do all you ask, dear father.

ghost. Morning is here, I must go, dear Hamlet, but remember me.

[Exit ghost.]

hamlet. Oh sad day! Horatio and Marcellus mustn't speak about the ghost and I can't tell them my father's terrible story. I must keep it in my heavy heart and I'll act as if I'm mad to cover my plans.

[Enter Horatio and Marcellus.]

horatio. Hamlet, we couldn't wait anymore. We were worried.

marcellus. Are you alright, Hamlet?

hamlet. Yes, but sadder than before.

horatio. Please, tell us what happened. Did the ghost speak to you?

hamlet. Yes, and now my heart is heavier than before.

horatio. But why? Tell us dear Hamlet. Maybe we can help.

hamlet. I'm sorry, my friends, but I can say nothing. But one thing, I must ask you. Please, don't tell anybody about what you've seen.

horatio. We won't, you can be sure of that.

marcellus. Can we help you in any other way?

hamlet. Try to understand me and don't listen to the others when they say I'm mad.

horatio. Of course you aren't mad, Hamlet!

hamlet. Remember this well in the future my dear friends. Now let's go and sleep. The night has been very long and full of dark thoughts.

[Exit all.]

Act 1 قانون 1 Akt 1 Πράξη 1 Act 1 Primer acto Acte 1 Atto 1 第1幕 1막 Akte 1 Akt 1 Ato 1 Акт 1 Sahne 1 Акт 1 第一幕 第一幕

Scene 1 Escena 1 صحنه 1 Sahne 1 场景1

In front of Elsinore Castle, Denmark. Vor dem Schloss Elsinore, Dänemark. In front of Elsinore Castle, Denmark. Delante del castillo de Elsinore, Dinamarca. 덴마크 엘시노레 성 앞. Elsinore Kalesi'nin önünde, Danimarka. Перед замком Ельсінор, Данія. 丹麦埃尔西诺尔城堡前。

\[Enter Horatio and Marcellus, an officer.\] \[Hier kommen Horatio und Marcellus, ein Offizier.\] \Horacio y Marcelo, un oficial. \[호레이쇼와 장교 마르셀루스를 입력하세요\] \Входять Гораціо і Марцелл, офіцер. \霍雷肖和马塞拉斯,一个军官进来了

marcellus. مارسيلوس. Marcelo. Марцеллус. Horatio, do you think it'll come again tonight? Horacio, ¿crees que vendrá otra vez esta noche? Horatio, achas que vai voltar a aparecer esta noite? Horatio, sence bu gece yine gelir mi? Гораціо, як думаєш, сьогодні знову прийде? 霍雷肖,你觉得今晚还会再来吗?

horatio. 霍雷肖。 My dear Marcellus, I told you before, I don't believe in ghosts! Mi querido Marcelo, ya te lo he dicho, ¡no creo en fantasmas! Sevgili Marcellus, sana daha önce de söyledim, ben hayaletlere inanmam! 我亲爱的马塞勒斯 我告诉过你 我不相信有鬼 I think you were dreaming the other night when you were with Bernardo. Creo que estabas soñando la otra noche cuando estabas con Bernardo. Sanırım geçen gece Bernardo ile birlikteyken rüya görüyordun. Думаю, тобі приснився сон тієї ночі, коли ти була з Бернардо. 我想那天晚上你和贝尔纳多在一起的时候你在做梦。 我想那天晚上你和貝納多在一起的時候你在做夢。

marcellus. marcellus. marcellus. You're wrong, Horatio. Te equivocas, Horacio. Bernardo saw it too. Look, it's coming! ¡Mira, ya viene!

\[Enter ghost.\]

marcellus. Can you see it, Horatio? Isn't it like our dead King? ¿No es como nuestro Rey muerto? Хіба це не схоже на нашого мертвого короля? 這不是像我們死去的國王嗎?

horatio. horatio. You're right, Marcellus, this ghost is very like our poor dead King. Du hast recht, Marcellus, dieser Geist ähnelt unserem armen toten König sehr. Tienes razón, Marcelo, este fantasma se parece mucho a nuestro pobre Rey muerto. Ти правий, Марцелюсе, цей привид дуже схожий на нашого бідолашного мертвого короля. 你是對的,馬塞勒斯,這個鬼魂很像我們可憐的死去的國王。 I'll try to speak to it, even if I'm afraid of it. Ich werde versuchen, mit ihr zu sprechen, auch wenn ich Angst vor ihr habe. Intentaré hablarle, aunque me dé miedo. Я спробую поговорити з ним, навіть якщо я його боюся. 我會嘗試與它交談,即使我害怕它。 Ghost, why have you come here this night? Fantasma, ¿por qué has venido aquí esta noche? Привид, чому ти прийшов сюди цієї ночі? 幽靈,你今晚為何來到這裡?

marcellus. Marcelo. Oh no! ¡Oh, no! It's going away. Va a desaparecer. Це минає. 它正在消失。 Maybe it's angry. Puede que esté enfadado. Може, воно сердиться.

horatio. No! Wait! Speak to us! Hable con nosotros

\[Exit ghost.\]

marcellus. Marcelo. Do you believe me now, Horatio? ¿Me crees ahora, Horacio?

horatio. Horacio. Yes, the ghost of our dear King, dressed for war. Ja, der Geist unseres lieben Königs, gekleidet für den Krieg. Evet, sevgili kralımızın hayaleti, savaş için giyinmiş. Так, привид нашого дорогого короля, одягнений для війни. I'm afraid this means something bad is going to happen to Denmark. Ich fürchte, das bedeutet, dass Dänemark etwas Schlimmes passieren wird. Me temo que esto significa que algo malo le va a pasar a Dinamarca. Korkarım bu Danimarka'nın başına kötü bir şey geleceği anlamına geliyor. Я боюся, що це означає, що з Данією станеться щось погане. 恐怕這意味著丹麥將要發生一些不好的事情。 When our dear, dead King, Hamlet, won the war against Norway, he took a lot of their cities. Cuando nuestro querido rey muerto, Hamlet, ganó la guerra contra Noruega, tomó muchas de sus ciudades. Sevgili, ölü Kralımız Hamlet, Norveç'e karşı savaşı kazandığında, onların birçok şehrini aldı. Коли наш дорогий, покійний король Гамлет переміг у війні з Норвегією, він захопив багато їхніх міст. 當我們親愛的死去的國王哈姆雷特贏得對挪威的戰爭時,他佔領了他們的許多城市。 Now, the young Prince of Norway, Fortinbras, wants to make war with Denmark to win them back. Ahora, el joven príncipe de Noruega, Fortinbras, quiere hacer la guerra a Dinamarca para recuperarla. Şimdi, Norveç'in genç Prensi Fortinbras, Danimarka'yı geri kazanmak için onunla savaşmak istemektedir. 現在,年輕的挪威王子福丁布拉斯想要與丹麥開戰以贏回他們。 I must tell young Hamlet. Ich muss es dem jungen Hamlet sagen. Debo decírselo al joven Hamlet. Maybe the ghost will speak to him. Tal vez el fantasma le hable. 也許鬼魂會和他說話。

marcellus. Marcelo. Yes, let's go and tell him now! ¡Sí, vamos a decírselo ahora! Так, давайте підемо і скажемо йому зараз! 是啊,我們現在就去告訴他吧!

\[Exit all.\] \Salir todos.

Scene 2 Sahne 2 場景2

A Room in the Castle. Una habitación en el castillo. 城堡裡的一個房間。 \[Enter Claudius King of Denmark, Queen Gertrude, Hamlet, Polonius and Laertes.\] \[Entran Claudio Rey de Dinamarca, la Reina Gertrudis, Hamlet, Polonio y Laertes.\]

king. My dear brother, Hamlet, died not long ago, but we have much to be happy about. Mi querido hermano, Hamlet, murió no hace mucho, pero tenemos mucho por lo que alegrarnos. Sevgili kardeşim Hamlet kısa bir süre önce öldü, ancak mutlu olacak çok şeyimiz var. Мій дорогий брат Гамлет нещодавно помер, але у нас є багато приводів для радості. 我親愛的兄弟哈姆雷特不久前去世了,但我們有很多值得高興的事。 I've married my brother's wife, Queen Gertrude, and we'll make Denmark stronger than ever before. Me he casado con la esposa de mi hermano, la reina Gertrudis, y haremos de Dinamarca un país más fuerte que nunca. Kardeşimin eşi Kraliçe Gertrude ile evlendim ve Danimarka'yı her zamankinden daha güçlü hale getireceğiz. Я одружився з дружиною мого брата, королевою Гертрудою, і ми зробимо Данію сильнішою, ніж будь-коли раніше. 我已經娶了我兄弟的妻子格特魯德王后,我們將使丹麥比以往任何時候都更強大。 A message has come from young Fortinbras. Ha llegado un mensaje del joven Fortinbras. Прийшло повідомлення від молодого Фортінбраса. 年轻的福丁布拉斯传来一条消息。 年輕的福丁布拉斯傳來一則訊息。 Now that my brother is dead, he wants the cities back that Hamlet won in the war. Ahora que mi hermano ha muerto, quiere recuperar las ciudades que Hamlet ganó en la guerra. Maintenant que mon frère est mort, il veut récupérer les villes qu'Hamlet a gagnées à la guerre. Artık kardeşim öldüğüne göre, Hamlet'in savaşta kazandığı şehirleri geri istiyor. Тепер, коли мій брат помер, він хоче повернути міста, які Гамлет здобув у війні. 現在我哥哥死了,他想要奪回哈姆雷特在戰爭中贏得的城市。 Never! 絕不! I've written a letter to the King of Norway, Fortinbras' old uncle, telling him no. J'ai écrit une lettre au roi de Norvège, le vieil oncle de Fortinbras, pour lui dire non. Я написав листа королю Норвегії, старому дядькові Фортінбраса, в якому відмовив йому. 我已經寫了一封信給挪威國王,福丁布拉斯的老叔叔,告訴他不行。 Now, Laertes, what about you? Et toi, Laertes, qu'en penses-tu ? 現在,雷歐提斯,你呢?

laertes. laertes. I came here to see you become King. Buraya senin kral olduğunu görmeye geldim. Я прийшов сюди, щоб побачити, як ти станеш королем. 我來這裡是為了看你成為國王。 Now I'd like to return to France where I was before. Зараз я хотів би повернутися до Франції, де я був раніше. 現在我想回到我以前所在的法國。

king. Does your father agree? Твій батько згоден? 你父親同意嗎? What do you say Polonius? Що скажеш, Полонію? 你說波洛涅斯怎麼樣?

polonius. Yes, I agree, my dear King.

king. Well, you can go then, Laertes. Тоді можеш іти, Лаертесе. 好吧,那你可以走了,雷歐提斯。 Now, Hamlet, my nephew and my son, why are you still so sad and wearing black? Şimdi, Hamlet, yeğenim ve oğlum, neden hâlâ bu kadar üzgünsün ve siyahlar giyiyorsun? Гамлете, мій племіннику і сину, чому ти досі такий сумний і в чорному? 現在,哈姆雷特,我的姪子和我的兒子,為什麼你們仍然如此悲傷,穿著黑色衣服?

queen. Yes, good Hamlet, take off those dark clothes. Так, добрий Гамлете, зніми цей темний одяг. Let Denmark see that you're happy again. Нехай Данія побачить, що ви знову щасливі. 讓丹麥看到你又幸福了。 Stop thinking of your dead father. Перестань думати про свого мертвого батька. 別再想你死去的父親了。 You know that everybody must die one day. Ти знаєш, що всі колись помруть.

hamlet. Yes, this I know, mother, but these dark, heavy clothes are nothing. Oui, je le sais, mère, mais ces vêtements sombres et lourds ne sont rien. Так, це я знаю, мамо, але цей темний, важкий одяг - ніщо. My heart is heavier with sad thoughts for my father. Mon cœur s'alourdit de pensées tristes pour mon père. Kalbim babam için üzücü düşüncelerle daha da ağırlaştı. Моє серце важчає від сумних думок про батька. 想到父親,我的心情更加沉重。

king. Believe me, Hamlet, I understand you, but you must look to the future now. Повірте, Гамлете, я розумію вас, але зараз ви повинні дивитися в майбутнє. Your father lost his father; it's all part of nature. Votre père a perdu son père ; cela fait partie de la nature. Твій батько втратив батька; це все частина природи. 你的父親失去了他的父親;這都是自然的一部分。 Think of me as your father now. Considère-moi comme ton père maintenant. Вважай мене тепер своїм батьком. 現在把我當作你的父親吧。 One day, you'll become King of Denmark. So, I ask you to stay here with your mother and I and not to go back to school in Wittenberg. Тому я прошу тебе залишитися тут, зі мною і твоєю мамою, і не повертатися до школи у Віттенберзі. 所以,我請你和你的母親和我一起留在這裡,不要回到維滕貝格的學校。

queen. Yes, please, Hamlet, stay with us.

hamlet. I'll do as you ask, mother. Je ferai ce que vous demandez, mère. Я зроблю, як ти просиш, мамо. 我會照你的吩咐做的,媽媽。

king. Wonderful! We must have a party! Треба влаштувати вечірку! Come, Gertrude.

\[Exit King, Queen, Laertes and Polonius.\]

hamlet. Oh, I want to die! О, я хочу померти! I lost my poor father just two months ago and already, my mother has another husband, my father's terrible brother. Ich habe meinen armen Vater erst vor zwei Monaten verloren, und schon hat meine Mutter einen anderen Mann, den schrecklichen Bruder meines Vaters. Я втратив свого бідолашного батька лише два місяці тому, а моя мати вже має іншого чоловіка, жахливого брата мого батька. 兩個月前我失去了可憐的父親,而我的母親已經有了另一個丈夫,我父親可怕的兄弟。 What happened to the love between my mother and father? Qu'est-il advenu de l'amour entre mon père et ma mère ? Що сталося з любов'ю між моїми батьками? 媽媽和爸爸之間的愛情怎麼了? Now she has given her love to another man, so easily and so soon! Тепер вона віддала свою любов іншому чоловікові, так легко і так швидко! However, I can't tell anybody these things and my heart is breaking.

\[Enter Horatio and Marcellus.\]

horatio. Hamlet, my good friend!

hamlet. Horatio, Marcellus! Why are you here, in Elsinore?

horatio. We came when we heard about your father. Ми прийшли, коли почули про твого батька.

hamlet. You're very kind, my good friends, but I think you also came for my mother's wedding. Son muy amables, mis buenos amigos, pero creo que también vinieron para la boda de mi madre. Çok naziksiniz, iyi dostlarım, ama sanırım annemin düğünü için de geldiniz. Ви дуже добрі, мої добрі друзі, але я думаю, що ви також прийшли на весілля моєї мами.

horatio. Well, yes, it all happened very quickly. Oui, tout s'est passé très vite. Ну, так, все сталося дуже швидко.

hamlet. Too quickly for me! Занадто швидко для мене! I can still see my father. Я все ще бачу свого батька.

horatio. Oh! Where?

hamlet. In my head. У мене в голові. But why such a strange question? Pero, ¿por qué una pregunta tan extraña? Ama neden böyle tuhaf bir soru?

horatio. We think we saw your father's ghost last night. Nous pensons avoir vu le fantôme de votre père la nuit dernière. Ми думаємо, що бачили привид твого батька минулої ночі.

hamlet. What? Where?

horatio. Marcellus saw him the night before too, and asked me to watch with him outside the castle last night. Marcellus onu önceki gece de gördü ve dün gece kalenin dışında onunla birlikte izlememi istedi. Марцелл бачив його і напередодні ввечері, і попросив мене чергувати з ним біля замку минулої ночі. I didn't believe him. Ona inanmamıştım. Then, I saw it with my own eyes. Sonra kendi gözlerimle gördüm. Потім я побачив це на власні очі.

hamlet. Did you speak to this ghost? Ви говорили з цим привидом?

horatio. I tried, but it didn't answer. Please, come and watch with us tonight, Hamlet. I'm sure your father's ghost will speak to you.

hamlet. This is all very strange. Don't tell anybody else. Don't tell anybody else. I'll come tonight between eleven and twelve. Я прийду сьогодні ввечері між одинадцятою і дванадцятою.

horatio. We'll wait for you. Nous vous attendons. Ми чекатимемо на вас.

\[Exit Horatio and Marcellus.\]

hamlet. Can this all be true? Tout cela peut-il être vrai ? I'll see tonight!

\[Exit Hamlet.\]

Scene 3

A Room in Polonius' House. \[Enter Laertes and Ophelia.\]

laertes. Лаерт. Ophelia, my dear sister. I've come to say goodbye. Я прийшов попрощатися. I'm going back to France and the ship is waiting for me.

ophelia. I'll write to you, my dear brother. Я напишу тобі, мій дорогий брате.

laertes. I'm glad of that. Je m'en réjouis. Я радий цьому. But remember, Ophelia, don't listen to Hamlet when he says he loves you. Але пам'ятай, Офеліє, не слухай Гамлета, коли він каже, що кохає тебе. One day he'll be King so you can never be his wife. Одного разу він стане королем, і ти ніколи не зможеш стати його дружиною. Don't let him play with your love. Не дозволяйте йому грати з вашим коханням.

ophelia. I'll remember your words dear Laertes. Take care. Бережи себе.

laertes. Don't worry about me. Oh! Here's father. Aquí está papá. А ось і тато.

\[Enter Polonius.\]

polonius. Are you still here, Laertes? Your ship is waiting for you. But before you go, listen to your father. Але перед тим, як ти підеш, послухай свого батька. Remember, when you're in France, don't say everything you think, and don't do everything that comes into your head. N'oubliez pas, lorsque vous êtes en France, de ne pas dire tout ce que vous pensez et de ne pas faire tout ce qui vous passe par la tête. Unutmayın, Fransa'dayken aklınıza gelen her şeyi söylemeyin ve aklınıza gelen her şeyi yapmayın. Пам'ятайте, коли ви будете у Франції, не кажіть все, що думаєте, і не робіть все, що спадає вам на думку. Be nice to people, but not too friendly. Soyez gentil avec les gens, mais pas trop. İnsanlara karşı nazik olun, ancak çok arkadaş canlısı olmayın. Будьте ввічливі з людьми, але не надто дружелюбні. Don't get angry with people, but don't be too kind. Не зліться на людей, але й не будьте занадто добрими. Listen more than you talk. Dress well but not too well. S'habiller bien mais pas trop. Одягайтеся добре, але не надто добре. Don't borrow any money and don't give any to anybody. No pidas dinero prestado ni se lo des a nadie. N'empruntez pas d'argent et n'en donnez à personne. Не позичайте грошей і нікому не давайте. Finally, always be true to yourself. Por último, sé siempre fiel a ti mismo. Enfin, soyez toujours fidèle à vous-même. Нарешті, завжди залишайтеся вірними собі.

laertes. Laertes. Thank you father for your advice but I really must go now. Дякую, отче, за вашу пораду, але мені справді треба йти. Goodbye father, goodbye Ophelia, and remember my words.

\[Exit Laertes.\]

polonius. What did Laertes say to you, Ophelia? Laertes sana ne dedi, Ophelia? Що сказав тобі Лаерт, Офеліє?

ophelia. It was about Hamlet.

polonius. Recently, I've seen you and Hamlet often together. What does Hamlet want from you? Що Гамлет хоче від вас?

ophelia. Oh father, he says he loves me! Тату, він каже, що любить мене!

polonius. My dear daughter, you're too young to understand about love. Sevgili kızım, aşkı anlamak için çok gençsin. Моя люба донечко, ти ще занадто мала, щоб розуміти, що таке любов. I'm sure Hamlet is just using you. Je suis sûr qu'Hamlet se sert de vous. Eminim Hamlet seni kullanıyordur. Please, don't speak to him anymore. Lütfen, artık onunla konuşma. Будь ласка, не розмовляйте з ним більше.

ophelia. But father, he's done nothing to hurt me. Ama baba, o beni incitecek hiçbir şey yapmadı. Але тату, він не зробив мені нічого поганого. He sends me letters full of sweet words. Він надсилає мені листи, сповнені ніжних слів.

polonius. Enough child! Yeter çocuk! Hamlet is a prince. You can never be his wife. Now, you're too young to know better, but when you're older you'll thank me. Aujourd'hui, tu es trop jeune pour savoir ce qu'il en est, mais quand tu seras plus âgé, tu me remercieras. Зараз ти ще занадто малий, щоб зрозуміти, але коли підростеш, ти ще подякуєш мені.

ophelia. Alright father, I'll do as you ask. D'accord mon père, je ferai ce que vous demandez. Pekala baba, ne istersen yapacağım.

\[Exit all.\]

Scene 4

In front of Elsinore Castle. Перед Ельсінорським замком. \[Enter Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus.\]

hamlet. It's a very cold night. What time is it? Котра година?

\[sound of music.\] \[звук музики.\]

horatio. Almost midnight. Neredeyse gece yarısı. Майже північ. I can hear music. Я чую музику. Where's it coming from? ¿De dónde viene? Nereden geliyor bu? Звідки вона береться?

hamlet. It's the King. He's having a party. Il organise une fête. Parti veriyor. У нього вечірка. He does this often, and all the world is laughing at Denmark! Lo hace a menudo, ¡y todo el mundo se ríe de Dinamarca! Він робить це часто, і весь світ сміється з Данії! It's terrible!

\[Enter ghost.\]

horatio. Look, Hamlet, the ghost is here.

hamlet. Ah! You're so like my father. Ти так схожий на мого батька. Please, speak to me.

hamlet. Look, my friends, it wants me to follow it. Miren, amigos, quiere que lo siga. Послухайте, друзі мої, воно хоче, щоб я пішов за ним.

marcellus. Don't go, Hamlet! Не йди, Гамлете!

horatio. Yes, stay with us. Maybe it's dangerous. Quizá sea peligroso.

hamlet. Then, I'll stay here near the castle, but leave me alone with the ghost. Alors, je vais rester ici près du château, mais laissez-moi seul avec le fantôme. Тоді я залишуся тут, біля замку, але залиште мене наодинці з привидом.

horatio. Alright. Come Marcellus, we'll wait for Hamlet inside.

\[Exit Horatio and Marcellus.\]

hamlet. Now we're alone, speak to me. Ahora que estamos solos, háblame.

ghost. Hamlet, I'm the ghost of your father and I've come to tell you how I died. Hamlet, soy el fantasma de tu padre y he venido a contarte cómo morí. Гамлете, я привид твого батька і прийшов розповісти тобі, як я помер.

hamlet. I'm listening.

ghost. Everyone thinks a snake killed me, but while I was sleeping in my garden, somebody came and put poison in my ear. Todo el mundo cree que me mató una serpiente, pero mientras dormía en mi jardín, alguien vino y me puso veneno en la oreja. That snake is now King of Denmark. Esa serpiente es ahora Rey de Dinamarca. O yılan şimdi Danimarka Kralı. Ця змія тепер король Данії.

hamlet. Do you mean, Claudius, your brother, killed you? Ти маєш на увазі, що Клавдій, твій брат, убив тебе?

ghost. Yes... Now you must kill Claudius for me, but don't hurt your mother and don't tell anybody about our meeting. Так. Тепер ти повинен вбити Клавдія для мене, але не чіпай свою матір і нікому не розповідай про нашу зустріч. 是的现在你必须为我杀了克劳狄斯 但不要伤害你母亲 也不要告诉任何人我们见面的事

hamlet. 小村庄 I'll do all you ask, dear father. 亲爱的父亲,我会照您说的去做。

ghost. Morning is here, I must go, dear Hamlet, but remember me. A manhã chegou, tenho de ir, querido Hamlet, mas lembra-te de mim. Sabah oldu, gitmeliyim sevgili Hamlet, ama beni unutma. 早晨到了,我得走了,亲爱的哈姆雷特,但请记住我。

\[Exit ghost.\]

hamlet. Oh sad day! Oh üzücü gün! О, сумний день! 哦,悲哀的一天! Horatio and Marcellus mustn't speak about the ghost and I can't tell them my father's terrible story. Horatio et Marcellus ne doivent pas parler du fantôme et je ne peux pas leur raconter la terrible histoire de mon père. Horácio e Marcelo não podem falar do fantasma e eu não posso contar-lhes a terrível história do meu pai. 霍雷肖和马塞勒斯不能谈论鬼魂 我也不能告诉他们我父亲的可怕故事 I must keep it in my heavy heart and I'll act as if I'm mad to cover my plans. Debo guardarlo en mi pesado corazón y actuaré como si estuviera loco para cubrir mis planes. Je dois le garder dans mon cœur lourd et je ferai semblant d'être fou pour couvrir mes plans. Tenho de o guardar no meu coração pesado e farei de conta que estou louco para encobrir os meus planos. Bunu ağır kalbimde saklamalıyım ve planlarımı gizlemek için deliymişim gibi davranacağım. Я повинен тримати це в своєму важкому серці і буду поводитися, як божевільний, щоб приховати свої плани. 我必须把它藏在我沉重的心里,我会装疯卖傻来掩饰我的计划。

\[Enter Horatio and Marcellus.\] \[霍雷肖和马塞拉斯进来]

horatio. Hamlet, we couldn't wait anymore. 哈姆雷特,我们不能再等了 We were worried. Ми хвилювалися. 我们很担心。

marcellus. Are you alright, Hamlet? 你没事吧,哈姆雷特?

hamlet. Yes, but sadder than before. Sí, pero más triste que antes. Evet, ama eskisinden daha üzücü. 是的,但比以前更悲伤了。

horatio. Please, tell us what happened. Did the ghost speak to you? 鬼魂跟你说话了吗?

hamlet. Yes, and now my heart is heavier than before. Так, і зараз моє серце важче, ніж раніше. 是的,现在我的心情比以前更沉重了。

horatio. 霍雷肖 But why? 但为什么呢? Tell us dear Hamlet. Maybe we can help.

hamlet. I'm sorry, my friends, but I can say nothing. 对不起,朋友们,我什么也不能说。 But one thing, I must ask you. Ama sana bir şey sormalıyım. 但有一件事,我必须问你。 Please, don't tell anybody about what you've seen. Por favor, não contes a ninguém o que viste. 请不要把你看到的告诉任何人。

horatio. 霍雷肖 We won't, you can be sure of that. No lo haremos, puedes estar seguro. Yapmayacağız, bundan emin olabilirsin. Ми цього не зробимо, можете бути впевнені. 我们不会的,你可以放心。

marcellus. marcellus. Can we help you in any other way? Size başka bir şekilde yardımcı olabilir miyiz? Чи можемо ми ще чимось допомогти? 我们还能为您提供其他帮助吗?

hamlet. Try to understand me and don't listen to the others when they say I'm mad. Try to understand me and don't listen to the others when they say I'm mad. Trata de entenderme y no escuches a los demás cuando dicen que estoy loco. Beni anlamaya çalışın ve kızgın olduğumu söylediklerinde diğerlerini dinlemeyin. 试着理解我,不要听别人说我疯了。

horatio. Of course you aren't mad, Hamlet! 你当然没疯 哈姆雷特

hamlet. Remember this well in the future my dear friends. Recordadlo bien en el futuro, queridos amigos. Souvenez-vous en bien à l'avenir, mes chers amis. Bunu gelecekte iyi hatırlayın sevgili dostlarım. Пам'ятайте про це в майбутньому, дорогі друзі. 亲爱的朋友们,今后要牢牢记住这一点。 Now let's go and sleep. 现在我们去睡觉吧 The night has been very long and full of dark thoughts. La noche ha sido muy larga y llena de pensamientos oscuros. Gece çok uzun ve karanlık düşüncelerle doluydu. Ніч була дуже довгою і сповненою темних думок. 这个夜晚非常漫长,充满了黑暗的思绪。

\[Exit all.\]