Dark mode is necessary for browser version

I have been enjoying dark mode for my mobile phone a lot and I think it should be implemented for the browser version too


I believe that is in plans for LingQ 5.0, but will check with our team.


Thank you very much Zoran

I thought that was supposed to be released last July

Can you share a screenshot for it? What exactly it is? I only use web browser for my language studies.

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Yes! I would love that!

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hey asad is a version that is perfect when you are studying during the night basically everything that is white turns black and everything that is black turns white, and it is so much lighter for the eyes. the strain is dramatically reduced

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On the kindle app they have a nice greenish color scheme that is really nice too! I hope LingQ gives us some options with color.

You can install the Browser Plug in called Dark Reader (https://darkreader.org/) if you want :slight_smile:

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Thx, it works quite well.

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Thank your for this suggestion! This helps a lot!!

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