Grammar Database for Korean

Hey fellow language learners.

I’d just like to pop in briefly and direct your attention to a great resource that I’ve used throughout my Korean studies over the past year or so.

The grammar patterns are listed alphabetically, but if you would like to see a list of all the grammar patterns listed in the database then select “Search” and change any one of the search parameters (except the first one) to a blank selection.

Good luck everyone!

This is a great database Alex, thanks!

I was wondering what you do when you are writing in Korean and run into a wall where you don’t yet know the proper grammar to express yourself. For example, if I was writing the sentence, “I want to go to the store” in Korean but hadn’t learned ~고 싶다 yet. I find this to be a particularly difficult issue in Korean because of the more complex grammar.

Hard to say with Korean. Typically I write directly in Korean so I have a good idea of what I can and cannot say. Though typically the problem now is lack of vocabulary, not grammar. When I start translating complex English thoughts into Korean I find that it becomes much more frustrating when I can’t express myself to the same degree.

When I was learning Chinese a few years ago, I remember writing some things in Chinese. I kept it very simple and only said what I was able to say. If I didn’t know how to say something then I would just skip it, as I knew that eventually (if I kept learning the language) I would be able to express those things.

In this case, it might be good to get just a simple grammar book to give you an introduction to some of the more common grammatical expressions, as these will undoubtedly help a lot in understanding and using the language.

Fantastic! Thanks for the link.

Thanks for linking us to this resource Alex!

@swilliams - I get frustrated a lot with grammar. I know that many people like studying on their own because then they can just memorize grammar and the “let the grammar come later so you can pick it up more naturally.” I however hate this, because when reading hangul I think “hey I wonder what that word means?” But more often I think, “I wonder what this sentence would mean without this part or that part,” or, “If I replaced this word with that word would the grammar still be correct?”

The publisher Routledge has a few VERY excellent Koren Grammar books out, I suggest you look them up on amazon if you like the database Alex suggested, but would like more explanation and/or more examples.

Thanks so much everyone!

@erin Thanks for the tip, Ill be sure to check it out!