Explain this sentence

新しい 言語 を 学習 し たい の です ね

Why is ”の です ね” in this sentence? How come ”したい” isn’t left alone as the verb?

Also in the sentence below:
これ が 新しい 言語 を 学習 する 最も 良い 方法 な の です

What does な の mean?

You want to learn a new language, don’t you?

But why is の in the sentence?

「なのだ 」


「新しい 言語 を 学習 し たい の です ね。」
In this sentence, you cannot delete ‘の,’ which is indispensable for the sentence makes sense.

I like to ask “why”? I question many things in life, often finding it very useful to do so. Sadly, for language learning, I found out that this habit is a kind of hindrance, rather than a helpful attribute. Julien Gaudfroy once noted – “…there’s not much logic in the grammar or the way people speak in the mother language. Why is it this way? Because it IS this way! I was one of those WHY people, but hard work made me realize I was wrong.” Zhunagzi, and crooked trees, also taught me the virtue of thinking otherwise – Login - LingQ

Check this out: Japanese Sentence Plain form no desu - Learn Japanese Online

I made the experience that reading and listening, watching videos in Japanese and looking at a ton of example sentences with English translations is more helpful than reading about grammar´n stuff.



For whom did you write that?

I wrote if for legendaryz.




PS: I´m pretty sure that the sentence he was asking about is a beginner 1 or beginner 2 lesson on LingQ.

tag question

I know. I´m just saying that stuff like 付加疑問文的 is way beyond beginner 1 or 2.

I agree. Es is für ihn zu schwer.

I think I get it, in a way. Or I don’t but whatever. I understand the first two sentences but still can’t understand the last. Back to studying