여유 meaning?

Does anyone know what “여유” means in this context?
삶의 여유 = life’s [???]
삶의 여유를 즐기던 옛사람들 = people of old times who enjoyed life’s [???]

thank you

여유 means carefreeness, leisure, affordability, relaxed, etc.
삶의 여유를 즐기던 옛사람들 means people of old (the past) who knew how to take it easy (stop to smell the roses, etc.)

It’s just heavily context dependent. There are a lot of set collocations with it. I’ll give you this to reference https://krdict.korean.go.kr/eng/dicSearch/SearchView?nation=eng&ParaWordNo=67787 I’m also gonna see make a thread about this dictionary, as I don’t believe it’s here yet. TerraEarth has explained it quite well, but you may want to see all of the areas in which it can apply and some of the common collocations. It’s definitely something that you have to encounter and UNDERSTAND in context a number of times to get down. Great example of how a dictionary can only get your level of understanding so far when contrasted with exposure to input at the right level.


yes, ask them to add this dictionary. it’s really good
you’re right about encountering things a number of times. this word 여유 i’ve only seen it in this one article so far. the first time I just left it (“I’ll figure it out later”) and now the second time I thought I’d ask.