22. Kapitel - 03
Capítulo 22 - 03
Capítulo 22 - 03
22nd Chapter - 03
Je näher der Tag kam, desto mutloser wurde ich; entweder weil ich feig war oder weil mich trübe Ahnungen erfaßten.
the|closer|the|day|came|the|more despondent|became|I|either|because|I|cowardly|was|or|because|me|gloomy|premonitions|seized
Gün yaklaştıkça, ya bir korkak olduğumdan ya da kasvetli önsezilerim beni ele geçirdiğinden, daha da umutsuzluğa kapıldım.
The closer the day came, the more discouraged I became; either because I was cowardly or because gloomy premonitions seized me.
Ich heuchelte aber eine gewisse Heiterkeit, die ein glückliches Lächeln auf das Gesicht meines Vaters zauberte, während die schärfer blickende Elisabeth sich nicht täuschen ließ.
I|pretended|but|a|certain|cheerfulness|which|a|happy|smile|on|the|face|of my|father's|conjured|while|the|sharper|looking|Elisabeth|herself|not|to deceive|let
Ama babamın yüzüne mutlu bir gülümseme yerleştiren belli bir neşeyi taklit ettim, daha keskin görünümlü Elisabeth ise buna kanmadı.
However, I feigned a certain cheerfulness that brought a happy smile to my father's face, while the sharper-eyed Elisabeth was not deceived.
Sie sah hoffnungsvoll unserer Vereinigung entgegen.
Birleşmemizi umutla bekliyordu.
She looked forward to our union with hope.
In diese Hoffnung aber mischte sich eine leise Furcht, daß das, was uns jetzt wirkliches, greifbares Glück bedeutete, bald in Schaum zerfließen könne.
in|this|hope|but|mixed|itself|a|quiet|fear|that|that|what|to us|now|real|tangible|happiness|meant|soon|into|foam|to dissolve|could
Ancak bu umutla birlikte, bizim için artık gerçek, somut bir mutluluk anlamına gelen şeyin yakında köpüğe dönüşeceğine dair sessiz bir korku da vardı.
But into this hope crept a slight fear that what now meant real, tangible happiness for us could soon dissolve into foam.
Alle Vorbereitungen für das Fest waren getroffen und wir hatten mit freudigen Gesichtern die Gratulationsbesuche empfangen.
all|preparations|for|the|celebration|were|made|and|we|had|with|joyful|faces|the|congratulatory visits|received
All preparations for the celebration had been made and we had received congratulatory visits with joyful faces.
Ich verbarg, so gut ich konnte, die quälende Angst und ging scheinbar mit Interesse auf die Pläne meines Vaters ein.
I|concealed|so|well|I|could|the|tormenting|fear|and|went|apparently|with|interest|to|the|plans|of my|father|in
Acı veren korkumu elimden geldiğince sakladım ve babamın planlarını görünüşte ilgiyle inceledim.
I hid the tormenting anxiety as best I could and pretended to take an interest in my father's plans.
Den Bemühungen meines Vaters war es gelungen, bei der österreichischen Regierung durchzusetzen, daß Elisabeth ein Teil ihres väterlichen Erbteiles wieder zurückerstattet wurde.
the|efforts|of my|father|was|it|succeeded|with|the|Austrian|government|to enforce|that|Elisabeth|a|part|of her|paternal|inheritance|again|refunded|was
Babamın çabaları Avusturya hükümetinin Elisabeth'in babasından kalan mirasın bir kısmını iade etmesini sağladı.
My father's efforts had succeeded in persuading the Austrian government to return a part of Elisabeth's paternal inheritance.
Ein kleines Besitztum am Ufer des Comersees gehörte hierzu.
a|small|property|on the|shore|of the|Lake Como|belonged|to this
A small property on the shores of Lake Como belonged to this.
Es wurde bestimmt, daß wir unsere Flitterwochen in der direkt am Ufer des herrlichen Sees gelegenen Villa Lavenza verbringen sollten.
It|was|decided|that|we|our|honeymoon|in|the|directly|at the|shore|of the|magnificent|lake|located|villa|Lavenza|to spend|should
Balayımızı doğrudan güzel gölün kıyısında yer alan Villa Lavenza'da geçirmeye karar verdik.
It was decided that we should spend our honeymoon in the Villa Lavenza, located directly on the shore of the beautiful lake.
Unterdessen hatte ich alle Vorsichtsmaßregeln getroffen, um mich gegen einen offenen Angriff meines Dämons zu schützen.
meanwhile|had|I|all|precautions|taken|to|myself|against|an|open|attack|of my|demon|to|protect
In the meantime, I had taken all precautionary measures to protect myself against an open attack from my demon.
Ich trug ständig zwei Pistolen und einen Degen bei mir, was mir das Gefühl einer gewissen Sicherheit verlieh.
I|carried|constantly|two|pistols|and|a|rapier|with|me|which|to me|the|feeling|of a|certain|security|gave
Her zaman yanımda iki tabanca ve bir meç taşırdım, bu da bana belli bir güvenlik hissi verirdi.
I constantly carried two pistols and a rapier with me, which gave me a sense of certain security.
Je näher der Tag der Trauung kam und je öfter man von dieser sprach, wie von einer Sache, die sicher kommen mußte, desto mehr war ich geneigt, die Drohung des Dämons leichter zu nehmen.
The|closer|the|day|the|wedding|came|and|the|more often|one|of|this|spoke|as|of|a|thing|which|surely|to come|had to|the more|more|was|I|inclined|the|threat|of the|demon|easier|to|to take
Düğün günü yaklaştıkça ve sanki gerçekleşmesi kesin bir şeymiş gibi düğünden daha sık bahsedildikçe, iblisin tehdidini daha da hafife alma eğilimindeydim.
The closer the day of the wedding came and the more often it was spoken of as something that had to happen, the more I was inclined to take the demon's threat lightly.
Elisabeth sah sehr glücklich aus, wozu meine Ruhe ein gut Teil beitragen mochte.
Elisabeth|saw|very|happy|out|to which|my|calmness|a|good|part|to contribute|might
Elisabeth çok mutlu görünüyordu, bunda benim sakinliğimin de payı olabilir.
Elisabeth looked very happy, to which my calmness may have contributed a good deal.
Nur an dem Tage, der uns vereinigen sollte, war sie traurig und düstere Vorahnungen quälten sie.
only|on|the|day|which|us|to unite|should|was|she|sad|and|gloomy|premonitions|tormented|her
Sadece bizi birleştirecek olan günde üzgündü ve karanlık önsezilerle acı çekiyordu.
Only on the day that was to unite us was she sad, and dark premonitions tormented her.
Vielleicht lastete auch der Gedanke auf ihr, daß der kommende Tag ihr die Enthüllung meines furchtbaren Geheimnisses bringen würde.
maybe|weighed|also|the|thought|on|her|that|the|upcoming|day|her|the|revelation|of my|terrible|secret|would bring|would
Belki de önümüzdeki günün ona benim korkunç sırrımın ifşasını getireceği düşüncesi de ağır basıyordu.
Perhaps the thought weighed on her that the coming day would bring the revelation of my terrible secret.
Mein Vater war überglücklich und sah in der Traurigkeit Elisabeths nichts anderes als die erwartungsvolle Unruhe der Braut.
My|father|was|overjoyed|and|saw|in|the|sadness|of Elisabeth|nothing|else|but|the|expectant|restlessness|of the|bride
Babam çok sevinçliydi ve Elisabeth'in üzüntüsünde gelinin beklenti içindeki huzursuzluğundan başka bir şey görmüyordu.
My father was overjoyed and saw in Elisabeth's sadness nothing but the expectant restlessness of the bride.
Nachdem die Zeremonie vorüber war, versammelte sich eine große Gesellschaft im Hause meines Vaters.
after|the|ceremony|over|was|gathered|themselves|a|large|society|in the|house|of my|father
After the ceremony was over, a large gathering assembled at my father's house.
Elisabeth und ich sollten zu Schiffe nach Evian fahren, wo wir die Nacht verbringen und die Reise am nächsten Tage fortsetzen wollten.
Elisabeth|and|I|should|to|ships|to|Evian|to drive|where|we|the|night|to spend|and|the|journey|on the|next|day|to continue|wanted
Elisabeth and I were to take a ship to Evian, where we would spend the night and continue our journey the next day.
Es war ein herrlicher Tag und der Himmel lächelte auf unser junges Glück herab.
It was a glorious day and the sky smiled down on our young happiness.
Das waren die Augenblicke meines Lebens, in denen ich zum letztenmal das Gefühl des Glückes hatte.
The|were|the|moments|of my|life|in|which|I|to the|last time|the|feeling|of the|happiness|had
Those were the moments of my life when I last felt the sensation of happiness.
Rasch ging die Reise von statten.
Yolculuk hızlı geçti.
The journey went quickly.
Die Sonne brannte heiß auf uns hernieder, aber wir waren durch eine Art Sonnendach vor ihren Strahlen geschützt und freuten uns der wundervollen Landschaftsbilder, die an uns vorüberzogen.
The|sun|burned|hot|on|us|down|but|we|were|through|a|kind|sunroof|before|their|rays|protected|and|enjoyed|ourselves|of the|wonderful|landscape images|that|at|us|passed by
The sun burned down hotly upon us, but we were protected from its rays by a kind of sunshade and enjoyed the wonderful landscape images that passed by us.
Ich hielt Elisabeths Hand: »Du bist sorgenvoll, Geliebte?
I held Elisabeth's hand: "Are you worried, my beloved?"
O wenn du wüßtest, was ich alles zu tragen hatte, und was ich noch zu ertragen haben werde, du ließest mich die Ruhe und den Frieden genießen, die ich nur diesen einen Tag zu genießen imstande sein werde.«
Oh|if|you|knew|what|I|all|to|to bear|had|and|what|I|still|to|to endure|to have|will|you|would let|me|the|peace|and|the|tranquility|to enjoy|which|I|only|this|one|day|to|to enjoy|able|to be|will
Katlanmak zorunda kaldığım ve bundan sonra katlanmak zorunda kalacağım her şeyi bilseydiniz, sadece bir günlüğüne tadını çıkarabileceğim huzur ve sükûnetin tadını çıkarmama izin verirdiniz."
Oh, if you only knew what I had to bear and what I will still have to endure, you would let me enjoy the peace and tranquility that I will only be able to enjoy for this one day.
»Sei unbesorgt, lieber Viktor,« antwortete sie, »ich wüßte nicht, was dich traurig stimmten sollte; und sei überzeugt, wenn ich auch äußerlich mein Glück noch nicht so ganz zur Schau tragen kann, so fühle ich es doch tief im innersten Herzen.
Be|unconcerned|dear|Viktor|answered|she|I|would know|not|what|you|sad|would make|should|and|be|convinced|if|I|also|externally|my|happiness|still|not|so|completely|to the|show|to carry|can|so|I feel|I|it|still|deeply|in the|innermost|heart
"Üzülme sevgili Viktor," diye cevap verdi, "neden üzülmen gerektiğini bilmiyorum; ve mutluluğumu dışarıya tam olarak gösteremesem bile, kalbimin derinliklerinde hissettiğime ikna ol.
"Do not worry, dear Viktor," she replied, "I do not know what could make you sad; and be assured, even if I cannot yet fully show my happiness outwardly, I feel it deeply in my innermost heart.
Irgend etwas raunt mir jedoch geheimnisvoll zu, mich nicht allzufreudig auf das Kommende zu verlassen, aber ich will mich bemühen, dieser düsteren Stimme kein Gehör zu geben.
some|something|whispers|to me|however|mysteriously|to|me|not|too joyful|about|the|future|to|to rely|but|I|will|myself|to try|to this|gloomy|voice|no|hearing|to|to give
Ancak içimden bir ses gizemli bir şekilde bana yaklaşmakta olan şey konusunda fazla hevesli olmamamı fısıldıyor, ancak bu kasvetli sese kulak vermemeye çalışacağım.
However, something whispers to me mysteriously not to rely too joyfully on what is to come, but I will try to give no heed to this gloomy voice.
Sieh, wie rasch wir dahinfliegen und wie die Wolken, die um das Haupt des Montblanc wehen, das Landschaftsbild beleben.
See|how|fast|we|fly there|and|how|the|clouds|which|around|the|peak|of the|Mont Blanc|blow|the|landscape|enliven
Ne kadar hızlı uçtuğumuzu ve Mont Blanc'ın başının etrafında esen bulutların manzarayı nasıl canlandırdığını görün.
Look how quickly we are flying by and how the clouds that swirl around the summit of Mont Blanc enliven the landscape.
Und sieh die unzähligen Fische, die sich in der klaren Flut tummeln, in der wir jedes Steinchen am Boden unterscheiden können.
And|see|the|countless|fish|that|themselves|in|the|clear|tide|frolic|in|the|we|every|pebble|on the|ground|distinguish|can
Ve dipteki her küçük taşı ayırt edebildiğimiz berrak gelgitte dolaşan sayısız balığı görün.
And look at the countless fish that frolic in the clear flood, where we can distinguish every little stone on the bottom.
Welch herrlicher Tag!
what a|glorious|day
Ne güzel bir gün!
What a glorious day!
Wie glücklich und heiter die ganze Natur aussieht!«
Tüm doğa ne kadar mutlu ve neşeli görünüyor!"
How happy and cheerful all of nature looks!
In dieser Weise versuchte Elisabeth meine und ihre düsteren Gedanken zu verscheuchen.
in|this|way|tried|Elisabeth|my|and|her|gloomy|thoughts|to|to banish
Elisabeth bu şekilde benim ve onun kasvetli düşüncelerini korkutmaya çalıştı.
In this way, Elisabeth tried to chase away my and her gloomy thoughts.
Aber ihre Stimmung wechselte immer wieder; eine Zeit lang leuchteten ihre Augen freudig, allmählich aber nahmen sie wieder einen traurigen Ausdruck an.
Ama ruh hali sürekli değişiyordu; gözleri bir süre neşeyle parladı, ama yavaş yavaş tekrar hüzünlü bir ifade aldı.
But her mood changed again and again; for a while her eyes shone with joy, but gradually they took on a sad expression again.
Tiefer und tiefer sank die Sonne.
Güneş gittikçe daha derine batıyordu.
Deeper and deeper sank the sun.
Wir passierten die Mündung des Drance, der sich seinen Weg durch die Schluchten und Klüfte des Gebirges bahnt.
We|passed|the|mouth|of the|Drance|which|itself|its|way|through|the|gorges|and|crevices|of the|mountains|
Dağların geçitlerinden ve yarıklarından geçen Drance nehrinin ağzını geçtik.
We passed the mouth of the Drance, which carves its way through the gorges and crevices of the mountains.
Die Alpen treten hier nahe an den See heran und wir näherten uns dem mächtigen Amphitheater, das den östlichen Abschluß des Sees bildet.
The|Alps|come|here|close|to|the|lake|close|and|we|approached|ourselves|the|mighty|amphitheater|which|the|eastern|closure|of the|lake|forms
Alpler burada göle yaklaşıyor ve biz de gölün doğu ucunu oluşturan muazzam amfitiyatroya yaklaştık.
The Alps come close to the lake here and we approached the mighty amphitheater that forms the eastern end of the lake.
Schon sahen wir die Kirchturmspitze leuchtend über die Baumwipfel emporragen, die sich deutlich von den schwarzen Bergwänden abhob.
already|saw|we|the|church tower spire|shining|above|the|treetops|to rise up|which|themselves|clearly|from|the|black|mountain walls|stood out
Ağaçların tepesinde ışıl ışıl parlayan kilise kulesinin siyah dağ duvarlarına karşı net bir şekilde öne çıktığını görebiliyorduk.
We already saw the church tower peak glowing above the treetops, which stood out clearly from the black mountain walls.
Der Wind, der uns bisher mit beträchtlicher Schnelligkeit über den See dahingetragen, legte sich und nur mehr eine leichte Brise kräuselte das Wasser zu zierlichen Wellen.
The|wind|which|us|so far|with|considerable|speed|over|the|lake|carried along|subsided|itself|and|only|more|a|light||ruffled|the|water|into|delicate|waves
Bizi gölde hatırı sayılır bir hızla ilerleten rüzgâr kesildi ve sadece hafif bir esinti suyu narin dalgalar halinde dalgalandırdı.
The wind, which had previously carried us across the lake with considerable speed, calmed down, and only a light breeze rippled the water into delicate waves.
In den Uferbäumen flüsterte es leise und vom Lande her schwebte ein feiner Duft von Blumen und frischem Heu herüber.
in|the|shore trees|whispered|it|softly|and|from the|land|from|floated|a|fine|scent|of|flowers|and|fresh|hay|over
Kıyıdaki ağaçlar usulca fısıldıyor, kırlardan güzel bir çiçek ve taze saman kokusu süzülüyordu.
In the riverside trees, it whispered softly, and from the land came a fine scent of flowers and fresh hay.
Als wir landeten, versank gerade die Sonne hinter den Bergen, und in dem Augenblick, da mein Fuß den festen Boden betrat, stürmten Sorge und Angst wieder auf mich ein und ich meinte den kalten Griff des Schicksals zu fühlen.
As|we|landed|sank|just|the|sun|behind|the|mountains|and|in|the|moment|when|my|foot|the|solid|ground|stepped onto|stormed|worry|and|fear|again|upon|me|in|and|I|thought|the|cold|grip|of the|fate|to|feel
İndiğimizde güneş dağların ardında batıyordu ve ayağım yere basar basmaz endişe ve korku geri geldi ve kaderin soğuk pençesini hissettiğimi sandım.
As we landed, the sun was just sinking behind the mountains, and at the moment my foot touched solid ground, worry and fear surged back over me, and I felt the cold grip of fate.