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BBC Sounds – Homeschool History, Homeschool History - Mary Queen of Scots

Homeschool History - Mary Queen of Scots

Hello and welcome to Homeschool History. I'm Greg Jenner, and I've spent my whole career making history fun on the TV show "Horrible Histories" and more recently on the BBC podcast "You're Dead to Me," although that one's mostly for the grown-ups.

With everyone being cooped up in the house, I thought I'd do a brand new podcast that delivers a snappy history lesson to entertain and educate the whole family. Who says that homeschooling can't be a bit of fun?

Today, we are journeying back nearly 500 years to learn all about the extraordinary life of Mary Queen of Scots. And listen up because at the end of the episode, there'll be a quick quiz to see how much you can remember, but no pressure.

Mary was born in 1542 in Linlithgow Palace in Scotland.

Her dad, King James V of Scotland, took one look at her and keeled over dead.

Okay, not exactly like that, but he'd been wounded in battle and he really wanted a baby boy, and Mary was a baby girl. So he died of his injuries / disappointment, whichever one you want to choose. And weirdly, that now meant that Mary was Queen of Scotland, even though she was only six days old. Imagine holding a coronation ceremony for someone who needs to be burped every two hours.

As you can probably guess, babies are not exactly suited to running the country, so her French mum, Mary of Guise (Bonjour!), ruled on her behalf. As soon as baby Mary could walk, everyone was obsessed with who she was going to marry because that would make Scotland a powerful military ally.

England's bearded bully boy, Henry VIII, tried to marry Mary off to his son, Edward, even though Mary was only three years old. Henry's plan didn't work out. He got angry and he sent soldiers to fight the Scots. Classic Henry. Needing Catholic help against the Protestant English, Mary instead got engaged to Prince Francis of France, who was only four years old.

She went off to live in France with her four best friends, and their names were, well, quite easy to remember. It was Mary, Mary, Mary, and Susan. Nah, I'm kidding. It was Mary. Anyway, things were going great for Mary. As teenagers, she and Francis finally got married, and then Francis soon became king. Wow! Mary was suddenly Queen of Scots and Queen of France.

Double trumpets!

And then her husband, King Francis, immediately got a stupid ear infection and died.

Oh, sad trumpets.

Yes, Mary was sadly widowed aged just 18. Now, Francis had two brothers that Mary potentially could have married, but Francis' mum, Catherine de' Medici, wanted to run the show for herself, and she didn't want Mary meddling, so backup marriage denied.

Instead, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary and Mary were told to just get lost, so they went home back to Scotland, where Mary's mum – also called Mary, of course –, had been running the show with the help of several meddling advisors.

At last, Mary Queen of Scots would be returning to her native nation. Surely the Scottish Lords would be thrilled to have their beautiful young queen back.

Well, er, no.

Mary turned up with loads of fancy French stuff, like posh dresses and jewellery and tapestries, and she probably spoke French as her first language too. And the Scottish Lords took one look at her and they were immediately, vraiment grandieux, which is French for proper grumpy.

Because Mary had been away all her life in France, she didn't have any loyal advisors to help her in Scotland, and the Scottish Lords immediately started thinking of ways to get rid of her.

There was also a religious preacher named John Knox, who hated the idea of women running the world. (Clearly not a Beyoncé fan.)

And then there was James Stewart, Mary's half-brother, who wanted to rule by using Mary as his puppet, but Mary believed that she had been appointed by God to rule on her own. As sibling squabbles go, it was slightly worse than fighting over the Xbox.

Luckily, Mary did have one pal, her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I of England. (Hello there, gorgeous.)

Even though Liz was a Protestant and England had been Scotland's enemy, they wrote nice letters to each other and bonded over their similarities. After all, they were both powerful women in a man's world. (Like Beyoncé.)

The two friends even made plans to meet up. But when you're two queens meeting up for the first time, you can't just go and have a casual hang in Nando's. So they started thinking about a big, big party with gold-painted roses and all the trimmings and loads and loads of people there and probably both of them on boats.

Mary was dead keen on the meet-up because if Elizabeth didn't have her own kids, then Mary could maybe inherit Elizabeth's throne when Elizabeth died. Why? Well, because Mary's grandmother had been Henry VIII's sister.

Unfortunately, things got a bit awks. Even with good friends asking for their throne once they're done with it, it's quite a big ask. It's a crown, it's not like borrowing a pencil sharpener. Elizabeth cancelled the meeting and Mary was gutted.

Instead, Elizabeth offered Mary a weird gift. A new husband to replace her dead one. What a good friend, right?

Unfortunately, the guy Elizabeth was trying to set Mary up with was called Robert Dudley. (Hullo!)

He was the Earl of Leicester, he was very handsome, but he used to be a commoner and he'd been branded a traitor and he might have been involved in the death of his first wife and Dudley had been Elizabeth's on-off boyfriend.

Mary was furious. Dudley was a commoner and she was a queen. He was way beneath her. But also, it was just a bit weird, the idea of marrying your cousin's ex-boyfriend.

Instead, Mary's next husband was to be Lord Darnley. He was a real smooth talker. (Hello!)

But not a nice guy. He wanted to marry Mary so he could be king. He even helped to murder Mary's personal secretary to try and scare her into doing what the Scottish lords wanted.

What a bully!

Darnley and Mary soon had a baby together, whose name was James. Then something quite weird happened. Darnley's house exploded. Even weirder, he was found suffocated to death in a nearby orchard.

Yikes! I'm no detective, but that death sounds quite suspicious to me. Many people thought someone called Lord Bothwell had helped with the murder. He was put on trial but got away with it.

Then things got way worse. Bothwell kidnapped Mary, forced her to marry him, and then tried to take the throne for himself. Poor Mary, her love life was an absolute nightmare. But things would get worse again: Her half-brother, James Stewart, remember him from before? Well, he teamed up with the other Scottish lords to raise an army against her and Bothwell. Mary lost the battle, was thrown in prison, and then she was taken as a captive to Loch Leven Castle.

However, she befriended a young boy who lived in the castle and he stole the keys to her cell so she could sneak out in disguise while everyone else was having a huge party. She jumped on a horse and rode 60 miles to freedom.

Mary had a choice. She could go back to France, stay and fight in Scotland, or go to England to get help from her BFF, Queen Elizabeth. So she did the third one. And Elizabeth responded like a classic frenemy by immediately putting Mary under house arrest.

Because Elizabeth hadn't married and still didn't have an heir, Mary was still next in line for the English throne. But of course, shock horror, Mary was Catholic. If she became Queen, surely she'd just make everyone Catholic like her. Elizabeth's Protestant advisors were terrified.

So Mary was under arrest in England.

Meanwhile, in Scotland, her son James was now made King James VI of Scotland, even though he was a baby, just like she'd been a baby when she was Queen of Scotland. Honestly, this story has too many Marys and too many babies with crowns on their heads.

Mary was held under house arrest for the next 20 years. She wasn't even allowed to send special birthday presents to her son King James back in Scotland. Mary got very desperate.

And then she did something very, very silly. Some Catholic plotters called Anthony Babington and John Ballard approached her with a secret plan. They were going to try and get rid of Queen Elizabeth I and put Mary on the throne of England instead.

Now Mary was tired of being in jail. She missed her son, she wanted to get out, and she thought, yeah, if I agree to this plan, I get to leave. So she said yes to the Babington plot, not knowing that Elizabeth's chief spy was intercepting and reading all of her secret messages, which she thought she had hidden carefully. She was caught red-handed and put on trial for treason.

Mary was outraged because she believed that kings and queens were chosen by God and that trials were for normal people, not like her. Funnily enough, Queen Elizabeth also had similar concerns. If Liz put Mary on trial, would someone put Liz on trial one day?

Elizabeth's mum, Anne Boleyn, and her ex-stepmother, Catherine Howard, had both been put on trial and executed by her dad, Henry VIII. So she knew a thing or two about executed queens. But Mary was different. She wasn't someone's wife. She was a legitimate ruler in her own right. Can you execute a legitimate ruler appointed by God? Tough one.

Elizabeth was desperate to avoid executing Mary. She didn't want to have to do it. She spent ages trying to find ways to avoid signing the death warrant, just like I spend ages trying to find ways not to do the washing up, but eventually you run out of plates.

Elizabeth was finally convinced to sign the death warrant, and as soon as she did, it was sent off very quickly to make sure she didn't change her mind. Mary was going to be executed.

Mary didn't get much sleep the night before her execution. She was very frightened, but she was also kept awake by the sound of the chopping block being built. And even though Mary's executioners wanted her to feel alone and afraid, she had a loyal companion with her at the very end. Her cute little dog hiding under her skirts. Good doggie.

Mary Queen of Scots' life ended in 1587, and it had been a tragic life in many ways, particularly when compared to the long and glorious reign of her frenemy, Elizabeth I of England.

But when Elizabeth died in 1603, she had no heir, and so the throne of England went to Mary Queen of Scots' son, King James VI of Scotland, who became King James I of England. And when he was in power, he moved his mum's body from Peterborough Cathedral to Westminster Abbey to be with the other kings and queens.

And that brings us to the end of her story, which means it's time for the quickfire quiz. Do you have your pens ready? Here we go. 3, 2, 1.

OK, question 1: How old was Mary when she became Queen of Scots?

Question 2: Which country did Mary move to when she was only 5?

Question 3: What were the names of Mary's four ladies-in-waiting, her best friends?

Question 4: How did Mary escape from Loch Leven Castle?

Question 5: Which friend accompanied Mary to her execution?

And here are the answers.

The answer to question 1 was 6 days old. She was a baby.

The answer to question 2 was France.

The answer to question 3 was Mary, Mary, Mary, and Mary.

The answer to question 4 was she befriended a young boy who gave her the keys so she could sneak out in disguise. Good plan.

And the answer to question 5 was her pet dog.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the momentous life of Mary Queen of Scots. It's sad but fascinating stuff. Tune in next time for some more homeschool history with me, Greg Jenner. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.

Thank you for listening. Take care and goodbye.

Homeschool History was a Muddy Knees media production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds. The script writers were Gabby Hutchinson-Crouch, Emma Nagouse, and me. The producer was Ben Green, and the historical advisor was Mary's biographer, Professor Kate Williams.

My name's Louis Theroux, and I'm doing a new podcast for Radio 4. It's called Grounded with Louis Theroux. I've assembled a series of interviews from my own home. The idea is that we can dig a little deeper, peel back the layers and find out who they really are. A free-flowing exchange of ideas, reflecting on what's going on now but also looking back at the past. And featuring, at no extra cost, extraneous family noises in the background and dodgy microphones. Two people communing through the miracle of the interweb at long distance and yet so very close.

To hear new episodes as soon as they go live, just subscribe to Grounded with Louis Theroux on BBC Sounds.

Homeschool History - Mary Queen of Scots Homeschool Geschichte - Maria, Königin der Schotten Homeschool History - Mary Queen of Scots Homeschool History - María Reina de Escocia Histoire de l'école à domicile - Marie Reine d'Écosse Storia per l'homeschool - Maria Regina di Scozia ホームスクールの歴史 - スコットランドのメアリー女王 홈스쿨 역사 - 스코틀랜드의 메리 여왕 Istorija namams - Škotijos karalienė Marija Homeschool Geschiedenis - Mary Queen of Scots Historia Homeschool - Maria królowa Szkotów História no Ensino Doméstico - Maria Rainha dos Escoceses Домашняя история - Мария Королева Шотландии Ev Okulu Tarihi - İskoç Kraliçesi Mary Історія домашньої школи - Марія, королева Шотландії 家庭学校历史 - 苏格兰玛丽女王 家庭學校歷史 - 蘇格蘭瑪麗女王

Hello and welcome to Homeschool History. Hello and welcome to Homeschool History. I'm Greg Jenner, and I've spent my whole career making history fun on the TV show "Horrible Histories" and more recently on the BBC podcast "You're Dead to Me," although that one's mostly for the grown-ups. Ich bin Greg Jenner und habe meine ganze Karriere damit verbracht, in der Fernsehsendung "Horrible Histories" und seit kurzem auch im BBC-Podcast "You're Dead to Me" Geschichte lustig zu machen. I'm Greg Jenner, and I've spent my whole career making history fun on the TV show "Horrible Histories" and more recently on the BBC podcast "You're Dead to Me," although that one's mostly for the grown-ups. Je m'appelle Greg Jenner et j'ai passé toute ma carrière à rendre l'histoire amusante dans l'émission télévisée "Horrible Histories" et, plus récemment, dans le podcast de la BBC "You're Dead to Me", bien que celui-ci soit surtout destiné aux adultes. 私はグレッグ・ジェンナーです。テレビ番組「Horrible Histories」や、最近ではBBCのポッドキャスト「You're Dead to Me」などで、歴史を楽しくすることに全力を注いできました(この番組はほとんど大人向けですが)。 Chamo-me Greg Jenner e passei toda a minha carreira a tornar a história divertida no programa de televisão "Horrible Histories" e, mais recentemente, no podcast da BBC "You're Dead to Me", embora este seja sobretudo para os adultos. Меня зовут Грег Дженнер, и я всю свою карьеру занимался историей в телепередаче "Ужасные истории", а в последнее время - в подкасте BBC "Ты для меня мертв", хотя он в основном для взрослых. Ben Greg Jenner ve tüm kariyerimi "Horrible Histories" adlı TV programında ve son zamanlarda BBC'nin "You're Dead to Me" adlı podcast'inde tarihi eğlenceli hale getirerek geçirdim, ancak bu daha çok yetişkinler için.

With everyone being cooped up in the house, I thought I'd do a brand new podcast that delivers a snappy history lesson to entertain and educate the whole family. Da alle im Haus eingesperrt sind, dachte ich mir, ich mache einen brandneuen Podcast, der eine kurzweilige Geschichtsstunde bietet und die ganze Familie unterhält. With everyone being cooped up in the house, I thought I'd do a brand new podcast that delivers a snappy history lesson to entertain and educate the whole family. Comme tout le monde est enfermé à la maison, j'ai pensé faire un tout nouveau podcast qui donne une leçon d'histoire rapide pour divertir et éduquer toute la famille. Com toda a gente fechada em casa, pensei em fazer um novo podcast que oferece uma lição de história rápida para entreter e educar toda a família. Поскольку все сидят дома, я решил выпустить новый подкаст, в котором в сжатой форме рассказывается об истории, чтобы развлечь и просветить всю семью. Herkes eve tıkılmışken, tüm aileyi eğlendirmek ve eğitmek için hızlı bir tarih dersi veren yepyeni bir podcast yapabileceğimi düşündüm. Who says that homeschooling can't be a bit of fun? Wer sagt denn, dass Heimunterricht nicht auch ein bisschen Spaß machen kann? Who says that homeschooling can't be a bit of fun? Evde eğitimin eğlenceli olamayacağını kim söylemiş?

Today, we are journeying back nearly 500 years to learn all about the extraordinary life of Mary Queen of Scots. Heute reisen wir fast 500 Jahre zurück und erfahren alles über das außergewöhnliche Leben von Maria, Königin der Schotten. Сегодня мы совершим путешествие почти на 500 лет назад, чтобы узнать о необыкновенной жизни Марии, королевы Шотландии. Bugün, İskoç Kraliçesi Mary'nin olağanüstü yaşamı hakkında her şeyi öğrenmek için yaklaşık 500 yıl geriye gidiyoruz. And listen up because at the end of the episode, there'll be a quick quiz to see how much you can remember, but no pressure. And listen up because at the end of the episode, there'll be a quick quiz to see how much you can remember, but no pressure. E ascoltate bene perché alla fine dell'episodio ci sarà un rapido quiz per vedere quanto riuscite a ricordare, ma non c'è pressione. Ve dinleyin çünkü bölümün sonunda ne kadarını hatırlayabildiğinizi görmek için hızlı bir test olacak, ama baskı yok.

Mary was born in 1542 in Linlithgow Palace in Scotland. Mary was born in 1542 in Linlithgow Palace in Scotland. Maria nacque nel 1542 a Linlithgow Palace, in Scozia.

Her dad, King James V of Scotland, took one look at her and keeled over dead. Ihr Vater, König James V. von Schottland, warf einen Blick auf sie und kippte tot um. Her dad, King James V of Scotland, took one look at her and keeled over dead. Suo padre, il re Giacomo V di Scozia, la guardò e si accasciò a terra morto. Ее отец, шотландский король Яков V, взглянул на нее и упал замертво. Babası, İskoçya Kralı V. James, ona bir bakış attı ve yere yığılıp öldü.

Okay, not exactly like that, but he'd been wounded in battle and he really wanted a baby boy, and Mary was a baby girl. Okay, nicht ganz so, aber er war im Kampf verwundet worden und wollte unbedingt einen kleinen Jungen, und Mary war ein kleines Mädchen. Okay, not exactly like that, but he'd been wounded in battle and he really wanted a baby boy, and Mary was a baby girl. So he died of his injuries / disappointment, whichever one you want to choose. Er starb also an seinen Verletzungen bzw. an seiner Enttäuschung, wie auch immer man es nennen will. Yani yaralarından / hayal kırıklığından öldü, hangisini seçmek isterseniz. And weirdly, that now meant that Mary was Queen of Scotland, even though she was only six days old. Und seltsamerweise bedeutete das, dass Maria nun Königin von Schottland war, obwohl sie erst sechs Tage alt war. Ve garip bir şekilde, bu artık Mary'nin sadece altı günlük olmasına rağmen İskoçya Kraliçesi olduğu anlamına geliyordu. Imagine holding a coronation ceremony for someone who needs to be burped every two hours. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie halten eine Krönungszeremonie für jemanden ab, der alle zwei Stunden ein Bäuerchen machen muss. Imagina celebrar una ceremonia de coronación para alguien que necesita eructar cada dos horas. Her iki saatte bir geğirmesi gereken biri için taç giyme töreni düzenlediğinizi düşünün.

As you can probably guess, babies are not exactly suited to running the country, so her French mum, Mary of Guise (Bonjour!), ruled on her behalf. Wie Sie sich wahrscheinlich denken können, sind Babys nicht gerade dazu geeignet, das Land zu regieren, also regierte ihre französische Mutter, Maria von Guise (Bonjour!), an ihrer Stelle. Tahmin edebileceğiniz gibi, bebekler ülkeyi yönetmek için pek uygun değildir, bu yüzden Fransız annesi Guise'li Mary (Bonjour!) onun adına yönetti. As soon as baby Mary could walk, everyone was obsessed with who she was going to marry because that would make Scotland a powerful military ally.

England's bearded bully boy, Henry VIII, tried to marry Mary off to his son, Edward, even though Mary was only three years old. Englands bärtiger Tyrann, Heinrich VIII., versuchte, Maria mit seinem Sohn Edward zu verheiraten, obwohl sie erst drei Jahre alt war. Бородатый забияка Генрих VIII пытался выдать Марию за своего сына Эдуарда, хотя Марии было всего три года. İngiltere'nin sakallı kabadayı çocuğu Henry VIII, Mary henüz üç yaşında olmasına rağmen onu oğlu Edward ile evlendirmeye çalıştı. Henry's plan didn't work out. Henrys Plan ist nicht aufgegangen. Henry'nin planı işe yaramadı. He got angry and he sent soldiers to fight the Scots. Sinirlendi ve İskoçlarla savaşmaları için askerler gönderdi. Classic Henry. Needing Catholic help against the Protestant English, Mary instead got engaged to Prince Francis of France, who was only four years old. Da sie katholische Hilfe gegen die protestantischen Engländer benötigte, verlobte sich Maria stattdessen mit dem erst vier Jahre alten Prinzen Franz von Frankreich. Нуждаясь в помощи католиков в борьбе с протестантами-англичанами, Мария вместо этого обручилась с принцем Франциском Французским, которому было всего четыре года. Protestan İngilizlere karşı Katoliklerin yardımına ihtiyaç duyan Mary, bunun yerine henüz dört yaşında olan Fransa Prensi Francis ile nişanlandı.

She went off to live in France with her four best friends, and their names were, well, quite easy to remember. Sie zog mit ihren vier besten Freundinnen nach Frankreich, und ihre Namen waren, nun ja, recht leicht zu merken. Она уехала жить во Францию вместе со своими четырьмя лучшими подругами, имена которых, в общем, легко запомнить. It was Mary, Mary, Mary, and Susan. Nah, I'm kidding. Nein, ich mache nur Spaß. Не, я шучу. It was Mary. Anyway, things were going great for Mary. Her neyse, Mary için işler harika gidiyordu. As teenagers, she and Francis finally got married, and then Francis soon became king. Als Teenager heirateten sie und Franziskus schließlich, und bald darauf wurde Franziskus König. Wow! Mary was suddenly Queen of Scots and Queen of France.

Double trumpets!

And then her husband, King Francis, immediately got a stupid ear infection and died.

Oh, sad trumpets. Oh, traurige Trompeten.

Yes, Mary was sadly widowed aged just 18. Ja, Mary wurde leider mit nur 18 Jahren Witwe. Evet, Mary ne yazık ki sadece 18 yaşında dul kaldı. Now, Francis had two brothers that Mary potentially could have married, but Francis' mum, Catherine de' Medici, wanted to run the show for herself, and she didn't want Mary meddling, so backup marriage denied. Franziskus hatte zwei Brüder, die Maria möglicherweise hätte heiraten können, aber Katharina von Medici, die Mutter von Franziskus, wollte die Sache selbst in die Hand nehmen, und sie wollte nicht, dass Maria sich einmischt. Şimdi, Francis'in Mary'nin potansiyel olarak evlenebileceği iki erkek kardeşi vardı, ancak Francis'in annesi Catherine de 'Medici, gösteriyi kendisi için yönetmek istedi ve Mary'nin karışmasını istemedi, bu yüzden yedek evlilik reddedildi.

Instead, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary and Mary were told to just get lost, so they went home back to Scotland, where Mary's mum – also called Mary, of course –, had been running the show with the help of several meddling advisors. Stattdessen wurde Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary und Mary gesagt, sie sollten einfach abhauen, und so kehrten sie nach Schottland zurück, wo Marys Mutter - die natürlich auch Mary hieß - mit Hilfe mehrerer einmischender Berater die Fäden in der Hand hielt. Em vez disso, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary e Mary foram mandadas embora e regressaram à Escócia, onde a mãe de Mary - também chamada Mary, claro - tinha estado a dirigir o espetáculo com a ajuda de vários conselheiros intrometidos. Bunun yerine Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary ve Mary'ye kaybolmaları söylendi ve onlar da Mary'nin annesinin - tabii ki adı da Mary'ydi - birkaç işgüzar danışmanın yardımıyla gösteriyi yürüttüğü İskoçya'ya geri döndüler.

At last, Mary Queen of Scots would be returning to her native nation. Endlich würde Maria, die Königin der Schotten, in ihr Heimatland zurückkehren. Surely the Scottish Lords would be thrilled to have their beautiful young queen back. Конечно, шотландские лорды были бы в восторге от возвращения своей прекрасной молодой королевы. İskoç Lordları genç ve güzel kraliçelerine kavuştukları için çok sevineceklerdir.

Well, er, no.

Mary turned up with loads of fancy French stuff, like posh dresses and jewellery and tapestries, and she probably spoke French as her first language too. У Марии было много модных французских вещей: шикарные платья, украшения, гобелены, и, вероятно, она говорила по-французски как на родном языке. Mary, gösterişli elbiseler, mücevherler ve duvar halıları gibi bir sürü süslü Fransız eşyasıyla geldi ve muhtemelen ana dili olarak da Fransızca konuşuyordu. And the Scottish Lords took one look at her and they were immediately, vraiment grandieux, which is French for proper grumpy. Und die schottischen Lords warfen einen Blick auf sie und waren sofort "vraiment grandieux", was auf Französisch "richtig mürrisch" bedeutet. İskoç Lordları ona şöyle bir baktılar ve hemen "vraiment grandieux", yani Fransızca'da huysuz anlamına gelen "vraiment grandieux" dediler.

Because Mary had been away all her life in France, she didn't have any loyal advisors to help her in Scotland, and the Scottish Lords immediately started thinking of ways to get rid of her. Da Maria ihr ganzes Leben in Frankreich verbracht hatte, hatte sie keine loyalen Berater, die ihr in Schottland helfen konnten, und die schottischen Lords überlegten sofort, wie sie sie loswerden könnten. Mary hayatı boyunca Fransa'da olduğu için İskoçya'da kendisine yardımcı olacak sadık danışmanları yoktu ve İskoç Lordları hemen ondan kurtulmanın yollarını düşünmeye başladılar.

There was also a religious preacher named John Knox, who hated the idea of women running the world. Es gab auch einen religiösen Prediger namens John Knox, der die Vorstellung hasste, dass Frauen die Welt regieren. Был также религиозный проповедник по имени Джон Нокс, которому была ненавистна идея о том, что женщины управляют миром. (Clearly not a Beyoncé fan.) (Offensichtlich kein Beyoncé-Fan.) (Clearly not a Beyoncé fan.)

And then there was James Stewart, Mary's half-brother, who wanted to rule by using Mary as his puppet, but Mary believed that she had been appointed by God to rule on her own. Und dann war da noch James Stewart, Marias Halbbruder, der regieren wollte, indem er Maria als seine Marionette benutzte, aber Maria glaubte, dass sie von Gott dazu bestimmt worden war, selbst zu regieren. Bir de Meryem'in üvey kardeşi James Stewart vardı, Meryem'i kuklası gibi kullanarak hükmetmek istiyordu ama Meryem Tanrı tarafından tek başına hükmetmek üzere görevlendirildiğine inanıyordu. As sibling squabbles go, it was slightly worse than fighting over the Xbox. Für einen Geschwisterstreit war das etwas schlimmer als ein Streit um die Xbox. Если сравнивать с братскими разборками, то это было немногим хуже, чем драка за Xbox. Kardeş kavgaları arasında, Xbox için kavga etmekten biraz daha kötüydü.

Luckily, Mary did have one pal, her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I of England. Zum Glück hatte Maria einen Freund, ihre Cousine, Königin Elisabeth I. von England. К счастью, у Марии был один приятель - ее двоюродная сестра, английская королева Елизавета I. (Hello there, gorgeous.) (Hallo, meine Hübsche.) (Merhaba, güzelim.)

Even though Liz was a Protestant and England had been Scotland's enemy, they wrote nice letters to each other and bonded over their similarities. Obwohl Liz Protestantin war und England der Feind Schottlands, schrieben sie sich nette Briefe und verbanden sich durch ihre Gemeinsamkeiten. Несмотря на то, что Лиз была протестанткой, а Англия - врагом Шотландии, они писали друг другу милые письма и сближались из-за их сходства. Liz bir Protestan olmasına ve İngiltere İskoçya'nın düşmanı olmasına rağmen, birbirlerine güzel mektuplar yazdılar ve benzerlikleri üzerinden bağ kurdular. After all, they were both powerful women in a man's world. В конце концов, они обе были сильными женщинами в мужском мире. (Like Beyoncé.)

The two friends even made plans to meet up. But when you're two queens meeting up for the first time, you can't just go and have a casual hang in Nando's. Aber wenn sich zwei Königinnen zum ersten Mal treffen, kann man nicht einfach ins Nando's gehen und ein bisschen abhängen. Но когда две королевы встречаются в первый раз, нельзя просто пойти и случайно потусоваться в Nando's. Ama ilk kez buluşan iki kraliçe olduğunuzda, gidip Nando's'ta öylesine takılamazsınız. So they started thinking about a big, big party with gold-painted roses and all the trimmings and loads and loads of people there and probably both of them on boats. Also dachten sie an eine große, große Party mit goldfarbenen Rosen und allem Drum und Dran und vielen, vielen Leuten und wahrscheinlich beiden auf Booten. И они стали думать о большой, большой вечеринке с золотыми розами и всеми украшениями, с большим количеством людей и, возможно, с обоими на яхтах.

Mary was dead keen on the meet-up because if Elizabeth didn't have her own kids, then Mary could maybe inherit Elizabeth's throne when Elizabeth died. Maria war sehr an dem Treffen interessiert, denn wenn Elisabeth keine eigenen Kinder hatte, konnte Maria vielleicht den Thron von Elisabeth erben, wenn diese starb. Мария была очень заинтересована в этой встрече, так как если у Елизаветы не будет своих детей, то Мария сможет унаследовать трон Елизаветы после ее смерти. Mary bu buluşmaya çok hevesliydi çünkü Elizabeth'in kendi çocukları olmazsa, Elizabeth öldüğünde Mary belki de Elizabeth'in tahtını miras alabilirdi. Why? Well, because Mary's grandmother had been Henry VIII's sister. Nun, weil Marias Großmutter die Schwester von Heinrich VIII. gewesen war.

Unfortunately, things got a bit awks. Leider wurden die Dinge ein wenig unangenehm. Ne yazık ki işler biraz ters gitti. Even with good friends asking for their throne once they're done with it, it's quite a big ask. Selbst bei guten Freunden, die nach ihrem Thron fragen, wenn sie damit fertig sind, ist das eine ziemlich große Bitte. Même avec de bons amis qui leur demandent leur trône une fois qu'ils en ont fini avec lui, c'est une demande assez importante. Даже если хорошие друзья попросят их трон после того, как они его закончат, это будет довольно большая просьба. İşi bittikten sonra tahtını isteyen iyi arkadaşlar bile olsa, bu oldukça büyük bir istek. It's a crown, it's not like borrowing a pencil sharpener. Es ist eine Krone, das ist nicht so, als würde man sich einen Bleistiftanspitzer ausleihen. C'est une couronne, ce n'est pas comme emprunter un taille-crayon. Elizabeth cancelled the meeting and Mary was gutted. Elizabeth sagte das Treffen ab und Mary war entsetzt. Elizabeth a annulé la réunion et Mary était effondrée. Elizabeth toplantıyı iptal etti ve Mary çok üzüldü.

Instead, Elizabeth offered Mary a weird gift. Stattdessen bot Elisabeth Maria ein seltsames Geschenk an. Au lieu de cela, Elizabeth a offert à Marie un étrange cadeau. A new husband to replace her dead one. Ein neuer Ehemann, der ihren toten Ehemann ersetzt. Un nouveau mari pour remplacer celui qui est mort. Новый муж взамен погибшего. What a good friend, right?

Unfortunately, the guy Elizabeth was trying to set Mary up with was called Robert Dudley. Leider hieß der Mann, mit dem Elizabeth Mary verkuppeln wollte, Robert Dudley. Malheureusement, l'homme qu'Elizabeth essayait de présenter à Mary s'appelait Robert Dudley. Ne yazık ki Elizabeth'in Mary'ye ayarlamaya çalıştığı adamın adı Robert Dudley'di. (Hullo!) (Hullo!)

He was the Earl of Leicester, he was very handsome, but he used to be a commoner and he'd been branded a traitor and he might have been involved in the death of his first wife and Dudley had been Elizabeth's on-off boyfriend. Er war der Graf von Leicester, er war sehr gut aussehend, aber er war ein Bürgerlicher und wurde als Verräter gebrandmarkt, und er könnte in den Tod seiner ersten Frau verwickelt gewesen sein, und Dudley war Elizabeths kurzzeitiger Freund gewesen. Il était le comte de Leicester, il était très beau, mais il était un roturier et il avait été considéré comme un traître et il était peut-être impliqué dans la mort de sa première femme et Dudley avait été le petit ami occasionnel d'Elizabeth. Leicester Kontu'ydu, çok yakışıklıydı ama eskiden halktan biriydi ve bir hain olarak damgalanmıştı ve ilk karısının ölümüne karışmış olabilirdi ve Dudley, Elizabeth'in geçici erkek arkadaşıydı.

Mary was furious. Maria war wütend. Dudley was a commoner and she was a queen. Dudley war ein Bürgerlicher und sie war eine Königin. Dudley était un roturier et elle était une reine. He was way beneath her. Er war ihr weit unterlegen. Il était bien en dessous d'elle. Ondan çok daha aşağıdaydı. But also, it was just a bit weird, the idea of marrying your cousin's ex-boyfriend. Aber die Vorstellung, den Ex-Freund der Cousine zu heiraten, war auch ein bisschen seltsam. Mais aussi, c'était un peu bizarre, l'idée d'épouser l'ex-petit ami de sa cousine.

Instead, Mary's next husband was to be Lord Darnley. Stattdessen sollte Marys nächster Ehemann Lord Darnley sein. Au lieu de cela, le prochain mari de Mary sera Lord Darnley. Вместо этого следующим мужем Марии должен был стать лорд Дарнли. He was a real smooth talker. Er war ein echter Schmeichler. C'était un vrai beau parleur. (Hello!)

But not a nice guy. Mais ce n'est pas un gentil garçon. Но не очень хороший парень. He wanted to marry Mary so he could be king. Er wollte Maria heiraten, damit er König werden konnte. Il voulait épouser Marie pour devenir roi. Он хотел жениться на Марии, чтобы стать царем. He even helped to murder Mary's personal secretary to try and scare her into doing what the Scottish lords wanted. Er half sogar bei der Ermordung von Marias persönlichem Sekretär, um sie dazu zu bringen, den Wünschen der schottischen Lords nachzukommen. Il a même contribué à l'assassinat du secrétaire personnel de Marie pour tenter de l'effrayer et l'amener à faire ce que les seigneurs écossais voulaient. Он даже помог убить личного секретаря Марии, пытаясь запугать ее, чтобы она сделала то, что хотели шотландские лорды. Hatta Mary'nin özel sekreterinin öldürülmesine yardım ederek onu korkutup İskoç lordlarının istediklerini yaptırmaya çalıştı.

What a bully! Quelle brute !

Darnley and Mary soon had a baby together, whose name was James. Darnley et Mary eurent bientôt un enfant, qui s'appelait James. Then something quite weird happened. Dann geschah etwas ganz Seltsames. Il s'est alors passé quelque chose d'assez bizarre. Darnley's house exploded. Darnleys Haus explodierte. La maison de Darnley a explosé. Дом Дарнли взорвался. Even weirder, he was found suffocated to death in a nearby orchard. Noch merkwürdiger ist, dass er in einem nahe gelegenen Obstgarten erstickt aufgefunden wurde. Plus étrange encore, il a été retrouvé mort étouffé dans un verger voisin. Что еще более странно, он был найден задохнувшимся в близлежащем фруктовом саду. Daha da tuhafı, yakındaki bir meyve bahçesinde boğularak öldürülmüş olarak bulundu.

Yikes! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ! Ух ты! Yikes! I'm no detective, but that death sounds quite suspicious to me. Je ne suis pas détective, mais cette mort me semble assez suspecte. Many people thought someone called Lord Bothwell had helped with the murder. De nombreuses personnes pensaient qu'un certain Lord Bothwell avait participé à l'assassinat. He was put on trial but got away with it. Il a été jugé mais s'en est sorti. Mahkemeye çıkarıldı ama paçayı kurtardı.

Then things got way worse. Les choses ont ensuite empiré. Bothwell kidnapped Mary, forced her to marry him, and then tried to take the throne for himself. Bothwell a enlevé Mary, l'a forcée à l'épouser, puis a tenté de s'emparer du trône. Poor Mary, her love life was an absolute nightmare. Pauvre Mary, sa vie amoureuse était un véritable cauchemar. Zavallı Mary, aşk hayatı tam bir kabustu. But things would get worse again: Her half-brother, James Stewart, remember him from before? Mais les choses vont encore empirer : Son demi-frère, James Stewart, vous vous souvenez de lui ? Well, he teamed up with the other Scottish lords to raise an army against her and Bothwell. Il s'est allié aux autres seigneurs écossais pour lever une armée contre elle et Bothwell. Diğer İskoç lordlarıyla bir araya gelerek ona ve Bothwell'e karşı bir ordu kurdu. Mary lost the battle, was thrown in prison, and then she was taken as a captive to Loch Leven Castle. Mary perd la bataille, est jetée en prison, puis emmenée en captivité au château de Loch Leven. Mary savaşı kaybetti, hapse atıldı ve ardından esir olarak Loch Leven Kalesi'ne götürüldü.

However, she befriended a young boy who lived in the castle and he stole the keys to her cell so she could sneak out in disguise while everyone else was having a huge party. Cependant, elle se lie d'amitié avec un jeune garçon qui vit dans le château et qui lui vole les clés de sa cellule afin qu'elle puisse s'éclipser déguisée pendant que tout le monde fait une grande fête. Ancak şatoda yaşayan genç bir çocukla arkadaş oldu ve çocuk onun hücresinin anahtarlarını çaldı, böylece herkes büyük bir parti verirken o kılık değiştirerek gizlice dışarı çıkabildi. She jumped on a horse and rode 60 miles to freedom. Elle a sauté sur un cheval et a parcouru 60 miles vers la liberté.

Mary had a choice. She could go back to France, stay and fight in Scotland, or go to England to get help from her BFF, Queen Elizabeth. Elle peut retourner en France, rester se battre en Écosse ou aller en Angleterre pour obtenir l'aide de sa meilleure amie, la reine Élisabeth. So she did the third one. Elle a donc fait le troisième. And Elizabeth responded like a classic frenemy by immediately putting Mary under house arrest. Élisabeth réagit comme une ennemie classique en assignant immédiatement Marie à résidence. Elizabet de klasik bir düşman gibi karşılık vererek Meryem'i hemen ev hapsine aldı.

Because Elizabeth hadn't married and still didn't have an heir, Mary was still next in line for the English throne. Comme Élisabeth ne s'est pas mariée et n'a toujours pas d'héritier, Marie est la prochaine à accéder au trône d'Angleterre. Elizabeth evlenmediği ve hala bir varisi olmadığı için, Mary hala İngiliz tahtının sıradaki varisiydi. But of course, shock horror, Mary was Catholic. Mais bien sûr, horreur, Marie était catholique. Ama tabii ki, şok dehşet, Mary Katolikti. If she became Queen, surely she'd just make everyone Catholic like her. Si elle devenait reine, elle ferait en sorte que tout le monde soit catholique comme elle. Elizabeth's Protestant advisors were terrified. Les conseillers protestants d'Elizabeth sont terrifiés.

So Mary was under arrest in England. Mary est donc arrêtée en Angleterre.

Meanwhile, in Scotland, her son James was now made King James VI of Scotland, even though he was a baby, just like she'd been a baby when she was Queen of Scotland. Pendant ce temps, en Écosse, son fils James est devenu le roi James VI d'Écosse, bien qu'il soit un bébé, tout comme elle avait été un bébé lorsqu'elle était reine d'Écosse. Bu arada İskoçya'da oğlu James, bebek olmasına rağmen İskoçya Kralı 6. James oldu, tıpkı kendisinin İskoçya Kraliçesi olduğunda bebek olması gibi. Honestly, this story has too many Marys and too many babies with crowns on their heads. Honnêtement, cette histoire contient trop de Marie et trop de bébés avec des couronnes sur la tête.

Mary was held under house arrest for the next 20 years. Mary a été assignée à résidence pendant les 20 années suivantes. She wasn't even allowed to send special birthday presents to her son King James back in Scotland. Elle n'était même pas autorisée à envoyer des cadeaux d'anniversaire à son fils, le roi Jacques, en Écosse. İskoçya'daki oğlu Kral James'e özel doğum günü hediyeleri göndermesine bile izin verilmedi. Mary got very desperate. Mary est devenue très désespérée.

And then she did something very, very silly. Puis elle a fait quelque chose de très, très bête. Some Catholic plotters called Anthony Babington and John Ballard approached her with a secret plan. Des comploteurs catholiques, Anthony Babington et John Ballard, lui proposent un plan secret. They were going to try and get rid of Queen Elizabeth I and put Mary on the throne of England instead. Ils allaient essayer de se débarrasser de la reine Élisabeth I et de mettre Marie sur le trône d'Angleterre à la place. Kraliçe I. Elizabeth'ten kurtulmaya çalışacaklar ve onun yerine Mary'yi İngiltere tahtına oturtacaklardı.

Now Mary was tired of being in jail. Maria war es leid, im Gefängnis zu sitzen. Marie était fatiguée d'être en prison. Artık Meryem hapiste olmaktan bıkmıştı. She missed her son, she wanted to get out, and she thought, yeah, if I agree to this plan, I get to leave. Son fils lui manquait, elle voulait partir, et elle s'est dit que si elle acceptait ce plan, elle pourrait partir. So she said yes to the Babington plot, not knowing that Elizabeth's chief spy was intercepting and reading all of her secret messages, which she thought she had hidden carefully. Elle a donc accepté le complot de Babington, sans savoir que le principal espion d'Elizabeth interceptait et lisait tous ses messages secrets, qu'elle pensait avoir soigneusement cachés. Bu yüzden Babington komplosuna evet dedi, Elizabeth'in baş casusunun, dikkatle sakladığını düşündüğü tüm gizli mesajlarını dinlediğini ve okuduğunu bilmiyordu. She was caught red-handed and put on trial for treason. Sie wurde auf frischer Tat ertappt und wegen Hochverrats vor Gericht gestellt. Elle a été prise en flagrant délit et jugée pour trahison. Suçüstü yakalandı ve vatana ihanetten yargılandı.

Mary was outraged because she believed that kings and queens were chosen by God and that trials were for normal people, not like her. Marie est scandalisée car elle croit que les rois et les reines sont choisis par Dieu et que les procès sont pour les gens normaux, pas comme elle. Meryem öfkeliydi çünkü kralların ve kraliçelerin Tanrı tarafından seçildiğine ve sınavların kendisi gibi olmayan normal insanlar için olduğuna inanıyordu. Funnily enough, Queen Elizabeth also had similar concerns. Il est amusant de constater que la reine Élisabeth avait les mêmes préoccupations. İlginçtir ki, Kraliçe Elizabeth de benzer endişelere sahipti. If Liz put Mary on trial, would someone put Liz on trial one day? Si Liz a fait le procès de Mary, quelqu'un fera-t-il un jour le procès de Liz ? Liz, Mary'yi mahkemeye verseydi, bir gün biri Liz'i mahkemeye verir miydi?

Elizabeth's mum, Anne Boleyn, and her ex-stepmother, Catherine Howard, had both been put on trial and executed by her dad, Henry VIII. La mère d'Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn, et son ex-belle-mère, Catherine Howard, ont toutes deux été jugées et exécutées par son père, Henri VIII. Elizabeth'in annesi Anne Boleyn ve eski üvey annesi Catherine Howard, babası Henry VIII tarafından yargılanmış ve idam edilmişti. So she knew a thing or two about executed queens. Elle s'y connaissait donc en reines exécutées. But Mary was different. Mais Marie était différente. She wasn't someone's wife. Elle n'était pas la femme de quelqu'un. She was a legitimate ruler in her own right. Elle était une souveraine légitime à part entière. Kendi başına meşru bir hükümdardı. Can you execute a legitimate ruler appointed by God? Pouvez-vous exécuter un dirigeant légitime désigné par Dieu ? Tanrı tarafından atanmış meşru bir yöneticiyi idam edebilir misiniz? Tough one. C'est difficile. Zor bir tane.

Elizabeth was desperate to avoid executing Mary. Élisabeth voulait à tout prix éviter l'exécution de Marie. Elizabeth, Meryem'in idam edilmesini önlemek için çaresizdi. She didn't want to have to do it. Elle ne voulait pas avoir à le faire. Bunu yapmak zorunda kalmak istemedi. She spent ages trying to find ways to avoid signing the death warrant, just like I spend ages trying to find ways not to do the washing up, but eventually you run out of plates. Sie hat lange nach Wegen gesucht, das Todesurteil nicht zu unterschreiben, so wie ich lange nach Wegen suche, den Abwasch nicht zu machen, aber irgendwann gehen einem die Teller aus. Elle a passé des années à essayer de trouver des moyens d'éviter de signer l'arrêt de mort, tout comme je passe des années à essayer de trouver des moyens de ne pas faire la vaisselle, mais on finit par se retrouver à court d'assiettes. Ölüm fermanını imzalamaktan kaçınmanın yollarını bulmak için yıllarını harcadı, tıpkı benim bulaşıkları yıkamamanın yollarını bulmak için yıllarımı harcadığım gibi, ama sonunda tabaklarınız tükeniyor.

Elizabeth was finally convinced to sign the death warrant, and as soon as she did, it was sent off very quickly to make sure she didn't change her mind. Elizabeth wurde schließlich überzeugt, das Todesurteil zu unterschreiben, und sobald sie es tat, wurde es sehr schnell abgeschickt, um sicherzustellen, dass sie ihre Meinung nicht änderte. Elizabeth sonunda ölüm emrini imzalamaya ikna oldu ve imzalar imzalamaz fikrini değiştirmediğinden emin olmak için çok hızlı bir şekilde gönderildi. Mary was going to be executed.

Mary didn't get much sleep the night before her execution. Mary idamından önceki gece pek uyuyamadı. She was very frightened, but she was also kept awake by the sound of the chopping block being built. Sie war sehr verängstigt, wurde aber auch durch das Geräusch des Hackklotzes wachgehalten, der gebaut wurde. Çok korkmuştu ama aynı zamanda inşa edilmekte olan doğrama bloğunun sesi onu uyanık tutuyordu. And even though Mary's executioners wanted her to feel alone and afraid, she had a loyal companion with her at the very end. Ve Meryem'in cellatları onun yalnız ve korkmuş hissetmesini istemiş olsalar da, en sonunda yanında sadık bir yoldaşı vardı. Her cute little dog hiding under her skirts. Küçük sevimli köpeği eteklerinin altına saklanıyor. Good doggie. Cici köpek.

Mary Queen of Scots' life ended in 1587, and it had been a tragic life in many ways, particularly when compared to the long and glorious reign of her frenemy, Elizabeth I of England. Das Leben von Maria, der Königin der Schotten, endete 1587, und es war in vielerlei Hinsicht ein tragisches Leben, insbesondere im Vergleich zur langen und glorreichen Herrschaft ihrer Feindin Elisabeth I. von England.

But when Elizabeth died in 1603, she had no heir, and so the throne of England went to Mary Queen of Scots' son, King James VI of Scotland, who became King James I of England. And when he was in power, he moved his mum's body from Peterborough Cathedral to Westminster Abbey to be with the other kings and queens. Ve iktidara geldiğinde, annesinin naaşını Peterborough Katedrali'nden Westminster Abbey'e diğer kral ve kraliçelerle birlikte olması için taşıdı.

And that brings us to the end of her story, which means it's time for the quickfire quiz. Bu da bizi onun hikayesinin sonuna getiriyor, yani hızlı testin zamanı geldi. Do you have your pens ready? Here we go. 3, 2, 1.

OK, question 1: How old was Mary when she became Queen of Scots? Pekala, soru 1: Mary İskoç Kraliçesi olduğunda kaç yaşındaydı?

Question 2: Which country did Mary move to when she was only 5? Soru 2: Mary henüz 5 yaşındayken hangi ülkeye taşındı?

Question 3: What were the names of Mary's four ladies-in-waiting, her best friends? Soru 3: Meryem'in en iyi arkadaşları olan dört nedimesinin isimleri neydi?

Question 4: How did Mary escape from Loch Leven Castle?

Question 5: Which friend accompanied Mary to her execution? Soru 5: Meryem'in idamına hangi arkadaşı eşlik etti?

And here are the answers.

The answer to question 1 was 6 days old. She was a baby.

The answer to question 2 was France.

The answer to question 3 was Mary, Mary, Mary, and Mary.

The answer to question 4 was she befriended a young boy who gave her the keys so she could sneak out in disguise. Good plan.

And the answer to question 5 was her pet dog.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed the momentous life of Mary Queen of Scots. Umarım İskoç Kraliçesi Mary'nin önemli hayatından keyif almışsınızdır. It's sad but fascinating stuff. Tune in next time for some more homeschool history with me, Greg Jenner. Benimle, Greg Jenner ile daha fazla ev okulu tarihi için bir dahaki sefere ayarlayın. And make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.

Thank you for listening. Dinlediğiniz için teşekkürler. Take care and goodbye.

Homeschool History was a Muddy Knees media production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds. The script writers were Gabby Hutchinson-Crouch, Emma Nagouse, and me. The producer was Ben Green, and the historical advisor was Mary's biographer, Professor Kate Williams.

My name's Louis Theroux, and I'm doing a new podcast for Radio 4. It's called Grounded with Louis Theroux. Adı Louis Theroux ile Grounded. I've assembled a series of interviews from my own home. Kendi evimde yaptığım bir dizi röportajı bir araya getirdim. The idea is that we can dig a little deeper, peel back the layers and find out who they really are. Buradaki fikir, biraz daha derine inebilmemiz, katmanları soyabilmemiz ve gerçekte kim olduklarını bulabilmemizdir. A free-flowing exchange of ideas, reflecting on what's going on now but also looking back at the past. Şu anda neler olup bittiğini yansıtan ama aynı zamanda geçmişe de bakan, serbestçe akan bir fikir alışverişi. And featuring, at no extra cost, extraneous family noises in the background and dodgy microphones. Ve hiçbir ekstra ücret ödemeden, arka planda gereksiz aile gürültüleri ve tehlikeli mikrofonlar içeriyor. Two people communing through the miracle of the interweb at long distance and yet so very close. İki insan interweb mucizesi aracılığıyla uzak mesafeden ama yine de çok yakın bir şekilde iletişim kuruyor.

To hear new episodes as soon as they go live, just subscribe to Grounded with Louis Theroux on BBC Sounds. Yeni bölümleri yayınlanır yayınlanmaz dinlemek için BBC Sounds'ta Louis Theroux ile Grounded'a abone olmanız yeterli.