New Skype account

My computer has turned to the Dark Side and forgotten my Skype password. As I can’t remember my password (and my recovery e-mail details are wrong) I have had to create a new Skype account.

If you are a student, tutor or friend of mine, please don’t be surprised to get a new contact request from me.

Depending on your privacy settings, if you don’t accept me as a contact I may not be able to contact you.

My little netbook still lets me log in as skyblueteapot, so I can still check text messages - but it’s not really fast enough to run video conversations.

My e-mail’s the same as before.

Sorry for any inconvenience,



so i can see,that it`s possible to have some practice in learning English with u?

so i can see,that it`s possible to have some practice in learning English with u?