I'm not embarrassed of/by you?

A: I’m sorry I did that.
B: It’s okay. It’s not your fault. It’s a disease.
A: No, but I embarrassed you. I embarrassed you, and I…
B: I’m not embarrassed of you.
A: It was so wrong. And then your dad…
B: My father loves you, it’s okay.

Question: The preposition in the sentence “I’m not embarrassed of you” is correct, right? How about “I’m not embarrassed BY you”? Is it still okay?

Thank you!!!

I (middle America) think that “embarrassed by” sounds more natural and common. The phrase as given in the subtitle isn’t too bad, though. My common usage is “embarrassed by” but “ashamed of”.

What is bad, in my opinion (don’t try to convince me otherwise!), is “I embarrassed you and I”. Both pronouns are direct objects, and the objective form of “I” is “me”. The proper phrase is “I embarrassed you and me.” However, the wording shown in the subtitle is becoming very common, and I believe I know why. When I was young kids would often say something like “Me and Joey are going to play”, and Mother would correct them with “Joey and I”, which is correct for the subject of a sentence. But the stupid kids over-corrected and grew up using "Joey and I’ even in the objective when the correct wording is “Joey and me”.


Embarrassed by is correct for me (Australia/International). Embarassed of sounds wrong.

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This happened so much in my experience that my mother also overcorrected herself and now she often wrongly corrects me when I correctly use me instead of I!

But the comma and ellipsis in the subtitle mean that this is not an example of that. The speaker is saying, ‘I embarrassed you [pause] [different thought] and I [interrupted, thought incomplete].’

I also agree (British English speaker) that ‘embarrassed of’ sounds wrong.

Ah, I think you’re right. I didn’t read it that way in my curmudgeonly mood. BTW, I just saw a video in which Prince Harry expressed appreciation to the Queen and whomever “for the support that they have shown Meghan and I”. D^:=

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I mean, any linguist will tell you that grammar is descriptive rather than prescriptive, so technically, at this point in time, ‘I’ is the subject form (nominative) of the 1st p. sg. pronoun in English, except in constructions involving ‘you and -’, in which case it is the (direct or indirect) object form :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think it’s not wrong, but it does sound a little strange (American here). Embarrassed by I would say is preferable.

Some interesting stats here: The Grammarphobia Blog: Embarrassment of prepositions

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It’s simply a matter of grammar:

embarrassed about: He’s embarrassed about his weight.
embarrassed at: He felt acutely embarrassed at being the centre of attention.
embarrassed by: He seemed somewhat embarrassed by his own outburst.
embarrassed for: His face flushed red and she felt embarrassed for him.

embarrassed about, embarrassed at, embarrassed for, embarrassed by are all correct, whilst “embarrassed of” is wrong.

If you were taking an exam in English and you wrote “embarrassed of” you’d be taking an unnecessary risk of being marked down.

Sure, language is always changing and morphology develops or decays, you can find examples of incorrect usage everywhere.

[Check out “alright” vs “all right” Merriam-Webster 2010, hardcopy edition]

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Similar phase that is more positive…

You should be proud of yourself for learning a language, so don’t worry about making mistakes.

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“embarrassed of” sounds wrong here. “embarrassed by” is closer, but still sounds unnatural to me. I think a more natural response by “B” would be “You didn’t embarrass me.”