Looking for new European Portuguese Content

Lucas43 suggested on another thread the youtube channel ‘Psy Logic Drawing’ which has excellent interesting content with good audio and subtitles to import in Lingq as lessons and I have to say that they are the best resource I have yet to import to lingq - as someone totally uninterested in the politics/news or sports I find it hard to find interesting content.
These videos are on really interesting subjects and are easy to play on repeat whilst washing dishes etc then learning in fairly short bursts as a lesson. If anyone has anything they can suggest for youtube content with captions on any of the following subjects I would really appreciate it (preferably European Portuguese). In addition to any of your suggestions, If I find any good content for EP I will post it on this thread to share with anyone else.

  • Fiction books
    I like this one (audio book with subtitles and audio - George Orwell animal farm) and the channel is good but part 2 of 3 of the book is not subtitled European Portuguese Audiobook Animal Farm -O Triunfo dos Porcos - Chapter 1 - YouTube
  • fantasy/scifi
    For any fantasy/sci fi lovers I would recommend netflix shadowhunters which is in EP with EP subtitles. I wish there was a way of getting netflix audio with the subtitles in to lingq as lessons - that would be amazing. I have Harry Potter ebooks in lingq but no audio (just the auto voice)
  • psychology
  • self improvement
  • language learning
    Not content but discussion or podcasts about how to learn languages I can import as lessons to lingo
  • vegan cooking
  • parenting
  • Songs
    I like Luísa Sobral, Salvador Sobral, Marisa, Amalia Rodrigues but can’t find any of their songs to import as lessons from youtube with audio and subtitles but any audio with subtitles would be great
  • childrens songs and short stories
    To learn for myself and sing to my child who has a better understanding of EP than me!
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