Journal en français facile RFI course ended?

This course (Login - LingQ) consists of daily newscasts and hasn’t been updated since 10 February of this year. Has support for it ended? Are there plans to continue it? Thanks for any info on this.

While LingQ itself is not responsible for this initiative and offers no support, you could ask the person who has been doing all the work relating to the daily newscasts yourself.

You will find kevinr9525 here:

As you can see LingQ members thanked him s recently as in January this year and in December last year for his hard work and he liked their posts.

As he’s still active on LingQ, your best bet is to ask him :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure but the user chrisremo also uploads this podcast (Login - LingQ) and there is one more person who does it also when chrisremo is slow. At times the rfi site itself is slow at posting the transcript though it usually goes up eventually. You can also listen the podcast on the RFI site on or on a podcast service. I’m grateful to all of them!
Have listened every day for 6 months.

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