To znám s tím nic nenaděláš

Nerozumím této věty

Hi Steve. In English you have a word “to know” and in Czech we have two words for it:

  1. znát - like “kennen” in German
  2. umět, moci - like “konnen” in German

To znám, s tím nic nenaděláš.
Ich kenne das, du kannst nichts mit das machen :)) (or something like that)
You can not do anything with that…

Podle mě je to v podstatě idiom. Správně a logicky by ta věta měla znít: “To znám, nemůžeš s tím nic udělat” nebo ještě přesněji “To znám, to nemůžeš změnit.”

I am doing this lesson now and also didn’t understand this phrase and I’m not sure about the two sentences above it. Using the hints it doesn’t quite make sense. I’m guessing the friend asks, “How did it appeal to you?” (How did you like it?) He answers, “I found it just amazing but my wife always found something to dislike.” Then, “What can you do about it?” (It can’t be helped. You can’t change her attitude).

The hint for “nenaděláš” says “break once” but really it means “you can’t do?” Or “you don’t?” I recognize “ne” and “děláš.”

Also, I’m a beginner in German but I thought the second word for “know” was “wissen,” like “Ich weiss, dass…” corresponding with “savoir/sapere” (“Je sais que/Io so che”).

It means “you cannot do”.