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Great Art Explained, The Scream: Great Art Explained (2)

The Scream: Great Art Explained (2)

figure, is this Peruvian mummy which Munch certainly saw on display at the Paris world's fair of 1889.

The figure itself is featureless, ungendered and de-individualized, and perhaps one of the reasons

why despite being a deeply personal painting, it has become a universal symbol of anxiety. It is a

blank page into which you can project yourself, and so it becomes about what we the viewer bring to it.

The figure is looking right at us, which pins us down "locking us" into the angst-ridden scene/

Barely visible on the painting, is a pencil inscription stating

"Could only have been painted by a madman". Infrared images show that it was Munch's

handwriting, and that it was written AFTER the painting was first exhibited in 1895.

Several important critics had questioned Munch's mental health, and it deeply hurt the artist who

had a morbid fear of insanity. We can look at the later added inscription as an angry

ironic comment from Munch. Then there is another inscription by Munch on an earlier lithograph.

"I felt a huge scream through nature" confirming that the figure is not screaming at all, but nature around him is.

What is interesting, is why Munch was in that location in the first place.

The setting of "The Scream" came about after the artist took a scenic walk,

as described in his diary. The actual place is called Ekberg which overlooks Oslo Fjord,

with a view towards the setting sun during the winter months. But as so often with Munch

his strength is how he departs from reality. He was not here for the scenery, but to visit

his younger sister Laura, who had recently been confined to an asylum near this spot.

Munch's father had just died, and after a lifetime of abandonment, through death and disease,

it is not too difficult to imagine the distress that he must have experienced as he left his beloved sister behind.

Her screams of terror must have haunted him as he walked away. In a world of extreme and rapid

change, combined with a life of desperate anxiety and alienation, Munch, who would have a nervous

breakdown in 1908, must have felt overwhelmed, as if his life was unravelling. All of us in some way

understand the desperate feeling Munch must have had, of wanting to block out all of this noise.

i know quite a lot about art, but next to nothing about wine. But I'm learning

about wine, the way I learn about art, by trying new things to expand my horizons.

In the same way I am trying to demystify art, Bright Cellars are taking the same

no-nonsense approach to wines. They help you learn about wine pairings, try different wines,

and increase your knowledge while you try. You just start with a quick seven question quiz,

and then they match you with wines from all over the world, curated to your taste palette.

They send the wine directly to you and each box comes with wine education cards that outline

tasting notes, suggested pairing, best serving temperatures, and origins. The boxes you get improve

as you rate your wines. I really like the approach Bright Cellars have, and their packaging is 100

percent eco-friendly. Art is really important to me, as are food and wine. I think this is a

brilliant business model, and Bright Cellars give an amazing discount if you click on the link below.

The Scream: Great Art Explained (2) The Scream: Wielka sztuka wyjaśniona (2) O Grito: A grande arte explicada (2)

figure, is this Peruvian mummy which Munch certainly  saw on display at the Paris world's fair of 1889. visto en exhibición en la Exposición Universal de París en 1889. que Munch a dû voir à l’Exposition universelle de Paris en 1889. die Munch zeker heeft gezien op de Parijse wereldtentoonstelling van 1889. 蒙克肯定是在1889年的巴黎世界博览会上看到的 蒙克肯定是在1889年的巴黎世界博览会上看到的

The figure itself is featureless, ungendered and  de-individualized, and perhaps one of the reasons La figure n'a pas de trait, de genre ou d'individualité. C’est une des raisons pour lesquelles, De figuur zelf is karakterloos, zonder gender en gedeïndividualiseerd, en misschien een van de redenen waarom het, 这个人物本身没有特征 没有性别 没有个性 也许这导致了 这个人物本身没有特征 没有性别 没有个性 也许这导致了

why despite being a deeply personal painting, it  has become a universal symbol of anxiety. It is a personal, se ha convertido en un símbolo universal de ansiedad. ondanks dat het een zeer persoonlijk schilderij is, een universeel symbool van angst is geworden.

blank page into which you can project yourself, and  so it becomes about what we the viewer bring to it. Elle devient ce que le spectateur y apporte. Het is een blanco pagina waarin je jezelf kunt projecteren en het gaat er dus om wat wij als kijker erin brengen. 所以关键在于观众内在的心绪 所以关键在于观众内在的心绪

The figure is looking right at us, which pins  us down "locking us" into the angst-ridden scene/ La figura nos mira fijamente, inmovilizándonos y encerrándonos en esta escena repleta de angustia. Le personnage nous fixe, nous coince, nous enferme dans la scène criblée d’angoisse. De figuur kijkt ons recht aan, wat ons vasthoudt "ons opsluitend" in de door angst geteisterde scène. 这个人物盯着我们 把我们囚禁在这个充满焦虑的场景中 这个人物盯着我们 把我们囚禁在这个充满焦虑的场景中

Barely visible on the painting,  is a pencil inscription stating Apenas visible en la pintura hay una inscripción en pincel con la leyenda Presque invisible, se trouve une inscription écrite qui dit: Nauwelijks zichtbaar op het schilderij, is een potloodinscriptie 画上有一处很难看清的铅笔题字 写着 画上有一处很难看清的铅笔题字 写着

"Could only have been painted by a madman".  Infrared images show that it was Munch's “Qui n’aurait pu être peint que par un fou”. Les images infrarouges montrent que l’écriture est de Munch et "只有疯子才画的出来" 红外线扫描表明这是蒙克的笔迹 "只有疯子才画的出来" 红外线扫描表明这是蒙克的笔迹

handwriting, and that it was written AFTER  the painting was first exhibited in 1895. después de que el cuadro haya sido exhibido por primera vez en 1895. qu’elle date d’après la première exposition en 1895. en dat het werd geschreven nadat het schilderij voor het eerst werd tentoongesteld in 1895. 而且是在画作于1895年首次展出后写的 而且是在画作于1895年首次展出后写的

Several important critics had questioned Munch's  mental health, and it deeply hurt the artist who Plusieurs critiques ont questionné la santé mentale de Munch. Cela a beaucoup blessé l’artiste,

had a morbid fear of insanity. We can look  at the later added inscription as an angry qui avait une peur morbide de la folie. L’inscription ajoutée plus tard peut être vue comme

ironic comment from Munch. Then there is another  inscription by Munch on an earlier lithograph. Otra inscripción realizada por él se puede hallar en una litografía anterior: un commentaire ironique de Munch. Il y a une autre inscription de Munch sur une lithographie plus ancienne. Dan is er nog een inscriptie van Munch op een eerdere litho. 蒙克在早期石版画上还有另一处题字 蒙克在早期石版画上还有另一处题字

"I felt a huge scream through nature" confirming that the figure is not screaming at all, but nature around him is. "Sentí un enorme grito a través de la naturaleza", lo que confirma que quien está gritando no es la figura, sino la naturaleza a su alrededor. “J’ai ressenti un énorme cri à travers la nature.” Ce qui confirme que le personnage ne crie pas du tout, mais la nature autour de lui, si. "Ik voelde een enorme schreeuw door de natuur", wat bevestigt dat de figuur helemaal niet schreeuwt, maar de natuur om hem heen wel. "我感到巨声呐喊划破自然" 证实了呐喊的不是这个人物 而是他周遭的自然 "我感到巨声呐喊划破自然" 证实了呐喊的不是这个人物 而是他周遭的自然

What is interesting, is why Munch was in that location in the first place. Lo interesante es por qué Munch estaba en ese sitio en primer lugar. Ce qui est intéressant, c’est pourquoi Munch était à cet endroit en premier lieu. Wat interessant is, is waarom Munch in de eerste plaats op die locatie was. 有趣的是 为什么蒙克会去那里 有趣的是 为什么蒙克会去那里

The setting of "The Scream" came about  after the artist took a scenic walk, El escenario de El grito surgió mientras el artista daba un paseo panorámico, De setting van "De Schreeuw" ontstond nadat de kunstenaar een schilderachtige wandeling maakte, 《呐喊》的背景来自艺术家的一次散步 《呐喊》的背景来自艺术家的一次散步

as described in his diary. The actual place  is called Ekberg which overlooks Oslo Fjord, L’endroit s’appelle Ekberg et donne sur le fjord d’Oslo, zoals beschreven in zijn dagboek. De eigenlijke plaats heet Ekberg en kijkt uit over de Oslofjord, 正如日记中所描述 实际的地方叫埃克贝格 俯瞰奥斯陆峡湾 正如日记中所描述 实际的地方叫埃克贝格 俯瞰奥斯陆峡湾

with a view towards the setting sun during  the winter months. But as so often with Munch durante los meses de invierno. Pero como sucede con Munch,

his strength is how he departs from reality.  He was not here for the scenery, but to visit Il n’était pas là pour le panorama

his younger sister Laura, who had recently  been confined to an asylum near this spot. recientemente había sido ingresada a una institución psiquiátrica cerca del sitio. mais pour rendre visite à sa petite sœur Laura, qui venait d’être internée dans un asile à côté. die onlangs was opgesloten in een gesticht in de buurt van deze plek. 她刚被关进此地附近的一家精神病院 她刚被关进此地附近的一家精神病院

Munch's father had just died, and after a lifetime  of abandonment, through death and disease, 蒙克的父亲刚刚去世 在经历充斥死亡和疾病的孤零一生后 蒙克的父亲刚刚去世 在经历充斥死亡和疾病的孤零一生后

it is not  too difficult to imagine the distress that he must  have experienced as he left his beloved sister behind. que debe haber estado sintiendo al dejar atrás a su querida hermana. la détresse qu’il a pu vivre quand il a quitté sa chère sœur. dat hij moet hebben ervaren toen hij zijn geliefde zus achterliet. 不难想象他所经历的苦恼 当他留下他心爱的妹妹离开时 不难想象他所经历的苦恼 当他留下他心爱的妹妹离开时

Her screams of terror must have haunted him  as he walked away. In a world of extreme and rapid Ses cris de terreur ont dû le hanter en s’en allant. Dans un monde de changement rapide et extrême, 她的恐怖呐喊一直萦绕在他心头 活在一个变化极快的世界 她的恐怖呐喊一直萦绕在他心头 活在一个变化极快的世界

change, combined with a life of desperate anxiety  and alienation, Munch, who would have a nervous

breakdown in 1908, must have felt overwhelmed, as  if his life was unravelling. All of us in some way Nous comprenons tous, d’une certaine façon, 我们所有人都能多少理解 我们所有人都能多少理解

understand the desperate feeling Munch must have  had, of wanting to block out all of this noise. debió haber atravesado, de querer bloquear todo este ruido. le sentiment désespéré de Munch de vouloir bloquer tout ce bruit. om al dit lawaai te willen blokkeren. 蒙克这种绝望的感觉: 想把所有噪音屏蔽在外 蒙克这种绝望的感觉: 想把所有噪音屏蔽在外

i know quite a lot about art, but next  to nothing about wine. But I'm learning Sé bastante de arte, mas casi nada de vinos,

about wine, the way I learn about art, by  trying new things to expand my horizons. pero estoy aprendiendo sobre el vino del mismo modo que aprendo sobre arte: probando cosas nuevas y expandiendo mis horizontes. en essayant de nouvelles choses pour étendre mes horizons.

In the same way I am trying to demystify  art, Bright Cellars are taking the same Del mismo modo en el que trato de desmitificar el arte, Bright Cellars está J’essaie de démystifier l’art, Bright Cellars utilise la même approche directe.

no-nonsense approach to wines. They help you  learn about wine pairings, try different wines, tomando el mismo abordaje claro y conciso a los vinos. Te ayudan a aprender acerca del maridaje, a probar distintos vinos,

and increase your knowledge while you try. You just start with a quick seven question quiz, y a incrementar tus conocimientos mientras lo haces. Comienzas con un simple cuestionario rápido de siete preguntas, Vous commencez par un questionnaire de 7 questions.

and then they match you with wines from all  over the world, curated to your taste palette. y ellos te emparejan con vinos de todas partes del mundo, curadas para tu paladar. Puis ils vous trouvent des vins du monde entier correspondant à votre palais.

They send the wine directly to you and each box  comes with wine education cards that outline Te envían el vino directamente a tu casa, y cada caja viene con tarjetas de aprendizaje sobre el vino que remarcan notas de cata,

tasting notes, suggested pairing, best serving  temperatures, and origins. The boxes you get improve

as you rate your wines. I really like the approach  Bright Cellars have, and their packaging is 100

percent eco-friendly. Art is really important  to me, as are food and wine. I think this is a El arte es realmente importante para mí, al igual que la comida y el vino.

brilliant business model, and Bright Cellars give  an amazing discount if you click on the link below. Creo que este es un brillante modelo de negocios, y Bright Cellars te ofrece un descuento increíble si haces click en el enlace debajo. Bright Cellars vous offre une réduction si vous cliquez sur le lien.