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The Infographics Show, Most Epic Ways People Quit Their Jobs - Funny True Stories

Most Epic Ways People Quit Their Jobs - Funny True Stories

We've all had one of those days.

At least, if you clicked this video, you probably have.

You've just had a terrible day at work, but you find solace in one simple thought.

You could chuck in the towel now.

Just walk in there, screaming that you're quitting, and never go back.

Wouldn't that feel amazing?

My friends, it's this moment that separates the boys from the men.

If you're going to quit your job, go out in style.

Don't tell your boss that you're handing in your notice whilst meekly looking at the

floor, or send a letter in the post.

Do something they'll remember forever.

And if you'd like to take some inspiration from legends that have quit through the medium

of interpretative dance, marching bands, and rap songs, then keep watching.

The normal way to resign is to Google ‘how to structure a resignation letter', copy

and paste a template, add your own personal touch, and send it off.

At least, that's what I've been doing.

Don't tell me I've been doing this wrong all my life.

And that's what our first member of the Epic Job Quitters club did.

Kind of.

How can that be an epic way to resign, I hear you ask?

Well, the devil is in the detail – this guy didn't quite go the conventional route.

Instead of bothering to put in some nice, fluffy words about being grateful for the

experience given and wishing everyone in the company the best, he kept things straight

to the point.

In the letter he put out, the title was ‘untitled resignation letter' and the contents contained

two words.

I quit.


But that's nothing compared to this next letter.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing at all than to just be a rude jerk.

Just joking, the more rude the better in the Epic Job Quitters Club.

This next person wrote a letter that looked like it was scribbled by a six-year-old who's

just learned to write, that said:

“Y-y-y-yeah I'm gonna hafta put in my two weeks' notice.

If you can go ahead and note my last day here is March 8th, that would be gr-r-r-re-a-a-at.”

In case you didn't realize, that's a reference to the 1999 comedy Office Space.

Let's hope the boss was a fan of the show and has a good sense of humor, or he could

definitely have taken things the wrong way.

But you've got to give them credit: at least they gave in their two weeks' notice.

That's more than can be said for most of the folk in this club.

There was someone else who decided to write their resignation letter not on paper, not

even on, I don't know, cardboard, but on toilet roll.

That certainly sends a strong message out.

In case the manager missed the subtlety and thought maybe their employee was just being

resourceful, the writer made sure there were no misunderstandings.

The note stated that the toilet paper was chosen because it symbolizes how the company

has treated them, and that the paper would also be disposed of where the company is going.


They even added a picture of a toilet in the end, in case the reader couldn't be sure

quite where the company was going.

If you think that's savage, you haven't seen anything yet.

It gets crazier than a few half-hearted letters written on questionable materials.

Point in case, or rather point in cake… oops, I think I just gave that one away.

One employee decided to write his entire resignation letter as icing on a cake.

And credit to him, because if I'd tried that, it would have come out as a load of

unintelligible scribbles, but he actually managed to write an entire letter without

messing it up.

It wasn't just a lame two-word ‘I resign' type letter either – no, he went in.

On the cake, the man confessed he'd recently become a father and had realized how precious

life is.


He also explained his desire to pursue his cake business, which makes sense really.

He's obviously talented at what he does, so good for him.

A true businessman, he even signed the letter with the name of his business, Mr Cake, and

plugged his website.

A genius move, since the picture then went viral.

I checked his website, and he's still going strong, so he clearly made the right decision.

I guess you could say his internet virality was the icing on the cake…get it…

Weirdly, Mr Cake isn't the only one who has resigned through the medium of cake.

Who'd have thought it?

However, this second guy was a bit less brutal.

He simply expressed that he'd enjoyed his time in the role but needed to move on to

spend time with his family after experiencing health issues.

I think he actually baked a cake so he could enjoy and share it with his coworkers.

That is, quite literally, sickening.

The next epic way a person has quit their job might not be that funny, but you can't

deny it's clever.

One computer geek did what all computer geeks dream of doing: he resigned without having

to talk to anyone.


By creating a custom pop-up on their boss' computer.

So, instead of the pop up asking if you want to authorize a program, close a tab, or save

a document, it simply stated that the web designer was quitting immediately.

If the computer user wanted to find out why, they could contact HR to see how bad they'd

effed up.

And this pop up gave more options than simply ‘okay' or ‘close.'

Instead, it asked if the user wanted to ignore the message, speak to HR, or renegotiate.

After being told I'd effed up for an ambiguous reason via a computer screen, I probably wouldn't

feel very inclined to renegotiate - but hey, it's always nice to have options.

But you don't need to know how to code to be able to resign in a cool way.

The guys I'm about to tell you about next resigned in even more unbelievable ways by

using the more humble resources available to them.

The first legend worked in a two-in-one Taco Bell/KFC, and I've got to say, I already

feel his pain.

But, as if having to deal with two lots of annoying customers wasn't enough already,

he'd been forced to work 22 days simultaneously without a break and then been denied a holiday

for July 4.


Can you blame him for wanting to resign in a way that would be remembered?

There was a readerboard placed conveniently outside the workplace, which he made use of

by writing a message on it that said: “I quit, from Adam – eff you.”

Although us here at the Infographics Show would never condone the use of foul language,

I've got to say, you go Adam!

Stick it to the man and follow your dreams!

Another guy who seemed to work exclusively as a sign operator – because apparently,

that's a real job – put a sign up one day that said ‘my boss can change his own

damn sign, I quit.'

Well, that's straight to the point.

If you're going to quit, I say quit in a way that will bring joy to others, and I'm

sure that sign brought joy to everyone who walked past it.

But still, all these people basically resigned through writing, whether they wrote on a cake

or a huge sign.

But how about telling someone you're quitting out loud to your boss in a ridiculous way?

That takes courage.

One warehouse worker quit his job by announcing his resignation over the intercom, and proceeded

to run around the warehouse like a madman yelling to everyone that he was quitting and


We've all fantasized about it, but he went and actually did it, and I respect that.

If you thought it took courage to just say the words ‘I quit' to your boss, try singing

a whole song about it.

A Popeye's Chicken employee performed a song he'd written himself, all about why

he was quitting, and proceeded to rap it in front of his co-workers and customers.

He even had a mic and background track.

He was prepared.

The other workers loved it, with everyone getting their groove on.

If I was his boss, I'm not even sure I'd be annoyed.

You might think it can't get better than that, but trust me: it can.

One guy's unusual hobby of being part of a marching band came in handy when he decided

to quit his job at a hotel.

He surprised his manager with an entire band, instruments and all, and after announcing

his resignation, the band broke out into what can only be described as… a complete racket.

I'm not sure he'll be able to count on a good letter of recommendation for the next


Some epic ways to resign ended up getting recorded and going viral, but that wasn't

their primary motivation.

Imagine quitting purely through a viral video.

For one woman who already worked for a video and animation firm, going down that route

seemed like a natural step.

So, what did she do in her video?

She did a …interpretative dance.

To Kanye West.

Yep, you heard me right.

To the sound of Kanye West's ‘Gone', she filmed herself dancing manically in her

workplace at 4:30 in the morning.

In the subtitles, she explained that the company she worked for was ‘amazing,' but she

also had some pretty scathing criticism, saying that her boss only cared about views and quantity.

Therefore, she had decided to finally quit and claim her life back, and the video ended

with her turning the lights off and calmly leaving.


It seems like her views-obsessed boss missed out on a good thing though, because the video

was seen by almost 20 million people and received more than 120,000 likes.

Not bad.

But at least that resignation kind of…made sense.

She was a video editor, so she quit by making a video – doing so would directly help her

future job prospects.


What about using your position of authority to make a fool of your coworkers and manager?

Maybe not such a good idea – but that's what one woman did.

Radio host Inetta the Moodsetta had previously told listeners that she had a very important

announcement, and it turned out that announcement was her resignation.

Oh, but she didn't just quit.

She went in deep with explaining her motives.

Innetta said she felt her coworkers were constantly looking over her shoulder, lying to her, talking

about her behind her back, and went on a rant about it.

She even went into details lamenting about her salary and the lack of a raise!

It might have been stupid in terms of employability, but I've got to say, she did a pretty good


You're probably struggling to believe it at this point, but these resignations actually

get weirder.

Imagine a CEO going for a dramatic, alternative resignation.

That's what Jonathan Schwartz, the former CEO of Sun Microsystems did when he posted

his resignation online.

On Twitter.

As a haiku, the most skilled form of poetry out there.

You want to hear what it says, don't you?

Of course you do.

Well here goes.

Financial crisis.

Stalled too many customers CEO no more

Come to think of it, how does a CEO resign?

Aren't they just firing themselves?

But moving on…

One thing is to be spiteful and sassy to your employer when you quit, and another is to

be spiteful and sassy whilst also spending a ton of your employer's money.

That's exactly the route Conan O'Brien went down once he realized he was probably

going to be dropped from his talk show on NBC.

Not prepared to go quietly, O'Brien decided to spend a ridiculous amount of the show's

budget in revenge.

And when I say a ridiculous amount of money, I'm not talking about a few thousand dollars

– I'm talking about more than a million dollars.

If that's not petty, I'm not sure what is.

The talk host decided to introduce a new character on his show, a Bugatti Veyron Mouse, which

is a Bugatti sports car complete with fake mouse ears and whiskers.

If you're not a car nerd, a Bugatti Veyron is a car model that's one of the most expensive

in the world.

The car then performed to the sound of Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones, which came with EXTREMELY

steep royalty fees.

It's funny because it…wasn't funny at all.

He literally spent all that money just to get back at his bosses.

It's amazing he actually pulled this off without anyone stopping him.

It wasn't exactly a resignation, more like a way of guaranteeing he'd be fired, but

it still must have felt pretty sweet.

If watching this video made you want to quit your job in a crazy way too, then our message

to you is: don't … hesitate any longer!

It will feel amazing, and give the rest of the internet a right laugh.

To help you find a new job, check out our video about surprisingly high-paying jobs

you can do from your bedroom.

Or you can check out this other video instead, either way you're not allowed to quit on

us so keep watching!

Most Epic Ways People Quit Their Jobs - Funny True Stories Οι πιο επικοί τρόποι με τους οποίους οι άνθρωποι παραιτούνται από τη δουλειά τους - Αστείες αληθινές ιστορίες Las formas más épicas en que la gente renuncia a su trabajo - Historias reales divertidas Les façons les plus épiques de quitter son emploi - Histoires vraies et drôles 人々が仕事を辞める最も壮大な方法 - 滑稽な実話 Najbardziej epickie sposoby, w jakie ludzie odchodzą z pracy - zabawne, prawdziwe historie As formas mais épicas de as pessoas se despedirem dos seus empregos - Histórias verdadeiras e engraçadas Самые эпичные способы, которыми люди увольняются с работы - Забавные истории İnsanların İşten Ayrılmalarının En Destansı Yolları - Komik Gerçek Hikayeler 人们辞职的最史诗般的方式 - 有趣的真实故事 人們辭職的最史詩般的方式 - 有趣的真實故事

We've all had one of those days.

At least, if you clicked this video, you probably have.

You've just had a terrible day at work, but you find solace in one simple thought.

You could chuck in the towel now. Теперь можешь бросить полотенце.

Just walk in there, screaming that you're quitting, and never go back.

Wouldn't that feel amazing?

My friends, it's this moment that separates the boys from the men.

If you're going to quit your job, go out in style.

Don't tell your boss that you're handing in your notice whilst meekly looking at the

floor, or send a letter in the post.

Do something they'll remember forever.

And if you'd like to take some inspiration from legends that have quit through the medium

of interpretative dance, marching bands, and rap songs, then keep watching.

The normal way to resign is to Google ‘how to structure a resignation letter', copy

and paste a template, add your own personal touch, and send it off.

At least, that's what I've been doing.

Don't tell me I've been doing this wrong all my life.

And that's what our first member of the Epic Job Quitters club did.

Kind of.

How can that be an epic way to resign, I hear you ask?

Well, the devil is in the detail – this guy didn't quite go the conventional route.

Instead of bothering to put in some nice, fluffy words about being grateful for the

experience given and wishing everyone in the company the best, he kept things straight

to the point.

In the letter he put out, the title was ‘untitled resignation letter' and the contents contained

two words.

I quit.


But that's nothing compared to this next letter.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing at all than to just be a rude jerk.

Just joking, the more rude the better in the Epic Job Quitters Club.

This next person wrote a letter that looked like it was scribbled by a six-year-old who's

just learned to write, that said:

“Y-y-y-yeah I'm gonna hafta put in my two weeks' notice.

If you can go ahead and note my last day here is March 8th, that would be gr-r-r-re-a-a-at.” Если вы можете отметить, что мой последний день здесь - 8 марта, это будет гр-р-р-ре-а-а-ать".

In case you didn't realize, that's a reference to the 1999 comedy Office Space.

Let's hope the boss was a fan of the show and has a good sense of humor, or he could

definitely have taken things the wrong way.

But you've got to give them credit: at least they gave in their two weeks' notice.

That's more than can be said for most of the folk in this club.

There was someone else who decided to write their resignation letter not on paper, not

even on, I don't know, cardboard, but on toilet roll.

That certainly sends a strong message out.

In case the manager missed the subtlety and thought maybe their employee was just being

resourceful, the writer made sure there were no misunderstandings.

The note stated that the toilet paper was chosen because it symbolizes how the company

has treated them, and that the paper would also be disposed of where the company is going.


They even added a picture of a toilet in the end, in case the reader couldn't be sure

quite where the company was going.

If you think that's savage, you haven't seen anything yet.

It gets crazier than a few half-hearted letters written on questionable materials.

Point in case, or rather point in cake… oops, I think I just gave that one away.

One employee decided to write his entire resignation letter as icing on a cake. Один сотрудник решил написать все свое заявление об уходе, как глазурь на торте.

And credit to him, because if I'd tried that, it would have come out as a load of

unintelligible scribbles, but he actually managed to write an entire letter without

messing it up.

It wasn't just a lame two-word ‘I resign' type letter either – no, he went in. Это было не просто неубедительное письмо из двух слов типа "Я ухожу в отставку" - нет, он вошел внутрь.

On the cake, the man confessed he'd recently become a father and had realized how precious

life is.


He also explained his desire to pursue his cake business, which makes sense really.

He's obviously talented at what he does, so good for him.

A true businessman, he even signed the letter with the name of his business, Mr Cake, and

plugged his website.

A genius move, since the picture then went viral.

I checked his website, and he's still going strong, so he clearly made the right decision.

I guess you could say his internet virality was the icing on the cake…get it…

Weirdly, Mr Cake isn't the only one who has resigned through the medium of cake.

Who'd have thought it?

However, this second guy was a bit less brutal.

He simply expressed that he'd enjoyed his time in the role but needed to move on to

spend time with his family after experiencing health issues.

I think he actually baked a cake so he could enjoy and share it with his coworkers.

That is, quite literally, sickening.

The next epic way a person has quit their job might not be that funny, but you can't

deny it's clever. отрицать, что это умно.

One computer geek did what all computer geeks dream of doing: he resigned without having

to talk to anyone.


By creating a custom pop-up on their boss' computer.

So, instead of the pop up asking if you want to authorize a program, close a tab, or save

a document, it simply stated that the web designer was quitting immediately.

If the computer user wanted to find out why, they could contact HR to see how bad they'd

effed up.

And this pop up gave more options than simply ‘okay' or ‘close.' И это всплывающее окно давало больше возможностей, чем просто "хорошо" или "закрыть".

Instead, it asked if the user wanted to ignore the message, speak to HR, or renegotiate.

After being told I'd effed up for an ambiguous reason via a computer screen, I probably wouldn't После того как мне сказали, что я облажался по непонятной причине на экране компьютера, я бы, наверное, не стал

feel very inclined to renegotiate - but hey, it's always nice to have options.

But you don't need to know how to code to be able to resign in a cool way.

The guys I'm about to tell you about next resigned in even more unbelievable ways by

using the more humble resources available to them.

The first legend worked in a two-in-one Taco Bell/KFC, and I've got to say, I already

feel his pain.

But, as if having to deal with two lots of annoying customers wasn't enough already,

he'd been forced to work 22 days simultaneously without a break and then been denied a holiday его заставили работать 22 дня подряд без перерыва, а затем отказали в отпуске

for July 4.


Can you blame him for wanting to resign in a way that would be remembered?

There was a readerboard placed conveniently outside the workplace, which he made use of

by writing a message on it that said: “I quit, from Adam – eff you.” написав на нем послание, которое гласило: "Я ухожу, от Адама - пошел ты".

Although us here at the Infographics Show would never condone the use of foul language,

I've got to say, you go Adam!

Stick it to the man and follow your dreams!

Another guy who seemed to work exclusively as a sign operator – because apparently,

that's a real job – put a sign up one day that said ‘my boss can change his own Это настоящая работа - однажды повесить табличку с надписью "Мой босс может изменить свой собственный

damn sign, I quit.'

Well, that's straight to the point.

If you're going to quit, I say quit in a way that will bring joy to others, and I'm Если вы собираетесь уволиться, то я говорю, что увольняйтесь так, чтобы это приносило радость другим, и я

sure that sign brought joy to everyone who walked past it.

But still, all these people basically resigned through writing, whether they wrote on a cake

or a huge sign.

But how about telling someone you're quitting out loud to your boss in a ridiculous way?

That takes courage.

One warehouse worker quit his job by announcing his resignation over the intercom, and proceeded

to run around the warehouse like a madman yelling to everyone that he was quitting and


We've all fantasized about it, but he went and actually did it, and I respect that.

If you thought it took courage to just say the words ‘I quit' to your boss, try singing

a whole song about it.

A Popeye's Chicken employee performed a song he'd written himself, all about why

he was quitting, and proceeded to rap it in front of his co-workers and customers.

He even had a mic and background track.

He was prepared.

The other workers loved it, with everyone getting their groove on. Другим работникам это понравилось, и все стали настраиваться на нужный лад.

If I was his boss, I'm not even sure I'd be annoyed.

You might think it can't get better than that, but trust me: it can.

One guy's unusual hobby of being part of a marching band came in handy when he decided Необычное хобби одного парня - участие в маршевом оркестре - пригодилось ему, когда он решил

to quit his job at a hotel.

He surprised his manager with an entire band, instruments and all, and after announcing

his resignation, the band broke out into what can only be described as… a complete racket.

I'm not sure he'll be able to count on a good letter of recommendation for the next Я не уверена, что он сможет рассчитывать на хорошее рекомендательное письмо в следующем


Some epic ways to resign ended up getting recorded and going viral, but that wasn't

their primary motivation.

Imagine quitting purely through a viral video.

For one woman who already worked for a video and animation firm, going down that route

seemed like a natural step.

So, what did she do in her video?

She did a …interpretative dance. Она исполнила... интерпретационный танец.

To Kanye West.

Yep, you heard me right.

To the sound of Kanye West's ‘Gone', she filmed herself dancing manically in her

workplace at 4:30 in the morning.

In the subtitles, she explained that the company she worked for was ‘amazing,' but she

also had some pretty scathing criticism, saying that her boss only cared about views and quantity.

Therefore, she had decided to finally quit and claim her life back, and the video ended

with her turning the lights off and calmly leaving.


It seems like her views-obsessed boss missed out on a good thing though, because the video

was seen by almost 20 million people and received more than 120,000 likes.

Not bad.

But at least that resignation kind of…made sense.

She was a video editor, so she quit by making a video – doing so would directly help her

future job prospects.


What about using your position of authority to make a fool of your coworkers and manager?

Maybe not such a good idea – but that's what one woman did.

Radio host Inetta the Moodsetta had previously told listeners that she had a very important

announcement, and it turned out that announcement was her resignation.

Oh, but she didn't just quit.

She went in deep with explaining her motives.

Innetta said she felt her coworkers were constantly looking over her shoulder, lying to her, talking

about her behind her back, and went on a rant about it.

She even went into details lamenting about her salary and the lack of a raise! Она даже стала в подробностях сетовать на свою зарплату и отсутствие прибавки к ней!

It might have been stupid in terms of employability, but I've got to say, she did a pretty good


You're probably struggling to believe it at this point, but these resignations actually

get weirder.

Imagine a CEO going for a dramatic, alternative resignation. Представьте себе генерального директора, который собирается драматически уйти в отставку.

That's what Jonathan Schwartz, the former CEO of Sun Microsystems did when he posted

his resignation online.

On Twitter.

As a haiku, the most skilled form of poetry out there.

You want to hear what it says, don't you?

Of course you do.

Well here goes.

Financial crisis.

Stalled too many customers CEO no more

Come to think of it, how does a CEO resign?

Aren't they just firing themselves? Разве они не увольняют сами себя?

But moving on…

One thing is to be spiteful and sassy to your employer when you quit, and another is to

be spiteful and sassy whilst also spending a ton of your employer's money. быть злобным и нахальным и при этом тратить кучу денег своего работодателя.

That's exactly the route Conan O'Brien went down once he realized he was probably

going to be dropped from his talk show on NBC.

Not prepared to go quietly, O'Brien decided to spend a ridiculous amount of the show's Не желая уходить спокойно, О'Брайен решил потратить смехотворное количество времени на шоу.

budget in revenge.

And when I say a ridiculous amount of money, I'm not talking about a few thousand dollars

– I'm talking about more than a million dollars.

If that's not petty, I'm not sure what is.

The talk host decided to introduce a new character on his show, a Bugatti Veyron Mouse, which

is a Bugatti sports car complete with fake mouse ears and whiskers.

If you're not a car nerd, a Bugatti Veyron is a car model that's one of the most expensive

in the world.

The car then performed to the sound of Satisfaction by the Rolling Stones, which came with EXTREMELY

steep royalty fees. высокие роялти.

It's funny because it…wasn't funny at all.

He literally spent all that money just to get back at his bosses. Он буквально потратил все эти деньги, чтобы отомстить своим боссам.

It's amazing he actually pulled this off without anyone stopping him.

It wasn't exactly a resignation, more like a way of guaranteeing he'd be fired, but

it still must have felt pretty sweet.

If watching this video made you want to quit your job in a crazy way too, then our message

to you is: don't … hesitate any longer!

It will feel amazing, and give the rest of the internet a right laugh.

To help you find a new job, check out our video about surprisingly high-paying jobs

you can do from your bedroom.

Or you can check out this other video instead, either way you're not allowed to quit on

us so keep watching!