Grammar resource for brazilian Portuguese

Any recommendations for books aimed at beginners? A Lot seem heated more toward intermediate) advanced or seem a bit bloated for what I need for beginning. Many thanks in advance.

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I would just Google" Basic Brazilian Portuguese Grammar " I was able to find some basic grammar rules and sentence structures. I purchase a book about grammar and it is so confusing. Maybe someday it will serve a purpose. for now it just looks really nice on my desk ! lol !!!

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Hi flairboy,

You could use LingQ’s grammar guide for Portuguese. That’s sufficient to get a feel for the Portuguese grammar…

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There are some free books you can download in this link. It’s all in Portuguese though. Hope it’s helpful


So im gonna be honest i messed around with so much stuff (doulingo, I bought like 5 books, Pimsleur) and if i could re do it all i would just go right to FSI Programmatic Course, its free and the best decision i ever made. I finished it fully understanding grammar and how the language works. From there its just going through lingq and filling in vocab and slangs.

Im number 2 in the rankings in Portuguese fyi so i think i know a thing or two about it!

Boa sorte mano!


I might end up trying this to tack down my Grammar even if I am at Intermediate level according to Lingq. Too bad only German, Italian and Spanish I think are this indepth on the FSI side.
Past that the Korean is quite thorough, makes sense though. I must admit I am surprised there isn’t more content with Russian or Japanese as well.


Lingua da gente is amazing. 150 or 200 dialogues of gradually increasing difficulty, the early ones only about two lines per person or four lines of dialogue total. they play it 3 times and then discuss the grammar points before playing 3 more times, i believe someone uploaded the transcripts to lingq, but track down the podcast by itself, and do in conjunction with the minstories. after that you will be a very advanced beginner and ready to try reading and listening to real things. I also used the assimil book which is pretty good


for me it was so worth it to understand all aspects of the grammar. also its free haha

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i uploaded all of them and ta falado and everything else related to them! Its clica brazil and convesa! I used to listen to each one about 20 times


thanks so much for that. im going through fala gringo right now. do you know any other good ones for the intermediate level?


Amazing, thank you.

i went through all the content on here tbh then did all the lingua da gente stuff and then watched all of the porta dos fundos videos and from there watched what ever i wanted

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