Please , break this sentence up :"すぐ に もっと 理解 できる よう に なる でしょう"

I know meaning this sentence is :“Soon you will understand more”.
But I’m confused about each part of this sentence .
Could someone break the meaning of sentence up ? Tell me how to used [よう] in the context.?
Tks U so much !!

すぐ に - soon
もっと - more
理解 (rikai) - comprehension
できる - be able to
よう に なる - “become”…kind of…check this out: ようになる you ni naru - Learn Japanese Online
でしょう - I guess/don´t you agree? (It probably means “I guess” in this context")

Soon more comprehension be able become I guess xD

Okay, I’m not a master of Japanese, but ように + なる means that change takes place gradually. I understand your confusion, because otherwise when ように is not used with なる, it generally can mean: as/so/like – eg. 前に話したように… As I told you before…

And: ポールさんは日本人のように日本語を話します。Paul speaks Japanese like a Japanese person.

But in なる + ように, you can think of it generally as: reach the point where…, have finally become…, it’s come to be that…
In these examples it means:

ポールさんは日本語が話せるようになった/なりました。Paul has reached the point where he can speak Japanese :slight_smile: (Silly Google Translate will just tell you it means Paul began to speak Japanese)

ポールさんは難しい日本語が読めるようになりました。Paul is finally able to read difficult Japanese.

ポールさんは私とは話さないようになった。Paul doesn’t talk with me anymore.

もうすぐおもしろさが分かるようになりますよ!You’ll soon come to understand the fun of it! :slight_smile:

Getting off-track, but still useful: if you see ように + 言う, it means tell someone to do something eg. 先生は学生にしゅくだいをするように言った/言いました。The teacher told his students to do homework.

I didn’t necessarily answer your original question, lol. My take on it would be: “Soon you’ll probably reach the point where you can understand (a whole lot) more”.