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It`s Okay To Be Smart, Can We Solve the Air Conditioning Paradox? - YouTube (2)

Can We Solve the Air Conditioning Paradox? - YouTube (2)

Austin got fewer than 20 days a year that hot.

What was once a luxury is now a necessity

and it's a similar story across the world.

I mean, it's getting warmer everywhere.

How much is up to us and the choices we make

when it comes to things like staying cool.

(gentle music continues)

There's no easy answer here,

but we can't deal with the heat of the future

by just buying more air conditioning.

The type of ACs that we make and install

and how much carbon pollution they create

will actually shape the temperatures

that we face as the heat rises.

(gentle music continues)

Stay curious.

And if you want a great dopamine hit,

something that's super fun, check out our Patreon page.

You can help support us making this show directly.

We thank everybody who supports the show.

If you would like to find out more

how you can join that club,

there's a link down in the description

and I wanna shout out a kid named Rowan.

I know that you are donating part of your allowance

to help us make this show, you rock!

So be like Rowan, unless you're a grownup.

I don't know if you get allowance,

but anyway check the link down in the description.

We'll beat the mailman.

He's coming this way.

They called it the air conditioned village.

(birds chirping)

Can We Solve the Air Conditioning Paradox? - YouTube (2) Kunnen we de paradox van de airconditioning oplossen? - YouTube (2)

Austin got fewer than 20 days a year that hot.

What was once a luxury is now a necessity

and it's a similar story across the world.

I mean, it's getting warmer everywhere.

How much is up to us and the choices we make

when it comes to things like staying cool.

(gentle music continues)

There's no easy answer here,

but we can't deal with the heat of the future

by just buying more air conditioning.

The type of ACs that we make and install

and how much carbon pollution they create

will actually shape the temperatures

that we face as the heat rises.

(gentle music continues)

Stay curious.

And if you want a great dopamine hit,

something that's super fun, check out our Patreon page.

You can help support us making this show directly.

We thank everybody who supports the show.

If you would like to find out more

how you can join that club,

there's a link down in the description

and I wanna shout out a kid named Rowan.

I know that you are donating part of your allowance

to help us make this show, you rock!

So be like Rowan, unless you're a grownup.

I don't know if you get allowance,

but anyway check the link down in the description.

We'll beat the mailman.

He's coming this way.

They called it the air conditioned village.

(birds chirping)