Youtube learning

I find it beneficial to watch videos when learning a language. Does anyone have a good youtube channel/video to watch in order to learn French? Personally I love the lightspeedspanish on youtube, it explains Spanish so good and easy and I kind of want the same thing in French. A person who can explain the usage of the language, rules and etc in a easy way. If you have anything, please leave the link in the comments!

One popular channel that I used to watch from time to time is Learning French with Vincent. He covers most topics, the only complaint that I can think of right at the top of my head is that the videos are categorised as units rather than by topic. So say if I would want to brush up on the subjunctive or passé simple I would have to know in witch unit the videos are. Or you could just google it “passé simple/subjunctive learning with Vincent”.


I assumed you meant specifically grammar explanation videos it is also worth mentioning that there is a YouTube channel Easy (insert language), they have it for Spanish, French and German and there is also a few others. They do sometimes cover grammatical aspects but it is for the most part street interviews with subtitles.

thank you, it was exactly what I was looking for. Totally agree with you, the unit sections just disorganizes it all. However, I am going to watch every single of them, already watched a couple and it is helping a lot! Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Love Learning Language, Home Language, Learn French with Vincent, Français Authentique, Learn French with Alexa, Bien Écrire, Fred Grün, Learn French with Pascal…