
The Furiganizer – Learn how to read Japanese Kanji. Faster. - here is furigana version of this lesson.

I just want to mention two things:

It said “よく あめ が おります” but “ふります” instead of “おります” is correct.
“降ります” can be read “おります” when you get off from a car or bus.
れい) 私 は バス から 降ります。 わたし は バス から おります。

“降ります” is read “ふります” when you are talking about snow or rain.
れい)雨 が たくさん 降ります。 あめ が たくさん ふります。

The second thing is “40分.” “分” is read “ふん” but sometimes it is read “ぷん.”
We usually say “よんじゅっぷん” instead of “よんじゅうふん.”
I am going to make a lesson for this matter.

I edited some furigana before printing and sharing… I though I would receive link to edited furigana, but, it seems, the site does not save changings.

OH! That’s too bad. They should save the changes!

I added “Telling the time” lesson in the library:

I like that furigana version! It’s a pity I can’t copy and paste it into word to put on my ebook reader. Also a pity that the LingQ lesson editor doesn’t support furigana :wink:

Does anyone know of any way that you can export the output of a furiganiser program into a Word document or a PDF?

I have discovered that Word 2007 has a furigana option but it doesn’t seem very good - unless I just haven’t worked out all it can do yet.

I know that there is a program, some pdf-converter, that is installed like additional virtual printer. You just send any document from any program to this virtual printer and receive pdf. It will work with this furiganizer, I think. As there is a print option. Unfortunately I don’t remember the name of this pdf-converter…

Oh, I just googled and found a lot of different pdf virtual printers :)) Install any :)))

спасибо Расана! Это очень интересно!