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Conversational English: Basic to Intermediate, Conversation #5 - Approaching new people

Conversation #5 - Approaching new people

George: Hello there, how's it going?

Jen: It's going well, thank you. How's it going with you?

George: It's going great, thanks!

Jen: I'm sorry, do we know each other?

George: No, but I just wanted to come and talk to you, I see you here often.

Jen: Oh, I see. I do come here very often.

George: What is your name?

Jen: My name is Jen. What is your name?

George: My name is George.

Jen: Do you have an accent? Where are you from?

George: I do have an accent, I am from Brazil.

Jen: That's really cool. Your accent is not that strong, though. You speak English well.

George: Thank you very much. Jen, I'd love to have lunch with you some time. May I have your number?

Jen: I don't usually give out my phone number but I'll make an exception. Here it is.

George: Well, thank you. I'll give you a call and we'll get together.

Jen: Sounds good. It was very nice to meet you!

George: It was very nice to meet you, too!

Conversation #5 - Approaching new people Dialogue||| المحادثة رقم 5 - الاقتراب من أناس جدد Gespräch #5 - Auf neue Leute zugehen Conversación nº 5 - Acercarse a gente nueva Conversation #5 - Approcher de nouvelles personnes Conversazione n. 5 - Approccio a nuove persone 会話その5 - 初対面の人へのアプローチ Conversa #5 - Aproximação a novas pessoas 对话 #5 - 结识新朋友

George: Hello there, how’s it going? جورج: مرحبًا بكم ، كيف الحال؟ George: Olá, como está a correr?

Jen: It’s going well, thank you. جين: الأمور تسير على ما يرام ، شكرًا لك. Jen: Está a correr bem, obrigada. How’s it going with you? كيف الحال معك؟ Como é que está a correr contigo?

George: It’s going great, thanks! جورج: إنه أمر رائع ، شكرًا!

Jen: I’m sorry, do we know each other? جين: أنا آسف ، هل نعرف بعضنا البعض؟ Lo siento, ¿nos conocemos? Jen: Olen pahoillani, tunnemmeko toisiamme? Jen: Desculpa, nós conhecemo-nos?

George: No, but I just wanted to come and talk to you, I see you here often. جورج: لا ، لكني أردت فقط المجيء والتحدث معك ، أراك هنا كثيرًا. Jorge: Não, mas só queria vir falar consigo, vejo-o aqui muitas vezes.

Jen: Oh, I see. جين: أوه ، فهمت. Jen: Oh, estou a ver. I do come here very often. أتيت إلى هنا كثيرًا. Tulen tänne hyvin usein. Venho cá muitas vezes.

George: What is your name? جورج: ما اسمك؟ George: Mikä on nimesi? George: Qual é o teu nome?

Jen: My name is Jen. What is your name? ما اسمك؟

George: My name is George. جورج: اسمي جورج.

Jen: Do you have an accent? جين: هل لديك لكنة؟ Jen: Tens sotaque? Where are you from? من أين أنت؟ De onde é que é?

George: I do have an accent, I am from Brazil. جورج: لدي لكنة ، أنا من البرازيل. Jorge: Eu tenho sotaque, sou do Brasil.

Jen: That’s really cool. Jen: Isso é muito fixe. Your accent is not that strong, though. لكن لهجتك ليست بهذه القوة. しかし、あなたのアクセントはそれほど強くありません。 No entanto, o seu sotaque não é assim tão forte. You speak English well. Fala bem inglês.

George: Thank you very much. جورج: شكرا جزيلا لك. Jorge: Muito obrigado. Jen, I’d love to have lunch with you some time. جين ، أود تناول الغداء معك بعض الوقت. ジェン、いつかあなたと一緒に昼食をとりたいです。 Jen, gostava de almoçar contigo um dia destes. May I have your number? هل استطيع اخذ رقمك؟ あなたの番号を頂けますか? Pode dar-me o seu número?

Jen: I don’t usually give out my phone number but I’ll make an exception. |||||||||||||Ausnahme Jen||||||||||||| جين: عادةً لا أعطي رقم هاتفي ، لكنني سأقوم باستثناء. ジェン:私は通常、電話番号を教えませんが、例外を設けます。 Jen: Não costumo dar o meu número de telefone, mas vou abrir uma excepção. Here it is. ها هو. Aqui está.

George: Well, thank you. جورج: حسنًا ، شكرًا لك. George: Bem, obrigado. I’ll give you a call and we’ll get together. سأتصل بك مكالمة وسنلتقي معًا. お電話させていただきます。 Eu telefono-lhe e vamos encontrar-nos.

Jen: Sounds good. ジェン:いいですね。 Jen: Parece-me bem. It was very nice to meet you! سررت بلقائك! Foi um prazer conhecer-vos!

George: It was very nice to meet you, too! جورج: سررت بلقائك أيضًا! ジョージ:お会いできてよかったです! Jorge: Também foi um prazer conhecer-vos!