LingQ 5.0 Beta Access

We are happy to open up access to our new version - LingQ 5.0, available now in Beta for iOS, Android and web. If you are interested in joining the Beta, please email support and we will be glad to give you access.

Let us know which of the Beta apps you would like to use.

The Beta apps are close to full functionality but there will be some issues. We are hoping for feedback and help tracking down issues.
We look forward to getting our Beta versions fully functional and tested and the eventual full launch of LingQ 5.0!


What is your email?

You can reach us on support(at)

What are the main differences between LingQ 4 and LingQ 5?

Which improvements are you and your team most proud of?

I signed up for the beta on the Android store. Do I ned to do anything else? Not got v5 yet, but I think I’ll get it when the next beta version is released?

@bogdog For all the details on joining the beta please contact us on support(at) Thanks!

Also, I hope this article is hanging on the wall at the LingQ office: LingQ: My First UX Case Study. UX Research Case Study | by Jen Eason | UX Planet

I agree with everything Jen Eason wrote.


What a disappointment that article is!

I was expecting proper recommendations and perhaps some graphical representations, but all the author has done is just summarise some bad reviews.

The main recommendations are:

  1. Make the tutorial more comprehensive (I don’t care about this, and click through these every time without paying attention)
  2. Follow industry standards. Yep, sounds good.
  3. Redesign the app so users like it more. Uhhh, ok.

I’ve never used Miro, but the site / presentation was virtually unusable on my laptop.

I expected improvements on language teaching, stem recognition, and separable verb recognition and capitalized substantive for German language. Just UI/UX improvements? that is just cosmetic, it does not give real user experience improvement

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There are many UI/UX improvements. There are also some subtle improvements in many areas of the Library and Reader. Language specific improvements will come later. Part of the reason for the rewrite was to have a more stable platform to develop further on. Just recreating the existing functionality in a stable platform was a major project. Some of the things you mention will start to happen once we have launched this new version to all users.


Most obvious changes would be in UI/UX. The bulk of the functionality remains the same. A large part of this update was done to provide a solid platform form which to make future enhancements. Our previous platforms had become too cumbersome to continue to improve upon. Otherwise, there are many subtle improvements in different areas. A more comprehensive list will be prepared when we launch.


We are aware of this post and recognize many of the shortcomings in v4. Obviously, these are among the reasons we chose to work on a brand new version.

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Having a clear tutorial and intuitive progression for a brand new user to follow is actually really important for me as a teacher.

I’m LingQ’s default user base - a young guy who’s a bit of a nerd and enjoys troubleshooting, figuring out my ideal use case on my own, tinkering and optimising my lessons list, hunting down materials for my own library…

A lot of people aren’t like that, but I’d still like to introduce them to the immersion method. LingQ has to find that balance between ease of use and user freedom. It’s a tough balance! They’ve started to with “guided courses” but I think more can be done.


Sounds awesome. Thank you for all of your hard work, Mark.

I’m new here and already see the insane potential of a service like LingQ.
Just vocabulary tracking alone has been so motivating for me! As an individual user even LingQ version 4 is more than enough for my basic needs (tracking reading and listening). And being a nerd at heart means I’m happy to tinker around and experiment with LingQ’s features on my own. No guide required.

One solution I’ve thought of is adding a level of curation myself as a teacher via the classroom feature here. Then I can leverage LingQ’s technology while also sourcing and developing content tailored to my students. Now I just have to convince my boss that LingQ is worth investing in :joy:

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“Think twice about creating a tutorial for simple applications. Tutorials take time and effort to design and develop, and those would be better spent on making the UI easy to use and thus alleviating the need for a tutorial in the first place. We already know that many participants skip tutorials when they first download an app. But now we’ve found that participants who read tutorials perceive tasks as more difficult and they don’t show any advantage in terms of success rates or task-completion times compared with people who skip the tutorials. If, even when people read these tutorials, they don’t make a positive impact, are these tutorials worth building?”

I think what LingQ could do would tidy up the lesson library by making it more of a shop-front, and maybe introduce new users using a more structured beginner-level course. Partnerships with some notable publishers might help - most of us have ebooks or paper books and these are mostly impossible to import without some fairly advanced technical know-how.

Unfortunately LingQ is always going to be too advanced for most language learners, and they’re not going to spend time understanding the functionality. They’re not interested in reading books / news articles or listening to podcasts, and are not motivated to get to that level.

Dear lingq developers, as I mentioned earlier, it is crutial to add multi-selection for words in vocabulary. I was trying to export ~ 150 words to anki today and forced to check them one by one. nbelievable.


My first impression is that it’s much slower and that I have to use the mouse much more than before.

I think you’re right. It‘s impossible to make everyone happy with a product. I keep finding new awesome features the more I explore the app (like that you can import YouTube videos directly through the phone app via link) and packing so much functionality into the app is worth more than a streamlined intro to the app IMO too.

I guess if a user doesn’t even have the curiosity to figure out how the app works they’re probably not LingQs target market anyway. :laughing:

Hi everyone!
Am I likely to encounter problems if I keep and use the present lingQ version on one computer and test the beta version on another computer?

I didnt see beta web version. How can I find it?

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