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The Call of Cthulhu By H. P. Lovecraft, I Part 2 - The Horror In Clay

I Part 2 - The Horror In Clay

Here the first part of the manuscript ended, but references to certain of the scattered notes gave me much material for thought—so much, in fact, that only the ingrained skepticism then forming my philosophy can account for my continued distrust of the artist. The notes in question were those descriptive of the dreams of various persons covering the same period as that in which young Wilcox had had his strange visitations. My uncle, it seems, had quickly instituted a prodigiously far–flung body of inquires amongst nearly all the friends whom he could question without impertinence, asking for nightly reports of their dreams, and the dates of any notable visions for some time past. The reception of his request seems to have varied; but he must, at the very least, have received more responses than any ordinary man could have handled without a secretary. This original correspondence was not preserved, but his notes formed a thorough and really significant digest. Average people in society and business—New England's traditional "salt of the earth" —gave an almost completely negative result, though scattered cases of uneasy but formless nocturnal impressions appear here and there, always between March 23 and April 2—the period of young Wilcox's delirium. Scientific men were little more affected, though four cases of vague description suggest fugitive glimpses of strange landscapes, and in one case there is mentioned a dread of something abnormal.

It was from the artists and poets that the pertinent answers came, and I know that panic would have broken loose had they been able to compare notes. As it was, lacking their original letters, I half suspected the compiler of having asked leading questions, or of having edited the correspondence in corroboration of what he had latently resolved to see. That is why I continued to feel that Wilcox, somehow cognizant of the old data which my uncle had possessed, had been imposing on the veteran scientist. These responses from esthetes told disturbing tale. From February 28 to April 2 a large proportion of them had dreamed very bizarre things, the intensity of the dreams being immeasurably the stronger during the period of the sculptor's delirium. Over a fourth of those who reported anything, reported scenes and half–sounds not unlike those which Wilcox had described; and some of the dreamers confessed acute fear of the gigantic nameless thing visible toward the last. One case, which the note describes with emphasis, was very sad. The subject, a widely known architect with leanings toward theosophy and occultism, went violently insane on the date of young Wilcox's seizure, and expired several months later after incessant screamings to be saved from some escaped denizen of hell. Had my uncle referred to these cases by name instead of merely by number, I should have attempted some corroboration and personal investigation; but as it was, I succeeded in tracing down only a few. All of these, however, bore out the notes in full. I have often wondered if all the objects of the professor's questioning felt as puzzled as did this fraction. It is well that no explanation shall ever reach them.

The press cuttings, as I have intimated, touched on cases of panic, mania, and eccentricity during the given period. Professor Angell must have employed a cutting bureau, for the number of extracts was tremendous, and the sources scattered throughout the globe. Here was a nocturnal suicide in London, where a lone sleeper had leaped from a window after a shocking cry. Here likewise a rambling letter to the editor of a paper in South America, where a fanatic deduces a dire future from visions he has seen. A dispatch from California describes a theosophist colony as donning white robes en masse for some "glorious fulfillment" which never arrives, whilst items from India speak guardedly of serious native unrest toward the end of March 22–23.

The west of Ireland, too, is full of wild rumor and legendry, and a fantastic painter named Ardois–Bonnot hangs a blasphemous Dream Landscape in the Paris spring salon of 1926. And so numerous are the recorded troubles in insane asylums that only a miracle can have stopped the medical fraternity from noting strange parallelisms and drawing mystified conclusions. A weird bunch of cuttings, all told; and I can at this date scarcely envisage the callous rationalism with which I set them aside. But I was then convinced that young Wilcox had known of the older matters mentioned by the professor.

I Part 2 - The Horror In Clay I Teil 2 - Das Grauen in Lehm I Parte 2 - El horror en la arcilla I Partie 2 - L'horreur dans l'argile I Parte 2 - L'orrore nell'argilla I パート2 クレイの恐怖 I Deel 2 - De gruwel in klei I Część 2 - Horror w glinie I Parte 2 - O Horror na Argila I Часть 2 - Ужас в глине I Bölüm 2 - Kilin İçindeki Dehşet I Частина 2 - Жах у глині I 第 2 部分 - 粘土中的恐怖

Here the first part of the manuscript ended, but references to certain of the scattered notes gave me much material for thought—so much, in fact, that only the ingrained skepticism then forming my philosophy can account for my continued distrust of the artist. Here the first part of the manuscript ended, but references to certain of the scattered notes gave me much material for thought—so much, in fact, that only the ingrained skepticism then forming my philosophy can account for my continued distrust of the artist. Aquí terminaba la primera parte del manuscrito, pero las referencias a algunas de las notas dispersas me dieron mucho material para pensar; tanto, de hecho, que solo el arraigado escepticismo que entonces formaba mi filosofía puede explicar mi continua desconfianza hacia el artista. Aqui terminava a primeira parte do manuscrito, mas as referências a algumas das notas dispersas deram-me muito material para pensar - tanto, de facto, que só o ceticismo enraizado que então formava a minha filosofia pode explicar a minha contínua desconfiança em relação ao artista. На цьому перша частина рукопису закінчилася, але посилання на деякі розрізнені нотатки дали мені багато матеріалу для роздумів — насправді настільки, що лише вкорінений скептицизм, який формував тоді мою філософію, може пояснити мою постійну недовіру до художника. 手稿的第一部分到此结束,但对某些零散的笔记的引用给了我很多思考的材料——事实上,只有当时形成我哲学的根深蒂固的怀疑才能解释我对这位艺术家的持续不信任。 The notes in question were those descriptive of the dreams of various persons covering the same period as that in which young Wilcox had had his strange visitations. The notes in question were those descriptive of the dreams of various persons covering the same period as that in which young Wilcox had had his strange visitations. As anotações em questão eram as que descreviam os sonhos de várias pessoas, abrangendo o mesmo período em que o jovem Wilcox tivera suas estranhas visitas. Замітки, про які йшлося, описували сни різних людей, що стосувалися того самого періоду, коли юний Вілкокс відвідав дивні візити. My uncle, it seems, had quickly instituted a prodigiously far–flung body of inquires amongst nearly all the friends whom he could question without impertinence, asking for nightly reports of their dreams, and the dates of any notable visions for some time past. My uncle, it seems, had quickly instituted a prodigiously far–flung body of inquires amongst nearly all the friends whom he could question without impertinence, asking for nightly reports of their dreams, and the dates of any notable visions for some time past. Mi tío, al parecer, había instituido rápidamente un cuerpo prodigiosamente amplio de consultas entre casi todos los amigos a los que podía interrogar sin impertinencia, solicitando informes nocturnos de sus sueños y las fechas de cualquier visión notable durante algún tiempo pasado. O meu tio, ao que parece, tinha rapidamente instituído um conjunto de inquéritos prodigiosamente alargado a quase todos os amigos que ele podia interrogar sem impertinência, pedindo-lhes relatórios noturnos dos seus sonhos e as datas de quaisquer visões notáveis durante algum tempo. Здається, мій дядько швидко започаткував величезну кількість запитів серед майже всіх друзів, яких він міг запитати без зухвалості, вимагаючи звітів про їхні нічні сни та дати будь-яких визначних видінь за деякий час. The reception of his request seems to have varied; but he must, at the very least, have received more responses than any ordinary man could have handled without a secretary. The reception of his request seems to have varied; but he must, at the very least, have received more responses than any ordinary man could have handled without a secretary. A receção do seu pedido parece ter variado; mas, no mínimo, deve ter recebido mais respostas do que qualquer homem comum poderia dar conta sem um secretário. Його прохання сприйняли по-різному; але він мав, принаймні, отримати більше відповідей, ніж будь-яка звичайна людина могла б впоратися без секретаря. This original correspondence was not preserved, but his notes formed a thorough and really significant digest. This original correspondence was not preserved, but his notes formed a thorough and really significant digest. Esta correspondência original não foi conservada, mas as suas notas constituíram um resumo exaustivo e verdadeiramente significativo. Це оригінальне листування не збереглося, але його записи склали ґрунтовний і справді значний дайджест. Average people in society and business—New England's traditional "salt of the earth" —gave an almost completely negative result, though scattered cases of uneasy but formless nocturnal impressions appear here and there, always between March 23 and April 2—the period of young Wilcox's delirium. Average people in society and business—New England's traditional "salt of the earth" —gave an almost completely negative result, though scattered cases of uneasy but formless nocturnal impressions appear here and there, always between March 23 and April 2—the period of young Wilcox's delirium. La gente común en la sociedad y los negocios, la tradicional "sal de la tierra" de Nueva Inglaterra, dio un resultado casi completamente negativo, aunque aquí y allá aparecen casos dispersos de impresiones nocturnas incómodas pero informes, siempre entre el 23 de marzo y el 2 de abril, el período de jóvenes. El delirio de Wilcox. Пересічні люди в суспільстві та бізнесі — традиційна «сіль землі» Нової Англії — дали майже повністю негативний результат, хоча окремі випадки тривожних, але безформних нічних вражень з’являються тут і там, завжди між 23 березня та 2 квітня — періодом молодості. Делірій Вілкокса. 社会和商业中的普通人——新英格兰传统的“地球之盐”——给出了几乎完全否定的结果,尽管零星的不安但无定形的夜间印象时有出现,总是在 3 月 23 日至 4 月 2 日之间——年轻的时期威尔科克斯谵妄。 Scientific men were little more affected, though four cases of vague description suggest fugitive glimpses of strange landscapes, and in one case there is mentioned a dread of something abnormal. Scientific men were little more affected, though four cases of vague description suggest fugitive glimpses of strange landscapes, and in one case there is mentioned a dread of something abnormal. Вчені постраждали трохи більше, хоча чотири випадки нечіткого опису свідчать про випадкові проблиски дивних пейзажів, а в одному випадку згадується страх перед чимось ненормальним. 科学家们受到的影响不大,尽管有四个模糊的描述表明对奇异景观的短暂一瞥,在一个案例中提到了对异常事物的恐惧。

It was from the artists and poets that the pertinent answers came, and I know that panic would have broken loose had they been able to compare notes. It was from the artists and poets that the pertinent answers came, and I know that panic would have broken loose had they been able to compare notes. Саме від художників і поетів надійшли відповідні відповіді, і я знаю, що паніка вибухнула б, якби вони змогли порівняти записи. As it was, lacking their original letters, I half suspected the compiler of having asked leading questions, or of having edited the correspondence in corroboration of what he had latently resolved to see. As it was, lacking their original letters, I half suspected the compiler of having asked leading questions, or of having edited the correspondence in corroboration of what he had latently resolved to see. Tal como estaban las cosas, al carecer de sus cartas originales, medio sospeché que el compilador había hecho preguntas capciosas o había editado la correspondencia para corroborar lo que latentemente había decidido ver. Оскільки не було їхніх оригінальних листів, я наполовину підозрював, що укладач ставив навідні запитання або редагував листування, щоб підтвердити те, що він приховано вирішив побачити. 事实上,由于没有他们的原始信件,我有一半怀疑编译器提出了引导性问题,或者编辑了信件以证实他潜在地决定要看到的内容。 That is why I continued to feel that Wilcox, somehow cognizant of the old data which my uncle had possessed, had been imposing on the veteran scientist. That is why I continued to feel that Wilcox, somehow cognizant of the old data which my uncle had possessed, had been imposing on the veteran scientist. Es por eso que seguí sintiendo que Wilcox, de alguna manera al tanto de los datos antiguos que mi tío había poseído, se había estado imponiendo al científico veterano. Ось чому я продовжував відчувати, що Вілкокс, якимось чином знаючи старі дані, якими володів мій дядько, нав’язував вченому-ветерану. 这就是为什么我一直觉得威尔科克斯,不知何故意识到了我叔叔所拥有的旧数据,一直在强加给这位资深科学家。 These responses from esthetes told disturbing tale. These responses from esthetes told disturbing tale. Las respuestas de los estetas fueron inquietantes. 这些来自美学家的回应讲述了令人不安的故事。 From February 28 to April 2 a large proportion of them had dreamed very bizarre things, the intensity of the dreams being immeasurably the stronger during the period of the sculptor's delirium. From February 28 to April 2 a large proportion of them had dreamed very bizarre things, the intensity of the dreams being immeasurably the stronger during the period of the sculptor's delirium. З 28 лютого по 2 квітня великій частині з них снилися дуже дивні речі, інтенсивність снів була незмірно сильнішою в період марення скульптора. Over a fourth of those who reported anything, reported scenes and half–sounds not unlike those which Wilcox had described; and some of the dreamers confessed acute fear of the gigantic nameless thing visible toward the last. Over a fourth of those who reported anything, reported scenes and half–sounds not unlike those which Wilcox had described; and some of the dreamers confessed acute fear of the gigantic nameless thing visible toward the last. Más de una cuarta parte de los que informaron algo, informaron escenas y medios sonidos no muy diferentes a los que había descrito Wilcox; y algunos de los soñadores confesaron un miedo agudo a la gigantesca cosa sin nombre visible hacia el final. Понад чверть тих, хто повідомляв про що-небудь, розповідали про сцени та напівзвуки, мало схожі на ті, які описав Вілкокс; і деякі з сновидців зізналися, що відчувають гострий страх перед гігантською безіменною річчю, яка видна в останній. One case, which the note describes with emphasis, was very sad. Один випадок, який у замітці наголошено, був дуже сумним. 笔记重点描述的一个案例非常悲伤。 The subject, a widely known architect with leanings toward theosophy and occultism, went violently insane on the date of young Wilcox's seizure, and expired several months later after incessant screamings to be saved from some escaped denizen of hell. The subject, a widely known architect with leanings toward theosophy and occultism, went violently insane on the date of young Wilcox's seizure, and expired several months later after incessant screamings to be saved from some escaped denizen of hell. El sujeto, un arquitecto ampliamente conocido con inclinaciones hacia la teosofía y el ocultismo, se volvió violentamente loco en la fecha de la convulsión del joven Wilcox y expiró varios meses después después de incesantes gritos para ser salvado de algún habitante del infierno escapado. Суб’єкт, широко відомий архітектор зі схильністю до теософії та окультизму, сильно збожеволів у день захоплення молодого Вілкокса і помер через кілька місяців після безперервних криків, щоб його врятували від якогось мешканця пекла, який втік. Had my uncle referred to these cases by name instead of merely by number, I should have attempted some corroboration and personal investigation; but as it was, I succeeded in tracing down only a few. Had my uncle referred to these cases by name instead of merely by number, I should have attempted some corroboration and personal investigation; but as it was, I succeeded in tracing down only a few. Якби мій дядько назвав ці випадки поіменно, а не просто за номерами, я мав би спробувати певне підтвердження та провести особисте розслідування; але як це було, мені вдалося відстежити лише кілька. All of these, however, bore out the notes in full. All of these, however, bore out the notes in full. Todos estos, sin embargo, confirmaron las notas en su totalidad. Проте все це повністю підтверджує нотатки. 然而,所有这些都充分证明了笔记。 I have often wondered if all the objects of the professor's questioning felt as puzzled as did this fraction. I have often wondered if all the objects of the professor's questioning felt as puzzled as did this fraction. A menudo me he preguntado si todos los objetos del interrogatorio del profesor se sintieron tan desconcertados como esta fracción. Я часто замислювався, чи всі об’єкти професорського опитування викликають таке ж спантеличення, як і цей дріб. It is well that no explanation shall ever reach them.

The press cuttings, as I have intimated, touched on cases of panic, mania, and eccentricity during the given period. Los recortes de prensa, como he insinuado, tocan casos de pánico, manía y excentricidad durante el período dado. У прес-вирізках, як я зазначав, йдеться про випадки паніки, манії та ексцентричності в цей період. Professor Angell must have employed a cutting bureau, for the number of extracts was tremendous, and the sources scattered throughout the globe. Professor Angell must have employed a cutting bureau, for the number of extracts was tremendous, and the sources scattered throughout the globe. El profesor Angell debe haber empleado una oficina de corte, ya que la cantidad de extractos era enorme y las fuentes estaban dispersas por todo el mundo. Професор Енджелл, мабуть, найняв огранкове бюро, оскільки кількість витягів була величезною, а джерела розкидані по всій земній кулі. 安杰尔教授一定是聘请了一个剪辑局,因为摘录的数量巨大,而且来源分散在全球各地。 Here was a nocturnal suicide in London, where a lone sleeper had leaped from a window after a shocking cry. Це було нічне самогубство в Лондоні, де самотній сплячий вистрибнув із вікна після приголомшливого крику. Here likewise a rambling letter to the editor of a paper in South America, where a fanatic deduces a dire future from visions he has seen. Aquí también hay una carta incoherente al editor de un periódico en América del Sur, donde un fanático deduce un futuro nefasto a partir de las visiones que ha visto. Тут також і безладний лист до редактора газети в Південній Америці, де фанатик виводить жахливе майбутнє з видінь, які він бачив. A dispatch from California describes a theosophist colony as donning white robes en masse for some "glorious fulfillment" which never arrives, whilst items from India speak guardedly of serious native unrest toward the end of March 22–23. A dispatch from California describes a theosophist colony as donning white robes en masse for some "glorious fulfillment" which never arrives, whilst items from India speak guardedly of serious native unrest toward the end of March 22–23. Un despacho de California describe una colonia de teósofos vistiendo túnicas blancas en masa para un "glorioso cumplimiento" que nunca llega, mientras que los artículos de la India hablan con cautela de un grave malestar nativo hacia fines del 22 al 23 de marzo. Депеша з Каліфорнії описує теософську колонію, яка масово надягає білі мантії заради якогось «славетного виконання», яке ніколи не приходить, тоді як предмети з Індії обережно говорять про серйозні заворушення у місцевих жителів наприкінці 22–23 березня.

The west of Ireland, too, is full of wild rumor and legendry, and a fantastic painter named Ardois–Bonnot hangs a blasphemous Dream Landscape in the Paris spring salon of 1926. The west of Ireland, too, is full of wild rumor and legendry, and a fantastic painter named Ardois–Bonnot hangs a blasphemous Dream Landscape in the Paris spring salon of 1926. El oeste de Irlanda también está lleno de salvajes rumores y leyendas, y un pintor fantástico llamado Ardois-Bonnot cuelga un blasfemo Paisaje de ensueño en el salón de primavera de París de 1926. Захід Ірландії також сповнений диких чуток і легенд, і фантастичний художник на ім’я Ардуа-Бонно вивішує блюзнірський «Пейзаж мрії» у паризькому весняному салоні 1926 року. 爱尔兰西部也充满了疯狂的谣言和传说,一位名叫阿尔多伊斯-博诺的出色画家在 1926 年的巴黎春季沙龙中悬挂了一幅亵渎神明的梦幻风景画。 And so numerous are the recorded troubles in insane asylums that only a miracle can have stopped the medical fraternity from noting strange parallelisms and drawing mystified conclusions. Y tan numerosos son los problemas registrados en los manicomios que solo un milagro puede haber impedido que la fraternidad médica notara extraños paralelismos y sacara conclusiones desconcertadas. І так багато зареєстрованих проблем у божевільнях, що лише диво могло зупинити медичне братство від помітки дивних паралелізмів і зробити загадкові висновки. A weird bunch of cuttings, all told; and I can at this date scarcely envisage the callous rationalism with which I set them aside. Un extraño puñado de recortes, todo sea dicho; y en la actualidad apenas puedo imaginar el insensible racionalismo con el que los dejé de lado. Дивна купа живців, все сказано; і зараз я навряд чи можу уявити бездушний раціоналізм, з яким я відкидав їх убік. 总而言之,一堆奇怪的插条;我现在几乎无法想象我将它们搁置一旁的冷酷理性主义。 But I was then convinced that young Wilcox had known of the older matters mentioned by the professor. But I was then convinced that young Wilcox had known of the older matters mentioned by the professor. Pero entonces me convencí de que el joven Wilcox conocía los asuntos más antiguos mencionados por el profesor. Але тоді я був переконаний, що молодий Вілкокс знав про давніші справи, про які говорив професор.