Hegel - Lecciones sobre la Filosofía de la Historia Universal (5/6)
Hegel - Lektionen zur Philosophie der Universalgeschichte (5/6)
Hegel - Lecciones sobre la Filosofía de la Historia Universal (5/6)
Hegel - Leçons sur la philosophie de l'histoire universelle (5/6)
Hegel - Lezioni sulla filosofia della storia universale (5/6)
Hegel - Lekcje filozofii historii powszechnej (5/6)
Hegel - Lições de filosofia da história universal (5/6)
Hegel - Föreläsningar om universell historias filosofi (5/6)
Hegel - Lectures on the Philosophy of Universal History (5/6)
¿Qué significa que el Estado sea el material de la realización del fin de la historia?
what|does it mean|that|the|State|to be|the|material|of|the|realization|of the|end|of|the|history
Vad betyder det att staten är materialet för förverkligandet av historiens slut?
What does it mean that the State is the material for the realization of the end of history?
¿Qué relación deben tener el estado y la religión de acuerdo con Hegel?
relationship|relationship|they must|to have|the|state|and|the|religion|of|according|with|Hegel
What relationship should the state and religion have according to Hegel?
¿Cuál es la mejor organización del estado de acuerdo con el espíritu?
which|is|the|best|organization|of the|state|according|to|with|the|spirit
What is the best organization of the state according to the spirit?
Hola, soy Amilcar Paris, y gracias por acompañarme a Filosofía de la Historia.
Hello|I am|Amilcar|Paris|and|thank you|for|accompanying me|to|Philosophy|of|the|History
Hello, I am Amilcar Paris, and thank you for joining me in Philosophy of History.
Esta es la quinta cápsula de la Introducción general de las
this|it is|the|fifth|capsule|of|the|Introduction|general|of|the
This is the fifth capsule of the general introduction to the
Lecciones de Filosofía de la Historia Universal de Hegel.
Lessons on the Philosophy of Universal History by Hegel.
En esta cápsula veremos el lugar que ocupa el estado en la historia universal,
in|this|capsule|we will see|the|place|that|it occupies|the|state|in|the|history|universal
In this capsule, we will see the place that the state occupies in universal history,
como el material de realización de la Idea. Veremos el lugar que ocupa la cultura de un
as|the|material|of|realization|of|the|Idea|We will see|the|place|that|it occupies|the|culture|of|a
as the material for the realization of the Idea. We will see the place that culture occupies in the internal spheres of a people and we will see the Hegelian stance
pueblo como esferas internas de la vida de un pueblo y veremos la postura Hegeliana
town|as|spheres|internal|of|the|life|of|a|town|and|we will see|the|stance|Hegelian
on the different constitutions of a people, so let's get started right away.
de las distintas constituciones de un pueblo, así que comencemos de una vez.
of|the|different|constitutions|of|a|people|so|that|let us begin|of|a|once
What is the material in which the ultimate end of reason is verified?
¿Cuál es el material en que se verifica el fin último de la razón?
what|is|the|material|in|which|itself|it verifies|the|end|ultimate|of|the|reason
Sabemos que el fin de la razón universal se realiza mediante la voluntad subjetiva.
we know|that|the|end|of|the|reason|universal|itself|it realizes|through|the|will|subjective
We know that the end of universal reason is achieved through subjective will.
Hegel además nos dice que la unidad de éstas, razón universal y voluntad subjetiva,
Hegel|moreover|to us|he says|that|the|unity|of|these|reason|universal|and|will|subjective
Hegel also tells us that the unity of these, universal reason and subjective will,
es la moral en sentido abstracto y el Estado en sentido concreto.
it is|the|moral|in|sense|abstract|and|the|State|in|sense|concrete
is morality in the abstract sense and the State in the concrete sense.
La moralidad es el deber, el derecho sustancial, la segunda naturaleza que sucede a la primera
the|morality|it is|the|duty|the|right|substantial|the|second|nature|that|it happens|to|the|first
Morality is duty, substantial right, the second nature that follows the first.
naturaleza del ser inmediato y animal. Por otra parte, el Estado es la realidad en la
nature|of|being|immediate|and|animal|On|another|hand|the|State|it is|the|reality|in|the
nature of the immediate and animal being. On the other hand, the State is the reality in which the individual has and enjoys their freedom, in it this becomes objective and is realized positively.
cual el individuo tiene y goza su libertad, en él ésta se hace objetiva y se realiza positivamente.
which|the|individual|he/she has|and|he/she enjoys|his/her|freedom|in|him|this|itself|it becomes|objective|and|itself|it realizes|positively
Furthermore, it is the center of the other concrete aspects: law, art, and customs.
Además, es el centro de los restantes aspectos concretos: el derecho, el arte y las costumbres.
in addition|it is|the|center|of|the|remaining|aspects|concrete|the|law|the|art|and|the|customs
The spiritual reality of humanity consists in the rational having an existence.
La realidad espiritual de la humanidad consiste en que lo racional tenga una existencia
the|reality|spiritual|of|the|humanity|it consists|in|that|the|rational|it has|an|existence
objetiva e inmediata, y esto es el Estado. La ley es la objetividad del espíritu
objective|and|immediate|and|this|it is|the|State|The|law|it is|the|objectivity|of|spirit
objective and immediate, and this is the State. The law is the objectivity of the spirit.
y la voluntad es su verdad. Sólo la voluntad que obedece
and|the|will|it is|its|truth|Only|the|will|that|obeys
And the will is its truth. Only the will that obeys
a la ley es libre, porque se obedece a sí misma y permanece en sí misma.
to|the|law|it is|free|because|itself|it obeys|to|itself|itself|and|it remains|in||
the law is free, because it obeys itself and remains in itself.
El que en el Estado haya voluntades que sometan a otras voluntades, no significa que en el
in|that|in|the|State|there are|wills|that|they submit|to|other|wills|not|it means|that|in|
The fact that there are wills in the State that subjugate other wills does not mean that in the
Estado no haya libertad, sino que una de esas voluntades no es válida, es un simple capricho.
state|not|there is|freedom|but|that|one|of|those|wills|not|it is|||a|simple|whim
The state does not have freedom, but rather one of those wills is not valid, it is a mere whim.
La voluntad esencial que debe ser universal no es sometida en el Estado,
the|will|essential|that|it must|to be|universal|not|it is|subjected|in|the|State
The essential will that must be universal is not subjected in the state,
éste somete al capricho, la voluntad inválida. Por ello, en la Historia Universal solo se habla
this|it submits|to the|whim|the|will|invalid|For|that|in|the|History|Universal|only|itself|it speaks
it subjects the whim, the invalid will. Therefore, in Universal History, only those peoples are spoken of
a los pueblos que se han organizado racionalmente y que forman un Estado.
to|the|towns|that|themselves|they have|organized|rationally|and|that|they form|a|State
that have organized themselves rationally and that form a state.
Hegel se distingue de ciertos filósofos que no nombra (apuntar).
Hegel|himself|distinguishes|from|certain|philosophers|that|not|he names|to point out
Hegel distinguishes himself from certain philosophers he does not name (to note).
Éstos dicen que El hombre es libre por naturaleza,
these|they say|that|the|man|he is|free|by|nature
They say that Man is free by nature,
pero se ve obligado a limitar esta libertad natural en la sociedad y en el Estado.
but|himself/herself|he/she sees|obliged|to|to limit|this|freedom|natural|in|the|society|and|in|the|State
but is forced to limit this natural freedom in society and in the State.
Lo que lleva a estos filósofos a decir tal cosa es que conciben a
that|that|leads|to|these|philosophers|to|to say|such|thing|it is|that|they conceive|to
What leads these philosophers to say such a thing is that they conceive of
la libertad como capricho individual, como albedrío de las necesidades particulares.
the|freedom|as|whim|individual||free will|of|the|needs|particular
freedom as an individual whim, as the will of particular needs.
El estado sí limita los caprichos, pero no limita la verdadera libertad.
the|state|yes|it limits|the|whims|but|not|it limits|the|true|freedom
The state does limit whims, but it does not limit true freedom.
De hecho, la limitación de los caprichos es un medio para la realización de la verdadera
in|fact|the|limitation|of|the|whims|it is|a|means|for|the|realization|of|the|true
In fact, the limitation of whims is a means to the realization of true
libertad, pues solo así tiene el hombre existencia racional y por lo tanto libre.
freedom|because|only|in this way|it has|the|man|existence|rational|and|for|it|therefore|free
freedom, for only in this way does man have rational existence and therefore free.
Otra postura respecto al Estado de la que se distingue Hegel, es la del estado patriarcal.
another|position|regarding|to the|State|of|the|that|itself|it distinguishes|Hegel|it is|the|of the|state|patriarchal
Another position regarding the State that Hegel distinguishes is that of the patriarchal state.
Esta postura es similar a la de la política de Aristóteles y suele ser
this|position|it is|similar|to|the|of|the|politics|of|Aristotle|and|it usually|to be
This position is similar to that of Aristotle's politics and is often
tomada por teólogos que basan sus teorías del origen del estado en escritos bíblicos.
taken|by|theologians|who|they base|their|theories|of the|origin|of the|state|in|writings|biblical
taken by theologians who base their theories of the origin of the state on biblical writings.
El estado patriarcal tiene por base la relación familiar.
the|state|patriarchal|it has|as|a basis|the|relationship|family
The patriarchal state is based on the family relationship.
La familia es una persona, la unidad de sentimiento, de amor de confianza.
the|family|it is|a|person|the|unit|of|feeling|of|love|of|trust
The family is a person, the unit of feeling, love, and trust.
El Estado debe respetar a la familia pero la ampliación de la familia hasta formar
the|State|it must|to respect|to|the|family|but|the|expansion|of|the|family|until|to form
The State must respect the family but the expansion of the family to form
una comunidad patriarcal rebasa el lazo de la consanguinidad.
a patriarchal community exceeds the bond of consanguinity.
En la familia nadie es independiente y en el Estado debe haber independencia de los individuos.
in|the|family|nobody|is|independent|and|in|the|State|there must|to be|independence|of|the|individuals
In the family, no one is independent and in the State, there must be independence of individuals.
Las potencialidades del espíritu de un pueblo se particularizan, se hacen distintas a otro,
the|potentialities|of the|spirit|of|a|people|itself|they particularize|themselves|they make|different|to|another
The potentialities of the spirit of a people are particularized, they become distinct from another,
en la religión, la constitución, el sistema jurídico con derecho civil, la industria,
in religion, the constitution, the legal system with civil law, industry,
el arte, la ciencia, el ejército y la valentía. Estas son las esferas en las cuales el concepto
the|art|the|science|the|army|and|the|courage|These|they are|the|spheres|in|the|which|the|concept
art, science, the army, and bravery. These are the spheres in which the concept
que el espíritu objetivo tiene de sí mismo se realiza, por medio de las
that|the|spirit|objective|it has|of|itself|itself|itself|it realizes|by|means|of|the
that objective spirit has of itself is realized, through the
cuales el espíritu se conoce a sí mismo, el pueblo conoce su propia conciencia.
as|the|spirit|itself|it knows|to|itself|itself|the|people|it knows|its|own|consciousness
where the spirit knows itself, the people know their own consciousness.
La religión es en donde la individualidad del espíritu es representada, venerada y gozada
the|religion|it is|in|where|the|individuality|of the|spirit|it is|represented|venerated|and|enjoyed
Religion is where the individuality of the spirit is represented, venerated, and enjoyed
en su esencialidad, como Dios. El arte es donde es expuesta
in|its|essence|as|God|The|art|it is|where|it is|exposed
in its essentiality, as God. Art is where it is exposed
como imagen e intuición. La filosofía es donde es
as|image|and|intuition|The|philosophy|it is|where|it is
as image and intuition. Philosophy is where it is
concebida y conocida por el pensamiento. Cada esfera coexiste con las demás,
conceived|and|known|by|the|thought|Each|sphere|it coexists|with|the|others
conceived and known by thought. Each sphere coexists with the others,
cada arte con un estado particular, con una religión y una filosofía particulares.
each art with a particular state, with a particular religion and philosophy.
Cada particularización de un espíritu requiere de las particulares manifestaciones que le
each|particularization|of|a|spirit|it requires|of|the|particular|manifestations|that|it
Each particularization of a spirit requires the particular manifestations that correspond to it,
corresponden pues los aspectos de la cultura de un pueblo son las
they correspond|because|the|aspects|of|the|culture|of|a|town|they are|the
for the aspects of a people's culture are the
relaciones del espíritu consigo mismo. Esto significa que el arte griego no
relationships|of the|spirit|with itself|itself|This|it means|that|the|art|Greek|not
relationships of the spirit with itself. This means that Greek art could not arise in the Islamic world.
podría surgir en el mundo islámico. La religión musulmana y el arte griego
it could|to arise|in|the|world|Islamic|The|religion|Muslim|and|the|art|Greek
The Muslim religion and Greek art are incompatible as they are manifestations of different levels of consciousness of the Idea.
son incompatibles pues son manifestaciones de diferentes niveles de conciencia de la Idea.
they are|incompatible|because|they are|manifestations|of|different|levels|of|consciousness|of|the|Idea
Religion is the first mode of self-consciousness, it is the spiritual consciousness of the national spirit.
La religión es el primer modo de autoconciencia, es la conciencia espiritual del espíritu nacional
the|religion|it is|the|first|mode|of|self-awareness|it is|the|consciousness|spiritual|of the|spirit|national
mismo, es la conciencia del espíritu universal en la existencia determinada de un pueblo.
itself|it is|the|consciousness|of the|spirit|universal|in|the|existence|determined|of|a|people
the same, is the awareness of the universal spirit in the determined existence of a people.
La religión es el concepto que el pueblo tiene de sí mismo.
the|religion|it is|the|concept|that|the|people|it has|of|itself|itself
Religion is the concept that the people have of themselves.
Entonces para Hegel todas las religiones son expresiones de una verdad, más no de LA verdad.
then|for|Hegel|all|the|religions|they are|expressions|of|a|truth|more|not|of|THE|truth
Then for Hegel all religions are expressions of a truth, but not of THE truth.
Las religiones que consideran lo divino en la naturaleza,
the|religions|that|they consider|the|divine|in|the|nature
The religions that consider the divine in nature,
no entienden lo interno de lo espiritual por lo que no pueden concebir la libertad.
not|they understand|the|internal|of|the|spiritual|for|it|that|not|they can|to conceive|the|freedom
they do not understand the internal nature of the spiritual, which is why they cannot conceive of freedom.
A diferencia de estas están el Islam, el Judaísmo y el Deísmo ilustrado.
in|difference|from|these|there are|the|Islam|the|Judaism|and|the|Deism|enlightened
In contrast to these are Islam, Judaism, and Enlightened Deism.
Estas sí entienden la separación entre lo natural y lo divino, pero también separan lo absoluto y
they|indeed|they understand|the|separation|between|the|natural|and|the|divine|but|also|they separate|the|absolute|and
These do understand the separation between the natural and the divine, but they also separate the absolute and
lo finito, separan al dios de los individuos. Por otro lado, las religiones Hindú y Griega sí
the|finite|they separate|the|god|from|the|individuals|On|another|side|the|religions|Hindu|and|Greek|yes
the finite, separating God from individuals. On the other hand, Hindu and Greek religions do.
consideran la unión de lo divino y el mundo, pero éstas antropomorfizan a Dios,
they consider|the|union|of|the|divine|and|the|world|but|these|they anthropomorphize|to|God
they consider the union of the divine and the world, but these anthropomorphize God,
lo cuál se encuentra por debajo de su dignidad. En el cristianismo la idea divina es la unidad
which|which|itself|it finds|below|beneath|of|its|dignity|In|the|Christianity|the|idea|divine|it is|the|unity
which is beneath His dignity. In Christianity, the divine idea is the unity
de las naturalezas divina y humana. Pero no todo el cristianismo es igual,
of|the|natures|divine|and|human|But|not|all|the|Christianity|it is|the same
of the divine and human natures. But not all of Christianity is the same,
dentro de él se encuentra el Catolicismo y el Protestantismo.
inside|of|it|itself|there is|the|Catholicism|and|the|Protestantism
within it are Catholicism and Protestantism.
El problema con el Catolicismo, para Hegel, es que no admite la justicia y
the|problem|with|the|Catholicism|for|Hegel|it is|that|not|it admits|the|justice|and
The problem with Catholicism, for Hegel, is that it does not admit the internal justice and
moralidad internas del Estado, no reconoce la sustancialidad del derecho y de la moralidad.
morality|internal|of|State|not|it recognizes|the|substantiality|of|law|and|of|the|morality
morality of the State, it does not recognize the substantiality of law and morality.
Por lo que la verdadera verdad es la que se expresa mediante el protestantismo.
for|the|that|the|true|truth|it is|the|that|itself|it expresses|through|the|Protestantism
Therefore, the true truth is the one expressed through Protestantism.
¡Justo la religión de Hegel y el Estado Prusiano! ¡Que afortunada casualidad!
Just the religion of Hegel and the Prussian State! What a fortunate coincidence!
La religión tiene un principio común con el estado, ésta es la primera interioridad
the|religion|it has|a|principle|common|with|the|state|this|it is|the|first|interiority
Religion has a common principle with the state, this is the first interiority
que en él se define y realiza. El estado sale de una religión
that|in|it|itself|defines|and|it realizes|The|state|it emerges|from|a|religion
that is defined and realized in it. The state emerges from a specific religion
determinada y por tener esa religión tiene esa vida política, artística y científica.
determined|and|for|to have|that|religion|it has|that|life|political|artistic|and|scientific
and by having that religion, it has that political, artistic, and scientific life.
Dice Hegel que sería fácil poner contraejemplos de estados que se separan de la religión,
Hegel says||that|it would be|easy|to put|counterexamples|of|states|that|themselves|they separate|from|the|religion
Hegel says that it would be easy to provide counterexamples of states that separate from religion,
como Hamburgo o los Estados Norteamericanos. Pero esos son estados pequeños, cuando se habla
like|Hamburg|or|the|States|American|But|those|they are|states|small|when|it|it speaks
like Hamburg or the North American States. But those are small states, when we talk
de la historia universal no se habla de cosas inmaduras que no llegan a tener la madurez que
of|the|history|universal|not|itself|it speaks|of|things|immature|that|not|they reach|to|to have|the|maturity|that
about universal history we do not talk about immature things that do not reach the maturity that
solo corresponde a los viejos Estados europeos. La religión debe ser la base de los otros aspecots
only|it corresponds|to|the|old|states|European|The|religion|it must|to be|the|basis|of|the|other|aspects
only corresponds to the old European States. Religion must be the foundation of the other aspects
en los que se objetiva el espírituo, porque si no éstos no estarían determinados por la verdad.
in|the|which|itself|it objectifies|the||because|if|not|these|not|they would be|determined|by|the|truth
in which the spirit is objectified, because if not, they would not be determined by the truth.
Ya había dicho Hegel que el espíritu solo es espíritu por cuanto se hace objetivo.
already|he had|said|Hegel|that|the|spirit|only|it is|spirit|for|as|itself|it becomes|objective
Hegel had already said that spirit is only spirit insofar as it becomes objective.
Cada religión tiene un principio, y desde ese principio el espíritu forma un mundo, se objetiva.
each|religion|it has|a|principle|and|from|that|principle|the|spirit|it forms|a|world|itself|it becomes objective
Each religion has a principle, and from that principle, spirit forms a world, it becomes objective.
Esto se hace mediante distintas esferas como son: la constitución política, la relación
this|itself|it is done|through|different|spheres|such as|they are|the|constitution|political|the|relationship
This is done through different spheres such as: political constitution, legal relationship,
jurídica, la moralidad, el arte y la ciencia. El arte está sumamente vinculada con la religión.
legal|the|morality|the|art|and|the|science|The|art|it is|extremely|linked|with|the|religion
morality, art, and science. Art is highly linked to religion.
Hegel dice que en las religiones donde el espíritu es concebido sin forma,
Hegel|says|that|in|the|religions|where|the|spirit|it is|conceived|without|form
Hegel says that in religions where the spirit is conceived without form,
como en el judaísmo y el islam, no hay lugar para las artes plásticas.
as|in|the|Judaism|and|the|Islam|not|there is|room|for|the|arts|plastic
such as in Judaism and Islam, there is no place for the plastic arts.
Por otro lado, en religiones donde la universalidad divina es intuida en la forma
on|the other|side|in|religions|where|the|universality|divine|it is|intuited|in|the|form
On the other hand, in religions where divine universality is intuited in the form
de subjetividad natural, como en los griegos, se representa lo divino en la intuición sensible.
of|subjectivity|natural|as|in|the|Greeks|itself|it represents|the|divine|in|the|intuition|sensible
of natural subjectivity, as in the Greeks, the divine is represented in sensible intuition.
Sin embargo, para Hegel, el arte sensible para los griegos es diferente que para los cristianos,
however|but|for|Hegel|the|art|sensible|for|the|Greeks|it is|different|than|for|the|Christians
However, for Hegel, the sensible art for the Greeks is different than for the Christians,
pues para los griegos el arte era el modo supremo de aprehender y representar lo verdadero,
for|for|the|Greeks|the|art|it was|the|way|supreme|to|to apprehend|and|to represent|the|true
for the Greeks, art was the supreme way to apprehend and represent the true,
y para los cristianos esta aprehensión se tiene que hacer mediante el intelecto.
and|for|the|Christians|this|apprehension|itself|it has|to|to do|through|the|intellect
and for the Christians, this apprehension has to be made through the intellect.
Otra esfera que menciona Hegel es la de las ciencias.
another|sphere|that|he mentions|Hegel|it is|the|of|the|sciences
Another sphere that Hegel mentions is that of the sciences.
Aunque más bien se refiere, no a lo que nosotros entendemos como ciencia,
although|more|rather|itself|it refers|not|to|what|that|we|we understand|as|science
Although it refers more to something that we do not understand as science,
sino a algo que se acerca más a la filosofía. Éstas, para Hegel, se acercan más a la religión,
but|to|something|that|itself|closer|more|to|the|philosophy|These|for|Hegel|themselves|they approach|more|to|the|religion
but rather to something that is closer to philosophy. For Hegel, these are closer to religion,
se encuentran en el terreno peculiar del espíritu porque pertenecen al pensamiento.
themselves|they find|in|the|terrain|peculiar|of the|spirit|because|they belong|to the|thought
they are found in the peculiar realm of the spirit because they belong to thought.
Pensar es aprehender abstractamente lo más hondo del espíritu y por eso las ciencias son un fin
to think|it is|to apprehend|abstractly|the|most|profound|of the|spirit|and|for|that|the|sciences|they are|a|purpose
To think is to abstractly grasp the deepest part of the spirit, and that is why the sciences are an end.
en sí y por sí y son el modo supremo como un pueblo llega a la conciencia de la verdad.
in|itself|and|for|itself|and|they are|the|way|supreme|as|a|people|it reaches|to|the|consciousness|of|the|truth
in itself and by itself and are the supreme way a people comes to the awareness of the truth.
Tanto el arte como la ciencia, son esferas internas e inmateriales del pueblo, y éstas
both|the|art|as|the|science|they are|spheres|internal|and|immaterial|of the|people|and|these
Both art and science are internal and immaterial spheres of the people, and these
se contraponen las esferas materiales externas. La primera de estas esferas refiere a los usos
themselves|they oppose|the|spheres|material|external|The|first|of|these|spheres|it refers|to|the|uses
contrast with the external material spheres. The first of these spheres refers to the customs
y costumbres de un pueblo, la moralidad y las relaciones familiares de los pueblos.
and traditions of a people, the morality and family relationships of the peoples.
En esta esfera el espíritu se expresa en el tipo de matrimonio que tiene,
in|this|sphere|the|spirit|itself|it expresses|in|the|type|of|marriage|that|it has
In this sphere, the spirit is expressed in the type of marriage one has,
el tipo de relaciones que hay entre padres e hijos y las relaciones de cortesía entre individuos.
the|type|of|relationships|that|there are|between|parents|and|children|and|the|relationships|of|courtesy|between|individuals
the type of relationships between parents and children, and the courteous relationships between individuals.
La segunda esfera exterior es la actividad con la naturaleza para la satisfacción de las
the|second|sphere|outer|it is|the|activity|with|the|nature|for|the|satisfaction|of|the
The second outer sphere is the activity with nature for the satisfaction of finite
necesidades finitas; la industria y el comercio. Estas actividades buscan que el individuo se
needs|finite|the|industry|and|the|commerce|These|activities|they seek|that|the|individual|itself
needs; industry and commerce. These activities seek for the individual to be
ocupe de sí mismo, aplicando sus habilidades y su trabajo a los satisfactores de sus necesidades.
he/she occupied|himself/herself|himself/herself|himself/herself|applying|his/her|skills|and|his/her|work|to|the|satisfiers|of|his/her|needs
he took care of himself, applying his skills and his work to satisfy his needs.
Dependiendo de la conciencia que tenga el espíritu de sí mismo, la industria
depending|on|the|consciousness|that|it has|the|spirit|of|itself|itself|the|industry
Depending on the awareness that the spirit has of itself, the industry
puede estar adscrita a ciertas castas, o el individuo puede actuar sin ningún límite.
it can|to be|assigned|to|certain|castes|or|the|individual|it can|to act|without|any|limit
can be assigned to certain castes, or the individual can act without any limits.
Aquí Hegel se refiere al modo de producción en el capitalismo, pero habrá más tarde un hegeliano
here|Hegel|himself|he refers|to the|mode|of|production|in|the|capitalism|but|there will be|more|later|a|Hegelian
Here Hegel refers to the mode of production in capitalism, but there will later be a Hegelian
que dirá que no, que para eso a la historia todavía le falta dar otro giro dialéctico.
that|it will say|that|no|that|for|that|to|the|history|still|it|it lacks|to give|another|turn|dialectical
that will say no, that for that the history still needs to take another dialectical turn.
La tercera esfera exterior es el derecho privado, o el derecho civil como lo conocemos.
the|third|sphere|outer|it is|the|law|private|or|the|law|civil|as|it|we know
The third outer sphere is private law, or civil law as we know it.
Aquí, el desenvolvimiento de la libertad personal se manifiesta en
here|the|development|of|the|freedom|personal|itself|it manifests|in
Here, the development of personal freedom is manifested in
los regímenes de trabajo y de propiedad. Hegel dice que sólo en el cristianismo
the|regimes|of|work|and|of|property|Hegel|he says|that|only|in|the|Christianity
the regimes of work and property. Hegel says that only in Christianity
el individuo tiene un valor infinito y por ello sólo en él los hombres pueden ser personalmente
the|individual|it has|an|value|infinite|and|for|that|only|in|him|the|men|they can|to be|personally
the individual has infinite value and therefore only in him can men be personally
libres y poseer una propiedad libre. Aquí Hegel más bien se refiere a propiedad
free|and|to possess|a|property|free|Here|Hegel|rather|well|itself|refers|to|property
free and possess free property. Here Hegel rather refers to property
privada y curiosamente, ese otro hegeliano también tendrá algo que decir al respecto.
private|and|curiously|that|another|Hegelian|also|it will have|something|to|to say|about|regarding
private and curiously, that other Hegelian will also have something to say about it.
Finalmente está la esfera de las ciencias de lo finito.
finally|there is|the|sphere|of|the|sciences|of|the|finite
Finally, there is the sphere of the sciences of the finite.
Esto sí es ciencia como lo conocemos, matemática, historia natural y física.
this|yes|it is|science|as|it|we know|mathematics|history|natural|and|physics
This is indeed science as we know it, mathematics, natural history, and physics.
Éstas requieren un cierto nivel cultural en el que
these|they require|a|certain|level|cultural|in|which|
These require a certain cultural level in which
el individuo tenga libertad interior y pueda adoptar una actitud teórica.
the|individual|he/she has|freedom|inner|and|he/she can|to adopt|an|attitude|theoretical
the individual has inner freedom and can adopt a theoretical attitude.
Y por eso… en el mundo antiguo… no hacían ciencia… bueno, dice Hegel.
and|for|that|in|the|world|ancient|not|they did|science|well|says|Hegel
And that's why... in the ancient world... they didn't do science... well, Hegel says.
Para que estas esferas se fijen, y que lo hagan de acuerdo al concepto que tiene
for|that|these|spheres|themselves|they fix|and|that|it|they do|in|accordance|to the|concept|that|it has
For these spheres to be fixed, and to do so according to the concept that it has
el espíritu de sí mismo, requieren de ciertas instituciones que son desarrollos del concepto.
the|spirit|of|itself|itself|they require|of|certain|institutions|that|they are|developments|of the|concept
of the spirit of itself, they require certain institutions that are developments of the concept.
Este desarrollo específico se da mediante la constitución.
this|development|specific|itself|it occurs|through|the|constitution
This specific development occurs through the constitution.
Aquí me tengo que detener un segundo porque en latinoamérica del siglo veintiuno damos por
here|I|I have|to|to stop|a|second|because|in|Latin America|of the|century|twenty-one|we give|for
Here I have to pause for a second because in twenty-first century Latin America we take for granted
sentado que un Estado debe tener una constitución, es el fundamento legal de todas las instituciones.
it is established|that|a|state|it must|to have|a|constitution|it is|the|foundation|legal|of|all|the|institutions
It is established that a state must have a constitution; it is the legal foundation of all institutions.
Parece trivial entonces que Hegel hable de ella. Pero en la primera mitad del siglo diecinueve
it seems|trivial|then|that|Hegel|he speaks|about|it|But|in|the|first|half|of the|century|nineteen
It seems trivial then that Hegel speaks of it. But in the first half of the nineteenth century,
en los estados alemanes, la discusión por una constitución es muy vigente.
in|the|states|German|the|discussion|for|a|constitution|it is|very|current
in the German states, the discussion for a constitution is very relevant.
Recordemos que Hegel viene de Wurtemberg a Prusia. Al disolver Napoleón el sacro imperio romano,
let us remember|that|Hegel|he comes|from|Württemberg|to|Prussia|Upon|dissolving|Napoleon|the|holy|empire|Roman
Let us remember that Hegel comes from Württemberg to Prussia. When Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire,
Wurtemberg pasó a pertenecer a la confederación del Rin.
Wurtemberg|it passed|to|to belong|to|the|confederation|of the|Rhine
Württemberg became part of the Confederation of the Rhine.
Durante ese periodo, los estados alemanes que pertenecieron a esta confederación,
during|that|period|the|states|German|that|they belonged|to|this|confederation
During that period, the German states that belonged to this confederation,
tuvieron una probada de libertades civiles. Cuando Napoleón fue derrotado,
they had|a|taste|of|liberties|civil|When|Napoleon|he was|defeated
had a taste of civil liberties. When Napoleon was defeated,
la confederación del Rin colapsó. El estado monárquico de Wurtember
the|confederation|of the|Rhine|it collapsed|The|state|monarchical|of|Württemberg
the Confederation of the Rhine collapsed. The monarchical state of Württemberg
no fue lo suficientemente poderoso para regresar a la normalidad y en 1819 se
not|it was|it|sufficiently|powerful|to|to return|to|the|normality|and|in|itself
was not powerful enough to return to normalcy and in 1819 it
vio obligado a establecer una constitución. Pero Prusia no perteneció a la confederación
he saw|obliged|to|to establish|a|constitution|But|Prussia|not|it belonged|to|the|confederation
was forced to establish a constitution. But Prussia did not belong to the confederation
del Rin, nunca probó libertades civiles, nunca cambio, se mantuvo
of|the Rhine|never|he/she tasted|liberties|civil|never|he/she changed|himself/herself|he/she maintained
of the Rhine, never experienced civil liberties, never changed, remained
bajo la institución omnipresente de su rey. Y así viene Hegel a Prusia a decir que
under|the|institution|omnipresent|of|his|king|And|thus|he comes|Hegel|to|Prussia|to|to say|that
under the omnipresent institution of its king. And thus Hegel comes to Prussia to say that
no se puede juzgar una forma política como tal si no tiene una constitución.
not|itself|it can|to judge|a|form|political|as|such|if|not|it has|a|constitution
one cannot judge a political form as such if it does not have a constitution.
Que su forma retrógrada de Estado sin constitución ni es Estado.
that|its|form|retrograde|of|state|without|constitution|nor|it is|state
That its retrograde form of State without a constitution is not a State.
El ente abstracto del Estado solo adquiere vida y realidad mediante la constitución;
the|entity|abstract|of the|State|only|it acquires|life|and|reality|through|the|constitution
The abstract entity of the State only acquires life and reality through the constitution;
mediante ella se establece la diferencia entre quien manda y quien obedece,
through|it|itself|it establishes|the|difference|between|who|commands|and|who|obeys
through it, the difference between who commands and who obeys is established,
quien gobierna y quien es gobernado. Buscando, dice Hegel, que los ciudadanos
who governs and who is governed. Seeking, says Hegel, that citizens
obedezcan lo menos posible y que los que manden tengan el menor albedrío posible.
they obey|it|less|possible|and|that|those|who|they command|they have|the|least|free will|possible
obey as little as possible and that those in power have the least possible free will.
Esto es, buscando una constitución liberal, algo que no le acomodaría a los mochos Prusianos.
this|it is|seeking|a|constitution|liberal|something|that|not|to them|it would suit|to|the|narrow-minded|Prussians
That is, seeking a liberal constitution, something that would not suit the Prussian conservatives.
¿De qué maneras se puede hacer una constitución? Las constituciones tienen un comportamiento
in|what|ways|itself|it can|to make|a|constitution|The|constitutions|they have|a|behavior
In what ways can a constitution be made? Constitutions have a behavior
extraño, para Hegel, Aunque el espíritu se desarrolla de manera
strange|for|Hegel|Although|the|spirit|itself|it develops|in|way
strange, for Hegel, although the spirit develops in an uninterrupted manner,
ininterrumpida, desde la perspectiva de las constituciones no hay ninguna continuidad.
uninterrupted|from|the|perspective|of|the|constitutions|not|there is|any|continuity
from the perspective of constitutions there is no continuity.
Las constituciones de los pueblos históricos anteriores no contienen
the|constitutions|of|the|peoples|historical|previous|not|they contain
The constitutions of previous historical peoples do not contain
el principio de los tiempos posteriores. Para ver qué tipos de constituciones hay,
the|beginning|of|the|times|later|To|to see|what|types|of|constitutions|there are
the principle of later times. To see what types of constitutions exist,
hay que ver según como se distribuyen los gobernantes y los gobernados.
there is|to|to see|according to|how|themselves|they distribute|the|rulers|and|the|governed
one must see how the rulers and the ruled are distributed.
Primero se encuentra la monarquía patriarcal, que es la monarquía despótica que obtiene obediencia
first|itself|it finds|the|monarchy|patriarchal|that|it is|the|monarchy|despotic|that|it obtains|obedience
First, there is the patriarchal monarchy, which is the despotic monarchy that obtains obedience
mediante la violencia y el miedo. Aquí el gobernante es uno y los
through|the|violence|and|the|fear|Here|the|ruler|it is|one|and|the
through violence and fear. Here, the ruler is one and the
gobernados son todos los demás. Después está la aristocracia,
governed|they are|all|the|others|After|there is|the|aristocracy
ruled are all the others. Then there is the aristocracy,
que consiste en la unión del cuerpo político por medio de algunos individuos particulares.
that|it consists|in|the|union|of the|body|political|by|means|of|some|individuals|particular
which consists of the union of the political body through some particular individuals.
Aquí algunos son los gobernantes, y los demás son gobernados.
here|some|they are|the|rulers|and|the|others|they are|governed
Here some are the rulers, and the others are the ruled.
Para Hegel la aristocracia termina en la sumisión de estas fuerzas particulares
for|Hegel|the|aristocracy|it ends|in|the|submission|of|these|forces|particular
For Hegel, the aristocracy ends in the submission of these particular forces
en un nuevo renio, una nueva monarquía. Esta es una monarquía diferente que la primera,
in|a|new|kingdom|a|new|monarchy|This|it is|a|monarchy|different|than|the|first
in a new reign, a new monarchy. This is a different monarchy than the first,
pero Hegel no especifica por qué. También Hegel habla de la República,
but|Hegel|not|he specifies|for|why|Also|Hegel|he talks|about|the|Republic
but Hegel does not specify why. Hegel also talks about the Republic,
esta es la única distribución justa y verdadera,
this|it is|the|only|distribution|fair|and|true
this is the only fair and true distribution,
pero antes de que lo vengan a apresar el ejército real prusiano, tiene que afirmar
but|before|of|that|it|they come|to|to arrest|the|army|royal|Prussian|it has|to|to affirm
but before the Prussian royal army comes to arrest him, he has to assert
que no puede ser introducida en todas partes y a veces es más preferible la monarquía.
that|not|it can|to be|introduced|in|all|places|and|to|sometimes|it is|more|preferable|the|monarchy
that it cannot be introduced everywhere and sometimes monarchy is more preferable.
Así queda desplegado el lugar que ocupa el Estado en la Historia universal.
thus|it remains|displayed|the|place|that|it occupies|the|State|in|the|History|universal
This is how the place occupied by the State in universal History is displayed.
En la próxima cápsula veremos el tercer capítulo de la Introducción General de las lecciones de
in|the|next|capsule|we will see|the|third|chapter|of|the|Introduction|General|of|the|lessons|of
In the next capsule, we will see the third chapter of the General Introduction of the lessons of
filosofía de la historia universal, la cual sirve como conclusión de la misma introducción,
philosophy|of|the|history|universal|the|which|it serves|as|conclusion|of|the|same|introduction
philosophy of universal history, which serves as a conclusion to the same introduction,
pues Hegel regresa a muchos puntos ya vistos y los une para darnos la visión general de la filosofía
for|Hegel|he returns|to|many|points|already|seen|and|them|he unites|to|to give us|the|vision|general|of|the|philosophy
as Hegel returns to many points already seen and connects them to give us the overall vision of philosophy.
de la historia universal. Así que hasta entonces.
of universal history. So until then.
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