Problems with japanese on lingq

I like the idea of lingq, and saw some videos on Youtube using it. I just signed up yesterday for a paid membership to try it for myself. However as i study japanese i find it very hard to read as there seem to be random spaces inserted between some characters.

Any help on how to solve this issue would be much appreciated.

Just to clarify, my issue: Here is how it looks for me:
蕁麻疹 と 言わ れ ました


I suppose there is an option to hide spaces between words.

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Hi Yutaka, and thanks for your quick reply. I appreciate that you write in japanese. This is great training for me:) プションを見つけた. ありがとう ございました!

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Ja, genau!


Gern geschehen.

You can remove the spaces on “classic view”. Unfortunately they never completely disappear with the new viewer, though I believe there’s an option to make them smaller.

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When you have your text open, go to the settings (top right) and uncheck “show spaces between words”