HELP! Brazilian Portuguese listening content?

Hi all, I’ve been recently studying Brazilian Portuguese but i’m struggling to find good listening material for my level (advanced beginner)
I’m a delivery driver and spend all day listening to podcasts, so i’m desperate to find some good Brazilian Portuguese ones, or any listening material for that matter.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :smiley:


Hi, Joedaniels1993!

You could try the following resources for your level (A2/B1):

Hope that helps


Thanks peter, I’ve used some of them but I’ll check out the ones I haven’t :grin:


I’m not quite double your word count and I’m still struggling with finding good passive listening material
where my comprehension rate is 90% and above haha.

For me the ones I usually can get at least 80% are
Virginia Langhammer’s channel

Steve and Maggie Brasil - STEVE AND MAGGIE BRASIL - YouTube
Not a sexy pick but it’s super basic and pretty funny sometimes. Repeats words A LOT.

I’d recommend getting some old Glossika somewhere on the internet (PM Me if you want my source) because those are just sentences repeated over and over (choice of with english and/or without). Boring but if you want to understand every sentence spoken that’s going on that’s a good one.

Others you might try are Kids based too
Os Amiguinhos

Carrossel - I was introduced to this yesterday so im not 100% how easy it is for advanced beginner but the episode count is huge and lengthy.

Chiquititas - Netflix

Lastly, I’ve been using
Gato Glactico a lot lately for reading/active listening and these are getting easier for me to listen back to afterwards. Gato Galactico | GALÁXIA - YouTube


1 More resource is the UBOOK app. It has a lot of brazilian audiobooks for all levels (and a low subscription fee).


Amazing! Thanks for all that, really appreciate it, I’m definitely going to check them all out.
One YouTube channel I found wItú really clear Portuguese is
assim aconteceu: Assim, aconteceu - YouTube
its above my level at the moment but I’m going to use it once I’ve gained a higher level of comprehension.


Nice one. Thanks for that.

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I have looked into that and have not found much luck. Please share if you find good material.

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I was going to suggest “Fala Gringo” but someone already did :slight_smile: so for an intermediate level maybe “Revisteen” is a good option. They approach all types of interesting news in a very light way bc it’s focused on kids and teenagers - Spotify

“A Nossa Língua de Todo Dia” by Pasquale is another great podcast! (not sure if it’s too advanced but give it a try). He’s the most famous portuguese teacher in Brazil. I remember getting tips on the language from him since I was a kid :slight_smile: he was always on the radio/tv shows explaining the peculiarities of portuguese and answering questions - Spotify

Hope that helps!


I enjoyed Revisteen today, thanks for the recommendation.

Also I discovered Portuguese with Eli from a best portuguese podcast list Peter shared somewhere else and that’s been my favorite as of recent since it has transcripts, talks through the script at an understandable speed, discusses some less common vocab and then at the end he speed reads through the script and it all last around 15 minutes which is great.


Hi Joe, you might find Português Pra Fora interesting: Português Pra Fora | Listen Free on Castbox.. Olavo talks about a wide range of different subjects. Some of the podcasts are recorded with his own students (who are learning Portuguese, generally at an intermediate or advanced level), so you also get to pick up the tips he is giving them to correct grammar/sound more natural. Good luck with your studies.


Thanks Rocky! That’s a great podcast too. Excellent sound and lengthy transcript for lots of input content.


I recently found the TED talks in Portuguese. Here’s a list of those from São Paulo:

probably not the best content for beginners, but they have some benefits. They import well to LingQ. Many talks (most in that list) seem have manually written transcripts. The talks are well rehearsed, so the speakers usually speak clearly. They also try to explain the ideas clearly, so that even laypeople understand. And, well, they are “ideas worth spreading”.


Being a history buff, I’ve been looking for Brazilian-Portuguese podcasts about history for the last few days. I found a few, but, unfortunately, most of them don’t have transcripts. However, Christian Gurtner’s “Escriba Cafe” podcast has both transcripts and audio files (at least for the newer episodes) that can be imported into LingQ.

  • If you’re interested, here’s the LingQ course with all the episodes that I was able to download: Entrar - LingQ
  • Language level: B1 / B1-B2
  • Some info about the podcast (from the website): “O Escriba Cafe é o primeiro podcast de história do Brasil e, também, o primeiro no formato storytelling. Através de muita pesquisa e extremo cuidado técnico na gravação e edição, o resultado é uma experiência sonora diferente, que traz conhecimento com emoção. Produzido desde 2004, o Escriba Cafe já foi eleito duas vezes o melhor podcast do Brasil e ficou entre os finalistas entre os melhores do mundo pela Deutsche-Welle.”
  • Some info about the author (from the website): “O autor: Christian Gurtner é historiador, escritor, piloto comercial de aviões e também é autor de roteiros já produzidos, como Crime e Serial. Alguns de seus contos e livros estão disponíveis na Amazon. O Escriba Cafe é escrito, gravado e produzido por ele.”
  • The original website with more, esp. older episodes whose audio files can’t be downloaded:

Have fun


Not sure if you’re a fan of brazilian history but I just remembered of “Buenas Ideias” yt channel. Most of the videos have PT subtitles - Buenas Ideias - YouTube

They also have a podcast (but the episodes are different from the yt videos) - Buenas Ideias | Podcast on Spotify


Excellent. Thank you very much!
Yes, at the moment I’m absorbing the history of Brazil like a sponge :slight_smile:


Excellent Podcast, I was using Ubook for some short history audiobooks but the production quality of this podcast and the fact it’s free has made me pause the subsciption for a bit haha. Thanks for sharing Peter!


I remember finding this yt channel last year when I first started studying with yt channels and thinking, dang this is way above my level. 1 year later and lots of studying done, and it’s still way above my level haha. But it’s a nice challenge to return to. Thanks for reminding me of this!


Where did you find the transcripts? I can see their youtube videos have captions, but couldn’t find transcripts for the podcast.

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I realized they don’t all have transcripts but just look in the notes/details section of the podcast and that’s where you will find the transcript if it has them.

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