Percentages on LingQs

Lessons and courses show the number and percentage of unique words that are new, but only the number of LingQ-ed words. Can we also get a percentage on the LingQ-ed words? Percentage of new words aren’t the only thing that tell us how difficult a lesson might be.

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I think this would be helpful for smaller lessons and I’ve always wanted to see this number added. Actually I think when a person reaches a certain level, the yellow words become a better indicator of the difficulty since they won’t include proper nouns like blue words can.

In order to get a good idea of the percentage of yellow words, just compare the total number of blue and yellow words, and then that’ll give you an idea of the yellow percentage. For full lessons (2000 words) it’s pretty easy to figure this out since you just divide the unknown words by 2000. So 80/2000 = 4%, 100/2000 = 5%, etc. I forgot if LingQ calculates the percentages based on total words or unique words, but it doesn’t make a huge difference once you get out of beginner levels.

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