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Gun Control

Gun Control

Gun control should be a really serious issue. In my country, politicians rarely talk about it. They only discuss it if someone goes nuts and shoots lots of people in a school or shopping mall. Gun crime is on the increase everywhere but the government never talks about gun control. I really think there should be huge fines for anyone caught with a gun. Too many innocent people are dying. The situation will only get worse. I think if a politician stands up and argues for any kind of gun control, he or she will win the next election. I'm sure most people think controlling or banning guns in societies is very important. Unless you live in America. I'm not sure if gun control exists there. It seems everyone has a gun.

Gun Control

Gun control should be a really serious issue. In my country, politicians rarely talk about it. 私の国では、政治家がそれについて話すことはめったにありません。 They only discuss it if someone goes nuts and shoots lots of people in a school or shopping mall. 学校やショッピングモールで誰かが夢中になって多くの人を撃った場合にのみ、彼らはそれについて議論します。 Gun crime is on the increase everywhere but the government never talks about gun control. I really think there should be huge fines for anyone caught with a gun. Too many innocent people are dying. The situation will only get worse. 状況は悪化するだけです。 I think if a politician stands up and argues for any kind of gun control, he or she will win the next election. I’m sure most people think controlling or banning guns in societies is very important. Unless you live in America. あなたがアメリカに住んでいない限り。 I’m not sure if gun control exists there. 銃規制がそこにあるかどうかはわかりません。 It seems everyone has a gun.