中国人学日语, 日本人学汉语 - Steve Kaufmann

中文和日文都使用汉字。 这样会使他们更容易学习彼此的语言吗?Chinese and Japanese both use Chinese characters. Does that make it easier for them to learn each other’s language?


It would have been nice to explain, who YanChan is, and to put a link to her website or content below the video.
Somehow Steve looks very sad and appears somewhat distracted in the video. I hope he is well (?) Still a good video and YanChan is easy to understand!

Agreed a description is good. I think there was some technical issues that was distracting him in the beginning (I haven’t finished it yet) I actually don’t understand a word they are saying, but like to fall asleep with it ASMR style or just because it’s cool to watch non-Asian person speak an Asian language–and to do so well.