Tutoring Help

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How can we help you?

How do I respond to an Exchange Request?

Respond to requests by clicking the Fulfil Request button visible for all Open Requests. On the following page, respond to each request as follows:

  • writing correction - Select mistakes in the original text, click the New Correction button, edit the Corrected Text field for the mistake entry that opens up, add a note (optional) and choose a mistake type. Add a final overall comment to finish up.
  • audio recording - Record the text in the text field and upload the mp3 file. You will need some kind of recording software of your own. If you are recording a writing correction, record the corrected text.
  • pronunciation correction - Listen to the submitted pronunciation recording and make any comments, suggestions or corrections in the comments field. Hopefully, the poster has included the original text in his post.
  • transcription - Listen to the submitted audio file and prepare and paste the transcript in the text field.
  • translation - Translate the posted text into the language shown and post it in the text field.

You will see the services requested at the top of the response form. You will need to respond to all parts of a request in order to submit a response. When all parts are complete, click Post Response to send it back to the poster.

Recommendations for Writing Correction
  1. Try to highlight words and phrases rather than sentences or letters. This makes the mistakes easier to fix and to understand.
  2. Try to make the finished writing sound natural. It should read as if a native speaker could have written it.
  3. Encourage students to LingQ the natural words and phrases you suggest in your corrections.
How can I get more members to submit Exchange Requests to me?
The best way to find students is to be active on the site. Be active commenting and responding on the Exchange, share lessons, create playlists, post on the forum, follow other members and post on their walls. Get to know other members and let them know you are active and keen to help.
What is Skype and how do I use it?

Skype is a free online telephone service. Download and install Skype on your computer in order to join conversations on LingQ. Once you have installed Skype, enter your Skype username on the Settings page. Your Skype username is the name you use to log in to Skype.

You should have Skype open at your scheduled conversation time and your tutor will call you. The first time you tutor with a tutor, you will receive a request to add that tutor to your contact list. Make sure to accept this request or they will not be able to call you. If you are late for your conversation, call your tutor using the Skype name provided.

We do recommend using a headset/microphone during discussions. You will be better able to hear your tutor and the microphone will pick up your voice more clearly.

How do I tutor conversations?
In advance of your scheduled conversation, open it from the My Conversations list on the Speak page. You will see the names of the participants and their Skype names. Add their Skype names to your contact list. At the scheduled time, start a conference call on Skype, with the participants. They will be waiting for you to call. If they are not online when you call, it is their responsibility to join in late. NB. You must have Skype installed on your computer to tutor on LingQ.
How do I create conversations or input 1 on 1 time?

Go to the Teach page under Exchange and select the date and times you want to tutor. Use the tabs above the time picker at right to indicate whether you are creating 1 on 1 or Group conversations.

How do I complete a Conversation Report?

When you click on a conversation in your My Conversations list just before your scheduled start time, you will be able to open the conversation report form. Enter comments, suggested words and phrases, or mistakes into the Suggestions field, one comment per line. Enter overall comments in the Comments field and click Send Report.

How many points will I earn for tutoring conversations?
You will receive 500 points for each 15 minute conversation segment.
Can I convert my points to cash?
Yes, you can convert points into cash but you will need a minimum of 10000 points ($100) to do so. Note that a 25% commission will be withheld by LingQ when you cash out.However, there is no commission for points earned from referrals or sharing lessons.
Do points I earn for tutoring expire?
Yes, these points are no different than any other points you receive. They must be used or redeemed for cash within 90 days.
How do I share content?

Click "Import Lesson" from the Tasks menu. Choose the language you are importing and select a course or create a new one if this lesson is part of a group of lessons. Fill out the relevant fields and click Save. If you are importing for your own use many of the fields are optional. For lessons you want to share, you must include an image, audio file and description. Only when a lesson is part of a course with an image and description do you not need these for individual lessons.

Click "Share this lesson" to add your lesson to the library. You will need to add a provider. Under Advanced Settings you can indicate whether you want your lesson visible on the web or just for LingQ members, you can add an external audio url if the audio for your lesson is posted on the web (indicate the audio length in seconds) and you can adjust the position of this lesson in the numerical order of a course. You can also add translations, script conversions, notes, videos, exercises and attachments in the Resources section.

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