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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), Why Beautiful Things Make us Happy – Beauty Explained

Why Beautiful Things Make us Happy – Beauty Explained

A lot of things can be beautiful.

Landscapes, faces, fine art, or epic architecture; stars in the sky.

Or simply the reflection of the sun on an empty bottle.

Beauty is nothing tangible, it only exists in our heads as a pleasant feeling.

If we have to define it, we perceive something as beautiful if its color, shape, form, or proportion

somehow are appealing or delightful to us.

Beauty is a very human experience that's been with us for millions of years.

Even our first tools were trimmed to a symmetrical shape.

Researchers have tried to find practical reasons why our ancestors invested the time to make their tools look nice, but couldn't really identify any.

It seems that early humans shaped their tools into teardrops, simply because they liked them better that way.

Throughout our history, the definition of beauty has changed a lot.

Ideals have shifted or turned into their opposites.

But beyond individual and contemporary tastes some things have never really gone out of fashion.

The golden ratio, symmetry, or fractal patterns can be found in the art and architecture of cultures from our beginnings, to today.

Humans seem to be in mysterious, inherent agreement about the beauty of certain things.

The patterns that keep coming up are all rooted in nature.

They became part of our biology because they helped our ancestors survive.

Fractal patterns for example, occur all over nature.

In snail shells, flower heads; waves or clouds

Identifying and assessing these things and phenomena correctly used to be vital.

Do those clouds mean rain will come soon? Are these waters safe to swim through? Can I eat this?

Another pervasive thing is symmetry.

In nature it means everything is as it should be

Stems and trees and leaves and blossoms all grow symmetrically

A deer with impressive antlers is probably a source of nutritious meat.

A deformed wheat hair may not be safe to eat.

A symmetrical face is more likely to belong to a healthy and fertile mating partner.

Because symmetry is so common in fauna and flora, it's extremely familiar to our brain.

It helped our ancestors evaluate their environment more easily, and react quickly to danger.

Things that helped us survive activate the reward center in our brain.

recognising signals of safety and nutrition, triggered nice feelings in us.

So our sense of beauty probably evolved from pattern recognition, but it goes way beyond that now.

Humans seem to have evolved an instinct for beauty that is deeply hardwired into us.

It remain even after other processes in our brain stop working.

Alzheimer's patients were asked to rank the beauty of several paintings

Then the experiment was repeated two weeks later

The patients have long since forgotten the paintings, but still ranked the beauty of the paintings in the same order.

One could argue that this doesn't say much. So what if people stick to their personal preferences?

But other research has shown that we have a sort of lowest common denominator when it comes to beauty.

In different experiments, people were asked to distinguish real from fake abstract paintings.

Some were originals by Mondrian and Pollock that were painted based on strict rules like fractal patterns, while the imitations were not.

The majority picked out the original artworks.

This worked for paintings from both artists, even though their arts are very different.

Another experiment also used abstract artworks but, asked people to pick them out among similar paintings made either by children or animals.

Again, the test subjects pointed out the legit paintings whose patterns were carefully planned and not random

So while we have a hard time pinning down what beauty is or what it's based on, we somehow recognize it when we see it

Humans don't navigate nature trying to survive day by day anymore

We left the natural world behind and created our own.

We made the objects that surround us the things we wear and use and look at.

As we spread over the planet and our numbers grew, we shaped a completely man-made environment.

In the process of doing so, we often neglected beauty in favor of functionality cost or efficiency.

We built rows and rows of concrete housing blocks that nobody wants to live in.

We have ugly underground subway stations, shabby public service buildings, and sprawling malls.

One bland, standardized box beside the next.

Humans, don't like monotony.

Eye tracking software has shown that people keep focusing on details and ornaments of architecture while brushing quickly over blank walls

And not only are they no fun to look at, they actually make us miserable.

Experiments with skin sensors showed that looking at vast, dull facades makes us feel bored and uncomfortable.

This kind of boredom has been linked to raised heart rates and stress levels and the opposite seems to be true, too.

Over the last decades more and more studies have found that surroundings that are actually aesthetically pleasing to us can improve our well-being, our behavior,

cognitive function, and mood.

Our bodies and brains react measurably and visibly to everything that surrounds us

Beauty in particular has such a strong impact on our well-being that making useful things beautiful can actually make them better.

In 2017, a hospital examined recovery factors through observation and interviews with patients and found that visual art in their lounge areas

made them more comfortable and happier about their stay in general.

Another study looked at how well patients recovered in a hospital that had two wards.

A very old and rather ugly one, and a newly renovated ward.

To the researchers' surprise, the patients that stayed in the new, renovated environment, needed less pain medication

and were released on average, two days earlier than patients recovering in the old ward.

More beautiful surroundings made them feel better, physically.

Beauty also has an effect on us on a daily basis.

It can improve our general happiness.

A study that looked at the main factors influencing the happiness of adults revealed an unexpected result.

Besides things like good health in a harmonious family life, individual happiness is affected by how beautiful you find the city you live in.

Beauty scored even higher than cleanliness or safety.

So what can we learn from all of this?

We know that we humans have been fine-tuned for millions of years to process visual input and assess our surroundings.

It's just what we're programmed to do and we're starting to learn more about how much beauty as a property is really influencing us.

Beauty meets an inherent need for meaningful information.

Maybe it would be worth giving it more space in this man-made world we have created.

This video was a collaboration with the creative agencies, Sagmeister and Walsh as a contribution to their upcoming beauty exhibition.

The exhibition will be shown at the Mak Vienna from Oct. 23, 2018 - Mar. 31, 2019

and a Mak Frankfurt from May 01, 2019 - Sept. 30, 2019

If you want to learn more about the impact of beauty and see tons of gorgeous installations and multimedia objects,

go check it out!

review: Doğa Poyraz Tahan

Why Beautiful Things Make us Happy – Beauty Explained لماذا تجعلنا الأشياء الجميلة سعداء - شرح الجمال Warum uns schöne Dinge glücklich machen - Beauty Explained Por qué las cosas bellas nos hacen felices - Explicación de la belleza Perché le cose belle ci rendono felici - Beauty Explained なぜ美しいものは私たちを幸せにするのか - Beauty Explained 아름다운 것이 우리를 행복하게 하는 이유 - 아름다움에 대한 설명 Kodėl gražūs daiktai daro mus laimingus - Beauty Explained Waarom mooie dingen ons gelukkig maken - Beauty Explained Dlaczego piękne rzeczy sprawiają, że jesteśmy szczęśliwi - Beauty Explained Porque é que as coisas bonitas nos fazem felizes - Beauty Explained Почему красивые вещи делают нас счастливыми - Красота объяснена Güzel Şeyler Bizi Neden Mutlu Eder - Beauty Explained Чому красиві речі роблять нас щасливими - пояснення краси Tại sao những điều đẹp đẽ làm chúng ta hạnh phúc – Giải thích về vẻ đẹp 为什么美丽的事物能让我们快乐? 为什么美丽的事物能让我们快乐?

A lot of things can be beautiful. 多くのものが美しくなれる。 Rất nhiều thứ có thể đẹp. 很多东西都可以很美。

Landscapes, faces, fine art, or epic architecture; stars in the sky. 風景、顔、ファインアート、壮大な建築物、空の星。 Paisagens, rostos, belas artes ou arquitetura épica; estrelas no céu. Phong cảnh, khuôn mặt, tác phẩm mỹ thuật hoặc kiến trúc hoành tráng; Những ngôi sao trên bầu trời.

Or simply the reflection of the sun on an empty bottle.

Beauty is nothing tangible, it only exists in our heads as a pleasant feeling. 美は目に見えるものではなく、心地よい感覚として頭の中に存在するだけだ。 Vẻ đẹp không có gì hữu hình, nó chỉ tồn tại trong đầu chúng ta như một cảm giác dễ chịu.

If we have to define it, we perceive something as beautiful if its color, shape, form, or proportion Si tenemos que definirlo, percibimos algo como bello si su color, forma, figura o proporción Se tivermos que defini-lo, percebemos algo como bonito se sua cor, forma, forma ou proporção Nếu phải định nghĩa nó, chúng ta cảm nhận một thứ gì đó đẹp nếu màu sắc, hình dạng, hình dáng hoặc tỷ lệ của nó

somehow are appealing or delightful to us. de alguna manera nos resultan atractivas o encantadoras. 私たちにとって魅力的であり、喜ばしいことなのだ。 de alguma forma são atraentes ou deliciosos para nós. bằng cách nào đó hấp dẫn hoặc thú vị đối với chúng tôi.

Beauty is a very human experience that's been with us for millions of years. الجمال هو تجربة إنسانية للغاية كانت معنا منذ ملايين السنين. A beleza é uma experiência muito humana que nos acompanha há milhões de anos. Vẻ đẹp là một trải nghiệm rất con người đã tồn tại với chúng ta hàng triệu năm.

Even our first tools were trimmed to a symmetrical shape. Incluso nuestras primeras herramientas se recortaron de forma simétrica. Mesmo nossas primeiras ferramentas foram cortadas em uma forma simétrica. Ngay cả những công cụ đầu tiên của chúng tôi cũng được cắt thành hình đối xứng.

Researchers have tried to find practical reasons why our ancestors invested the time to make their tools look nice, but couldn't really identify any. Los investigadores han intentado encontrar razones prácticas por las que nuestros antepasados invirtieran tiempo en hacer que sus herramientas parecieran bonitas, pero no han podido identificar ninguna. Les chercheurs ont essayé de trouver des raisons pratiques pour lesquelles nos ancêtres prenaient le temps de rendre leurs outils attrayants, mais ils n'ont pu en identifier aucune. 研究者たちは、なぜ私たちの祖先が道具を美しく見せるために時間を費やしたのか、実用的な理由を見つけようとしたが、実際には何も見つけられなかった。 Os investigadores tentaram encontrar razões práticas para que os nossos antepassados investissem tempo a tornar as suas ferramentas bonitas, mas não conseguiram identificar nenhuma. Các nhà nghiên cứu đã cố gắng tìm ra lý do thực tế tại sao tổ tiên của chúng ta lại đầu tư thời gian để làm cho các công cụ của họ trông đẹp mắt nhưng thực sự không thể xác định được bất kỳ lý do nào.

It seems that early humans shaped their tools into teardrops, simply because they liked them better that way. يبدو أن البشر الأوائل قاموا بتشكيل أدواتهم على شكل قطرات دموع، وذلك ببساطة لأنهم أحبوها أكثر بهذه الطريقة. Parece que los primeros humanos daban forma de lágrima a sus herramientas, simplemente porque les gustaban más así. Il semble que les premiers hommes aient façonné leurs outils en forme de larmes, tout simplement parce qu'ils les préféraient ainsi. 初期の人類が道具をティアドロップ型にしたのは、単にその方が好きだったかららしい。 Parece que os primeiros humanos transformaram suas ferramentas em gotas de lágrima, simplesmente porque gostavam mais delas. Có vẻ như con người nguyên thủy đã định hình các công cụ của họ thành những giọt nước mắt, đơn giản vì họ thích chúng theo cách đó hơn.

Throughout our history, the definition of beauty has changed a lot. A lo largo de nuestra historia, la definición de belleza ha cambiado mucho. Ao longo da nossa história, a definição de beleza mudou muito. Trong suốt lịch sử của chúng ta, định nghĩa về cái đẹp đã thay đổi rất nhiều.

Ideals have shifted or turned into their opposites. Los ideales han cambiado o se han convertido en sus opuestos. Os ideais mudaram ou se transformaram em seus opostos. Những lý tưởng đã thay đổi hoặc trở nên đối lập với chúng.

But beyond individual and contemporary tastes some things have never really gone out of fashion. ولكن بعيدًا عن الأذواق الفردية والمعاصرة، فإن بعض الأشياء لم تخرج عن الموضة أبدًا. Pero más allá de los gustos individuales y contemporáneos, algunas cosas nunca han pasado de moda. Mais au-delà des goûts individuels et contemporains, certaines choses ne sont jamais passées de mode. Jednak poza indywidualnymi i współczesnymi gustami niektóre rzeczy tak naprawdę nigdy nie wyszły z mody. Mas, além dos gostos individuais e contemporâneos, algumas coisas nunca saíram de moda. Nhưng ngoài sở thích cá nhân và đương đại, một số thứ chưa bao giờ thực sự lỗi mốt.

The golden ratio, symmetry, or fractal patterns can be found in the art and architecture of cultures from our beginnings, to today. يمكن العثور على النسبة الذهبية أو التناظر أو الأنماط الكسورية في فن وعمارة الثقافات منذ بداياتنا وحتى اليوم. Le nombre d'or, la symétrie ou les motifs fractals sont présents dans l'art et l'architecture de toutes les cultures, depuis les origines jusqu'à aujourd'hui. A proporção áurea, simetria ou padrões fractais podem ser encontrados na arte e na arquitetura das culturas desde o nosso início até hoje. Tỷ lệ vàng, tính đối xứng hoặc mô hình fractal có thể được tìm thấy trong nghệ thuật và kiến trúc của các nền văn hóa từ thuở sơ khai cho đến ngày nay.

Humans seem to be in mysterious, inherent agreement about the beauty of certain things. يبدو أن البشر في اتفاق غامض ومتأصل حول جمال أشياء معينة. Los seres humanos parecen estar de acuerdo de forma misteriosa e inherente sobre la belleza de ciertas cosas. Os humanos parecem estar em um acordo misterioso e inerente sobre a beleza de certas coisas.

The patterns that keep coming up are all rooted in nature. الأنماط التي تستمر في الظهور كلها متجذرة في الطبيعة. Les modèles qui reviennent sans cesse sont tous ancrés dans la nature. Os padrões que continuam surgindo estão todos enraizados na natureza.

They became part of our biology because they helped our ancestors survive. لقد أصبحت جزءًا من بيولوجيتنا لأنها ساعدت أسلافنا على البقاء.

Fractal patterns for example, occur all over nature. على سبيل المثال، تحدث الأنماط الكسورية في جميع أنحاء الطبيعة. Los patrones fractales, por ejemplo, se dan en toda la naturaleza. Os padrões fractais, por exemplo, ocorrem em toda a natureza.

In snail shells, flower heads; waves or clouds في قذائف الحلزون، رؤوس الزهور؛ موجات أو غيوم En conchas de caracol, cabezas de flores; olas o nubes Em conchas de caracol, flores; ondas ou nuvens

Identifying and assessing these things and phenomena correctly used to be vital. Identificar y evaluar correctamente estas cosas y fenómenos solía ser vital. L'identification et l'évaluation correctes de ces choses et de ces phénomènes étaient autrefois essentielles. Identificar e avaliar essas coisas e fenômenos corretamente costumava ser vital.

Do those clouds mean rain will come soon? Are these waters safe to swim through? Can I eat this? Essas nuvens significam que a chuva virá em breve? Essas águas são seguras para nadar? Posso comer isso?

Another pervasive thing is symmetry. شيء آخر شائع هو التماثل. Otra cosa omnipresente es la simetría. Outra coisa generalizada é a simetria.

In nature it means everything is as it should be في الطبيعة يعني أن كل شيء كما ينبغي أن يكون Na natureza, significa que tudo está como deveria ser

Stems and trees and leaves and blossoms all grow symmetrically Los tallos, los árboles, las hojas y las flores crecen simétricamente. Caules e árvores e folhas e flores crescem simetricamente

A deer with impressive antlers is probably a source of nutritious meat. Un ciervo con una impresionante cornamenta es probablemente una fuente de carne nutritiva. Um cervo com chifres impressionantes é provavelmente uma fonte de carne nutritiva.

A deformed wheat hair may not be safe to eat. قد لا يكون شعر القمح المشوه آمنًا للأكل. Un pelo de trigo deformado puede no ser seguro para el consumo. Un poil de blé déformé peut être impropre à la consommation. Um cabelo de trigo deformado pode não ser seguro para comer. Деформированный пшеничный волос может быть небезопасен для употребления в пищу.

A symmetrical face is more likely to belong to a healthy and fertile mating partner. من المرجح أن ينتمي الوجه المتماثل إلى شريك تزاوج صحي وخصب. Un rostro simétrico tiene más probabilidades de pertenecer a una pareja sana y fértil. Um rosto simétrico tem mais probabilidade de pertencer a um parceiro de acasalamento saudável e fértil.

Because symmetry is so common in fauna and flora, it's extremely familiar to our brain. نظرًا لأن التماثل شائع جدًا في الحيوانات والنباتات، فهو مألوف جدًا لأدمغتنا.

It helped our ancestors evaluate their environment more easily, and react quickly to danger. Ajudou nossos ancestrais a avaliar seu ambiente com mais facilidade e reagir rapidamente ao perigo.

Things that helped us survive activate the reward center in our brain. الأشياء التي ساعدتنا على البقاء تنشط مركز المكافأة في دماغنا. Coisas que nos ajudaram a sobreviver ativam o centro de recompensa em nosso cérebro.

recognising signals of safety and nutrition, triggered nice feelings in us. إن التعرف على إشارات السلامة والتغذية، أثار مشاعر طيبة فينا.

So our sense of beauty probably evolved from pattern recognition, but it goes way beyond that now. لذا ربما تطور إحساسنا بالجمال من التعرف على الأنماط، لكنه يذهب إلى ما هو أبعد من ذلك الآن.

Humans seem to have evolved an instinct for beauty that is deeply hardwired into us. يبدو أن البشر قد طوروا غريزة الجمال المتأصلة بعمق فينا. Os humanos parecem ter desenvolvido um instinto de beleza que está profundamente embutido em nós. 人类似乎已经进化出一种与我们息息相关的美的本能。

It remain even after other processes in our brain stop working. ويظل موجودًا حتى بعد توقف العمليات الأخرى في دماغنا عن العمل. Permanece incluso después de que otros procesos de nuestro cerebro dejen de funcionar. Il subsiste même lorsque d'autres processus cérébraux cessent de fonctionner. Permanece mesmo depois que outros processos em nosso cérebro param de funcionar.

Alzheimer's patients were asked to rank the beauty of several paintings Se pidió a enfermos de Alzheimer que clasificaran la belleza de varios cuadros Pacientes de Alzheimer foram solicitados a classificar a beleza de várias pinturas 阿尔茨海默病患者被要求对几幅画的美感进行排名

Then the experiment was repeated two weeks later

The patients have long since forgotten the paintings, but still ranked the beauty of the paintings in the same order. Los pacientes hace tiempo que olvidaron los cuadros, pero siguen clasificando la belleza de las pinturas en el mismo orden. Os pacientes há muito esqueceram as pinturas, mas ainda classificaram a beleza das pinturas na mesma ordem. 病人们早已忘记了画作,但仍将画作的美感依序排列。

One could argue that this doesn't say much. So what if people stick to their personal preferences? يمكن للمرء أن يجادل بأن هذا لا يقول الكثير. فماذا لو التزم الناس بتفضيلاتهم الشخصية؟ Se podría argumentar que esto no dice mucho. ¿Y qué si la gente se atiene a sus preferencias personales? Pode-se argumentar que isso não diz muito. E daí se as pessoas seguirem suas preferências pessoais? 有人可能会争辩说,这并没有说太多。那么,如果人们坚持自己的个人喜好呢?

But other research has shown that we have a sort of lowest common denominator when it comes to beauty. لكن أبحاثًا أخرى أظهرت أن لدينا نوعًا من القاسم المشترك الأدنى عندما يتعلق الأمر بالجمال. Mais d'autres recherches ont montré que nous avons une sorte de plus petit dénominateur commun en matière de beauté. Ale inne badania wykazały, że mamy coś w rodzaju najniższego wspólnego mianownika, jeśli chodzi o piękno. Mas outra pesquisa mostrou que temos uma espécie de denominador comum mínimo quando se trata de beleza. 但其他研究表明,当谈到美丽时,我们有一种最低标准。

In different experiments, people were asked to distinguish real from fake abstract paintings. وفي تجارب مختلفة، طُلب من الأشخاص التمييز بين اللوحات التجريدية الحقيقية والمزيفة. Dans différentes expériences, on a demandé à des personnes de distinguer de vraies peintures abstraites de fausses.

Some were originals by Mondrian and Pollock that were painted based on strict rules like fractal patterns, while the imitations were not. Certaines étaient des originaux de Mondrian et Pollock, peints selon des règles strictes telles que des motifs fractals, tandis que les imitations ne l'étaient pas. Alguns eram originais de Mondrian e Pollock pintados com base em regras estritas como padrões fractais, enquanto as imitações não. 有些是蒙德里安和波洛克根据分形图案等严格规则绘制的原件,而仿制品则不是。

The majority picked out the original artworks. A maioria escolheu as obras de arte originais. Большинство выбрало оригинальные произведения искусства. 大多数人选择了原始艺术品。

This worked for paintings from both artists, even though their arts are very different. Esto funcionó para los cuadros de ambos artistas, a pesar de que sus artes son muy diferentes. 这适用于两位艺术家的画作,尽管他们的艺术非常不同。

Another experiment also used abstract artworks but, asked people to pick them out among similar paintings made either by children or animals. استخدمت تجربة أخرى أيضًا أعمالًا فنية تجريدية، ولكن طلبت من الأشخاص اختيارها من بين اللوحات المماثلة التي رسمها الأطفال أو الحيوانات. En otro experimento también se utilizaron obras de arte abstractas, pero se pidió a los participantes que las eligieran entre pinturas similares realizadas por niños o animales. Une autre expérience a également utilisé des œuvres d'art abstraites, mais a demandé aux participants de les choisir parmi des peintures similaires réalisées par des enfants ou des animaux. Outro experimento também usou obras de arte abstratas, mas pediu às pessoas que as escolhessem entre pinturas semelhantes feitas por crianças ou animais. 另一项实验也使用了抽象艺术作品,但要求人们从儿童或动物制作的类似画作中挑选出来。

Again, the test subjects pointed out the legit paintings whose patterns were carefully planned and not random Une fois de plus, les sujets ont signalé les peintures de légendes dont les motifs étaient soigneusement planifiés et non aléatoires Mais uma vez, os sujeitos do teste apontaram as pinturas legítimas cujos padrões foram cuidadosamente planejados e não aleatórios 再一次,测试对象指出了那些图案经过精心设计而不是随意的正版画作

So while we have a hard time pinning down what beauty is or what it's based on, we somehow recognize it when we see it Por eso, aunque nos cueste definir qué es la belleza o en qué se basa, la reconocemos cuando la vemos. Ainsi, bien que nous ayons du mal à définir ce qu'est la beauté ou ce sur quoi elle repose, nous la reconnaissons d'une manière ou d'une autre lorsque nous la voyons Portanto, embora tenhamos dificuldade em definir o que é a beleza ou em que se baseia, de alguma forma a reconhecemos quando a vemos 因此,虽然我们很难确定美是什么或它的基础是什么,但当我们看到它时,我们会以某种方式认出它

Humans don't navigate nature trying to survive day by day anymore لم يعد البشر يتنقلون في الطبيعة محاولين البقاء يومًا بعد يوم بعد الآن Los humanos ya no navegan por la naturaleza intentando sobrevivir día a día Les humains ne naviguent plus dans la nature en essayant de survivre au jour le jour Os humanos não navegam mais na natureza tentando sobreviver dia após dia 人类不再驾驭自然,试图日复一日地生存

We left the natural world behind and created our own. 我们离开了自然世界,创造了自己的世界。

We made the objects that surround us the things we wear and use and look at. Nosotros creamos los objetos que nos rodean, las cosas que vestimos, usamos y miramos. 我们将我们周围的物品制作成我们佩戴、使用和观看的物品。

As we spread over the planet and our numbers grew, we shaped a completely man-made environment. مع انتشارنا في جميع أنحاء الكوكب وتزايد أعدادنا، قمنا بتشكيل بيئة من صنع الإنسان بالكامل. A medida que nos extendimos por el planeta y nuestro número creció, dimos forma a un entorno completamente creado por el hombre. À medida que nos espalhamos pelo planeta e nosso número cresceu, moldamos um ambiente totalmente feito pelo homem.

In the process of doing so, we often neglected beauty in favor of functionality cost or efficiency. وفي عملية القيام بذلك، غالبًا ما أهملنا الجمال لصالح التكلفة الوظيفية أو الكفاءة. En el proceso de hacerlo, a menudo descuidamos la belleza en favor de la funcionalidad, el coste o la eficiencia. Nesse processo, frequentemente negligenciamos a beleza em favor do custo da funcionalidade ou da eficiência.

We built rows and rows of concrete housing blocks that nobody wants to live in. بنينا صفوفًا وصفوفًا من الكتل السكنية الخرسانية التي لا يرغب أحد في العيش فيها. Construimos hileras e hileras de bloques de viviendas de hormigón en las que nadie quiere vivir. Construímos fileiras e mais fileiras de blocos de concreto onde ninguém quer morar.

We have ugly underground subway stations, shabby public service buildings, and sprawling malls. لدينا محطات مترو أنفاق قبيحة تحت الأرض، ومباني الخدمة العامة المتهالكة، ومراكز التسوق المترامية الأطراف. Temos estações de metrô subterrâneas feias, prédios de serviços públicos decadentes e grandes shoppings. 我们有丑陋的地下地铁站、破旧的公共服务大楼和庞大的商场。

One bland, standardized box beside the next. صندوق موحد ولطيف بجانب الصندوق التالي. Una caja sosa y estandarizada al lado de la siguiente. Une boîte fade et standardisée à côté de l'autre. Uma caixa sem graça e padronizada ao lado da outra. 下一个旁边是一个平淡无奇的标准化盒子。

Humans, don't like monotony. Humanos, não gostam de monotonia.

Eye tracking software has shown that people keep focusing on details and ornaments of architecture while brushing quickly over blank walls لقد أظهر برنامج تتبع العين أن الناس يستمرون في التركيز على تفاصيل وزخارف الهندسة المعمارية أثناء مسحهم بسرعة على الجدران الفارغة Los programas de rastreo ocular han demostrado que las personas siguen fijándose en los detalles y ornamentos de la arquitectura mientras pasan rápidamente por encima de paredes vacías. Un logiciel de suivi oculaire a montré que les gens se concentrent sur les détails et les ornements de l'architecture, alors qu'ils passent rapidement sur les murs vierges. O software de rastreamento ocular mostrou que as pessoas continuam se concentrando nos detalhes e ornamentos da arquitetura enquanto escovam rapidamente paredes em branco Программное обеспечение для отслеживания взгляда показало, что люди продолжают сосредотачиваться на деталях и орнаментах архитектуры, быстро расчесывая пустые стены. 眼动追踪软件表明,人们在快速掠过空白墙壁时,会不断关注建筑的细节和装饰

And not only are they no fun to look at, they actually make us miserable. وليس فقط أنها ليست ممتعة عند النظر إليها، بل إنها في الواقع تجعلنا بائسين. Y no sólo no son divertidos de ver, sino que nos hacen sentir miserables. E não só não são divertidos de olhar, como também nos deixam infelizes. 它们不仅看起来不好玩,而且实际上让我们很痛苦。

Experiments with skin sensors showed that looking at vast, dull facades makes us feel bored and uncomfortable. أظهرت التجارب على أجهزة استشعار الجلد أن النظر إلى الواجهات الشاسعة الباهتة يجعلنا نشعر بالملل وعدم الراحة. Experimentos con sensores cutáneos demostraron que mirar fachadas inmensas y aburridas nos hace sentir aburridos e incómodos. Experimentos com sensores de pele mostraram que olhar para fachadas imensas e monótonas nos deixa entediados e desconfortáveis.

This kind of boredom has been linked to raised heart rates and stress levels and the opposite seems to be true, too. وقد تم ربط هذا النوع من الملل بارتفاع معدلات ضربات القلب ومستويات التوتر، ويبدو أن العكس صحيح أيضًا. Ce type d'ennui a été associé à une augmentation du rythme cardiaque et du niveau de stress, et l'inverse semble également vrai. Esse tipo de tédio tem sido associado a batimentos cardíacos e níveis de estresse aumentados, e o oposto também parece ser verdadeiro.

Over the last decades more and more studies have found that surroundings that are actually aesthetically pleasing to us can improve our well-being, our behavior, على مدى العقود الماضية، وجدت المزيد والمزيد من الدراسات أن البيئة المحيطة بنا التي تبدو في الواقع ممتعة من الناحية الجمالية يمكن أن تحسن رفاهيتنا وسلوكنا وسلوكنا. Nas últimas décadas, mais e mais estudos descobriram que ambientes que são realmente esteticamente agradáveis para nós podem melhorar nosso bem-estar, nosso comportamento,

cognitive function, and mood. função cognitiva e humor.

Our bodies and brains react measurably and visibly to everything that surrounds us Nossos corpos e cérebros reagem mensurável e visivelmente a tudo que nos rodeia 我们的身体和大脑对我们周围的一切都做出可测量和明显的反应

Beauty in particular has such a strong impact on our well-being that making useful things beautiful can actually make them better. La beauté, en particulier, a un tel impact sur notre bien-être que l'embellissement de choses utiles peut en fait les améliorer. A beleza, em particular, tem um impacto tão forte em nosso bem-estar que tornar belas as coisas úteis pode realmente torná-las melhores. 尤其是美,对我们的幸福有着如此强烈的影响,让有用的东西变得美丽实际上可以让它们变得更好。

In 2017, a hospital examined recovery factors through observation and interviews with patients and found that visual art in their lounge areas En 2017, un hôpital a examiné les facteurs de rétablissement par l'observation et les entretiens avec les patients et a constaté que l'art visuel dans leurs salons Em 2017, um hospital examinou fatores de recuperação por meio de observação e entrevistas com pacientes e descobriu que as artes visuais em suas áreas de convivência В 2017 году одна из больниц изучила факторы восстановления с помощью наблюдений и интервью с пациентами и пришла к выводу, что визуальное искусство в их лаунж-зонах 2017 年,一家医院通过观察和采访患者检查了康复因素,发现他们休息区的视觉艺术

made them more comfortable and happier about their stay in general. tornou-os mais confortáveis e felizes com a estada em geral. им стало комфортнее и приятнее в целом.

Another study looked at how well patients recovered in a hospital that had two wards. Outro estudo analisou como os pacientes se recuperaram em um hospital que tinha duas enfermarias. Другое исследование изучало, насколько хорошо пациенты выздоравливали в больнице с двумя палатами.

A very old and rather ugly one, and a newly renovated ward. Um muito antigo e feio, e um bairro recém-reformado. 一个很旧而且相当丑陋的一个,一个新装修的病房。

To the researchers' surprise, the patients that stayed in the new, renovated environment, needed less pain medication Para surpresa dos pesquisadores, os pacientes que permaneceram no ambiente novo e renovado precisaram de menos medicação para dor 令研究人员惊讶的是,留在新装修环境中的患者需要更少的止痛药

and were released on average, two days earlier than patients recovering in the old ward. 并且平均比在旧病房康复的患者提前两天出院。

More beautiful surroundings made them feel better, physically.

Beauty also has an effect on us on a daily basis. A beleza também nos afeta diariamente.

It can improve our general happiness.

A study that looked at the main factors influencing the happiness of adults revealed an unexpected result.

Besides things like good health in a harmonious family life, individual happiness is affected by how beautiful you find the city you live in. Além de coisas como boa saúde em uma vida familiar harmoniosa, a felicidade individual é afetada por quão bonita você acha a cidade em que mora. Помимо таких вещей, как хорошее здоровье в гармоничной семейной жизни, на личное счастье влияет то, насколько красивым вы находите город, в котором живете. 除了在和谐的家庭生活中身体健康之外,个人幸福感还受到您所居住城市的美丽程度的影响。

Beauty scored even higher than cleanliness or safety. A beleza teve uma pontuação ainda maior que a limpeza ou segurança 美丽的得分甚至高于清洁或安全。

So what can we learn from all of this?

We know that we humans have been fine-tuned for millions of years to process visual input and assess our surroundings. Nous savons que, depuis des millions d'années, l'être humain est parfaitement adapté au traitement des données visuelles et à l'évaluation de son environnement. Sabemos que nós, humanos, fomos ajustados há milhões de anos para processar informações visuais e avaliar o que está ao nosso redor. Известно, что человек миллионы лет был приспособлен к тому, чтобы обрабатывать визуальные данные и оценивать окружающую обстановку. 我们知道,我们人类已经经过数百万年的微调来处理视觉输入和评估我们的环境。

It's just what we're programmed to do and we're starting to learn more about how much beauty as a property is really influencing us. C'est tout simplement ce que nous sommes programmés à faire et nous commençons à mieux comprendre à quel point la beauté en tant que propriété nous influence réellement. 这正是我们的计划要做的事情,我们开始更多地了解作为财产的美有多少真正影响着我们。

Beauty meets an inherent need for meaningful information. A beleza atende a uma necessidade inerente de informações significativas. 美满足了对有意义信息的内在需求。

Maybe it would be worth giving it more space in this man-made world we have created. Peut-être vaudrait-il la peine de lui donner plus de place dans ce monde artificiel que nous avons créé. Может, стоит дать ему больше места в этом рукотворном мире, который мы создали.

This video was a collaboration with the creative agencies, Sagmeister and Walsh as a contribution to their upcoming beauty exhibition. Este vídeo foi uma colaboração com as agências de criação, Sagmeister e Walsh, como uma contribuição para sua próxima exposição de beleza.

The exhibition will be shown at the Mak Vienna from Oct. 23, 2018 - Mar. 31, 2019

and a Mak Frankfurt from May 01, 2019 - Sept. 30, 2019

If you want to learn more about the impact of beauty and see tons of gorgeous installations and multimedia objects,

go check it out!

review: Doğa Poyraz Tahan